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一种将空调机组排放的废热转化为热水的、同时制冷与制热的复合机组,由北京天鸣阳光太阳能科技有限公司研制成功,该机组具备冷暖空调机和热水器的双重功能,并比同等功能的热水器节电70%。国家知识产权局已经受理该项发明专利申请。他们还能将每个家庭的空调机与热水器改造成此种复合机。  相似文献   

污水处理的高能耗和新能源利用已引起人们的关注,本文根据太阳光照强度的周期变化和农村污水昼夜排放量悬殊的特征,提出了一种新型的利用无蓄电池太阳能光伏系统驱动的污水生物处理系统,可有效降低太阳能光伏系统的成本。生物反应器是一个双沟式一体化氧化沟。按照启动的用电设备的数量,一体化氧化沟具有5种运行方式。在不同的运行方式下,一体化氧化沟的内沟和外沟具有不同的功能,其中运行方式3到运行方式5对污染物去除效率最高。采用阶梯型电量输出模式,可以充分利用太阳能,并保障一体化氧化沟的高效运行时间。在160 d的连续运行实验中,COD、氨氮、总氮和总磷的平均去除率分别为87.8%、98.4%、68.7%和80.3%。证明无蓄电池太阳能光伏系统驱动污水生物反应器处理农村分散污水是可行的。  相似文献   

总部设在英国格拉斯哥市的ZM建筑公司计划在格拉斯哥的克莱德河上修建名为“水上睡莲”的太阳能板。与众不同的是,这个太阳能板在设计上极具艺术美感,它们漂浮在水中,可以收集太阳能并提供给用户使用。  相似文献   

几种新式太阳能光催化反应器的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述了几种新式的太阳能光催化反应器,对其结构和处理效果进行了比较,并对该法处理水的经济性进行简单的概述,指出光催化法是一种可以充分利用太阳能、具有很大发展潜力的水处理方法。  相似文献   

针对中国太阳能利用技术的现状,分析比较了太阳能路灯在国内利用的可行性,详细介绍了浙江某示范村的太阳能路灯工程情况,并对该工程进行了经济可行性的分析。  相似文献   

几种新式太阳能光催化反应器的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了几种新式的太阳能光催化反应器 ,对其结构和处理效果进行了比较 ,并对该法处理水的经济性进行简单的概述 ,指出光催化法是一种可以充分利用太阳能、具有很大发展潜力的水处理方法  相似文献   

本文根据辐射传热和对流传热理论,利用Matlab 程序结合太阳能热水器本身的尺寸以及与其有关的水和空气的物理弹性详细分析了影响平板式太阳能热水器热效率的因素包括太阳能热水器表面的太阳光辐射的吸收率αs 和辐射系数ε,太阳能热水器的水进口温度Tc,in和流量mc 太阳辐射能力Gs,,环境大气温度Te,大气辐射系数εsky 以及太阳能热水器内部的总传热系数U。分析结果表明较高的太阳照射能力、环境温度和总传热系数有利于提高集热效率,而增加水量和水进口温度、热水器辐射系数和大气辐射系数则有相反的效果。  相似文献   

以太阳能固定膜光催化中试装置,研究了光解、初始浓度和平均光强等对双酚A(BPA)光催化去除的影响及BPA的矿化和在自来水中的处理效果.试验结果表明,BPA在日光照射下很难光解,其光催化降解呈表观一级反应,在平均光强介于5.7~23.5 W/m2时,表观反应速率常数和平均光强呈线性关系.太阳能光催化对BPA具有良好的矿化作用,但其降解与以UV254为光源的降解有不同的机理.太阳能光催化对自来水中BPA也具有较好的处理效果.  相似文献   

日前,由宁波华晨环境工程有限公司推出的第二代太阳能垃圾处理设备受到各界的广泛关注。该产品在第一代的基础上,由宁波华晨独家采用新材料、新工艺设计加工制造而成。第一代用于农村的太阳能垃圾处理系统,大多用砖头、水泥砌成,外观简陋,规范性、美观性不足。针对这些问题,  相似文献   

