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Procedures are given for containment area sizing for retention of suspended solids based on the settling characteristics of the dredged material. Separate sizing procedures for freshwater and saltwater sediments provide for determination of the respective surface area or detention time required to accomodate continuous dredged material disposal. Procedures are given for the laboratory testing required to obtain data for sediment characterization, containment area sizing, and estimates of storage capacity required. These procedures can also be used for designing containment areas for other slurries having high suspended solids concentrations. Settling tests performed in a 20-cm-diam column were found to be satisfactory for defining dredged material settling behavior. Settling behavior in the freshwater environment was best described by a flocculent settling test, while behavior in a saltwater environment was best described by a zone settling test. The same settling columns were used for both tests withonly minor procedural changes. Procedures are presented for designing new containment areas for suspended solids retention and for evaluating the suspended solids retention potential of existing containment areas during planned disposal activities.  相似文献   

Imposex in the gastropod Hinia reticulata, a bioindicator for tributyltin (TBT) contamination, was investigated in locations at different distances from the Oporto harbour-dredged material discharge site. The degree of imposex found was inversely related to the distance to the discharge site, the highest imposex frequency being found closest to the discharge area. However, the levels of imposex found were low when compared with those reported for H. reticulata populations from moderately TBT-contaminated areas. Despite detectable levels of dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT) in snail tissues (total butyltins ranging from 84 to 410 ng/g Sn dry wt.), TBT was below detection limit in all snail samples collected in open sea.  相似文献   

Dredged material contamination was assessed in different commercial ports from Spain: Port of Cádiz and Huelva, South West; Bilbao and Pasajes, North; Cartagena and Barcelona, East; Coru?a, North West. Sediment from different locations of these ports was sampled and was characterized following the Spanish recommendations for dredged material management. This characterization included grain size distribution, organic matter content and concentration of the chemical compounds included in the list of pollutants and hazardous substances (As, Cd, Cu, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn; PCB congeners IUPAC number 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180; PAHs were also analyzed). The results were compared to the limit values of Spanish Action Levels that define the different categories for assessment and management. A set of empirically derived sediment quality guidelines (SQG) was used to assess the possible toxicity of the dredged materials and to improve the use of the chemical approach to characterize dredged material for its management.  相似文献   

The aquatic disposal field investigation initiated in Elliott Bay, Puget Sound, WA, in February 1976, was designed to evaluate the ecological effects of open-water disposal of dredged material. The experimental disposal site was located at a depth of 60 m in marine estuary with generally weak circulation. Approximately 114,000 m3 of dredged material contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were dumped at the site from split-hull barges. The material presented in this paper is limited to a discussion of PCB impacts. It imcludes (a) a summary of results from the studies conducted between 1976 and 1977 to assess short-term impacts during and after the disposal of PCB contaminated sediments at the Elliott Bay disposal site; (b) a presentation of preliminary results from the continuation studies initiated in February 1979 to determine long-term impacts of the disposal operations. The preliminary data indicate that both dredged-material deposit and the associated PCBs appear to be stable. No major long-term impact on benthic organisms is apparent from this analysis.  相似文献   

The potential for using earthworms (Eisenia fetida) to improve fertility and reduce copper and cadmium availability in sewage sludge was tested by laboratory incubation experiments. Results comparing sewage sludge with and without earthworm treatment showed that earthworm activity decreased the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, but increased the contents of available nitrogen and phosphorus and had no significant effect on the contents of total phosphorus, total potassium and available potassium. After incubation of the sewage sludge with earthworms for 60 days, the contents of Cu and Cd in the earthworms increased with the increase of additional Cu up to 250 mg kg(-1) and Cd up to 10 mg kg(-1). Bioconcentration factors (BCF) were higher than 1 only for Cd when the addition rate was lower than 5 mg kg(-1), which indicates that the earthworms can only accumulate Cd when the concentration of Cd is low in sewage sludge. Bioavailability of Cd and Cu was evaluated by applying sewage sludge with and without earthworm treatment to soil and then growing cabbage plants. The results showed that earthworm treatment increased the biomass of cabbage and decreased the bioaccumulation of Cd and Cu in the cabbage plants.  相似文献   

