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环境监测工作中存在的几个问题王维德(山东省环境监测中心站济南250013)环境监测工作的实施涉及到许多方面,如各种环境质量标准、监测分析方法、监测仪器的技术指标、环境管理部门的要求、对数据质量的要求、对数据报表格式的要求等等。只有这些方面协调一致,监...  相似文献   

我国环境监测技术存在的问题及对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从监测结果的科学性、监测方法的系统性及应急技术的实用性角度,提出了目前我国环境监测技术存在的问题,指出应通过科学监测,反映真实的环境质量,研究有毒有害污染物的监测方法并使其标准化,加强突发污染事故的快速监测技术研究.  相似文献   

结合330kV永凉输变电工程环境影响评价工作,讨论目前在输变电建设项目环评中存在的几个问题,并提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国计量法》规定,凡向社会提供公证数据的产品质量检验机构,必须经省级以上计量行政主管部门考核合格。环境监测机构出具的各类监测数据主要用于环境质量评价和环境监督管理,应具有准确性、公正性、权威性和科学性。因此,环境监测机构应按规定进行计量认证。2000年10月24日,国家质量技术监督局认证与实验室评审管理司发布了《产品质量检验机构计量认证/审查认可(验收)评审准则》(质技监函[2000]046号)(简称新《评审准则》),对原计量认证和审查认可(验收)考核制度作出相应的改革和调整。目前很多环境监测机构正在开展计量认…  相似文献   

试论环境监测数据审核机制的建立及运作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境监测数据审核是环境监测质量管理的重要一环。在对环境监测数据审核重要性的认识,及其内容,依据分析解释的基础上建立了环境监测数据审核运行机制。并提出了几点措施,确保环境监测数据在获取过程中得到了有效监控,把监测数据差错率消除在监测过程的各个环节。  相似文献   

通过认真、细致的分析环境监测工作存在的主要问题,提出了宁夏监测工作创新发展的思想与建议。  相似文献   

环境监测数据审核是环境分析质量保证工作的一个重要环节,此项工作对监测数据是否准确可靠有一定影响。简述了环境监测超标数据审核确认的必要性以及超标数据的审核确认方式,针对目前存在的监测指标定性定量不准确、标准物质存在衰减状况、评价标准选择不准确等问题,提出,监测部门对于超标数据必须严格审核和把关,确保监测数据的真实性和准确性,真正服务于环境执法和环境管理。  相似文献   

环评报告是建设项目开展环保验收工作的重要依据。环保验收工作中必须对照环评报告的内容及要求进行调查和监测。由于环评报告中工程内容、环保措施、评价因子等内容不够完善,使得工程建设中措施无法完全落实,造成环保验收工作不能顺利进行。本文通过对环保验收监测中遇到的实例进行分析,为更好的开展环评及验收监测工作提供建议。  相似文献   

准确、可靠的环境监测数据是环境管理的重要现实依据,因此正确鉴别和处理异常数据是环境监测工作中的关键环节。简述了环境监测异常数据的类型和产生的原因,对异常监测数据的处理措施进行了分析。提出,应建立健全环境监测质量管理体系、重视现场采样的信息化管理、正确填写监测原始记录和加强监测数据的审核。  相似文献   

阐述了航道建设项目施工期环境监测的目的和意义,结合污染环节分析,提出了施工期环境监测方案的内容,包括地表水、大气、噪声、生态监测的布点原则、监测项目和频率、分析方法等,以及对环境监测所有环节实施的全程序质量保证与质量控制措施。  相似文献   

