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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study was carried out to determine the effect of cow manure amendment and the method of planting on the growth, survival, and heavy metal...  相似文献   

Phthalic acid esters (PAEs) are one kind of persistent organic pollutants. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of diethylphthalate (DEP) and di(2-ethyl)hexylphthalate (DEHP) with different concentrations (0, 30, 50, 100, and 200 mg L?1) on early seedling growth of Cucumis sativus L. Physiological, biochemical, and ultrastructure of seedling leaves were examined for 7-day exposure. The three antioxidant enzymes’ activities was stimulated at low-DEP treatments and decreased under higher levels (>200 mg L?1) compared to the controls. Furthermore, MDA and H2O2 gradually enhanced with the elevation of DEP and DEHP concentration. Significant impact on the chloroplast and mitochondrion was visible, possibly as a consequence of free radical generation. DEP induced bigger and more starch grains in chloroplasts than DEHP. This study concluded that the effects of DEP and DEHP on cucumber seedlings represented the adverse impacts of DEP and DEHP on the ecosystem and agricultural production. The environmental harm caused by DEP was severer than DEHP.  相似文献   

N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a potent carcinogen that yields a cancer risk of 10−6 at concentrations as low as 0.7 ng L−1. Tentative guideline values are set at 3 ng L−1 in California, USA; 9 ng L−1 in Ontario, Canada; 40 ng L−1 nationwide in Canada; and 100 ng L−1 by the World Health Organization. NDMA is a great concern in treating reclaimed water as well as drinking water. UV degradation can be considered effective degradation method. A 1-log reduction of NDMA is achieved by 1000 mJ cm−2 of a 254-nm low pressure (LP) mercury UV lamp. However, a higher degradation efficiency than that provided by LP lamps is desired in practical treatment. In this study, the effects of wavelength and water quality were investigated to achieve higher degradation efficiency. The effects of wavelength were examined by comparing three UV lamps: a 222-nm Kr Cl Excimer UV lamp, a 254-nm LP mercury UV lamp, and a 230- to 270-nm filtered medium pressure (FMP) mercury UV lamp. The 222-nm lamp and FMP lamp achieved 4 times and 2.8 times higher degradation efficiency, respectively, than the conventional 254-nm LP lamp. Effects on water quality were also simulated by using absorption spectrum data of nitrate solutions and process water from a drinking-water treatment plant. In the simulation, the 222-nm lamp was affected by UV-absorbing compounds in the water, whereas the FMP lamp showed more stable degradation efficiency. Appropriate use of these three types of lamps could enhance the efficiency of degradation of NDMA.  相似文献   

由于我国铁尾矿堆存量大、铁品位低,导致其资源化利用率低,因此,以木屑生物质作还原剂回收铁尾矿中的铁元素,考察不同焙烧温度、焙烧时间、木屑添加量等对铁尾矿磁化焙烧的影响。结果表明:木屑磁化焙烧提高铁尾矿磁性性能的最佳焙烧条件为焙烧温度750 ℃、木屑添加量15%及焙烧时间40 min;在该条件下,铁精矿品位为62.84%,且铁回收率为94.58%。经物相分析发现,原铁尾矿中,含铁矿物主要为赤铁矿,而焙烧后主要以磁铁矿为主。振动样品磁强计分析表明,铁矿石的饱和磁化强度从0.04 emu·g−1提高到了46.01 emu·g−1。以木屑生物质作为还原剂进行铁尾矿磁化焙烧,可较好地提高其中铁的品位和磁化强度,从而实现铁矿石的低强度磁选分离。  相似文献   

Meunier L  Koch I  Reimer KJ 《Chemosphere》2011,84(10):1378-1385
Dissolution kinetics of arsenic from soils and tailings were studied under simulated gastrointestinal conditions to determine the effects of residence time, pH and soil composition on the bioaccessibility of arsenic. The samples were sieved to four particle size fractions from bulk to <45 μm, and included arsenic minerals, soils and tailings with total arsenic concentrations ranging from 19 to 420 00 mg kg−1. The bioaccessible arsenic concentrations varied from 2.8 to 10 000 mg kg−1, and the highest concentrations were associated with the smallest particle size fractions. Kinetic parameters were determined for each sample extracted under gastric conditions (pH = 1.8) followed by intestinal conditions (pH = 7.0). Under gastric pH conditions, dissolution appeared to be diffusion-controlled and followed an exponential curve, whereas a logarithmic or linear model was used to describe the mixed dissolution mechanisms observed under intestinal conditions. Nine of the 13 samples tested reached a steady state bioaccessible arsenic concentration within the 5-h physiologically-based extraction test (PBET). However the bioaccessible arsenic concentrations in four tailings samples increased significantly (= 0.034) between the 5-h and the extended 24-h extraction under intestinal conditions. Since arsenic absorption may occur along the entire digestive tract, assessments based on the standard 5-h PBET extraction may not adequately estimate the risks associated with arsenic absorption in such cases. The slow dissolution kinetics associated with secondary arsenic minerals in some tailings samples may require extending the PBET extractions to longer periods, or extrapolating using the proposed kinetic models, to reach steady state concentrations in simulated gastrointestinal fluids.  相似文献   

