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Coastal development along the Mediterranean coast needs to be tackled with an integrated approach, in order to safeguard people and properties from extreme events, maintain environmental flows and ecosystems functions, protect coastal landscapes and ensure public accessibility to the shore. The complexity of the Mediterranean countries legal and administrative framework and its morphological heterogeneity make the implementation of new the Protocol on ICZM provisions on coastal setbacks,—claiming for a 100 m wide buffer zone where construction is not allowed— a challenge for the success of the initiative. European countries and the European Commission are party to the protocol but the European legal framework lacks of specific provisions addressing the definition of coastal setbacks. Moreover, climate change, in terms of sea level rise and maritime climate, could play a major role in the future position of setback lines. While arbitrary setbacks should be put in place to halt short-term unwise coastal development, science can improve the identification of coastal setbacks by providing integrated methodologies to be implemented at the local level. The objective of this paper is to review concepts and practices in the use of coastal setbacks, in the context of the provisions of the ICZM protocol and taking into account new challenges posed by climate change. A stepwise route map is proposed as a base to identify coastal setbacks, applicable to the Mediterranean region and elsewhere, to be used as a base to improve arbitrary setback approaches.  相似文献   

After the signing of the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean (Madrid, 21 January 2008) its implementation became the main focus of interest for the future. Several obstacles on the way to implementation are briefly analysed, starting with the ratification process, the competence for the implementation and the availability of financial resources to put the Protocol requirements in place. A list of mitigation actions is proposed in order to overcome these obstacles. The ways in which the Centre responsible for assisting the countries can implement this legal instrument (i.e. PAP/RAC) is elaborated in the second part of the paper. This includes the preparation of a stocktaking report to allow for defining the starting point for ICZM in the Mediterranean, elaboration of an explanatory guide of the text of the Protocol, as well as guidelines for the definition of a coastal setback. Equally important is awareness-raising and training for the implementation of the Protocol.  相似文献   

Coastal areas are among the most highly populated, most exploited areas and vulnerable ecosystems in the world. How these interface areas between terrestrial and marine environments can effectively planned and managed has proved to be extremely challenging. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) has been promoted as a potential panacea for the effective planning and management of these areas. However achieving such goals for ICZM is complex because of the many human activities and diverse regulatory regimes in coastal areas requires effective integration along many dimensions. Within the context of the developing world, which is often characterised by highly centralised governance systems combined with a lack of effective public and stakeholder participation in planning delivering an effective ICZM, which is drawn from collaborative planning ideas has proved particularly problematic. Furthermore within these countries there have been few critical and analytical evaluations of why ICZM experiments have failed. This paper seeks to begin to address this gap by suggesting that Actor Network Theory (ANT) is an appropriate analytical framework to critically evaluate why ICZM initiatives in Egypt, at both the national and local level, have been relatively unsuccessful. The critical evaluation leads to some practical recommendations that could help to enhance the implementation of ICZM in Egypt.  相似文献   

The Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Protocol in the Mediterranean means the coastal zone can be better protected and problems can be targeted in a coordinated manner. This research developed a model to improve Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) implementation in the region. The methodology collected data from Mediterranean coastal zone experts via semi-structured interviews and a review of Mediterranean Coastal Foundation ICM Conferences in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Results identified issues and recommended solutions at various points in the policy process and these were used to propose a model for the implementation of ICM. Research demonstrated the need for non symbolic engagement with science especially during the ex-ante, interim and ex-post reports of implementation. Improved and considered horizontal governance and capacity building was highlighted as crucial. Findings also emphasised the importance of legislatively supported bottom-up policy implementation for the Mediterranean to help develop local coastal management ownership. Finally, the particular complexity of coastal policy in an administratively and culturally diverse region was identified as the main difficulty for successful implementation of coastal policies.  相似文献   

Egyptian coastlines comprise more than 3000 km along the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. The coastal area of Egypt is under severe and increasing pressure. After passing the law on the Environment (Law 4) in 1994, the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) was designated as the responsible agency to implement this law. In this respect, the EEAA formulates the general policy and prepares the necessary plans for the protection and promotion of the environment. Also, it follows up the implementation of such plans in coordination with competent administrative authorities. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is one of the items regulated and addressed by Law 4/94. A framework programme for ICZM in Egypt was issued in 1996. This paper presents the results of a pilot project financed by the Mediterranean Action Programme Coastal Area Management (CAMP), namely ‘Fuka-Matrouh-Egypt’ project, and implemented by the Priority Action Plan/Regional Activity Centre. It also presents the methodology followed in the study and the experience gained nationally that would lead to the sustainable development of the northwest Egyptian Coast.  相似文献   

