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Closed landfills need after-closure rehabilitation. The chosen option should ensure greenhouse gases release, from the landfill, is not promoted once settled. The objective of this study was to estimate and confront, during different seasons, CH4, CO2 and N2O emissions under three vegetation covers in a closed landfill in Buenos Aires, Argentina. CH4 (methane), CO2 (carbon dioxide) and N2O (nitrous oxide) emissions from landfill’s technosol under spontaneous vegetation (control), Pennisetum purpureum and Miscanthus giganteus (biomass crops), were quantified with non-steady-state non-flow-through chambers, in July 2014 and from February to July 2015. A linear regression analysis was performed to relate the variables “flux of a gas” and “concentration of that gas” from the 3 treatments and 6 dates, separating the 5 sampling times. A high correlation between concentrations and fluxes of CO2 and N2O was found, but no correlation was established for CH4. Mean emissions (2014–2015) varied from: ?2.3 to 639.41 mgCH4 m?2 day?1, 3884 to 46,365 mgCO2 m?2 day?1 and 0.40 to 14.59 mgN2O m?2 day?1. Vegetation covers had no significant effect on CH4 and N2O concentration in time, but they had on CO2 concentration. Season of the year had a significant effect on concentration of the three gases. This is the first study on CH4, CO2 and N2O emissions from a landfill closed 27 years ago covered with biomass crops.  相似文献   

Abandoned peat extraction areas are continuous emitters of GHGs; hence, abandonment of peat extraction areas should immediately be followed by conversion to an appropriate after-use. Our primary aim was to clarify the atmospheric impact of reed canary grass (RCG, Phalaris arundinacea L.) cultivation on an abandoned peat extraction area and to compare it to other after-treatment alternatives. We performed a life-cycle assessment for five different after-use options for a drained organic soil withdrawn from peat extraction: (I) bare peat soil (no management), (II) non-fertilised Phalaris cultivation, (III) fertilised Phalaris cultivation, (IV) afforestation, and (V) rewetting. Our results showed that on average the non-fertilised and fertilised Phalaris alternatives had a cooling effect on the atmosphere (?10,837 and ?477 kg CO2-eq ha?1 year?1, respectively), whereas afforestation, rewetting, and no-management alternatives contributed to global warming (9,511, 8,195, and 2,529 kg CO2-eq ha?1 year?1, respectively). The main components influencing the global warming potential of different after-use alternatives were site GHG emissions, carbon assimilation by plants, and emissions from combustion, while management-related emissions played a relatively minor role. The results of this study indicate that, from the perspective of atmospheric impact, the most suitable after-use option for an abandoned peat extraction area is cultivation of RCG.  相似文献   

