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The flow rate of the Lower Jordan River has changed dramatically during the second half of the 20th century. The diversion of its major natural sources reduced its flow rate and led to drying events during the drought years of 2000 and 2001. Under these conditions of low flow rates, the potential influence of external sources on the river discharge and chemical composition became significant. Our measurements show that the concentrations of chloride, calcium, and sodium in the river water decrease along the first 20-km section, while sulfate and magnesium concentrations increase. These variations were addressed by a recent geochemical study, suggesting that ground water inflow plays a major role. To further examine the role of ground water, we applied mass-balance calculations, using detailed flow rate measurements, water samplings, and chemical analyses along the northern (upstream) part of the river. Our flow-rate measurements showed that the river base-flow during 2000 and 2001 was 500 to 1100 L s(-1), which is about 40 times lower than the historical flow rates. Our measurements and calculations indicate that ground water input was 20 to 80% of the river water flow, and 20 to 50% of its solute mass flow. This study independently identifies the composition of possible end-members. These end-members contain high sulfate concentration and have similar chemical characteristics as were found in agricultural drains and in the "saline" Yarmouk River. Future regional development plans that include the river flow rate and chemistry should consider the interactions between the river and its shallow ground water system.  相似文献   

The Lower Jordan River is located in the semiarid area of the Jordan Valley, along the border between Israel and Jordan. The implementation of the water sections of the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan and the countries' commitment to improve the ecological sustainability of the river system require a better understanding of the riverine environment. This paper investigates the sources and transformations of nitrogen compounds in the Lower Jordan River by applying a combination of physical, chemical, isotopic, and mathematical techniques. The source waters of the Lower Jordan River contain sewage, which contributes high ammonium loads to the river. Ammonium concentrations decrease from 20 to 0-5 mg N L(-1) along the first 20 km of the Lower Jordan River, while nitrate concentrations increase from nearly zero to 10-15 mg N L(-1), and delta(15)N (NO(3)) values increase from less than 5 per thousand to 15-20 per thousand. Our data analysis indicates that intensive nitrification occurs along the river, between 5 and 12 km from the Sea of Galilee, while further downstream nitrate concentration increases mostly due to an external subsurface water source that enters the river.  相似文献   

Water is an essential element for humankind, animals, and plants. It is also an important element of the aquatic environment (the natural habitat of multiple species), where its quality plays a determining role in their protection and conservation. Unfortunately, the water quality of natural environments has worsened in the last decades. In sub-Saharan Africa and particularly in Bénin, in contrast to river discharges, monitoring the quality of surface water is a very rare activity. Thus, knowledge about physical and chemical properties as a basis for evaluation of the state of the environment and protection measures needed is almost absent. This article presents the results of the first structured, regular monitoring campaign on surface waters in the whole basin of the Ouémé River in Bénin Republic. With 510 km, the Ouémé River’s water quality fluctuates from upstream (Taneka Koko mountains in the north) to downstream (gauging station Bonou in the south) sources. This is due to soil erosion, lack of water treatment plants, and the use of significant quantities of fertilizer in the cotton zone. The present research was initiated to study the resource degradation of this area through chemical and physical water analysis. The monitoring of water quality has been followed for 5 years on twenty physicochemical parameters, from samples taken at four gauging stations on the main channel of the Ouémé River. Means and standard deviations of water analysis results were compared to both the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPC) for drinking water (WHO 1987). Thus, high values were observed for physical parameters, i.e., color and turbidity had peaks of 697.5 uC and 129 FTU at Bétérou station in the wet season, although certain parameters, such as total hardness, present low values compared to the recommended standards. Moreover, excluding the concentrations of NO2 and NH4 + with values above the MPC, nutrient concentrations posed no direct risk for human consumption. However, together with phosphate concentrations (which are up to ten times higher than permissible ecological thresholds), they can cause eutrophication of the aquatic ecosystem. Due to the current flow regime, which has very low discharge rates in the dry season and torrential rainfall and high sediment loads in the wet season, the risk of eutrophication, i.e., excessive concentrations of ammonium and phosphates, is present throughout the year. Accumulation of ammonium and the distribution of nitrate and nitrites in the river water suggest that nitrification is impeded due to a lack of oxygen in both dry and wet seasons. Finally, the investigations show that the risk of water pollution exists and it is necessary to take measures of sanitation and water treatment to prevent the further degradation of water along the Ouémé River.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A method to partition the variation in concentrations of water chemistry parameters in a river is described. The approach consists of fitting a family of curves for each chemical parameter. Each curve indicates the response of the parameter to river flow for a particular time period or location. An analysis of covariance is then used to identify statistically significant differences between curves. Such differences result largely from two factors: (1) the discharge of effluents and (2) river flow-concentration relationships. The deviations from the fitted curves indicate month-to-month variations unrelated to river flow that are controlled by factors such as temperature-related seasonal patterns. Underlying statistical assumptions are discussed with respect to water chemistry data. The technique is applied to a data set consisting of monthly samples of 22 water chemistry parameters from the Sulphur River of Texas and Arkansas. Several patterns of response to river flow and to two effluent discharges were revealed.  相似文献   

