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中国专家日前对记者说,中国将在第26次南极考察期间,在位于东南极的中山站全面建设极区地球空间环境实验室。  相似文献   

环境教育在中学教育中日益受到重视,地理教育由于其自身的特点和优势,在中学环境教育中担负着其他学科不可替代的重要责任。尽管地理课堂教学是渗透环境教育的主渠道,但由于环境科学具有实践性和社会性的特点,要想使环境教育转化为良好的环境行为,还必须在地理课外活动渗透环境教育。目前对青少年进行环境教育的目的分为三个层次,即使受  相似文献   

论中师环境教育的重要意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘亮 《四川环境》1999,18(2):73-75
本文从中师的根本任务,教育观念的转变,初步分析了环境教育与中师“两个适应,一个服务”的内在联系;探讨中师进行环境教育的重要意义  相似文献   

<正>近些年来,环境污染事故频繁发生,特别是水域的污染,更是触目惊心。2005年的松花江污染事件,敲响了重大环境污染事故的警钟;2009年,盐城市标新化工有限公司向河里偷排污水,造成盐城两个水厂的水源地受到污染,致使市区大面积断水,引发了轰动全国的公共事件;2010年紫金山铜矿湿法厂污水池发生渗漏,汀江受到了严重污染,汀江沿岸以养鱼为生的渔民损失惨重,几乎所有养殖鱼全部死亡;2010年7月,大连新港输油管线爆炸起火造成附近至少50平方公里海域油污污染,海水附着油沫最厚处可达3 0厘米。种种污染事故  相似文献   

正20世纪80年代北京市各区县曾经红红火火地开办了环保兴趣班,但在不到20年的时间里,大部分青少年科技馆的环保兴趣班都萎缩、甚至消失,只有西城区青少年科技馆环保兴趣班硕果仅存,这与当前社会在广泛关注环保的大好形势完全不符。一、研究意义1.适应校外科技场馆建设的需要国家一直以来高度重视面向青少年校外科技教育场馆的建设,在《中国青少年科学技术普及活动指导纲要(2001—2005年)》中就指出:各级政府要重视青少年科技场馆建设,并将其纳入当地城市和社区发展的整体规划。有条件的地区可单独设立中小学科技教育示范点或科技教育中心,并且充分利用其辐射功能。为此,课  相似文献   

巫勇 《环境教育》2012,(10):68-70
开展农村环境连片整治,既是一项环境治理工程,也是一项重大的惠民生态工程,湖北省的环境宣传教育工作有效地推动了农村环保的进行。湖北省开展农村环境连片整治示范工作以来,省环保厅把宣教作为农村环保工作重要着力点,突出加强了农村环境保护宣教工作,围绕农村环保工作重点任务,创新思路,奋发作为,积极营造团结向上、鼓舞斗志、激情进取的事业氛围,努力宣扬改革创新、服务发展、环保惠民的先进典型,为加强农村环境保护和促进全省农村环境连片整治示范工作营造了良好的舆论环境。农村环境宣传教育成为了农村环境综合整治工  相似文献   

对一种新型的温湿度调节器──PCTH-3温湿度调节器的输入和输出功能、显示功能以及操作方法作了详细的介绍,并对该调节器在交变湿热试验箱和温度变化试验箱上的应用作了较详细的举例。  相似文献   

美国曾经在环境保护和治理污染上做出了卓越的成绩,但是如今环境议题成为撕裂美国的重要议题。美国的共和党和民主党在环境议题上互相牵制,难以达成共识。最近,美国特朗普总统宣布退出应对气候变化的《巴黎协定》就是这种分歧的表现。但当美国1970年代开始环境立法治理污染的时候,美国社会上下和两大党之间高度一致。在此后,因为环境思想上的差异和代际转变,政党斗争、选举体制、利益集团等多方面原因,美国不同政治势力在环境议题上越发分裂。美国在环境议题上的分歧对中国如今解决环境问题有重要的启示意义:首先,现在我国社会上下一致应对环境问题的广泛共识很宝贵,应该抓住难得的机遇期,为未来环境治理积极立法,留下宝贵法治遗产。另一方面,随着人们在环境议题上的利益变得多元,中国应该在环境治理上整合各方面利益,防止中国未来的环保事业被利益集团绑架。最后,中国应该明确环境议题的概念远远大于治理污染,为未来环境事业扩展空间。  相似文献   