Two Special Features on integrated coastal zone management, especially along the Mediterranean Sea, result from a MeDCOAST conference held in Hammamet (Tunisia). 20–25 October 2001. In this first Special Feature some papers are presented on ecological and biological research related to integrated coastal zone management. All over Europe coastal environments are threatened by human activities such as urbanization, industrial development, fisheries, aquaculture, recreation and tourism. Research has to be developed that can be applied to similar case studies in different countries. Methods of monitoring are necessary and baseline data have to be available in order to judge the significance of changes in the abjotic and biotic environment. Examples of studies included in this Special Feature are mainly from southern banks of the Mediterranean Sea but there is also an example from Estonia and one from the Canary Islands.  相似文献   

Coastal area management should be considered as an element of a more general philosophy—that of natural resource management—which is in the process of replacing the purely ‘protection of the environment’ approach which was dominated most of the 20th century. Specific legislation on coastal management has been adopted by many countries, and today steps have been taken to acumulate all experience accumulated and to harmonize legal regulations on the international level. For the Russian Federation, formerly the Soviet Union, with an enormous sea-shore line to cope with, it is a new experience to develop a concept and a legal regulation specifically tackling coastal area management. The draft of a legislative act on coastal area management reflects the attempts to find ways for harmonizing various economic, environmental and social interests in this huge area, encompassing relevant Russian legislation in force as well as international conventions and treaties, and taking into considerations and treatices, and taking into consideration foregin expereience in this field.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the need, in Italian countries, of a real integration of scientific knowledge into coastal policy. Actually, in Italy, still exists a gap between Science and Policy, interfering the implementation of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) process, while there is no coordination between local, regional and national authorities. This lack of an overall strategy has induced some regions to adopt regional plans for the sustainable development of their coastal areas, to compensate the shortcomings of a national planning. Besides, along Italian coasts, there is a heavy landscape urbanization producing conditions of environmental decay and highlighting the risk of erosions in littoral areas. In this critical context, it is necessary to adopt an effective Integrated Coastal Zone Management policy, to connect ecosystem and environmental approaches with the social and economic development of coastal areas. So, in Italian landscape, it is necessary to integrate the national cultural heritage into coastal management, joining scientific and cultural issues. In this framework, ICZM process could play an important role connecting scientists and policy makers towards an effective integration for the social and economic growth of local people.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the current beach management framework in the North-Western Mediterranean coast (Catalonia, Spain) was revised. Beach management was analyzed using the concepts of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). The history of beach management in the second half of the 20 century and the new developments in the academic field and in the practical beach management sector during the last decade were studied. The revision of legal texts and strategies in the Catalan coast allowed synthesizing all scattered information affecting beach management. A SWOT analysis was performed. The main strengths of the beach management framework in Catalonia are the public ownership of beaches, which allows the government to carry out a comprehensive management and the recent data and analysis provided by the adopted National and Autonomous ICZM strategies. The weaknesses found were related to the functioning of traditional existing institutions. New opportunities are related to the possibility of establishing new institutions that conduct a more inclusive and proactive management. The main threat is that although the possibility for a fundamental change in beach management organization exists, resources available are not fully exploited.  相似文献   

In Italy, the incapability of the State to implement a national strategy for the sustainable development of coastal areas lead the regional authorities to adopt integrated coastal zone management plans. These initiatives are often relevant, correcting the defiency of the national legislation, but do not assure the implementation of a coherent littoral policy. Thereby, it is to be hoped that the recent developments in international law—and particularly the Mediterranean protocol on integrated coastal zone management recently adopted—will compel the Italian State to make a positive commitment to coastal protection.  相似文献   