通过对成都市府河黄龙溪段进行为期1年的监测,分析结果表明府河水体中的TN、NO3--N、NH4+-N、TP和PO4+-P的变化受降雨影响较大,具有明显的季节性.府河水生态系统稳定性较差,各指标波动范围较大:虽然水体污染较为严重,浊度高,但是仍有部分沉水植物存在.府河的主要污染源是城镇生活污水和沿途污水地表径流,严格控制...  相似文献   

An ecological and recreational use survey was made of the Luxapalila River in Mississippi. This study was made before channelization work was started by the Army Corps of Engineers. A follow-up study is planned after channelization work is completed. Four stations were located along a 10.5 mile stretch of river where certain chemical and biological measurements were taken during the four seasons of the year. The results of this study revealed that the river is an unpolluted, biologically productive waterway relatively high in chemical constituents. Eleven families and 37 different species of fish were collected. Biomass measurements of standing crops of invertebrates ranged from a low of 0.11 grams oven dry weight per square meter to a high of 18.89 grams per square meter, with larger biomass collected from eddy areas than from riffle areas. A survey of recreational use of the river indicated relatively light use was made of the river. Fishing was the major use followed by swimming.  相似文献   

浅谈三江源区隆务河流域水资源现状   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对三江源自然保护区的重要河流——隆务河流域的水环境污染源、污染物及其排放状况进行了现场全方位调查,选取pH、Cr6+、DO、COD等为监测项目,调查结果表明该地区水资源已经达不到国家地表水环境质量标准(GB 3838—2002)要求。本文还分析其污染源沿河流呈零星分布的特点,阐述了污染物对环境造成的危害,为三江源的水环境可持续发展提供保障。  相似文献   

以汾河运城段几个县界断面底泥和水质为实验目标,采用实验室测定方法,分别对在平水期、枯水期的底泥耗氧(SOD)速率进行测试,并对测试条件进行优化,对结果进行分析。研究表明,无论枯水期还是平水期,SOD总体变化趋势与河流水质污染(化学需氧量、氨氮)趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A reach of the Pecos River, located in eastern New Mexico, was examined to evaluate losses of river flows due to evaporation, seepage, and transpiration. An accurate assessment of the water losses along this reach is critical for determining how water rights are adjudicated for water users in the Pecos basin and interstate compact accounting. Water losses significantly impact flows through critical habitat for species protected under the Endangered Species Act. Daily losses of river flows were analyzed for the study reach that extends from immediately below the Pecos River confluence with Taiban Creek to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) gage near Acme. The analysis was completed with consideration for other processes including flood wave travel times and attenuation along with stream bank storage and returns. The analysis was completed using daily stream flow data from USGS gages located along the study reach. Empirical seasonal functions were developed to relate flow loss to the flow rate in the river. The functions were ultimately developed to provide a method for comparing the effects of different river flows on the available water supply.  相似文献   

Initial river rehabilitation efforts along the North Fork Gunnison River in Colorado focused on the use of in-stream structures and channel stabilization to create a single-thread channel with pools along a braided river. These efforts were based on the assumption that the river’s braided planform results primarily from land use during the past century. In order to establish a context for further rehabilitation, we evaluated the possibility that the river might be braided as a result of processes independent of land use. We estimated volume, grain-size distribution, and lithology of sediment sources along the river corridor and evaluated the planform stability of the river during the past century using historical sources, aerial photographs covering 1939–1997, and comparison of bankfull discharge and gradient in the study area to values published for braided and meandering rivers. Our results indicate that the North Fork Gunnison River has been primarily braided in its lower reaches during the past few hundred years, although the channel planform tends toward a single-thread channel during decades of lower precipitation and discharge. Although land use is not the primary cause of braiding along the North Fork Gunnison River, it has decreased channel stability, and rehabilitation efforts should be designed to reduce these effects. Our results illustrate the importance of planning river rehabilitation measures within a historical context that accounts for both catchment-scale and reach-scale controls on channel processes and planform.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. New Jersey, together with other states in the northeast, was stricken with drought during 1961-66. The effect of this drought was most severe in the northern part of the State. The water quality of the Passaic River, which drains the urban, industrialized northeast, perhaps deteriorated the most among the major drainage systems. This river system is used as a raw-water source by 10 water suppliers. The impact of the drought upon the water supply of the Passaic Valley Water Commission, the most downstream of the basin's suppliers, which supplies an average of about 90 million gallons a day to more than 650,000 persons, is evaluated herein. The drought's impact on the raw-water quality is appraised by the comparison of before-and-after qualities of dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, biochemical-oxygen demand, turbidity, and hardness. For example, at the worst point during the drought, monthly average dissolved-solids content in the raw water were about 210 percent, hardness, about 167 percent, and biochemical-oxygen demand about 270 percent higher than antecedent values. In general, the study concludes that the drought produced a deterioration in both raw and finished water quality, and is estimated to have increased chemical-treatment costs during the drought by about $650,000.  相似文献   