周建 《环境教育》2014,(1):17-17
首先,祝贺环境文化教育专家委员会成立,并祝贺环境教育年会召开!特别要感谢在方方面面推进环保工作的各界人士,特别是一大批中小学的老师,以及关心环境教育事业的老同志,老专家。  相似文献   

生态环境科技成果转化是生态环境科技创新活动全过程的"最后一公里",决定着科技创新的成败,对打好污染防治攻坚战起着重要的支撑作用。本文依据成果转化法,按照系统工程方法进行生态环境科技成果转化顶层设计研究,界定了生态环境科技成果转化的内涵,系统提出了技术评估、二次开发、技术交易、产业孵化四环节转化内容,明晰了相关方的职责,分析了存在的问题,并提出相应对策,以期为我国的生态环境科技成果转化工作提供有益借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Commercialization of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have sparked profound controversies concerning adequate approaches to risk regulation. Scientific uncertainty and ambiguity, omitted research areas, and lack of basic knowledge crucial to risk assessmentshave become apparent. The objective of this article is to discuss the policy and practical implementation of the Precautionary Principle. A major conclusion is that the void in scientific understanding concerning risks posed by secondary effects and the complexity ofcause-effect relations warrant further research. Initiatives to approach the acceptance or rejection of a number of risk-associated hypotheses is badly needed. Further, since scientific advice plays a key role in GMOregulations, scientists have a responsibility to address and communicate uncertainty to policy makers and the public. Hence, the acceptance of uncertainty is not only a scientific issue, but is related to public policy and involves an ethical dimension.  相似文献   

It is increasingly clear that a wide range of stakeholders should be included in the problem formulation phase of research aimed at solving environmental problems; indeed the inclusion of stakeholders at this stage has been formalized as an integral part of ecological risk assessment. In this paper, we advocate the additional inclusion of stakeholders in the refinement of research methods and protocols and in the execution of the research, rather than just at the final communication and reporting phase. We use a large study of potential radionuclide levels in marine biota around Amchitka Island as a case study. Amchitka Island, in the Aleutian Island Chain of Alaska, was the site of three underground nuclear tests (1965-1971). The overall objective of the biological component of the study was to collect a range of marine biota for radionuclide analysis that could provide data for assessing current food safety and provide a baseline for developing a plan to monitor human and ecosystem health in perpetuity. Stakeholders, including regulators (State of Alaska), resource trustees (US Fish and Wildlife Service, State of Alaska), representatives of the Aleut and Pribilof Island communities, the Department of Energy (DOE), and others, were essential for plan development. While these stakeholders were included in the initial problem formulation and approved science plan, we also included them in the refinement of protocols, selection of bioindicators, selection of a reference site, choice of methods of collection, and in the execution of the study itself. Meetings with stakeholders resulted in adding (or deleting) bioindicator species and tissues, prioritizing target species, refining sampling methods, and recruiting collection personnel. Some species were added because they were important subsistence foods for the Aleuts, and others were added because they were ecological equivalents to replace species deleted because of low population numbers. Two major refinements that changed the research thrust were (1) the inclusion of Aleut hunters and fishers on the biological expedition itself to ensure that subsistence foods and methods were represented, and (2) the addition of a fisheries biologist on a NOAA research trawler to allow sampling of commercial fishes. Although the original research design called for the collection of biota by Aleut subsistence fishermen, and by a commercial fishing boat, the research was modified with continued stakeholder input to actually include Aleuts and a fisheries biologist on the expeditions to ensure their representation. The inclusion of stakeholders during the development of protocols and the research itself improved the overall quality of the investigation, while making it more relevant to the interested and affected parties. Final responsibility for the design and execution of the research and radionuclide analysis rested with the researchers, but the process of stakeholder inclusion made the research more valuable as a source of credible information and for public policy decisions.  相似文献   

黑龙江省在开展对俄科技合作中充分利用地缘和历史渊源的优势,采取技贸结合、产学研结合等多种方式,形成了全方位、多渠道、多形式的科技交流合作新局面.借鉴博弈论和区域经济学的观点,以黑龙江省与俄罗斯煤炭合作的利益博弈为基础,探讨了煤炭技术发展水平不同的两地在参与区域煤炭合作时应采取的不同策略,以此为两地区域科技合作提供借鉴.  相似文献   