Globally, more than 30 % of all food that is produced is ultimately lost and/or wasted through inefficiencies in the food supply chain. In the developed world this wastage is centred on the last stage in the supply chain; the end-consumer throwing away food that is purchased but not eaten. In contrast, in the developing world the bulk of lost food occurs in the early stages of the supply chain (production, harvesting and distribution). Excess food consumption is a similarly inefficient use of global agricultural production; with almost 1 billion people now classed as obese, 842 million people are suffering from chronic hunger. Given the magnitude of greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector, strategies that reduce food loss and wastage, or address excess caloric consumption, have great potential as effective tools in global climate change mitigation. Here, we examine the challenges of robust quantification of food wastage and consumption inefficiencies, and their associated greenhouse gas emissions, along the supply chain. We find that the quality and quantity of data are highly variable within and between geographical regions, with the greatest range tending to be associated with developing nations. Estimation of production-phase GHG emissions for food wastage and excess consumption is found to be similarly challenging on a global scale, with use of IPCC default (Tier 1) emission factors for food production being required in many regions. Where robust food waste data and production-phase emission factors do exist—such as for the UK—we find that avoiding consumer-phase food waste can deliver significant up-stream reductions in GHG emissions from the agricultural sector. Eliminating consumer milk waste in the UK alone could mitigate up to 200 Gg CO2e year?1; scaled up globally, we estimate mitigation potential of over 25,000 Gg CO2e year?1.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from agricultural farming practice contribute significantly to European GHG inventories. For example, CO2 is emitted when grassland is converted to cropland or when peatlands are drained and cultivated. N2O emissions result from fertilization. Enabling farmers to reduce their GHG emissions requires sufficient information about its pressure–impact relations as well as incentives, such as regulations and funding, that support climate-friendly agricultural management. This paper discusses potentials to improve the supply of information on: farm-specific climate services or impacts, present policy incentives in Germany and England that support climate-friendly farm management and related adaptation requirements. Tools which have been developed for a farm environmental management software (to be added after review because of potential identification) are presented. These tools assess CO2 emissions from grassland conversion to cropland and peatland cultivation, as well as N2O emissions from nitrogen fertilization. As input data, the CO2 tool requires a classification of soil types according to soil organic carbon storage. The input data based on soil profile samples was compared with reference data from the literature. The N2O tool relies on farm data concerning fertilization. These tools were tested on three farms in order to determine their viability with respect to the availability of required data and the differentiation of results, which determines how well site-specific conservation measures can be identified. Assessing CO2 retention function of grassland conservation to cropland on the test farms leads to spatially differentiated results (~100 to ~900 potentially mitigated t CO2 ha?1). Assessed N2O emissions varied from 0.41 to 1.1 t CO2eq. ha?1 a?1. The proposed methods support policies that promote a more differentiated funding of climate conservation measures. Conservation measures and areas can be selected so that they will have the greatest mitigation effects. However, even though present policy instruments in Germany and England, such as Cross Compliance and agri-environmental measures, have the potential to reduce agricultural GHG, they do not appear to guide measures effectively or site-specifically. In order to close this gap, agri-environmental measures with the potential to support climate protection should be spatially optimized. Additionally, the wetland restoration measures which are most effective in reducing GHG emissions should be included in funding schemes.  相似文献   

The Welsh Government is committed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural systems and combat the effects of future climate change. In this study, the ECOSSE model was applied spatially to estimate GHG and soil organic carbon (SOC) fluxes from three major land uses (grass, arable and forest) in Wales. The aims of the simulations were: (1) to estimate the annual net GHG balance for Wales; (2) to investigate the efficiency of the reduced nitrogen (N) fertilizer goal of the sustainable land management scheme (Glastir), through which the Welsh Government offers financial support to farmers and land managers on GHG flux reduction; and (3) to investigate the effects of future climate change on the emissions of GHG and plant net primary production (NPP). Three climate scenarios were studied: baseline (1961–1990) and low and high emission climate scenarios (2015–2050). Results reveal that grassland and cropland are the major nitrous oxide (N2O) emitters and consequently emit more GHG to the atmosphere than forests. The overall average simulated annual net GHG balance for Wales under baseline climate (1961–1990) is equivalent to 0.2 t CO2e ha?1 y?1 which gives an estimate of total annual net flux for Wales of 0.34 Mt CO2e y?1. Reducing N fertilizer by 20 and 40 % could reduce annual net GHG fluxes by 7 and 25 %, respectively. If the current N fertilizer application rate continues, predicted climate change by the year 2050 would not significantly affect GHG emissions or NPP from soils in Wales.  相似文献   