Over 350 European Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) ‘best practice’ case studies are documented in the OURCOAST online public database, to ensure that lessons learned from experiences and practices are shared and improve coastal management practices. However, concrete criteria for ‘best practice’ are missing and a critical evaluation of the success of these case studies did not take place. We present an indicator-based tool and methodology that allows assessing the progress towards sustainability of ICZM measures. An indicator-based tool was applied to 18 thematically different coastal case studies using two different methods: a fast screening and an analysis in-depth assessment. Both methods used help to identify strengths and weaknesses of ICZM and their contribution to sustainable development. However, indicator scores were highly affected by evaluators’ background and perception. The tool is user-friendly and easy to apply, it indicates what progress has made towards sustainability and to which extent targets have been met.  相似文献   

Uncertainty plays a major role in Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). A large part of this uncertainty is connected to our lack of knowledge of the integrated functioning of the coastal system and to the increasing need to act in a pro-active way. Increasingly, coastal managers are forced to take decisions based on information which is surrounded by uncertainties. Different types of uncertainty can be identified and the role of uncertainty in decision making, scientific uncertainty and model uncertainty in ICZM is discussed. The issue of spatial variability, which is believed to be extremely important in ICZM and represents a primary source of complexity and uncertainty, is also briefly introduced. Some principles for complex model building are described as an approach to handle, in a balanced way, the available data, information, knowledge and experience. The practical method of sensitivity analysis is then introduced as a method for a posterior evaluation of uncertainty in simulation models. We conclude by emphasising the need for the definition of an analysis plan in order to handle model uncertainty in a balanced way during the decision making process.  相似文献   

The article presents the main ancient marine sites of the Holy Land, points the endangered sites and the needed preservation activities. The ancient cultural heritage existing on the Mediterranean shores reflect important events in the history of humanity. It represents numerous important cultures, religions and traditions. This coastal and underwater heritage is rapidly eroded due to sea level rise, global changes and rapid coastal development. Actions taken by the state of Israel to rescue, protect and preserve the marine cultural heritage include: underwater rescue surveys, coastal erosion monitoring, risk assessment surveys and pilot projects for protecting and preserving the sea front of the antique sites at Akko, Apollonia and Ashkelon. Israel proposes that the Mediterranean and European countries will establish a collaborative project aimed at mapping the cultural recourses and establishing master plans for the protection and preservation of the marine and coastal cultural heritage of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The IPCC-TAR (2001) depicts the consequences of climate change on a global scale with a central focus on vulnerability and adaptation. The objective of this article is the important regional/local scale: First, sea-level rise, storm surges and related issues are perceived here, and second, decisions about precautionary measures, and coastal protection are mostly initialised on this scale. The Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is described as an auspicious approach managing conflicts in coastal zones.  相似文献   

Spatial dynamics of Mediterranean coastal regions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During recent decades the northern shores of the Mediterranean have experienced a rapid transformation; mainly due to touristic development. At present, more than 25% of the worldÕs hotel accommodation is found in the Mediterranean. This paper presents some figures illustrating the related growth of different sectors of coastal economy, such as housing, tourism, industry and traffic. A better control of these developments is urgently needed. To this end a spatial planning policy should be elaborated which fully incorporates environmental issues. The concept of integrated coastal (zone) management has only recently been introduced in regional and national policies. A classification of spatial dynamics including settlement-environment relationships can stimulate the implementation of integrated planning policies in the coastal belt of the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

In many coastal resort areas of the world, it is likely that optimal climatic conditions for beach use might occur outside the peak of the tourist season. Investigation of this issue together with associated publicity might help to spread the tourism load and hence reduce undesirable social and environmental effects of extreme seasonality in tourist demand. For this to take place, better knowledge of beach user preferences in terms of climate and bathing water temperature is required. Questionnaire surveys were carried out in Wales, Malta and Turkey to establish the preferences of north European beach users for thermal sensation and bathing water temperature, plus priority levels for other climatic attributes. A user-based beach climate index based on these preferences and priorities was formulated. Linkage was made between the user-generated ratings for various climatic conditions and published climate data to evaluate most major Euro-Mediterranean/Black Sea and a range of other beach tourism areas on a month-by-month basis. Results showed excessively hot thermal sensation in many southern and eastern Mediterranean coastal destinations during July and August, the present peak of the beach tourism season. Highest preference was given to water temperatures rather lower than those found in these areas during late summer. Many long haul coastal destinations popular with north European visitors had similar unpleasant thermal sensations over several months. Uncertainties and deficiencies still exist with the system, but from the point of view of north European beach users the final scores generated in this study may be regarded as good approximations of the quality of resort area climates for sedentary beach use.  相似文献   