地衣对建筑物的生物破坏作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大量的证据表明地衣可以诱发和加速矿质基质的物理、化学风化过程,着生于建筑物表面的地衣能对建筑材料导致明显的生物破坏。其中,地衣菌丝在矿质基质中的穿插生长、原植体随环境变化出的膨胀收缩、冻融交替等机制对建筑物造成机械破坏。在而地衣分泌的草酸等简单有机酸以及大量的高分子有机化合物诱发和促进矿质基质的生物-化学风化过程。受其影响,矿质建材中原生的遭受溶解、蚀度,并产生多种次生矿物。最终破坏建筑物的坚固程  相似文献   

This paper is responsive to needs to describe and predict the environmental effects from power plant cooling ponds. A study was made to determine atmospheric and pond surface conditions required for steam fog to occur from power plant cooling ponds, to define the dimensions of the fog, and to collect data on deposition of ice. Data, collected principally at the 4-Corners Plant over a three-year period, included water surface temperature, ambient meteorological conditions and occurrence and magnitude of steam fog and ice deposition. With strong winds, the fog extended onshore without lifting. With light winds, the fog extended some distance onshore but then lifted to form stratus. With almost calm winds, the steam fog lifted over the pond and drifted downwind as stratus. Steam fog was observed in winds to 28 mph, air-water temperature differences from 21.5° to 68°F and in atmospheric stability categories C, D, E, and F. A fog index number, Ar/(es — ea)°F/mbs, was defined and used for data interpretation, where Ar is temperature of water less temperature of ambient air, es is the saturation vapor pressure of the ambient air and ea is the actual vapor pressure of the ambient air. The probability of occurrence of steam fog as a function of the fog index number varied from 0.04 for an index number less than 10 to 1.00 for an index number greater than 90. From the data, if fog occurred, its extent along the ground was ≥100 feet 88% of the time, ≥500 feet 35% of the time, ≥1000 feet 18% of the time, and ≥5000 feet 12% of the time. If stratus occurred its extent above ground was ≥1 mile 91% of the time, ≥5 miles 55% of the time and ≥10 miles 36% of the time. Measurements showed that steam fog droplet sizes predominate in the 10 micron diameter size. Values of liquid water content up to 0.20 g/m3 were reported. Ice accretion data show build-up rates from 0.23 to 13 mm/hr of rime.  相似文献   

Measurements of natural draft cooling tower plume behavior, as well as meteorological variables, were obtained from aircraft flights near major power plants of the American Electric Power System. Persistence of the visible plume to great distances depends essentially on ambient humidity. Atmospheric stability at plume elevation was also important. Cooling tower-induced fog at ground-level was never observed in any of the tests, and aerodynamic downwash of the visible plume was absent also. The cooling towers did cause modification of natural clouds and they occasionally shadowed some local areas from the sun. Merging of the stack and cooling tower plumes was a common occurrence.  相似文献   

Airborne particulate and soil materials sampled in the vicinity of a lead/zinc smelter and subsequently digested In nitric-perchloric acids have been analyzed using an inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer (ICP/AES). The samples were collected in two communities; a study community situated immediately adjacent to the smelter complex and a control community some 50 kilometers distant. Enrichment of airborne as well as soil materials is discussed and there is evidence of lead, zinc, copper, cadmium, arsenic, and antimony enrichment from the smelting processes. In addition, an aqueous extraction of the airborne materials isolated sulfate, nitrate, fluoride, and ammonia and gave evidence of enrichment due to fugitive SO x , NO x , HF, and NH3 gaseous emissions.  相似文献   

One of the key elements in estimating the environmental effects associated with the deposition of airborne chemicals and, in particular, salt particles from cooling towers is the drift rate. Eight different experimental methods are currently employed to determine the drift rate from cooling towers. The difficulties associated with the various techniques vary from case to case, but they are mainly associated with collecting a representative sample, maintaining undisturbed air flow, determining the collection efficiency of the various sampling techniques and analyzing the samples for particle size.

Several approaches have been taken to predict the deposition of salt water drift droplets on ground surfaces. Some use a simple analogy with the deposition of industrial dust, others use a combination of plume rise theories in conjunction with the Gaussian diffusion model to predict the air concentration of water droplets from which the ground deposition is then calculated. Other methods calculate the trajectories of the drift droplets accounting for their evaporation or employ diffusion type equations. Estimates derived from the various models used to predict drift deposition appear to vary by a factor of ±10 from each other.

In contrast to the fast development in drift loss measurements, very few attempts have been made to measure actual drift deposition from fresh and salt water cooling towers and to compare experimental results with numerical models.