The availability and plant uptake of heavy metals was evaluated from contaminated dredged material placed in flooded and upland disposal environments using a solid-phase plant bioassay. The objective of the study was to verify previous dredged material research results and to develop a plant bioassay procedure that could indicate phytotoxicity and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in contaminated dredged material. The plant bioassay indicated more uptake and bioaccumulations of cadmium and, to a lesser extent, zinc when contaminated dredged material was placed in an upland environment where the sediment was allowed to air-dry. Placing the contaminated dredged material in a flooded (reduced) environment lowered the availability and plant uptake of cadmium and, to a lesser extent, zinc. Factors that influenced the availability and plant uptake of heavy metals from contaminated sediments included sediment oxidation-reduction potential, organic matter content, total sulfur content, and pH. The plant bioassay showed phytotoxicity and bioaccumulation of arsenic under a flooded environment. Placing the arsenic-contaminated sediment in an upland environment reduced both the phytotoxicity and bioaccumulation of arsenic in the freshwater marsh plant Cyperus esculentus.  相似文献   

The use of ultra filtration in trace metal speciation studies in sea water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During this work, size fractionation technique "ultra filtration" is used in speciation studies of trace elements in the coastal sea water. Filtration is the most commonly used method to fractionate trace metal species, but often only "dissolved" and "particulate" fraction. The purpose of the present study is to determine colloidal and suspended particulate concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Mn in sea water. Suspended particulate matter were separated in three different size groups namely (>2.7 microm, <2.7->0.45 microm and <0.45->0.22 microm) by suction filtration using cellulose acetate and nitrate filter membranes. Thereafter to concentrate the solution with colloidal particle <0.22 microm-1.1 nm (0.5 k Nominal Molecular Weight cut-off Limit {NMWL}), the solution obtained from filtration through <0.22 microm, is sequentially passed through the ultra-filtration membranes having pore diameters of 14 nm (300 k NMWL), 3.1 nm (50 k NMWL), 2.2 nm (30 k NMWL), 1.6 nm (10 k NMWL) and 1.1 nm (0.5 k NMWL) by using Stirred Ultra-filtration Cells, operating in concentration mode. The concentration of Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Mn were measured in suspended and dissolved fraction by ion chromatography, ICP-AES and Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. The salinity of the solution in various dissolved fractions of sequential filtration varies between 30.89-34.22 parts per thousand. The maximum concentrations of colloidal Zn, Cu, Ni and Mn in dissolved fraction were in <2.2->1.6 nm fraction. In case of Fe, colloidal fractions <2.2->1.6 nm and <1.6-<1.1 nm shows higher concentration. The concentration of Zn, Cu, Ni and Mn increase with decrease in size in suspended particulate matter, while the reverse is observed in case of Fe. This size separation data that specifies the partitioning of metals between dissolved and suspended solid phases is necessary for developing physically based models of metal transport in aquatic system.  相似文献   

The contamination of aquatic ecosystems by organic contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is a matter of great concern. Mussels have been extensively used as sentinel species in a large number of monitoring programs. However, the use of bivalves as the sole species has some limitations, because they are not as responsive as fish to Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor agonists. Hence, for many marine areas, there is the need to validate new sentinel fish species that can be used in the assessment of pollution by organic contaminants. The shanny Lipophrys pholis is an intertidal fish that combines many characteristics required in a sentinel species: is abundant and easy to catch, has a wide geographical distribution and restrict home range. After larvae recruitment to the intertidal rocky shores, they remain in the same area for the rest of the life-cycle, thus reflecting local pollutants exposure. In order to evaluate the species sensitivity to organic contaminants under field conditions, L. pholis were collected at six sites reflecting different degrees of anthropogenic contamination. The induction of two biomarkers extensively validated in the assessment of PAHs contamination ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity (EROD) and Fluorescent Aromatic Compounds (FACs) was evaluated. In parallel, mussels were collected at the same locations and levels of 16 PAHs and selected heavy metals determined. Overall, the specimens collected in the urban areas showed a significant induction of EROD and FACs (up to a six-fold induction) if compared with the reference sites. Additionally, a positive correlation was observed between the biomarkers and PAHs levels in mussel tissues. Even though further validation is currently in progress, the available data indicate that L. pholis is responsive to organic contaminants such as PAHs, suggesting its future integration in monitoring programmes designed to evaluate the presence of these contaminants in European marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Detailed understanding of habitat associations of endangered species is essential for the development of sound conservation and habitat management plans. We assessed seasonal habitat requirement of a poorly known forest ungulate, Chinese goral Naemorhedus griseus, in Tangjiahe National Reserve, western China from December 2005 to November 2006. Transect surveys were conducted across the elevational range of the mountains to locate the droppings and traces left by the gorals as the indicators of their habitat use. The results showed that the species appeared at the sites with lower slope position and closer to road in winter than those in the two other seasons. At the same time, in summer, Chinese gorals were found at the stands with steep slope degree compared to in spring.  相似文献   