A marine spatial planning (MSP) initiative—if to be successful—has to be rooted in a thorough understanding of the tradition and structures of the governance system in the area targeted for the initiative. After decades of a mainly sectoral approach towards maritime affairs, governments began to recognised the need for a governance framework that applies a more integrated approach to maritime policy. The new Integrated Maritime Policy of the European Union is only one example for such a changed way of policy and decision making. The assembly of a governance baseline can help to identify the crucial hindering and success factors for the implementation of MSP. A governance baseline has two parts. Part One focuses upon the past and current performance of the governance system as it has responded—or failed to respond—to changes in the condition of ecosystems in a specific locale. Part Two of a baseline outlines a strategic approach to the design of a new program and records the goals, objectives and strategies of MSP implementation. Focus on both governance processes and their outcomes is essential and forms the core justification for documenting governance responses to ecosystem change.  相似文献   

The threat of sea-level rise and climate change means that coastal managers are being increasingly asked to make long-term assessments of potential coastal impacts and responses. In the UK, shoreline management planning (for flood and erosion hazards) and spatial planning now takes a 100 year perspective. An integrated framework across a wide range of physical and social issues is required for the assessment of coastal impacts and consequently for making sound management decisions. This paper provides an overview of the development of the ‘Tyndall Coastal Simulator’ including the underlying philosophy that is being followed. The Simulator is based on a series of linked climate models (CM) within a nested framework which recognises three spatial scales: (i) the global (GCM) scale; (ii) the regional scale and (iii) the Simulator Domain (a physiographic unit, such as a coastal sub-cell). Within the nesting, the larger scale provides the boundary conditions for the smaller scale. The models feed into each other and describe a range of relevant processes: sea level, tides, surges, waves, sediment transport and coastal morphology. Different climate scenarios, as well as the range of uncertainty, are being explored. Communication of results is a major issue and the Simulator includes a dedicated GIS-based user interface that allows a wide range of queries of model outputs. The paper demonstrates the possibility of developing an integrated framework that is multi-scale and capable of linking various models in order to simulate complex coastal processes and consequently allowing long-term assessments that are useful for setting future management plans.  相似文献   

Systemic understanding of marine and coastal environment needs data integration following a respective concept e.g. multi-dimensional and functional mapping. A number of new activities will improve data supply for coasts and seas. This data needs to be integrated and combined with socio-economic drivers and resulting pressures. Resulting knowledge base should be able to inform effectively ecosystem-based management actions, such as integrated coastal zone management, maritime spatial planning, extension of Natura 2000 areas or climate change adaptation in coastal regions and maritime sectors. Assessment that aims to inform such processes will require rethinking of priorities for spatial data collection and analysis, in particular building on data sharing and standardization, improved spatial data integration, promoting interoperability of relevant information systems and possibility of assimilating different data types in to models. Different aspects of spatial data should be addressed in coherent implementation of spatial data infrastructure.  相似文献   

This paper describes a decision-support system based on landscape ecology and focused on the study of ecosystems’ health. System capabilities are illustrated with three cases of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM), in the Adriatic Sea (Italy): the lagoon of Venice and the Rimini and Ancona coastal areas. Indicators and indices are developed with a focus on sub-regional and local problems in coastal management, with a multi-scale approach based on landscape and seascape ecology. Land-use changes of the coastal areas were detected by analyzing two sets of satellite images. Indices combining satellite imagery, socio-economic and environmental indicators, and landscape and seascape maps were created, showing ecological changes, habitat loss and gaps in conservation policy. The approach used provides means for the identification of conflicts and for the assessment of sustainability. Results show that the lagoon of Venice plays an important role in mitigating and compensating the impacts of human activities, and needs to be protected and restored. The Rimini area shows high ecological footprint and development-intensity and low biocapacity. The Ancona area needs the protection of its natural coastal space from potential sources of anthropogenic impacts to maintain its sustainability. A model of environment changes is critical for formulating effective environmental policies and management strategies. The developed decision-support system provides a suitability map per each area analyzed, which can be used in order to maximize different policy objectives and reduce coastal conflicts.  相似文献   

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