This paper presents a discussion on the state-of-the-art of measuring and computing drift losses. In particular, drift rate values, droplet size distribution and some typical measured and calculated ground deposition values are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper presents an experimental study of calcium bisulfite oxidation, a key step in the wet limestone-gypsum flue gas desulfurization (FGD) process, in the presence of catalysts (e.g., cobalt ions and a mixture of ferrous and cobalt ions). A fundamental approach is followed, by reproducing a simplified synthetic FGD liquor in which both catalyst ions, alone or mixed together, are present. A laboratory-scale apparatus is used, in which sulfurous solution is contacted with a gas phase at a fixed oxygen partial pressure (21.3 kPa) and at different temperature levels (25, 45, and 55 °C). The experimental results are analyzed using the theory of gas-liquid mass transfer with chemical reaction, showing that the slow reaction regime is explored and the transition from the kinetic to the diffusional subregime is identified. The experimental results are compared with those obtained in the presence of other catalytic species (manganese and ferrous ions), showing that cobalt is effective in catalyzing the oxidation of calcium bisulfite to sulfate, but to a minor extent with respect to iron and manganese.  相似文献   

The growing awareness of ecological issues in Europe, reinforced by the public debate surrounding acid rain, has led to the enactment of laws and regulations in West Germany relating to emissions from large coal fired combustors.

Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) units have been compulsory for new coal fired power plants in West Germany for about 12 years. The new legislation enacted in 1983, to be met by the middle of 1988, applies not only to new plants but, unlike in the United States, also to. existing power plants (>30MW).

The law currently specifies a residual SO2 emission level of 400 mg/Nm3 (0.311b MM/BTU) for large power plants (>100 MW), but a level of 200 mg/Nm3 (0.15 lb MM/BTU) is already under discussion in some cases. The legally binding emission standards stipulate that none of the daily averages, calculated on the basis of half hour averages may exceed the concentration allowed. SO2 removal efficiencies of 90 percent to 95 percent are normally provided. Since 1983, more than 35,000 MW of retrofit FGD units have been installed in Germany to meet this SO2 standard.

The regulations also do not allow for the ponding of calcium sulfite scrubber sludge, but stipulate the production of gypsum from limestone slurry processes. Additionally the regulations require flue gases to have a minimum temperature in the stack of 72° C (162°F) after desulfurization. Treated flue gases do not have to be reheated if discharged via a cooling tower.  相似文献   

A research program was undertaken to develop information that could be used to estimate the risk of adverse effects of saline cooling tower drift on native and cultivated flora in the Indian Point, New York area. Eleven species of woody plants were exposed at 85 % relative humidity to a saline mist with 95% of the particles between 50 and 150 nm in diameter. Three biological factors—stage of development, species, and phenotype—determined the susceptibility of plants to saline aerosols when the occurrence of any lesion on the foliage was used as a measure of response. The effects of stage of development on the incidence and severity of foliar lesions depended upon the kind of plant. In deciduous woody species, the youngest leaves were most susceptible, but in conifers, the year-old needles were most susceptible. Canadian hemlock was the most susceptible species and witch hazel was the least susceptible. Median effective doses for these two species, although undetermined, could be more than 100-fold different (less than 2.4, the lowest used, and greater than 264 ng CI cm-2, respectively). Other species, ranked in decreasing order of susceptibility were: white ash, white flowering dogwood, forsythia, chestnut oak, silk tree, black locust, red maple, eastern white pine, and golden rain free. Phenofypic variation within a species was not so great—within a 10 to 20-fold increase in dose the incidence of injury went from 0 to 100%. Exposures with bush bean showed that the relative humidity (RH) during or after the exposure period affected the incidence of saline induced foliar injury. A change from 50 to 85% RH doubled the effectiveness of the saline mist. It was also found that compared to particles between 50 and 150 jum in diameter, an increase in the fraction of particles above 150 /xm increased the toxicity of the mist.  相似文献   

煤气发生站洗冷废水治理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了以活性炭作为吸附剂处理煤气发生站废水工艺,并摸索出一整套的工艺参数。实验结果表明,采用活性炭吸附工艺使出水水质得到明显改观,硫化物、氰化物和挥发酚的去除效率均达90%以上,对CODcr、氨氮的去除也收到了明显的效果。  相似文献   

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