The production of energy crops in Germany is a growing agronomic sector and is expected to occupy a substantial share of farmland in the near future. At the same time, there are concerns that energy crops might cause increased nitrogen pollution of soil water, surface water and groundwater. Therefore, the Federal State of Saxony, Germany, funded a study on potential effects of an intensified cultivation of energy crops. In frame of this study, we used the Web GIS-based model STOFFBILANZ to simulate N leaching from the rooting zone and N loads of surface water for a reference scenario and an energy crop scenario. For the reference scenario, we used data representing the crop cultivation for the year 2005 at municipality level. We found that the total loads for N leaching from the rooting zone of cropland are highest for the loess region (8,067 t year?1), followed by mountainous region (6,797 t year?1) and lowland (5,443 t year?1). However, highest N fluxes in the leachate from rooting zones have been simulated for lowland (40.6 kg ha?1 year?1) and mountainous region (37.1 kg ha?1 year?1), while nitrate concentrations of leachate were highest for the lowland (101.8 mg l?1). In terms of diffuse N input into surface water, the mountainous region is the most important source area (total N load 6,380 t year?1, flux 34.6 kg ha?1 year?1). Retention by in-stream processes accounts for 15 % (3,784 t year?1) of the total N load leaving the study area (25,136 t year?1). In the 2020 energy crop scenario, shares of rape and silage maize (id., ensiled corn) were limited for each municipality to a maximum of 25 and 33 %, respectively. The conversion of grasslands to crop farming was not allowed. Under these conditions, we found slight to substantial reductions of nitrogen loads for leachate from the rooting zone and for surface waters. The simulated reduction depends strongly on local conditions. Only small reductions (ca. 4–8 %) were found for the lowlands and mountainous regions of Saxony, while reductions for the loess region were substantial (ca. 22 %). A major outcome of our study is that the cultivation of energy crops might reduce N loss if certain preconditions are assumed, for example, without conversion of grasslands to crop farming. However, effects might vary widely depending on local conditions.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide emissions due to fossil fuel consumption are well recognized as a major contributor to climate change. In the debate on dealing with this threat, expectations are high that agriculture based economies of the developing world can help alleviate this problem. But, the contribution of agricultural operations to these emissions is fairly small. It is the clearing of native ecosystems for agricultural use in the tropics that is the largest non-fossil fuel source of CO2 input to the atmosphere. Our calculation show that the use of fossil energy and the concomitant emission of CO2 in the agricultural operational sector - i.e. the use of farm machinery, irrigation, fertilization and chemical pesticides - amounts to merely 3.9% of the commercial energy use in that part of the world. Of this, 70% is associated with the production and use of chemical fertilizers. In the absence of fertilizer use, the developing world would have converted even more land for cultivation, most of which is completely unsuitable for cultivation. Current expectations are that reforestation in these countries can sequester large quantities of carbon in order to mitigate excessive emissions elsewhere. But, any program that aims to set aside land for the purpose of sequestering carbon must do so without threatening food security in the region. The sole option to liberate the necessary land for carbon sequestration would be the intensification of agricultural production on some of the better lands by increased fertilizer inputs. As our calculations show, the sequestration of carbon far outweighs the emissions that are associated with the production of the extra fertilizer needed. Increasing the fertilizer use in the developing world (without China) by 20%, we calculated an overall net benefit in the carbon budget of between 80 and 206 Mt yr?1 dependent on the carbon sequestration rate assumed for the regrowing forest. In those regions, where current fertilizer use is low, the relative benefits are the highest as responding yield increases are highest and thus more land can be set aside without harming food security. In Sub-Saharan Africa a 20% fertilizer increase, which amounts to 0.14 Mt of extra fertilizer, can tie up somewhere between 8 and 19 Mt of CO2 per year (average: 96 t CO2 per 1 t fertilizer). In the Near East and North Africa with a 20%-increased fertilizer use of 0.4 Mt yr-1 between 10 and 24 Mt of CO2 could be sequestered on the land set aside (40 t CO2 per 1 t fertilizer). In South Asia this is 22–61 Mt CO2 yr?1 with an annual additional input of 2.15 Mt fertilizer (19 t CO2 per 1 t fertilizer). In fact, carbon credits may be the only way for some of the farmers in these regions to afford the costly inputs. Additionally, in regions with already relatively high fertilizer inputs such as in South Asia, an efficient use of the extra fertilizer must be warranted. Nevertheless, the net CO2 benefit through implementation of this measure in the developing world is insignificant compared to the worldwide CO2 output by human activity. Thus, reforestation is only one mitigating measure and not the solution to unconstrained fossil fuel CO2 emissions. Carbon emissions should, therefore, first of all be reduced by the avoidance of deforestation in the developing world and moreover by higher energy efficiency and the use of alternative energy sources.  相似文献   