Abstract: Physically based regional scale hydrologic modeling is gaining importance for planning and management of water resources. Calibration and validation of such regional scale model is necessary before applying it for scenario assessment. However, in most regional scale hydrologic modeling, flow validation is performed at the river basin outlet without accounting for spatial variations in hydrological parameters within the subunits. In this study, we calibrated the model to capture the spatial variations in runoff at subwatershed level to assure local water balance, and validated the streamflow at key gaging stations along the river to assure temporal variability. Ohio and Arkansas‐White‐Red River Basins of the United States were modeled using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for the period from 1961 to 1990. R2 values of average annual runoff at subwatersheds were 0.78 and 0.99 for the Ohio and Arkansas Basins. Observed and simulated annual and monthly streamflow from 1961 to 1990 is used for temporal validation at the gages. R2 values estimated were greater than 0.6. In summary, spatially distributed calibration at subwatersheds and temporal validation at the stream gages accounted for the spatial and temporal hydrological patterns reasonably well in the two river basins. This study highlights the importance of spatially distributed calibration and validation in large river basins.  相似文献   

The utilization of water quality analysis to inform optimal decision-making is imperative to achieve sustainable management of river water quality. A multitude of research works in the past has focused on river water quality modeling. Despite being a precise statistical regression technique that allows for fitting separate models for all potential combinations of predictors and selecting the optimal subset model, the application of best subset method in river water quality modeling is not widely adopted. The current research aims to validate the use of best subset method in evaluating the water quality parameters of the Godavari River, one of the largest rivers in India, by developing regression equations for different combinations of its physicochemical parameters. The study involves in formulating best subset regression equations to estimate the concentrations of river water quality parameters while also identifying and quantifying their variations. A total of 17 water quality parameters are analyzed at 13 monitoring sites using 13 years (1993–2005) of observed data for the monsoon (June–October) period and post-monsoon (November–February) period. The final subset model is selected among model combinations that are developed for each year's dataset through widely used statistical criteria such as R2, F value, adjusted R2a, AICc, and RSS. The final best subset model across all parameters exhibits R2 values surpassing 0.8, indicating that the models possess the ability to account for over 80% of the variations in the concentrations of dependent parameters. Therefore, the findings demonstrated the appropriateness of this method in evaluating the water quality parameters in extensive rivers. This work is very useful for decision-making and in the management of river water quality for its sustainable use in the study area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Pawtuxet River flows from a relatively rural area through some of the more highly industrialized sections of Rhode Island. During its journey, the river receives many municipal, industrial, and ground water sources of metal constituents. The present report is the first in a two part series in which the water quality of this urban river was evaluated by a chemical monitoring study of the sources, transport mechanisms, and fate of cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, and nickel in the river. The second paper will use the chemical data to derive and calibrate a steady-state water quality model for this river. The metal concentrations In the river tended to increase from the headwaters to the mouth with river stations nearest to point source outfalls showing elevated values. In some sections of the river, levels of a few of the metals could not be explained by the point sources; and other inputs, including sediment resuspension, axe proposed to make up this apparent unbalance. The ability of a municipal secondary treatment plant to remove metals was demonstrated, and the tie-in of the effluent from a major chemical company to the plant did not cause any observable deterioration in treatment efficiency.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water and surface water constitute a single dynamic system in most parts of the Suwannee River basin due to the presence of karst features that facilitate the interaction between the surface and subsurface. Low radon-222 concentrations (below background levels) and enriched amounts of oxygen-18 and deuterium in ground water indicate mixing with surface water in parts of the basin. Comparison of surface water and regional ground water flow patterns indicate that boundaries for ground water basins typically do not coincide with surface water drainage subbasins. There are several areas in the basin where ground water flow that originates outside of the Suwannee River basin crosses surface water basin boundaries during both low-flow and high-flow conditions. In a study area adjacent to the Suwannee River that consists predominantly of agricultural land use, 18 wells tapping the Upper Floridan aquifer and 7 springs were sampled three times during 1990 through 1994 for major dissolved inorganic constituents, trace elements, and nutrients. During a period of above normal rainfall that resulted in high river stage and high ground water levels in 1991, the combination of increased amounts of dissolved organic carbon and decreased levels of dissolved oxygen in ground water created conditions favorable for the natural reduction of nitrate by denitrification reactions in the aquifer. As a result, less nitrate was discharged by ground water to the Suwannee River.  相似文献   