An integrated assessment of sediment quality in the Guadiamar River after a mining spill was conducted. The concentration of different metals and other conventional parameters were measured in sediments located along the river. Four sediment toxicity tests (Hyalella azteca 28-day survival and growth test; Chironomus riparius 10-day survival and growth test; Hexagenia spp. 21-day survival and growth test; and Tubifex tubifex 28-day reproduction and survival test) were carried out to determine the effects associated with the accidental spill. The geochemical fractions of 6 metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd) were determined to establish the bioavailability of the metals. The relationship found in the concentrations of metals associated with the mobile fractions of the sediments in the sites studied is similar to the toxic mud from tailing pond and confirms that the toxic effects are associated with the metals Zn and Cd originating from the spill.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - Better understanding the pathways through which future socioeconomic changes might influence land use and land cover changes (LULCCs) is a crucial step in accurately...  相似文献   

A method is described that allows rapid and easy calculation of collective dose. Doses for inhalation of 131I and its ingestion with milk for the Windscale accident of 1957 are calculated as an example. They show good agreement with values obtained in a more detailed analysis. The method should provide reliable estimates when activity is evenly dispersed or when population and land use are fairly evenly distributed. In other circumstances, useful upper and lower limits of collective dose can be readily estimated.  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation of Sb, Sn, As, Fe, Ni, Mn, Pb, Cu, and Zn in mosses from polluted and unpolluted areas of the southern parts of Nigeria is presented. Results of the moss samples show strong variations in the concentration of metal ions with type of sampling sites. The concentration of accumulated heavy metals also differs in various moss species from the same biotope. Bryidae mnium is a better accumulator of heavy metals than Tetraphidae tetraphis, as evidenced from the interspecies calibration between the two moss samples.  相似文献   

The usefulness of uranium concentration in soil solution or recovered by selective extraction as unequivocal bioavailability indices for uranium uptake by plants is still unclear. The aim of the present study was to test if the uranium concentration measured by the diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT) technique is a relevant substitute for plant uranium availability in comparison to uranium concentration in the soil solution or uranium recovered by ammonium acetate. Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. var. Melvina) is grown in greenhouse on a range of uranium spiked soils. The DGT-recovered uranium concentration (CDGT) was correlated with uranium concentration in the soil solution or with uranium recovered by ammonium acetate extraction. Plant uptake was better predicted by the summed soil solution concentrations of UO22+, uranyl carbonate complexes and UO2PO4. The DGT technique did not provide significant advantages over conventional methods to predict uranium uptake by plants.  相似文献   

