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The widespread use of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) as dry cleaning solvents and degreasing agents for military and industrial applications has resulted in significant environmental contamination worldwide. Anaerobic biotransformation of PCE and TCE through reductive dechlorination frequently lead to the accumulation of dichloroethenes (DCEs), thus limiting the use of reductive dechlorination for the biotransformation of the compounds. In this study, seven bacteria indigenous to contaminated sites in Africa were characterized for DCE degradation under aerobic conditions. The specific growth rate constants of the bacterial isolates ranged between 0.346-0.552d(-1) and 0.461-0.667d(-1) in cis-DCE and trans-DCE, respectively. Gas chromatographic analysis revealed that up to 75% of the compounds were degraded within seven days with the degradation rate constants ranging between 0.167 and 0.198d(-1). The two compounds were also observed to be significantly degraded, simultaneously, rather than sequentially, when present as a mixture. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences of the bacterial isolates revealed their identity as well as their relation to other environmentally-important bacteria. The observed biodegradation of DCEs may contribute to PCE and TCE removal at the aerobic fringe of groundwater plumes undergoing reductive dechlorination in contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation of mecoprop has been studied by determining changes in enantiomeric fraction in different redox environments down gradient from a landfill in the Lincolnshire limestone. Such changes could be due to differential metabolism of the enantiomers, or enantiomeric inversion. In order to confirm the processes occurring in the field, microcosm experiments were undertaken using limestone acclimatised in different redox zones. No biodegradation was observed in the methanogenic, sulphate-reducing or iron-reducing microcosms. In the nitrate-reducing microcosm (S)-mecoprop did not degrade but (R)-mecoprop degraded with zero order kinetics at 0.65 mg l(-1)day(-1) to produce a stoichiometric equivalent amount of 4-chloro-2-methylphenol. This metabolite only degraded when the (R)-mecoprop disappeared. In aerobic conditions (S)- and (R)-mecoprop degraded with zero order kinetics at rates of 1.90 and 1.32 mg l(-1)day(-1) respectively. The addition of nitrate to dormant iron-reducing microcosms devoid of nitrate stimulated anaerobic degradation of (R)-mecoprop after a lag period of about 20 days and was associated with the production of 4-chloro-2-methylphenol. Nitrate addition to sulphate-reducing/methanogenic microcosms did not stimulate mecoprop degradation. However, the added nitrate was completely utilised in oxidising sulphide to sulphate. There was no evidence for enantiomeric inversion. The study reveals new evidence for fast enantioselective degradation of (R)-mecoprop under nitrate-reducing conditions.  相似文献   

Prince RC  Haitmanek C  Lee CC 《Chemosphere》2008,71(8):1446-1451
We describe the primary aerobic biodegradation of a B20 fuel (20% soybean fatty acid methyl esters, 80% petroleum diesel) by unacclimated inocula from a rainwater detention pond. Biodegradation was rapid and essentially complete, with an overall median 'half-life', at approximately 100 ppm B20, of 6.8 days (n=34). Using purge-and-trap and extraction methodologies, both coupled to GC/MS, and hexachloroethane and hexachlorobenzene as conserved internal markers in the B20, we followed the biodegradation of total detectable material, 76 individual analytes and eight undifferentiated groups of isomers, and calculated their half-lives under these conditions. The fatty acid methyl esters, n-alkanes and iso-alkanes, and simple and alkylated aromatic compounds were the most readily degraded compounds, followed by the naphthenes. The last (identified) compounds to be degraded were ethylalkanes, trisubstituted cyclohexanes and decalins, but even these disappeared with an apparent 'half-life' of <30 days.  相似文献   

Matsushita T  Matsui Y  Saeki R  Inoue T 《Chemosphere》2005,61(8):1134-1141
Previous studies have revealed that the mutagenicity of fenitrothion increases during anaerobic biodegradation, suggesting that this insecticide's mutagenicity could effectively increase after it pollutes anaerobic environments such as lake sediments. To investigate possible changes to the mutagenicity of fenitrothion under aerobic conditions after it had already been increased by anaerobic biodegradation, batch incubation cultures were maintained under aerobic conditions. The mutagenicity, which had increased during anaerobic biodegradation, decreased under aerobic conditions with aerobic or facultative bacteria, but did not disappear completely in 22 days. In contrast, it did not change under aerobic conditions without bacteria or under continued anaerobic conditions. These observations suggest that the mutagenicity of anaerobically metabolized fenitrothion would not necessarily decrease after it arrives in an aerobic environment: this would depend on the presence of suitable bacteria. Therefore, fenitrothion-derived mutagenic compounds may pollute the water environment, including our drinking water sources, after accidental pollution of aerobic waters. Although amino-fenitrothion generated during anaerobic biodegradation of fenitrothion was the principal mutagen, non-trivial contributions of other, unidentified metabolites to the mutagenicity were also observed.  相似文献   

