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舟山群岛潮间带表层沉积物中多环芳烃分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类极具生态和健康风险的重要持久性有机污染物,广泛存在于各环境介质中.PAHs大部分都有较强的致癌性、致畸性和致突变性,它是环境中致癌化学物质中最大的一类.本文根据2013年舟山群岛潮间带表层沉积物中PAHs检测分析结果,对其含量分布与来源进行了分析,并对其潜在生态风险进行了评价,以期更好地控制和治理PAHs污染,为舟山的海洋生态环境保护与管理决策提供科学依据.1材料与方法1.1样品采集于2013年6—7月,按照国家海洋监测规范17378.7—2007规定的潮间带划分方法,在舟山群岛沿岸的潮间带采集  相似文献   

珠江(广州河段)表层沉积物粒度分布特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
牛红义  吴群河  陈新庚 《生态环境》2007,16(5):1353-1357
沉积物的粒度是控制沉积物中污染物分布的主要因素之一。在珠江(广州河段)表层沉积物粒度组分监测结果的基础上,运用矩法计算公式对各粒度分布参数(平均值、标准差、偏度和尖度)进行了计算,并对沉积物粒度分布特征进行了全面的分析。结果表明:全河段沉积物中砂的平均含量最高,粉砂其次,粘土的含量普遍较低。平均粒径的平均值为0.50 mm,属于砂的粒级范围。在22个断面中,有5个断面的分选系数超过0.5,属于分选中等级别;其余17个断面的分选系数均小于0.5,属于分选好的级别。在22个断面中,出现正偏度和负偏度的断面各占一半。各断面的尖度值在1.00~13.70之间,除1个断面为正态曲线外,其余均为窄峰型。  相似文献   

黄河口潮间带表层沉积物重金属和营养元素的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2010年5月采集了5个断面的黄河口潮间带高、中和低潮滩的表层沉积物样品,对沉积物的理化性质、重金属和营养元素的空间分布特征进行了研究,并采用单因子污染指数法和综合潜在生态风险指数法,参考加拿大安大略省环境和能源部关于沉积物质量指南,对黄河口潮间带沉积物质量进行了评价。结果表明,除Cu和Pb外,其它重金属和营养元素质量分数均表现为河口北侧高于南侧;除Hg外,高、中和低潮滩的表层沉积物重金属和营养元素质量分数无显著差异,没有表现出成熟潮滩明显的垂岸分带特征。Pb质量分数高于渤海表层沉积物的高值,是该区域的首要污染因子;Hg在河口北侧近河口的两个站位低潮滩质量分数达到海洋沉积物质量一类标准的1.7和1.8倍,存在一定的潜在生态风险;TN和TOC质量分数范围在安全级别,TP质量分数在20%的站位超过最低安全级别,存在一定的安全风险。与国内其它潮滩相比,黄河口潮间带重金属Zn、Cd、Hg和As的质量分数处于较低水平,Cu和Pb质量分数处于中等水平,TOC和TP质量分数与长江口潮间带相当,TN质量分数较低。研究结果将为黄河三角洲地区生态保护、环境管理和污染治理提供基础数据。  相似文献   

为了探明红树林湿地表层沉积物环境因子对多环芳烃分布的影响,野外采集了汕头红树林湿地表层沉积物样品,实验室内有机溶剂提取、氧化铝硅胶柱净化和气质联用分析了沉积物多环芳烃的质量分数、CHN元素仪分析了沉积物有机碳和黑碳的质量分数、激光粒度仪分析了沉积物的粒级组成,研究了沉积物有机碳、黑碳和粒度等各环境因子与多环芳烃的相关性.结果表明:有机碳与2~3环、4环和总多环芳烃的质量分数显著相关(P<0.05),表明表层沉积物有机碳的质量分数对PAHs的分布产生了显著的影响;黑碳与2~3环、4环、5~6环和总多环芳烃的质量分数显著相关(P<0.01),表明表层沉积物黑碳的质量分数对PAHs的分布产生了显著的影响;粘粒与2~3环多环芳烃的质量分数显著相关(P<0.05),与4环、5~6环和总多环芳烃的质量分数显著相关(P<0.01),表明表层沉积物粘粒的质量分数对PAHs的分布也产生了显著的影响;多元线性逐步回归分析显示,各回归方程黑碳的偏回归系数值都是最大,沉积物黑碳的质量分数对多环芳烃的质量分数贡献最大,表明黑碳是多环芳烃分布的主要影响因素.  相似文献   

莱州湾海域表层沉积物中双酚A的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双酚A(BPA)学名2,2’-二(4-羟基苯基)丙烷,是一种重要的有机化工原料,广泛应用于聚碳酸酯和环氧树脂的制造,也被用作多种塑料(如PVC塑料)的稳定剂和抗氧化剂.城市污水和工业废水及其污泥、地表河流和垃圾渗滤液中常有检出.由于其具有雌激素活性,可以干扰人和动物体内正常的激素分泌,所以它在环境中的分布特征也备受关注.本研  相似文献   