徐文贤 《四川环境》2007,26(6):63-68
采用现场调查监测,并结合收集的水电、渔业等方面资料,对闽江上游渔塘溪支流上的布上、碧州、马坪三级电站开发对植被、水土保持、水生植物、浮游生物、底栖动物、鱼类、水质的影响作了分析。结果表明,电站开发造成库区污染严重、富营养化、河段断流并产生一定的不利影响等。提出其环境减缓补救措施及今后闽江支流梯级电站开发生态环境保护的防治措施。  相似文献   

Investigation of the water quality of the Ubu river has been carried out. The upstream course of the river is slightly acidic (pH 5.45 ± 0.23), and the acidity decreases along the lower courses of the river. Turbidity, surfactant, and iron content parameters of the river increased during the wet season, and these changes have been attributed to inputs from flood, leachates of soil erosion, and storm water runoff discharged into the river in increased quantities during the season. Concentrations of some metals were found to increase during the dry season because of absence of dilution of the river by storm water runoff. Most water quality parameters are within World Health Organization acceptable limits set for potable water, and they include most of the cationic and anionic constituents. Although there is no hydrocarbon or metal ion pollution, potability is reduced along the mid to downstream courses of the river by unacceptable levels of turbidity, surfactant concentration, and iron content, particularly during the wet season.  相似文献   

邵玉玲 《四川环境》2022,(1):245-249
湄公河作为亚洲重要的国际河流,也是关系到我国发展的重要河流.由于人为和自然原因,湄公河水质不断恶化,对水资源的安全造成威胁.通过对湄公河沿岸各国关于水污染防治进行探讨分析,流域各国在湄公河水资源开发利用方面有着共同遵守的行为准则.基于此,立足湄公河流域水污染防治法律机制的基础上,通过分析该流域水污染的原因,以及湄公河污...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recharge is an important parameter for models that simulate water and contaminant transport in unconfined aquifers. Unfortunately, measurements of actual recharge are not usually available causing recharge to be estimated or possibly added to the calibration procedure. In this study, differences between observed water-table elevations and water-table elevations simulated with a model based on the one-dimensional Boussinesq equation were used to identify both the timing and quantity of recharge to an alluvial valley aquifer. Observed water table elevations and river stage data were recorded during a five-year period from 1991 to 1995 at the Ohio Management Systems Evaluation Area located in south-central Ohio. Direct recharge attributed to overbank flow during and shortly after flood conditions accounted for 65 percent of the total recharge computed during the five-year study period. Recharge of excess infiltration to the aquifer was intermittent and occurred soon after large rainfall events and high river stage. Specification of constant recharge with time values in ground-water simulation models seems inappropriate for stream-aquifer systems given the strong influence of the river on water table elevations in these systems.  相似文献   

A Water Quality Index (WQI) is a numeric expression used to evaluate the quality of a given water body and to be easily understood by managers. In this study, a modified nine-parameter Scottish WQI was used to assess the monthly water quality of the Douro River during a 10-year period (1992–2001), scaled from zero (lowest) to 100% (highest). The 98,000 km2 of the Douro River international watershed is the largest in the Iberian Peninsula, split between upstream Spain (80%) and downstream Portugal (20%). Three locations were surveyed: at the Portuguese–Spanish border, 350 km from the river mouth; 180 km from the mouth, where the river becomes exclusively Portuguese; and 21 km from the mouth. The water received by Portugal from Spain showed the poorest quality (WQI 47.3 ± 0.7%); quality increased steadily downstream, up to 61.7 ± 0.7%. In general, the water quality at all three sites was medium to poor. Seasonally, water quality decreased from winter to summer, but no statistical relationship between quality and discharge rate could be established. Depending on the location, different parameters were responsible for the episodic decline of quality: high conductivity and low oxygen content in the uppermost reservoir, and fecal coliform contamination downstream. This study shows the need to enforce the existing international bilateral agreements and to implement the European Water Quality Directive in order to improve the water quantity and quality received by the downstream country of a shared watershed, especially because two million inhabitants use the water from the last river location as their only source of drinking water.  相似文献   

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