硝基芳香化合物是环境中难降解的有机污染物之一 ,对环境的污染日益严重 ,利用生物技术对这类有机物进行降解是行之有效的新途径。针对几种单环硝基芳香化合物好氧降解的微生物、降解途径以及降解过程中的主要酶、降解性质粒、基因定位等分子遗传学的研究进展进行了综述  相似文献   

The effect of cable oil concentration, nutrient amendment and bioaugmentation on cable oil component biodegradation in a pristine agricultural soil was investigated. Biodegradation potential was evaluated over 21 d by measuring cumulative CO2 respiration on a Micro-Oxymax respirometer and 14C-phenyldodecane mineralisation using a 14C-respirometric assay. Cable oil concentration had a significant effect upon oil biodegradation. Microbial respiratory activity increased with increasing cable oil concentration, whereas 14C-phenydodecane mineralisation decreased. Bioaugmentation achieved the best cable oil biodegradation performance, resulting in increases in cumulative CO2 respiration, and maximum rates and extents of 14C-phenyldodecane mineralisation. Generally, nutrient amendment also enhanced cable oil biodegradation, but not to the extent that degrader amendment did. Cable oil biodegradation was a function of (i) cable oil concentration and (ii) catabolic ability of microbial populations. Bioaugmentation may enhance cable oil biodegradation, and is dependent upon composition, cell number and application of catabolic inocula to soil.  相似文献   

废水中苯胺的好氧共代谢降解实验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
微生物共代谢是废水中难降解性有机物生物降解的重要方式.比较了在以苯胺溶液作为惟一碳源与能源和有共代谢底物存在下苯胺的降解过程.结果表明,共代谢显著地提高了苯胺的降解率,在32℃恒温条件下、利用葡萄糖作生长基质、且与苯胺的质量比为1:6、72 h后,苯胺的降解率最高可达75.6%.再加人蛋白胨做氮源后,苯胺的降解率可提高到82.9%,COD的去除率达55.4%.  相似文献   

为了生态厕所的推广使用、便于操作和节约能耗,多采用无加热的设施,即在自然条件下(对于小型生态厕所,接近中温条件)的好氧堆肥处理.了解中温好氧堆肥过程有机物的降解特性,对于生态厕所的推广使用和简化设计、操作等具有重要意义.采用密闭式好氧堆肥反应器,模拟中温(35℃)的堆肥温度,以新鲜锯末为空白载体,在含水率为60%以及连...  相似文献   

The remediation of nitroaromatic contaminated groundwater is sometimes difficult because nitroaromatic compounds are resistant to biodegradation and, when they do transform, the degradation of the products may also be incomplete. A simple nitroaromatic compound, nitrobenzene, was chosen to assess the feasibility of an in situ multi-zone treatment system at the laboratory scale. The proposed treatment system consists of a zero valent granular iron zone to reduce nitrobenzene to aniline, followed by a passive oxygen release zone for the aerobic biodegradation of the aniline daughter product using pristine aquifer material from Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden, Ontario, as an initial microbial source. In laboratory batch experiments, nitrobenzene was found to reduce quickly in the presence of granular iron forming aniline, which was not further degraded but remained partially sorbed onto the granular iron surface. Aniline was found to be readily biodegraded with little metabolic lag under aerobic conditions using the pristine aquifer material. A sequential column experiment, containing a granular iron reducing zone and an aerobic biodegradation zone, successively degraded nitrobenzene and then aniline to below detection limits (0.5 microM) without any noticeable reduction in hydraulic conductivity from biofouling, or through the formation of precipitates.  相似文献   