Many agro(eco)systems in Africa have been degraded as a result of past disturbances, including deforestation, overgrazing, and over exploitation. These systems can be managed to reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon sinks in vegetation and soil. The scope for soil organic carbon gains from improved management and restoration within degraded and non-degraded croplands and grasslands in Africa is estimated at 20–43 Tg C year?1, assuming that 'best' management practices can be introduced on 20% of croplands and 10% of grasslands. Under the assumption that new steady state levels will be reached after 25 years of sustained management, this would correspond with a mitigation potential of 4–9% of annual CO2 emissions in Africa. The mechanisms that are being put in place to implement the Kyoto Protocol - through C emission trading - and prevailing agricultural policies will largely determine whether farmers can engage in activities that enhance C sequestration in Africa. Mitigation of climate change by increased carbon sequestration in the soil appears particularly useful when addressed in combination with other pressing regional challenges that affect the livelihood of the people, such as combating land degradation and ensuring food security, while at the same time curtailing global anthropogenic emissions.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to investigate the reduction in fuel consumption and emission in spark ignition engine using blended bioethanol-gasoline and novel radiator-tube heater. Different percentages of ethanol – 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% – are employed. The blended fuel is then pre-heated by sending it into a tube-heater-installed upper tank radiator which has different shape. The results show a significant reduction in fuel consumption and emission in engine. The best economical fuel consumption occurs in the tube-heater with a fin pipe of 10 mm space at 2.153 × 10?3 cc per cycle or 5.632%. However, the most economical fuel consumption occurs when 25% of bioethanol is added to fuel at 3.175?×?10?3 per cycle. This decreases fuel consumption by 8.306%. The highest decrease in fuel consumption occurs when fuel blended with 25% of bioethanol and tube-heater of 10 mm 6.236?×?10?3 cc per cycle or 16.313% is combined. In terms of emission reduction, the tube-heater with a space of 20 mm between fins (Tube 20) using a fuel mixture of 25% ethanol and 75% gasoline produced the lowest CO emissions.  相似文献   

The UK Climate Change Act (CCA) mandates an 80 % reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050. It is estimated that 3.2 M tonnes pa CO2 results from travel-related NHS business. The acquisition of an electric bicycle to replace a car for both commuting and home visits allowed comparison of fuel use and CO2 emissions over a 4-year period. The switch to the use of the electric bicycle reduced the average annual petrol use by 329 l, the energy consumption by 3,140 kWh and the CO2 released by 748 kg a year. Wider adoption of electric bicycles in urban General Practice will contribute to the requirements of the CCA though to have a significant effect on the current estimated commuting-related carbon footprint of the NHS (0.76 MT pa) would require two-thirds of the workforce to abandon their cars in favour of electric bicycles.  相似文献   

Studies in three typical forest biotopes of the Valdai Upland were performed to evaluate the stocks and surface area of coarse woody debris from spruce and birch (in linear transects), its colonization by xylotrophic fungi (during reconnaissance surveys), and CO2 emission (by a chamber method). The stock and surface area were minimum in a paludal birch forest (46.4 m3/ha and 960 m2/ha) and maximum in a decay area of spruce forest (256.1 m3/ha and 3761 m2/ha, respectively). The assemblages of wood-decay fungi had a composition typically found in southern taiga forests. The total CO2 flux varied from 145 kg C-CO2/ha per year in the paludal birch forest to 462 kg C-CO2/ha per year in small herb–green moss spruce forest. It is concluded that air temperature is an informative predictor of seasonal C-CO2 flux rate from coarse woody debris.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilization (N) is commonly known as a main source of direct nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from agricultural soils. An area of 38 % of the total land surface of Poland was covered by agricultural soils in 2009. In this paper, we aimed at analyzing data regarding the land exploitation for 13 selected subareas of Poland between 1960 and 2009. Seven out of the 13 subareas studied are located in the West (area A), and six subareas are located in southeast of Poland (area B). The total area covered by large farms (>20 ha) differed largely, between area A (10.6 %) and area B (0.9 %) in 2009. Both areas varied in terms of the amount of fertilizers used annually, average crop yield and crop structure. Average direct emissions of N2O from agricultural soils were 1.66 ± 0.09 kg N2O–N ha?1 a?1 for area A, 1.39 ± 0.07 kg N2O–N ha?1 a?1 for area B and 1.46 ± 0.07 kg N2O–N ha?1 a?1 for the whole country between 1960 and 2009.  相似文献   

