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职业安全卫生管理体系(简称OHSMS),是完善企业职业安全卫生管理,保证企业职业安全卫生绩效持续改进的科学管理模式。国家经贸委1999年10月发布了《职业安全卫生管理试行标准》后,如何实施和建立职业安全卫生管理体系受到社会和企业的普遍重视与关注。 本系列讲座主要论述:OHSMS的起源、发展与意义;OHSMS的基本概念与理论;OHSMS的基本内容、结构与要素;如何建立和实施OHSMS;如何通过OHSMS的评审和认证等。  相似文献   

台湾的职业安全卫生培训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
力口 《劳动保护》2000,(8):45-46
职业安全卫生培训工作 ,台湾称为“劳工安全卫生训练”。在各项安全生产活动中倍受重视。台湾的有关负责部门认为 :由于人的不安全行为所造成的事故占88%以上 ,因此 ,加强劳工的安全卫生教育 ,是防止事故最基本有效的方法。实施安全卫生教育 ,可以达到下列目的 :1.防止职业灾害之发生 ;2.防止因职业灾害所伴随发生的财产损失 ;3.改善作业方法 ,提高劳动工作效率 ;4.促进劳动作业安全 ,增进劳工对工作之信赖 ,促使劳资关系更加和谐。台湾有两个劳工安全卫生训练机构 ,即“工业安全卫生协会”和“生产力中心” ,由这两个机构开展劳工安…  相似文献   

根据国家经贸委《关于开展职业安全卫生管理体系认证工作的通知》要求 ,为做好职业安全卫生管理体系认证工作 ,国家经贸委安全科学技术研究中心成立了职业安全卫生管理体系管理委员会、国家职业安全卫生管理体系认证中心(北京) ,具体实施职业安全卫生管理体系认证工作。认证机构的主要职责是 :宣传《职业安全卫生管理体系试行标准》 ;跟踪国际动态 ,组织职业安全卫生管理体系系列标准的研究 ;实施企业职业安全卫生管理体系的审核和认证 ;提供职业安全卫生管理体系内部审核员培训 ;提供审核认证的技术咨询服务。此外 ,国家职业安全卫生管理…  相似文献   

10月23日~27日 ,全国职业安全卫生管理体系审核员注册委员会在北京成功举办了首期(32人)全国职业安全卫生管理体系注册审核员培训班。审核员的质量和管理是决定职业安全卫生管理体系认证工作顺利开展的重要因素。为了加强和规范职业安全卫生管理体系审核员的培训工作 ,保证国家注册审核员的质量 ,并为我国与国际职业安全卫生管理体系审核员注册方面实现多边互认奠定基础 ,全国职业安全卫生管理体系审核员注册委员会负责开展职业安全卫生注册审核员的培训工作。此次培训受到全国职业安全卫生管理体系审核员注册委员会领导的高度重…  相似文献   

本刊讯 如何建立一个情报信息网,为职业安全卫生监察和综合管理的科学决策服务,最近,劳动部职业安全卫生监察局就此在京召开了职业安全卫生情报信息工作会议。 会议讨论通过了《职业安全卫生情报信息工作试行办法》,并要求尽快建立一个纵横相错的职业安全卫生信息网,做到上情下达.下情上传,以及横向交流。会上,劳动部职安局向各地劳动部门、各有关部门聘请了一批信息员。全国职业安全卫生情报信息网建立  相似文献   

泰国泰国劳动部劳动保护和工人福利局负责劳动保护、职业安全卫生、劳动关系、劳工福利和劳工发展。该局设有四个部门,其中的职业安全卫生监察处和国家改善工作条件与环境研究院是专门负变职业安全卫生工作的机构,负责制定职业安全卫生法规标准,进行职业安全执法监察,管理劳工工作安全,对企业安全人员实施培训。泰国的职业卫生工作由公共卫生部的职业卫生处负责;行业安全由工业部的工业工作处负责。  相似文献   

本文是李沛瑶同志于5月15日在全国职业安全卫生监察工作会议上的讲话。本刊略有删节,题目是本刊加的。 职业安全卫生监察工作是劳动部门中一项重要的工作。“七五”期间;在党中央、国务院和各级人民政府的领导下,在各有关部门和有关方面的支持与配合下,通过广大职业安全卫生监察人员的努力,我国的职业安全卫生工作取得了很大的成绩。我们转变职能,深化改革,加强基础建设,在立法、监察、宣传教育、检测检验和科学研究等方面都取得了很大进展,初步建立起具有中国特色的职业安全卫生监察模式。现在,我就今后的几项工作谈谈想法。 一、职业安全…  相似文献   