The enriched mixed culture aerobic and anaerobic bacteria from agricultural soils were used to study the degradation of endosulfan (ES) in aqueous and soil slurry environments. The extent of biodegradation was ∼95% in aqueous and ∼65% in soil slurry during 15 d in aerobic studies and, ∼80% in aqueous and ∼60% in soil slurry during 60 d in anaerobic studies. The pathways of aerobic and anaerobic degradation of ES were modeled using combination of Monod no growth model and first order kinetics. The rate of biodegradation of β-isomer was faster compared to α-isomer. Conversion of ES to endosulfan sulfate (ESS) and endosulfan diol (ESD) were the rate limiting steps in aerobic medium and, the hydrolysis of ES to ESD was the rate limiting step in anaerobic medium. The mass balance indicated further degradation of endosulfan ether (ESE) and endosulfan lactone (ESL), but no end-products were identified. In the soil slurries, the rates of degradation of sorbed contaminants were slower. As a result, net rate of degradation reduced, increasing the persistence of the compounds. The soil phase degradation rate of β-isomer was slowed down more compared with α-isomer, which was attributed to its higher partition coefficient on the soil.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional steady state vapor intrusion model including both anaerobic and oxygen-limited aerobic biodegradation was developed. The aerobic and anaerobic layer thickness are calculated by stoichiometrically coupling the reactive transport of vapors with oxygen transport and consumption. The model accounts for the different oxygen demand in the subsurface required to sustain the aerobic biodegradation of the compound(s) of concern and for the baseline soil oxygen respiration. In the case of anaerobic reaction under methanogenic conditions, the model accounts for the generation of methane which leads to a further oxygen demand, due to methane oxidation, in the aerobic zone. The model was solved analytically and applied, using representative parameter ranges and values, to identify under which site conditions the attenuation of hydrocarbons migrating into indoor environments is likely to be significant. Simulations were performed assuming a soil contaminated by toluene only, by a BTEX mixture, by Fresh Gasoline and by Weathered Gasoline. The obtained results have shown that for several site conditions oxygen concentration below the building is sufficient to sustain aerobic biodegradation. For these scenarios the aerobic biodegradation is the primary mechanism of attenuation, i.e. anaerobic contribution is negligible and a model accounting just for aerobic biodegradation can be used. On the contrary, in all cases where oxygen is not sufficient to sustain aerobic biodegradation alone (e.g. highly contaminated sources), anaerobic biodegradation can significantly contribute to the overall attenuation depending on the site specific conditions.  相似文献   

The primary aerobic and anaerobic biodegradability at intermediate concentrations (50-5000 microg/l) of the antibiotics olaquindox (OLA), metronidazole (MET), tylosin (TYL) and oxytetracycline (OTC) was studied in a simple shake flask system simulating the conditions in surface waters. The purpose of the study was to provide rate data for primary biodegradation in the scenario where antibiotics pollute surface waters as a result of run-off from arable land. The source of antibiotics may be application of manure as fertilizer or excreta of grazing animals. Assuming first-order degradation kinetics, ranges of half-lives for aerobic degradation of the four antibiotics studied were 4-8 days (OLA), 9.5-40 days (TYL), 14-104 days (MET) and 42-46 days (OTC). OLA and OTC were degraded with no initial lag phase whereas lag phases from 2 to 34 days (MET) and 31 to 40 days (TYL) were observed for other substances. The biodegradation behaviour was influenced by neither the concentrations of antibiotics nor the time of the year and location for sampling of surface water. Addition of 1 g/l of sediment or 3 mg/l of activated sludge from wastewater treatment increased the biodegradation potential which is believed to be the result of increased bacterial concentration in the test solution. Biodegradation was significantly slower in tests conducted in absence of oxygen. Assessments of the toxic properties of antibiotics by studying the influence on the biodegradation rates of 14C-aniline at different concentrations of antibiotics showed that no tests were conducted at toxic concentrations.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ability of a saponin-based microbubble suspension to enhance aerobic biodegradation of phenanthrene by subsurface delivery. As the microbubble suspension flowed through a sand column pressure buildup and release was repeatedly observed, which delivered oxygen to the less permeable regions. Burkholderia cepacia RPH1, a phenanthrene-degrading bacterium, was mainly transported in a suspended form in the microbubble suspension. When three pore volumes of the microbubble suspension containing B. cepacia RPH1 was introduced into a column contaminated with phenanthrene (100 mg/kg), the oxygen content declined to 5% from an initial value of 20% within 5 days and correspondingly, 34.4% of initial phenanthrene was removed in 8 days. The addition of two further three pore volumes enhanced the biodegradation efficiency by a factor of 2.2. Our data suggest that a saponin-based microbubble suspension could be a potential carrier for enhancing the aerobic biodegradation under an oxygen-limiting environment.  相似文献   