During the last five decades (1961–2009), Spain has experienced a considerable expansion in the nutrient cycle of its agricultural sector and, in particular, a threefold increase in anthropogenic reactive nitrogen inputs, from 536 Gg N year?1 in 1961–1965 to 1673 Gg N year?1 in 2005–2009. Import of feed (soybean, cereals, and cakes) from America and Europe to supply a growing livestock population constitutes the largest share of this increase, along with intensification of synthetic fertilizer use. While in the early 1960s, Spain was nearly self-sufficient in terms of food and feed supply, the net import of agricultural products presently equals domestic crop production, when expressed in terms of nitrogen content (ca. 650 Gg N year?1). The most important driver of this shift appears to be the rapid change in domestic consumption patterns, which evolved from a typical Mediterranean diet to an animal-protein-rich diet similar to the North European and American diets. Besides livestock production mostly for national consumption, the Spanish agricultural system has specialized in vegetal products with low N content such as olive oil, wine, vegetables, and citrus fruit, which are for the most part exported. The nitrogen load exported outside the Spanish borders by rivers is very low (6.5 % of the total net N input). As a result of the high import and low export of reactive nitrogen, the Spanish mainland is suffering from considerable pollution by local emissions of reactive nitrogen forms to air and water.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the causality between the economic growth, the energy and the environment, measured by CO2 emissions. Our empirical study is based on a series of annual data from 1980 to 2010 in Tunisia. Our study was conducted using the Granger causality test and variance decomposition. The empirical results confirm the presence of a positive effect between the energy consumption and the economic growth measured by gross domestic product (GDP). Thus, there is a unidirectional relationship between GDP and CO2 emissions in the short term. This analysis shows, as is common to relatively fast-growing economies in Tunisia, that the biggest contributor to the rise is CO2 emissions. Hence, in congruence with the result of variance decomposition, the GDP affects CO2 emissions in the short and medium term at an almost constant level (10 %). The non-renewable energy intensity in Tunisian economy is responsible for a modest reduction in CO2 emissions, which suggests the implementation of conservation policies aimed at energy efficiency and the orientation toward renewable energy.  相似文献   

Oxidation of hydrocarbon in asphalt binder leads to the production of carbon dioxide (CO2) during the production of hot mix asphalt. The objective of this laboratory study was to investigate the effects of the asphalt additive Sasobit®, asphalt content and mixing/placement temperature on CO2 emissions from binder with laboratory measurements. The isolated effects of Sasobit on asphalt absorption into the aggregate were also looked at. Temperature was found to be the only statistically significant factor on emissions. This would suggest that warm mix asphalt technology, which employs the use of Sasobit in asphalt mixtures, is a very effective way of lowering the industry's CO2 emission impact, both directly and by the use of less energy for heating. This work predicts that greater than 30% reduction of CO2 emissions is possible with typically used levels of Sasobit.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the energy, environment and growth nexus for a panel of South Asian countries including Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal. The simultaneous analysis of real GDP, energy consumption and CO2 emissions is conducted for the period 1980–2010. Levin panel unit root test and Im test panel unit root both indicate that all the variables are I (1). In addition, Kao’s panel Cointegration test specifies a stable long-term relationship between all these variables. Empirical findings show that a 1 % increase in energy consumption increases output by 0.81 % in long run whereas for the same increase in CO2 emission output falls by 0.17 % in long run. Panel Granger causality tests report short-run causality running from energy consumption to CO2 emissions and from CO2 emissions to GDP.  相似文献   