阐述了环境科技工作的重要意义,近年来环境科技工作的进展和存在问题,部署了下一步的重点工作。  相似文献   

了解我国资源环境领域的研究热点及走向,可为该领域的论文选题、科研立项和学科规划提供参考信息和决策依据。本文采用共词分析法,Excel、SPSS等软件,对CNKI数据库中的相关文献进行统计。通过分析得出高频关键词并建立共词矩阵,进一步对高频词共词矩阵进行聚类分析和战略坐标图分析,得出资源环境领域的研究热点主要集中在人口资源环境与经济可持续发展、城市化与中国资源环境/水资源环境协调发展、资源环境约束或人地关系视角下的产业结构优化和城镇化发展、资源环境承载力评价指标体系与问题对策、经济增长与生态足迹关系、生态文明视角下的资源环境保护与管理等几大主题上。其中,前两个主题处于整个领域的核心地位,得到较深入的研究,后四个主题研究不够深入,仍有许多值得研究的地方。  相似文献   

Mussoorie, a hill resort in the Garhwal Himalaya reveals the changing trends and impacts of tourist activity on its environment. This study was carried out during 1993–1994 and it showed that while Mussoorie had a permanent residential population of 25400 during the winter months, in the peak tourist season of May and June the population exceeded 200000 per month. Because of this huge influx of tourists the demand for lodges/hotels and other related infra-structure and super-structure facilities and amenities in the area was enormous, and it imposed a great stress on the natural environment.The data collected showed that from 1958 to 1988 the number of tourists had increased gradually but that from 1989 tourism in the town escalated following the political disturbances in the Kashmir Valley. The main purpose of the tourism was recreation (80%). It was recorded that the greatest number (60%) of the tourists were middle aged, 53% of the tourists worked in professional services. The majority of the tourists preferred to use the indigenous hotels and about 96% of the tourists used a private vehicle rather than public transport.The installation of modern tourist related facilities and infra-structure has led to the aesthetic degradation of the landscape. Tourist facility development is often disorderly and scattered. To reduce the traffic to Mussoorie town it is suggested that some nearby places like Dhanolti and Park estate should be developed for tourism.  相似文献   

环境类高等职业教育具有鲜明的非行业背景和人才需求领域广泛而应用岗位相对集中的特殊性。在对国内部分环境类高职院校和环境类高职专业就产学研用合作机制及运行模式实地调研的基础上,对现存的环境类高职院校产学研用合作模式进行了深入分析,提出了"依托政府,实施‘双轨并行’工学结合"的产学研用合作机制与运行模式。  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that recreation use in natural environments results in some degree of negative social and environmental impact. Environmental managers are tasked with mitigating the impact while providing beneficial recreation opportunities. Research on the factors that influence visitors' perceptions of environmental and social conditions is necessary to inform sound environmental management of protected natural areas. This study examines the effect of prior experience with the setting and two dimensions of place attachment (i.e., place identity and place dependence) on visitors' perceptions of three types of recreation impacts (i.e., depreciative behavior, environmental impacts, and recreation conflict). Principal components analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling were used to test the study hypotheses using data collected from 351 visitors through on-site questionnaires (response rate of 93 percent). The results show that prior experience exhibited a moderate and significant direct positive effect on place identity, place dependence, and visitors' perceptions of recreation impacts. Contrary to study hypotheses and prior research, neither place dependence nor place identity exhibited a significant effect on the dependent variables. The results show that prior experience causes visitors to be more sensitive to depreciative behaviors, environmental impacts, and recreation conflict. These findings raise concerns over potential visitor displacement and deterioration of site conditions. Implications for resource managers are discussed, which include education, modifying visitor use patterns, and site design strategies.  相似文献   

准确把握历史逻辑和深刻内涵是学习贯彻习近平生态文明思想的重要前提。本文从中国共产党实践、发扬马克思主义关于人与自然关系的思想视角,以百年时间轴为主线,回顾了中国共产党重视生态文明建设的历史和不同阶段特征,系统梳理了习近平生态文明思想的历史逻辑和理论体系,总结概括出我国生态文明建设取得的实践效果,并提出以习近平生态文明思想为引领,持续改善生态环境质量,推动形成绿色低碳发展全球共识,分享可持续发展中国方案的路径和趋势,共谋全球生态文明建设。  相似文献   

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