Eighty-seven dyestuffs have been tested in short-term aerobic biodegradation tests. The results confirmed that dyestuffs are most unlikely to show any significant biodegradation in such tests. With many dyestuffs a substantial colour removal was observed which may be attributed to the elimination of the dyes by adsorption. In some cases DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon) removal did not correlate with colour removal and this is attributed to the presence of non-coloured organic components in the dyestuff.  相似文献   

Kinetics of aerobic biodegradation have been investigated for twenty aromatic species using sludges collected from the aeration basin of municipal sewage treatment plants. The reproducibility of the results is tested with respect to the sludges period of collection and the wastewater treatment plant where they are taken. The comparison of kinetic constants, estimated for the investigated chemicals, allows to evaluate the reactivity effect of single groups (i.e., -OH, -CH3, -Cl, -NO2) into the aromatic structures. The search for easy structure-reactivity relationships is also attempted by means of contributing group methods.  相似文献   

采用类Fenton氧化-好氧移动床生物膜(MBBR)法处理难降解抗生素发酵废水,探讨了H2O2和草酸投加量对类Fenton氧化工艺以及HRT和曝气量对好氧MBBR反应器的影响.实验结果表明,当类Fenton氧化工艺的最佳操作参数为反应溶液H2O2和草酸初始质量浓度分别为150、45 mg/L、30 W/154 nm紫外灯照射1 h、pH为3.0,在曝气搅拌条件下,COD平均去除率为80.9%.当类Fenton氧化工艺出水pH在7.0时,废水中的污染物还可以进一步被混凝去除.好氧MBBR反应器的最佳工艺参数为HRT 12 h、曝气量0.10 m3/h以及填料填充比(体积比)30%,最终废水COD平均去除率为99.1%,达到<污水综合排放标准>(GB 8978-1996)三级标准要求.  相似文献   



This study investigated the acute effect of benzo[a]anthracene, a significant compound among polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, on the biodegradation of a synthetic organic substrate??a peptone/meat extract mixture??under aerobic conditions.


A laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor was sustained at steady state at a sludge age of 10?days with substrate feeding. Inhibition tests involved running a series of batch reactors initially seeded with the biomass obtained from the parent reactor. After the biomass seeding, the reactors were started with the peptone mixture and a range of initial benzo[a]anthracene concentrations between 0.5 and 88?mg/L. Experimental profiles of oxygen uptake rates and polyhydroxyalkanoates were evaluated by calibration of a selected model.


Lower doses of benzo[a]anthracene had no effect on process kinetics. The noticeable acute impact was only observed with the addition of 88?mg/L of benzo[a]anthracene, but it was limited with the storage mechanism: the amount of organic substrate diverted to polyhydroxyalkanoates was significantly reduced with a corresponding decrease in the maximum storage rate, k STO, from 2.7 down to 0.6?day?1. Similarly, the maximum growth rate from internally stored polyhydroxyalkanoates was lowered from 2.3 to 1.0?day?1.


Among the mechanisms for direct substrate utilization, only the hydrolysis rate was slightly reduced, but otherwise, the overall COD removal efficiency was not affected.  相似文献   

本文主要从三个方面总结了近几年国内外有关生物强化技术的应用情况 ,即直接投加特效降解微生物或共代谢基质、固定化技术和生物强化制剂来处理各种类型的废水。  相似文献   

在渗滤液处理现场进行了生物增效结合SBR-AO处理垃圾渗滤液的中试实验,对试验各段和整体工艺的运行条件和处理能力进行了测试分析:SBR段经过生物增效后,对NH3-N和BOD5的去除率分别达到89.0%和80.8%,明显优于未增效前的去除率。AO段试验结果显示,O池DO达到3.0 mg/L以上,经过生物增效可达最大NH3-N去除能力;A池硝化液回流比R值达到1.2时,系统的脱氮能力最大,而R值在0.4之内时,系统的去除COD能力达到最大。整体运行结果显示,当SBR-AO系统以脱氮为目的,系统对NH3-N的去除率可达98.8%,对TN的去除率可达82.6%;当SBR-AO系统以去除COD为目的,BOD5去除率可达94.0%,COD的去除率68.0%。  相似文献   

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