黄浦江表层沉积物中多环芳烃的分布特征及来源   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
利用GC/MS对黄浦江8个断面表层沉积物中的16种多环芳烃(PAHs)进行了分析.沉积物中PAHs总量为0.244—2.805μg·g-1,从上游到下游呈升高趋势,工业污染和城市活动是黄浦江水环境中多环芳烃的重要来源.苏州河对黄浦江下游水环境中的多环芳烃具有较大的输入贡献.特征化合物指数分析表明,黄浦江沉积物中的多环芳烃主要来自于化石燃料的不完全燃烧,中下游显示一定的混合来源特征.相关性分析表明,总有机碳是影响沉积物中多环芳烃分布的重要因素.  相似文献   

泉州湾潮间带表层沉积物中酸可提取相重金属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文用ICP-AES分析了泉州湾潮滩表层沉积物中9种重金属元素(Fe,Mn,Cr,Cu,Ni,Co,Pb,Zn,V)的酸可提取量,测定了沉积物的粒度组成及其TOC,S2和CaCO3含量.相关分析表明,潮滩沉积物中酸可提取重金属主要来源于沿岸工农业废水排放及滩涂养殖用药,尤其是Zn,Pb,Cu,与国内其它海湾和河口相比存在明显富集,受人类活动影响较大;沉积物中酸可提取重金属主要存在于细颗粒中,且主要与无定型铁氧化物及有机质结合.  相似文献   

珠江磨刀门河口表层沉积物中重金属含量及其分布特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
杨蕾  李春初  田向平 《生态环境》2006,15(3):490-494
分析了在珠江磨刀门河口采集的37个表层沉积物样品重金属(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr、Cd、Hg、As、Ni)的含量及分布特征。采用原子吸收法分析了Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr、Cd、Ni的含量,采用冷原子吸收法分析了Hg、As含量。结果表明,口门处及其两侧和拦门沙内坡重金属的含量最高;外海区域重金属含量普遍较低;由口内河床至口门处,Cu、Cr、Hg、As的含量减小,Pb、Cd、Zn、Ni的含量逐渐增大;大部分重金属(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As、Ni)的含量由口门处至拦门沙地区是先减小再增大的;由拦门沙至外海,Cu、Pb、Cd、As的含量减小,Zn和Ni的含量先减小后增大;由口门处至外海,Cr和Hg含量的总体趋势是增大的。磨刀门河口表层沉积物中重金属元素含量与CEC、小于0.001mm粘粒以及沉积物有机质含量的相关性均达到显著或极显著水平;重金属含量与沉积物pH值的相关性不显著;重金属元素的含量变化和分布规律还表明磨刀门表层沉积物的重金属主要受陆源污染物的影响。  相似文献   

珠江表层沉积物中有机氯农药含量及分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究珠江地区有机氯农药现阶段的污染水平,本研究于2009年采集珠江地区19个表层沉积物样品,利用高分辨气相色谱与高分辨质谱联用(HRGC-HRMS)检测了9种持久性有机污染物包括六六六、滴滴涕、六氯苯、灭蚁灵、七氯、异狄氏剂、九氯、氯丹和环氧七氯.其中六六六、滴滴涕和六氯苯的含量较高,分别为<0.001—1.98 ng.g-1(干重),<0.01—5.07 ng.g-1(干重)和<0.01—1.54 ng.g-1(干重).对六六六和滴滴涕组分研究发现,珠江地区的有机氯农药残留可能主要来自于历史残留.参照Long等给出的毒性评价标准对珠江采样区进行生态评价发现,滴滴涕类有机氯农药对该区生物可能仍存在生态风险.  相似文献   