据根美国职业安全卫生法的规定,劳工部是贯彻实施职业安全卫生法的有最高权力的监察机构。劳工部下设职业安全卫生管理局和采矿安全卫生局,是全美职业安全卫生监察工作的主管机构。 职业安全卫生管理局(OSHA)建立于 1971年,下设3个办公室分管业务协调实验计划、就业机会均等和情报交流;设7个处分管政策立法计划、卫生标准、安全标准、联邦计划和州计划管理、培训教育、技术支援、行政管理计划。该局本部有工作人员411人。下属23个州级职业安全卫生管理局和 10个地区性办事处。全国从事职业安全卫生工作的共5千多名专业人员,其中半数为职业…  相似文献   

泰国劳动部劳动保护和工人福利局负责劳动保护.职业安全卫生.劳动关系、劳工福利和劳工发展。该局设有四个部门.其中的职业安全卫生监察处和国家改善工作条件与环境研究院是专门负责职业安全卫生工作的机构,负责制定职业安全卫生法规标准.进行职业安全执法监察,管理劳工工作安全,对企业安全人员实施培训。  相似文献   

根据国家经贸委《关于开展职业安全卫生管理体系认证工作的通知》(国经贸委安全[1999]983号)要求,为做好职业安全卫生管理体系认证工作,国家经贸委安全科学技术研究中心成立了职业安全卫生管理体系管理委员会、国家职业安全卫生管理体系认证中心(北京),具体实施职业安全卫生管理体系认证工作。认证机构的主要职责:·宣传《职业安全卫生管理体系试行标准》;·跟踪国际动态,组织职业安全卫生管理体系系列标准的研究;·实施企业职业安全卫生管理体系的审核和认证;·提供职业安全卫生管理体系内部审核员培训;·提供审核认…  相似文献   

In order to enhance Chinese workers’ occupational safety awareness, it is essential to learn from developed countries’ experiences. This article investigates thoroughly occupational safety and health (OSH) in China and the UK; moreover, the article performs a comparison of Chinese and British OSH training-related laws, regulations and education system. The following conclusions are drawn: China’s work safety continues to improve, but there is still a large gap compared with the UK. In China a relatively complete vocational education and training (VET) system has been established. However, there exist some defects in OSH. In the UK, the employer will not only pay attention to employees’ physiological health, but also to their mental health. The UK’s VET is characterized by classification and grading management, which helps integrate OSH into the whole education system. China can learn from the UK in the development of policies, VET and OSH training.  相似文献   

一体化管理是现代企业安全管理发展的必然趋势,中国职业安全卫生在不断的发展和完善过程中正从狭隘的劳动保护朝着一体化可持续的方式发展。针对当前影响安全生产的主体要素,探讨了从安全观念、统一立法、管理体系、人才培养、社会保障5个层面构建中国职业安全卫生一体化发展模式的可能性和必要性,并指出了OSH一体化发展模式的要害与对策。  相似文献   

During the past 20 years of research in occupational safety and health (OSH), major contributions have been made by psychology in general, foremost German work and organizational psychology. This is the result of an empirical study with 216 scientific projects that were analyzed by content, and 32 interviews on OSH with experts on science, as well as in professional occupations and federations. Its sound methodological and theoretical approach has helped work and organizational psychology to embody itself as a driving force of OSH. The research focuses on the development of tools for job analysis, striving for the valid diagnosis of occupational hazards and mental load. Consequently, work and organizational psychology provides a solid foundation for deriving human and personality ameliorating organizational measures. Among the predominant means of intervention are training in coping with stress, behavioral training and modeling, health circles, and the arrangement of environments sensitive to occupational load. Major deficits in the field of research show up within evaluation and transfer as well as within quality control of the developed diagnostic and devices regarding intervention. Future scientific effort by means of application-orientated methods is vital to detect and overcome effectively a mounting mental load in the occupational world.  相似文献   