以某地表水为原水(TOC为5.3mg/L),研究了氯、氯胺和臭氧3种消毒剂对可同化有机碳(AOC)的影响。结果表明,投加1mg/L氯氧化30min就会使AOC升高近3倍。投加3种剂量(1、2、3mg/L)的氯胺,氧化30min时AOC增加不到1倍;氧化24h时AOC浓度均比30min时的高,这说明氯胺的作用机理与氯不同。投加臭氧2.0mg/L氧化30min时可使AOC增加2.4倍;当臭氧质量浓度大于2.0mg/L时,AOC开始下降,这说明一部分中间产物进一步被氧化成了二氧化碳和水。  相似文献   

滇池湖湾大水域种养水葫芦对水质的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了探讨大水域种养水葫芦对滇池湖湾水质的影响,于2010年8—10月对滇池白山湾约70 hm2水葫芦种养区域的水质特征进行动态监测。结果表明,水葫芦区水体中总磷、总氮及高锰酸钾指数从9月中旬后开始逐步上升。水葫芦区水体溶解氧、pH较近水葫芦区和远水葫芦区显著降低,但水葫芦区溶解氧仍维持在较高水平;总磷、总氮及高锰酸钾指数较近水葫芦区和远水葫芦区显著升高;在水葫芦周围水体(近水葫芦区)水质得到明显改善,表现为水体透明度显著高于水葫芦区及远水葫芦区,总磷、正磷酸盐、总氮及叶绿素a明显低于水葫芦区及远水葫芦区。  相似文献   

Chronic effects of chlornitrofen (CNP) on the reproduction of Brachionus urceolaris (Rotatoria) were investigated by exposure of individuals to CNP from the egg stage, which had been attached to the adult. The survivors of 12 neonates, which had been exposed to CNP100, 70 or 40 microg liter(-1) decreased to 50% at the age of c. 2, 4 and 6 days, respectively, compared to c. 6.5 days for those exposed to 0, 10 and 20 microg liter(-1) CNP. Release of offspring (mostly two individuals per day) started at two days old. At the peak, four days old, a control female produced 8.1+/-0.9 offspring per day compared with 4.5+/-1.3 (mean+/-SD, n=12) at 40 microg liter(-1). The cumulative numbers of offspring produced by a female were 25.8+/-1.2, 24.2+/-2.9, 22.3+/-3.6 and 13.6+/-3.1 (mean+/-SD, n=12) at control, 10, 20 and 40 microg liter(-1) CNP exposure, respectively. The 50% reproductive impairment concentration was calculated to be 37 microg liter(-1). Growth of neonates was barely detectable at 70 microg liter(-1), and the rapid increase in the effect of CNP from 40 to 70 microg liter(-1) was attributed to an increase in tolerance with growth of the neonates. The effects of CNP on reproduction were also tested by CNP exposure through food (CNP-accumulated Chlorella). The 50% reproductive impairment concentration of CNP in the alga was calculated to be c.60 microg g(-1) (wet weight) by the same method used to assess the dissolved CNP, although the effect of CNP which may have been released from the alga to the water could not be estimated precisely.  相似文献   

Oil sands mining companies in Alberta, Canada, are evaluating the feasibility of using wetlands to detoxify oil sands process material (OSPM) as a reclamation strategy. Reproductive success, nestling growth, survival and ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (EROD) activity were measured in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) on experimental wetlands. In 2003, harsh weather triggered a widespread nestling die-off. Mortality rates on the control site reached 48% while they ranged from 59% to 100% on reclaimed wetlands. The odds of dying on the most process-affected sites were more than ten times higher than those on the control site. In 2004, weather was less challenging. Mortality rates were low, but nestlings on reclaimed wetlands weighed less than those on the control site, and had higher EROD activity. These results indicate that compared with reference birds, nestlings from OSPM-impacted wetlands may be less able to withstand additional stressors, which could decrease their chances of survival after fledging.  相似文献   