Enshi prefecture of Hubei Province is well known for human selenium (Se) poisoning in the early 1960s in China. Sporadic cases of Se poisoning in livestocks are still being found. In this study, Se levels in water, cropland soils and various crops from high-Se areas of Enshi were measured to investigate the distribution and bioavailability of Se in the environments, as well as probable daily intake (PDI) of Se for local residents. The total Se in surface water ranged from 2.0 to 519.3 μg/L with a geometric mean of 46.0 ± 127.8 μg/L (n = 48), 70.5–99.5% of which was present in the form of Se(VI). The soil Se concentration varied from 2.89 to 87.3 μg/g with a geometric mean of 9.36 ± 18.6 μg/g (n = 45), and most of Se was associated with organic matter (OM-Se). The total Se in rice, corn, and vegetable samples were 2.11 ± 2.87 μg/g (n = 21), 3.76 ± 11.6 μg/g (n = 16), and 2.09 ± 3.38 μg/g (n = 25), respectively. Stream water Se is likely leached from carbonaceous shale and mine wastes, leading to Se accumulation in paddy soils. OM-Se may play an important role in Se uptake by rice plant in high-Se area of Enshi.The PDI of Se is approximately 2144 μg/day, and Se concentration in blood is estimated at about 3248 μg/L, posing a potential chronic Se poisoning risk to local residents. Cereal consumption (48.5%) makes a great contribution to human daily Se intake, followed by vegetables (36.6%), meats (8.5%), and drinking water (6.4%). However, when assessing health risk on human in high-Se areas, the contribution of drinking water to daily Se intake cannot be ignored due to high Se content and dominant Se(VI) species. Local inhabitants should be advised not to grow crops in high-Se lands or irrigate using high-Se water. If possible, they should drink pipe water and consume foods mixed with those from outside the high-Se areas.  相似文献   

Aquatic macrophytes are unchangeable biological filters and they carry out purification of the water bodies by accumulating dissolved metals and toxins in their tissue. In view of their potential to entrap several toxic heavy metals, 45 macrophytes belonging to 8 families collected from two different physiographic locations (36 from Sevan Lake, Armenia; 9 from Carambolim Lake, Old Goa, India) were studied for estimation of 14 heavy metals. The study was aimed at understanding the importance of these macrophytes in accumulation of toxic metals and controlling the heavy metal pollution and suggesting the remedial measures, if any, for the preservation and restoration of lake ecosystem. Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometric (ICP-AES) analyses of these aquatic macrophytes have shown the importance of aquatic macrophytes in accumulation of heavy metals and maintaining the clarity of water bodies beside their role in trophic systems. Accumulation of most of the heavy metals was higher in root system. The representative macrophytes from two different physiographic locations show similar trends and order in accumulating different metals generally. Of the 14 metals investigated, 9 (Ca, Fe, Al, Cr, Cu, Ba, Ti, Co and Pb) showed higher rates of accumulation in the root whereas 3 (Mn, Zn and Mg) showed more accumulation in stem and 1 (Ca) showed higher accumulation in the leaves. In most of the samples Cu was accumulated more in the roots (50+/-47.15 microg/g) and less in flowers (9.52+/-3.97 microg/g). Occurrence of heavy metal was much higher in macrophytes of Sevan Lake than that of the Carambolim Lake. The accumulation of 14 elements was in order of Ca>Mg>Fe>Al>Mn>Ba>Zn>Ti>Cu>Cr>Co>Ni>Pb>Cd. The present study revealed that the aquatic macrophytes play a very significant role in removing the different metals from the ambient environments. They probably play a major role in reducing the effect of high concentration of heavy metals. Therefore, the macrophyte community of the Sevan Lake area needs to be protected and restored on a priority basis. Accumulation of highly toxic metals like--Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni was lower as compared to the essential metals like Ca, Fe and Mn in all the macrophytes from both the lake systems, consequently high metal concentrations observed in both the areas may not directly reflect on the pollution level.  相似文献   

The production and discharge of liquid radioactive wastes as excreta from patients undergoing Nuclear Medicine Diagnostic (NMD) in a hospital were studied. Instantaneous and accumulated activity, discharged from the hospital to the sewage system, has been estimated keeping in mind radionuclide decay. This study would enable estimation of the environmental impact due to NMD procedures. Annual accumulated activities of 2.2GBq ((131)I), 1.847GBq ((99m)Tc), 0.743GBq ((123)I), 0.337GBq ((67)Ga), 0.169GBq ((111)In) and 0.033GBq ((201)Tl) result from our model when applied to a European hospital. A comparison is made with calculations by other authors that do not consider the radionuclide decay and who overestimate by two orders of magnitude. Doses to critical people as sewage treatment workers are also significantly reduced. So, our results stress the importance of including the decay in the calculations.  相似文献   

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