Improvement of occupational safety and health (OSH) management is closely related to the development of OSH performance measurement, which should include OSH outcomes (e.g., occupational accidents), OSH inputs (including working conditions) and OSH-related activities. The indicators used to measure the OSH outcomes are often called lagging indicators, and the indicators of inputs and OSH activities are leading indicators. A study was conducted in 60 companies in order to determine what kinds of indicators were used for OSH performance measurement by companies with different levels of OSH performance. The results reveal that the indicators most commonly used in all of the companies are those related to ensuring compliance with the statutory requirements. At the same time, the leading indicators are much more often adopted in companies with a higher performance level. These companies also much more often monitor on a regular basis the indicators adopted for the evaluation of their OSH performance.  相似文献   

入世以后 ,我国的职业安全健康将面临严峻的考验。笔者结合我国的职业安全健康现状 ,对我国加入WTO以后职业安全健康所面临的形势和任务 ,提出了粗浅的分析和主要对策及措施。  相似文献   

METHOD: A 24-week experiment was conducted to assess how first aid training affects the motivation of small business construction industry employees in avoiding occupational injuries and illnesses and its effect on their occupational health and safety behavior. A simplified multiple baseline design across workplace settings was used to evaluate the effects of first aid training. Participants' motivation to control occupational safety and health risks was explored during in-depth interviews before and after receipt of first aid training. Objective measurement of occupational safety and health behavior was conducted by a researcher directly observing the workplace before and after participants received first aid training. RESULTS: The observations at participants' worksites suggested that, for the most part, the first aid training had a positive effect on the occupational safety and health behavior of participants. First aid training appeared to reduce participants' "self--other" bias, making them more aware that their own experience of occupational safety and health risks is not beyond their control but that their own behavior is an important factor in the avoidance of occupational injury and illness. First aid training also appeared to reduce participants' willingness to accept prevailing levels of occupational safety and health risk and increase the perceived probability that they would suffer a work-related injury or illness. Participants expressed greater concern about taking risks at work after receiving first aid training. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: It appears that first aid training enhances participants' motivation to avoid occupational injuries and illnesses and improves their risk control behavior. The implications of this are that first aid training can have a positive preventive effect and could complement traditional occupational health and safety training programs. As such, there may be benefit in providing first aid training to all employees rather than limiting this training to a small number of designated "first aiders."  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to conduct an ex-post evaluation of the OSH Enforcement Act. The focus of the study was to collate the views of occupational safety and health (OSH) inspectors on how the OSH Enforcement Act and the practices of the governmental OSH inspectorate operate from an effectiveness perspective. The questionnaire included open questions addressed to OSH inspectors. The results indicated that there is a tension between the quantitative performance targets, e.g., the number of inspections and the effectiveness of the practical enforcement work. Harmonizing the enforcement practices should be implemented at two levels: OSH local agencies and individual inspectors. OSH inspectors believe that developing the professional skills of OSH inspectors and the monitoring of OSH management systems are important ways of promoting the effectiveness of OSH enforcement.  相似文献   

The debate concerning occupational safety and health (OSH) interventions has recently focused on the need of improving the evaluation of interventions, and in particular on the need for providing information about why the intervention worked or not, under what circumstances and in which context. Key concepts in the analysis of the context are the drivers, i.e., those factors enabling, fostering or facilitating OSH interventions. However, the concept of driver for an OSH intervention is both confused and contested. Although the term is widely used, there is little consensus on how drivers should be understood, how important they are in different contexts and how they can facilitate interventions. This exploratory study based on interviews with the owner-managers and the safety officers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) gives an overview of the most characteristic drivers for OSH interventions. The results will be used to make an initial evaluation of SMEs' needs, and will help orient interventions and future research.  相似文献   

Serbia is aligning with European Union requirements and the occupational safety and health (OSH) administration is one of the most representative sectors of this alignment. Many efforts were made in this field, by introducing new laws and regulations, but it turned out to be insufficient. OSH professionals need to renovate and strengthen their knowledge in accordance with continuous, updated and improved OSH standards and regulation. Lifelong learning (LLL) programmes can contribute to forming professionals who are always up to date. This paper presents an implemented LLL programme, over the duration of two academic years, dedicated to OSH professionals, and investigates whether this programme will be helpful and accepted by professionals. The results from the study show that the given LLL programme had indeed a positive influence on the professional careers of the participants and that the LLL presents the future trend in OSH education.  相似文献   

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