Uptake and toxicity of Cr(III) in celery seedlings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study shows that in celery Cr(III) induces deleterious effects on seedling development and morphology, and a number of metabolic responses related to stress. Exogenous CrCl3 from 0.01 to 1 mM increasingly inhibited seed germination and hypocotyl elongation, or completely blocked it (10 mM), while the root apparatus was dramatically damaged even at the lowest dose. Seedlings took up exogenous Cr(III) in a dose-dependent manner, roots being the site of major metal accumulation; translocation towards the hypocotyl and cotyledonary leaves was also detected. Either total or chlorophyll a content was significantly reduced by chromium as low as 0.01 mM. A large accumulation of free and, to a lesser extent, conjugated polyamines occurred in all segments of treated plants. A dose-dependent relationship linking actual amounts of Cr(III) recovered in the entire seedling or organ and the respective polyamine titre was evidenced. Free putrescine, in particular, was the polyamine exhibiting the highest rate of increase, and cotyledonary leaves the organ where the major response occurred. A marked increase in ubiquitin-protein conjugates after Cr(III) treatment was also observed, particularly in roots. Thus, the study suggests for the first time a possible relationship between ubiquitination and Cr(III)-stress. The putative function of polyamines as a stress response, and the recruitment of the ubiquitin pathway to remove damaged or aberrant proteins which might have been produced in metal-treated seedlings are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of single and multiple metal contamination (Cd, Pb, Zn, Sb, Cu) on Scots pine seedlings colonised by ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi from natural soil inoculum. Seedlings were grown in either contaminated field soil from the site of a chemical accident, soils amended with five metals contaminating the site, or in soil from an uncontaminated control site. Although contaminated and metal-amended soil significantly inhibited root and shoot growth of the Scots pine seedlings, total root tip density was not affected. Of the five metals tested in amended soils, Cd was the most toxic to ECM Scots pine. Field-contaminated soil had a toxic effect on ECM fungi associated with Scots pine seedlings and caused shifts in ECM species composition on ECM seedlings. When compared to soils amended with only one metal, soils amended with a combination of all five metals tested had lower relative toxicity and less accumulation of Pb, Zn and Sb into seedlings. This would indicate that the toxicity of multiple metal contamination cannot be predicted from the individual toxicity of the metals investigated.  相似文献   

Two-year-old seedlings of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws) were exposed to ambient concentrations of photochemical smog (AA) and clean air (CA) during a single field season at Tanbark Flat of the San Gabriel Mountains in the Los Angeles Basin. The seedlings were grown in a perlite-vermiculite medium with full supply of nutrients (based on modified Hoagland solution); reduced to 50% supply of N; reduced to 50% supply of Mg; and reduced to 50% supply of N+Mg. No significant effects of air pollution exposures on injury development, stem growth and concentrations of plant pigments were determined. The seedlings in the AA treatment had decreased N concentration in current year needles compared with CA seedlings; however, the needle concentrations of other elements did not change. Reduction of N supply in the growing medium caused decreased N, P, Ca, K and chlorophyll a concentrations in needles. Stem growth of the seedlings with reduced N supply was significantly decreased as well. No changes in stem growth or chemical composition of plants with reduced Mg supply were noted. Reduction of supply of nutrients did not change responses of trees to the air pollution exposures.  相似文献   

镉胁迫对向日葵幼苗生长和生理特性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用溶液培养方法,研究了不同浓度镉(0、0.05、0.1、0.5和1 mg/L)处理7 d对向日葵幼苗生长和生理特性的影响。结果表明:随着镉处理浓度的增加,向日葵幼苗对镉的吸收显著增加。1 mg/L镉浓度处理时,叶、茎和根中镉浓度分别为0.05 mg/L镉处理时的16.3、19.2和581倍;根中积累的镉含量明显高于叶和茎, 各浓度根部积累的镉分别为叶和茎的37.8~63倍和29.4~41倍。镉胁迫显著抑制向日葵幼苗生长和叶绿素合成,当镉浓度达1 mg/L时,整株植物生物量和总叶绿素含量分别为对照的55.9%和52.6%。镉胁迫下向日葵幼苗游离脯氨酸和丙二醛(MDA)含量显著增加,1 mg/L镉浓度时,根中含量分别为对照的4和5.8倍。向日葵幼苗可溶性蛋白含量和过氧化物酶(POD)活性变化与镉胁迫浓度呈明显的倒U字型关系,可溶性蛋白含量在0.05 mg/L镉浓度时达到最大值,叶、茎、根中的POD活性分别在0.1、0.1和0.05 mg/L镉浓度时达到最大值。  相似文献   

Effects of recreation on water quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