Energy consumption is fundamentally necessary for human well-being. However, although increasing energy consumption provides substantial improvements in well-being for low and intermediate levels of development, incremental increases in consumption fail to provide improvements for “super-developed” countries that exhibit the highest levels of development and energy consumption. The aim of this note is, therefore, to quantitatively explore the global emissions debt and climate change commitment associated with the gap in energy consumption between the energy-saturated super-developed countries and the rest of the world. Adopting Kates’ identity, I calculate that elevating the current populations in the non-super-developed countries to the energy and carbon intensities of the United States is akin to adding the fossil-fuel CO2 emissions of more than 15 United States to the global annual total, implying cumulative emissions of almost 4000 GT CO2 from 2010 through 2050. The inevitability of continued emissions beyond 2050 suggests that the transition of non-super-developed countries to a US-like profile between now and 2050 could, by itself, plausibly result in global warming of 3.2 °C above the late-twentieth century baseline, including an extremely high likelihood that global warming would exceed 1.2 °C. Global warming of this magnitude is likely to cause regional climate change that falls well outside of the baseline variations to which much of the world is presently accustomed, meaning that a US-like energy-development pathway carries substantial climate change commitment for both non-super-developed and super-developed countries, independent of future emissions from the super-developed world. However, the assumption that all countries converge on the minimum energy intensity of the super-developed world and a carbon-free energy system between now and 2050 implies cumulative CO2 emissions of less than 1000 GT CO2 between 2010 and 2050, along with a less than 40 % probability of exceeding 1.2 °C of additional global warming. It is, therefore, possible that intensive efforts to develop and deploy global-scale capacity for low-carbon energy consumption could simultaneously ensure human well-being and substantially limit the associated climate change commitment.  相似文献   

Salt marshes persist within the intertidal zone when marsh elevation gains are commensurate with rates of sea-level rise (SLR). Monitoring changes in marsh elevation in concert with tidal water levels is therefore an effective way to determine if salt marshes are keeping pace with SLR over time. Surface elevation tables (SETs) are a common method for collecting precise data on marsh elevation change. Southern New England is a hot spot for SLR, but few SET elevation change datasets are available for the region. Our study synthesizes elevation change data collected from 1999 to 2015 from a network of SET stations throughout Rhode Island (RI). These data are compared to accretion and water level data from the same time period to estimate shallow subsidence and determine whether marshes are tracking SLR. Salt marsh elevation increased at a mean overall rate of 1.40 mm year?1 and ranged from ?0.33 to 3.36 mm year?1 at individual stations. Shallow subsidence dampened elevation gain in mid-Narragansett Bay marshes, but in other areas of coastal RI, subsurface processes may augment surface accretion. In all cases, marsh elevation gain was exceeded by the 5.26 mm year?1 rate of increase in sea levels during the study period. Our study provides the first SET elevation change data from RI and shows that most RI marshes are not keeping pace with short- or long-term rates of SLR. It also lends support to previous research that implicates SLR as a primary driver of recent changes to southern New England salt marshes.  相似文献   

Variation in climate, disturbance regime, and forest management strongly influence terrestrial carbon sources and sinks. Spatially distributed, process-based, carbon cycle simulation models provide a means to integrate information on these various influences to estimate carbon pools and flux over large domains. Here we apply the Biome-BGC model over the four-state Northwest US region for the interval from 1986 to 2010. Landsat data were used to characterize disturbances, and forest inventory data were used to parameterize the model. The overall disturbance rate on forest land across the region was 0.8 % year?1, with 49 % as harvests, 28 % as fire, and 23 % as pest/pathogen. Net ecosystem production (NEP) for the 2006–2010 interval on forestland was predominantly positive (a carbon sink) throughout the region, with maximum values in the Coast Range, intermediate values in the Cascade Mountains, and relatively low values in the Inland Rocky Mountain ecoregions. Localized negative NEPs were mostly associated with recent disturbances. There was large interannual variation in regional NEP, with notably low values across the region in 2003, which was also the warmest year in the interval. The recent (2006–2010) net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB) was positive for the region (14.4 TgC year?1). Despite a lower area-weighted mean NECB, public forestland contributed a larger proportion to the total NECB because of its larger area. Aggregated forest inventory data and inversion modeling are beginning to provide opportunities for evaluating model-simulated regional carbon stocks and fluxes.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to develop a community carbon footprint model that could be used to assess the size and major components of a community’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The town of Biggar aims to become Scotland’s first carbon neutral town. As expected for this rural community, car transport accounted for nearly half of the CO2 emissions, with natural gas and electricity consumption resulting in a further 24% and 12% of total emissions, respectively, and air travel being the last major component at 10% of emissions. An assessment was also made of the wind and solar resources of the town. One large wind turbine would provide the town’s electricity, while three to four turbines would be needed to offset all CO2 emissions. In contrast, offsetting by tree planting would require in the region of 2,000 ha of trees.
R. J. BarthelmieEmail:

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