Constructing highways in dense urban areas is always a challenge. In São Paulo Metropolitan Region, heavy truck traffic contributes to clog streets and expressways alike. As part of the traffic neither originates nor head to the region, a peripheral highway has been proposed to reduce traffic problems. This project, called Rodoanel, is an expressway approximately 175 km long. The fact that the projected south and north sections would cross catchments that supply most of the metropolis water demand was strongly disputed and made the environmental permitting process particularly difficult.The agency in charge commissioned a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of a revamped project, and called it the Rodoanel Programme. However, the SEA report failed to satisfactorily take account of significant strategic issues. Among these, the highway potential effect of inducing urban sprawl over water protection zones is the most critical issue, as it emerged later as a hurdle to project licensing.Conclusion is that, particularly where no agreed-upon framework for SEA exists, when vertical tiering with downstream project EIA is sought, then a careful scoping of strategic issues is more than necessary. If an agreement on ‘what is strategic’ is not reached and not recognized by influential stakeholders, then the unsettled conflicts will be transferred to project EIA. In such a context, SEA will have added another loop to the usually long road to project approval.  相似文献   

The environmental impacts of various hydrogen production processes are evaluated and compared, considering several energy sources and using life cycle analysis. The results indicate that hydrogen produced by thermochemical water decomposition cycles are more environmentally benign options compared to conventional steam reforming of natural gas. The nuclear based four-step Cu–Cl cycle has the lowest global warming potential (0.559 kg CO2-eq per kg hydrogen production), mainly because it requires the lowest quantity of energy of the considered processes. The acidification potential results show that biomass gasification has the highest impact on environment, while wind based electrolysis has the lowest. The relation is also investigated between efficiency and environmental impacts.  相似文献   

The limited and sporadic interaction between EIA and planning theory has meant that EIA has largely failed to benefit from planning theory insights and lessons. Obstacles and dilemmas already encountered and addressed in planning theory are still hampering EIA theory building and practice. An overview of the characteristics, strengths, and limitations of five major planning theories—rationalism, pragmatism, socio-ecological idealism (SEI), political-economic mobilization (PEM), and communications and collaboration (CC) is presented in an effort to ameliorate this problem. EIA parallels to each planning theory and lessons for EIA are identified. Also addressed are the application of planning theories to different context types, overlaps, interconnections and middle ground concepts among theories, the integration of values, ethics, and postmodern perspectives and the potential to construct composite theories.  相似文献   

Amalgamation, in which disparate impacts are combined so that alternatives can be ranked, has become an important part of many impact assessments. Such methods can help make decisions more rational by systematically combining great amounts of information into more digestible forms. They can also facilitate public participation and ease documentation of decisions. The intent of this article is to give an overview of amalgamation methods and to propose four criteria for choosing among them: the purpose to be served, ease of use, validity, and results compared to other methods. Because experiments have repeatedly shown that the method chosen can significantly affect what decision is made, EIA practitioners should place more emphasis on the last two criteria than they have in the past. Finally, recent results in psychology and management science are discussed for practitioners facing the question “how do we choose how to choose?”  相似文献   

EIA in Iran was formally introduced in 1994, but to date little EIA-related research has been undertaken in the country. In this paper, the authors provide an evaluation of the Iranian EIA system, focusing on EIA legislation, administration and process. Data was collected on the basis of a literature review, document analysis and semi-structured interviews. This involved some translation from Persian into English. Evaluation of the findings indicate that Iran has adopted the democratic tools of EIA and SEA, which considering its political context is encouraging. However, currently the Iranian EIA system does suffer from weaknesses such as inadequate screening and scoping, lack of alternative consideration, public participation, EIA implementation and follow-up. The paper proposes some initial recommendations based on international experiences and sets out the direction for future research.  相似文献   

Public participation processes are touted as an effective way to increase the capacity and legitimacy of environmental assessment and the regulatory process that rely on them. Recent changes to the Canadian environmental assessment process narrowed the criteria for who can participate in environmental assessments from any who were interested to those who were most directly affected. This article examines the potential consequences of this change by exploring other areas of Canadian regulatory law where a similar directed affected test has been applied. This new standard risks institutionalizing the long-understood representational bias confronted by more diffuse interest like environmental protection. Restricting participation to the “directly affected” is far too narrow a test for processes like environmental assessment that are designed to determine the public interest.  相似文献   

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