净水厂生产废水回用对供水水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究生产废水回用对水质的影响,认为生产废水含固率是影响回用效果的重要评价指标,回用澄清池排泥水和滤池反冲洗水,对水质的影响规律相似.改善混凝条件的最佳含固率范围也是回用对水质影响最小的含固率范围.当含固率小于1%时,回用不会对水质造成影响,当含固率大于1%时,回用较无回用时的水质变差,但不会超过水质标准.回用生产废水可以提高有机物的去除率,主要是因为生产废水中含有的Al(OH)3沉淀物的物理吸附和卷扫絮凝功能.  相似文献   

将工业废弃物锰矿尾渣与壳聚糖混合制得一种高效吸附剂,并应用扫描电镜、X射线衍射对其结构进行了表征.采用正交表设计试验,分别考察了 pH值、吸附时间、温度、复合吸附剂的投加量等4个影响因素对Pb2+吸附的影响,最伟吸附条件为:pH值为7,吸附时间为40 min,温度为20℃,复合吸附剂的投加量为0.10 g.处理后的水符合国家污水综合排放标准(GB8978-1996)中的一级标准.复合吸附剂时Pb2+的吸附符合Langmuir和Freundlich吸附等温方程.  相似文献   

Akagi J  Zsolnay A 《Chemosphere》2008,72(10):1462-1466
The effects of five decades of de-vegetation on the quantity and quality of water extractable organic matter (WEOM) in soils were investigated. The WEOM was sampled from the A(p)-horizon of an agricultural plot and a neighboring bare plot 5 times during the spring. The quantity of WEOM was determined by measuring its organic carbon content, and its quality was characterized by its UV absorptivity, by a humification index based on the fluorescence emission spectrum, and by its fluorescence efficiency (fluorescence divided by UV absorption). The potential substrate value of WEOC was also determined by its microbial metabolic loss over 7d. As expected, long-term de-vegetation decreased WEOC significantly (by 70%). Not expected were two results: (1) Qualitative de-vegetation effects were relatively small. In some cases they were statistically significant, but in all cases differences compared to the vegetated plots were less than 13%; and (2) Despite a major increase in vegetation (from essentially 0% to 100% plant coverage) on the agricultural plot during the spring, there was no seasonal trend to be seen in any of the measured parameters. These unexpected field based results indicate that vegetal input into the ecologically relevant dissolved organic matter pool occurs only to a minor degree directly. Most of the fresh material must be initially sequestered into the soil matrix from which it is then subsequently released. This also indicates that there is a strong "buffering" in soils of freshly introduced organic matter. These results should be considered in our attempt to understand biogeochemical cycles in soil.  相似文献   

T-2 toxin (T-2), one of the naturally occurring mycotoxins, often accumulates in aquatic animals from contaminated feed. Shrimp (n?=?30 per group) were fed with different concentrations (0, 0.5, 1.5, 4.5 and 13.5?mg kg?1) of T-2 for 20?days. Changes in histopathology, fatty acid and water distribution of shrimp muscle were analyzed. Histopathology of shrimp muscle showed dose-dependent marked degenerative and necrotic changes on exposure to dietary T-2. The T-2 significantly (P?<?0.05) affected the muscle fatty acid composition. ∑SFA, ∑MUFA and ∑PUFA initially decreased and then increased slowly in the high-dosed groups. C16:0, C18:1n-9 and C18:2n-6 were the main saturated fatty acid (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), respectively. Also, T-2 significantly affected water distribution in shrimp muscle. High doses of T-2 reduced free water content, resulting in a reduction in the water holding capacity and hence changes to the shrimp muscle quality. Collectively, these results illustrated that T-2 significantly affects the fatty acid and water distribution, and also muscle histopathology, all of which would result in a reduction in the quality and nutritional value of shrimp.  相似文献   

The metal concentrations in a copper mine tailings and desert broom (Baccharis sarothroides Gray) plants were investigated. The metal concentrations in plants, soil cover, and tailings were determined using ICP-OES. The concentration of copper, lead, molybdenum, chromium, zinc, arsenic, nickel, and cobalt in tailings was 526.4, 207.4, 89.1, 84.5, 51.7, 49.6, 39.7, and 35.6mgkg(-1), respectively. The concentration of all elements in soil cover was 10-15% higher than that of the tailings, except for molybdenum. The concentration of copper, lead, molybdenum, chromium, zinc, arsenic, nickel, and cobalt in roots was 818.3, 151.9, 73.9, 57.1, 40.1, 44.6, 96.8, and 26.7mgkg(-1) and 1214.1, 107.3, 105.8, 105.5, 55.2, 36.9, 30.9, and 10.9mgkg(-1) for shoots, respectively. Considering the translocation factor, enrichment coefficient, and the accumulation factor, desert broom could be a potential hyperaccumulator of Cu, Pb, Cr, Zn, As, and Ni.  相似文献   

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