新疆博斯腾湖表层沉积物中硅藻分布特征及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采集新疆博斯腾湖不同水深、矿化度、营养盐浓度及pH环境下的湖泊表层沉积物,提取硅藻并进行种属组合分析,研究了中国西北干旱区半封闭淡水湖泊中硅藻的分布特征,并且运用降维对应分析(DCA),探讨了影响博斯腾湖现生硅藻组合特征的主要水质环境因子及硅藻种属对水体理化性质变化的响应。研究结果表明,在博斯腾湖硅藻组合受湖泊水深、矿化度影响明显分区:河口区受水体扰动作用影响明显,硅藻浓度变化大,以Fragilaria属为主;黄水湾区硅藻分布受矿化度及pH影响显著,以Mastogloia smithii、Navicula anglica、Gomphonema parvulum等底栖、喜碱性、微咸水种为主,淡水种Fragilaria属的含量明显低于其它区域,其含量的高低指示了水体矿化度的变化;在湖心区硅藻组合主要响应于水深变化,当水深增加时,Cyclotella radiosa、C.meneghiniana、Fragilaria bidens等浮游种含量显著增加,Mastogloria smithii、Gomphonema parvulum等底栖种含量明显降低或消失,且发现Fragilaria属在5.4~7.8m水深处生长繁盛。研究结果为建立中国西北干旱区的硅藻-环境因子关系数据库、重建本地区过去环境提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Black carbon (BC) in ten contaminated sediments from the Song-Liao watershed, NE China, was isolated upon treatments using a combustion method at 375°C, and the isolates’ sorption isotherms for phenanthrene (Phen) were determined. All sorption isotherms were nonlinear and fitted well by the Freundlich model. A negative relation was found between Freundlich sorption nonlinearity parameter (n values) and BC/total organic carbon (TOC) content of the original sediments (r2=0.687, p<0.01), indicating the dominance of BC in Phen sorption nonlinearity. The BC isolates from this industrialized region had n values of 0.342 to 0.505 and logKFOC values of 6.02 to 6.42(μg·kg−1·OC−1)/(μg·L−1) n for Phen. At a given Ce, the BC had higher Koc value than the original sediments, revealing a higher sorption capacity for BC. BC was responsible for 50.0% to 87.3% of the total sorption at Ce=0.05 Sw, clearly indicating the dominance of BC particles in overall sorption of Phen by sediments.  相似文献   

在黄海、渤海湾和莱州湾采集64个表层沉积物样品,分析正构烷烃(C15~C33)和甾醇(菜子甾醇、菜油甾醇、谷甾醇和豆甾醇)的质量分数和分子组合特征,探讨其来源,比较物质来源的空间差异。结果表明:(1)黄海表层沉积物中类脂生物标志物主要呈现陆源和海源共同影响的特征,其中北黄海以陆源输入为主,高碳数正构烷烃(>C24)具有明显的奇碳优势,陆源高等植物的贡献较大;南黄海陆源输入与海洋自身贡献相当;渤海湾与莱州湾接受来自河流的大量陆源物质;(2)来源于陆源高等植物的甾醇(包括菜油甾醇、谷甾醇和豆甾醇)在黄海表层沉积物中的质量分数远小于渤海湾和莱州湾,但指示硅藻来源的菜子甾醇在整个研究区域均具有较高的质量分数。  相似文献   

刘玥  金芬  安立会  郑丙辉  林进 《环境化学》2013,(8):1463-1468
本文利用气相色谱-质谱/质谱测定了渤海湾南排河海域野生脉红螺肌肉组织中多氯联苯(PCBs)的含量,并对其污染特征进行讨论.结果表明:(1)肌肉中多氯联苯(∑PCBs)总浓度在8.40—10.06 ng.g-1(lw,以脂肪质量计)之间,其中PCB-114含量最高(0.74—1.06 ng.g-1(lw));(2)五氯联苯和六氯联苯为主要检出组分,占∑PCBs的43.7%—84.8%;(3)雌性脉红螺个体中PCBs的平均浓度略高于雄性及性畸变脉红螺中PCBs的平均浓度,分别为(10.06±0.89)ng.g-1(lw)、(8.40±0.63)ng.g-1(lw)和(8.51±0.67)ng.g-1(lw),但性别间无显著性差异.  相似文献   

黄渤海表层沉积物中正构烷烃和甾醇的分布及来源研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在黄海、渤海湾和莱州湾采集64个表层沉积物样品,分析正构烷烃(C15~C33)和甾醇(菜子甾醇、菜油甾醇、谷甾醇和豆甾醇)的质量分数和分子组合特征,探讨其来源,比较物质来源的空间差异。结果表明:(1)黄海表层沉积物中类脂生物标志物主要呈现陆源和海源共同影响的特征,其中北黄海以陆源输入为主,高碳数正构烷烃(〉C24)具有明显的奇碳优势,陆源高等植物的贡献较大;南黄海陆源输入与海洋自身贡献相当;渤海湾与莱州湾接受来自河流的大量陆源物质;(2)来源于陆源高等植物的甾醇(包括菜油甾醇、谷甾醇和豆甾醇)在黄海表层沉积物中的质量分数远小于渤海湾和莱州湾,但指示硅藻来源的菜子甾醇在整个研究区域均具有较高的质量分数。  相似文献   

The total concentrations of 16 United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)-listed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) found in coastal and estuarine sediments along the northern shores of the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China, at any study location varied from 0.236 to 8.34 nM g?1 dry weight (dw). For a given PAH, concentrations varied by one to two orders of magnitude. Ecological risk assessments based on biota–sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs) indicated that the potential ecological hazard of PAHs in the sediments was limited. The average total sediment PAH concentrations were less than the effects range low, indicating that PAHs currently present in the sediments were not harmful to aquatic organisms. The estimated PAH concentration in the aquatic organisms was 0.223 nM g?1 and posed a limited threat to human health via biological concentration from sediment to harvest of the sea. Assuming no additional PAH inputs, 99% of the 16 PAH molecules currently present in the sediments would be degraded in 40 years.  相似文献   

This contribution characterises the sources and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments of the Basque coast (Bay of Biscay). Different source characterisation approaches (i.e. GIS assisted-chemometrics, PAH diagnostic ratios and analyses of composition profiles) were used in combination to successfully identify the factors determining the origin and distribution of PAHs. Urban/industrial combustion processes were identified as the main PAH source. However, the analysis of PAH composition patterns and diagnostic ratios identified secondary natural and petrogenic PAH sources on small spatial scales. The median ∑18PAH concentration ranged from 66 μg kg?1 (d.w.) to 7021 μg kg?1 (d.w.). The Ibaizabal estuary, which supports most of the anthropogenic pressure in the region (i.e. urban development, industrialisation, commercial and recreational harbours), also showed the highest PAH concentrations. On the shelf, human activities, hydrodynamic conditions and geomorphological features led to spatial differences in the PAH concentrations among sectors: the offshore and west sectors were characterised by higher concentrations, while the lowest values were found in the mid and east sectors. The results enhance the knowledge on PAH-related contamination processes and could be used to support the environmental assessment process required under current European marine legislation.  相似文献   

• MPs in the coastal sediment of south-east coast of India are quantified. • High MPs are recorded near river mouths and nearshore regions. • Polyethylene and polypropylene are the major polymers observed. • MPs contamination is higher than the values reported elsewhere. In view of increasing Microplastics (MPs) contamination in the marine environment and dearth of baseline data, a study was conducted on the abundance, characterization, and seasonal distribution of MPs in the nearshore sediments of the south-east coast of India. Sediment samples (n = 130) were collected at a distance of 1 km and 10 km from the shore region at varying depths (8–45 m) along the Chennai to Puducherry coast (165 km stretch), representing two seasons, i.e., south-west (July 2019 and July 2020) and north-east (January 2020) monsoons. The average abundance of MPs at the 22 offshore sites along the Chennai to Puducherry coast varied from 9±4.3 to 19±12.9 particles/50 g dry weight, in July 2019 and January 2020, respectively. July 2020 had an average abundance of 10±4.5 particles/50 g dry weight. Spatially, high levels of MPs were found at 1km stations and transects in proximity to the river inlets, and temporally, the north-east month recorded the maximum concentration. The dominant morphotype was the filament, and the major polymers were polyethylene and polypropylene. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images revealed the surface irregularity and degradation of MPs due to weathering. The study highlights that high sediment contamination by MPs occurs during heavy rainfall and accumulates closer to river inlets. Eventually, this study suggests that appropriate management of plastic wastes on the landside will reduce MP contamination in the marine environment.  相似文献   

选择北部湾9个典型采样点,研究了潮间带沉积物中重金属和多氯联苯(PCBs)的分布特征和生态风险.分析结果表明,Hg、As、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr等重金属和总PCBs的平均含量分别为0.100、10.00、19.89、45.97、208.65、0.098、17.86 mg.kg-1和1.48!g.kg-1.重金属和PCBs表现出不同的空间变化规律.相关性分析表明,北部湾潮间带的重金属主要来自人为污染;沉积物的粒度参数和有机质含量等性质特征是影响PCBs分布和迁移的重要因素;重金属和PCBs总量之间不存在明显的相关性.生态风险评价结果表明,PCBs和Cd是北部湾潮间带最主要的生态风险因子,Zn和PCBs是优势污染物;研究区域总体处于中等生态风险等级,表明沿岸港口和临海工业等人为活动已经对北部湾滨海地区造成了一定的环境压力.  相似文献   

Based on biologic and environmental materials collected from coastal areas of Bohai Bay (China) in April, 2008, three biotic indices (AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI), Shannon-Wiener Index and W-statistic) were applied together to evaluate the ecological status of the sampling area. The results showed a clear spatial gradient from a worse ecological status in the near-shore areas (especially around Haihe and Jiyun River Estuaries) to a better status in the offshore areas. While all the three indices could assist decision makers in visualizing spatial changes of organic pollutants in Bohai Bay, two indices, i. e., AMBI and Shannon-Wiener index, were effective in distinguishing sites from Haihe River Estuary, Jiyun River Estuary and other area. However, W-statistic can't tell the differences between estuaries and other area. It would be explained that organic pollutants and/or other environ- mental stresses in Bohai Bay were not strong enough to reduce the size ofmacrozoobenthos, which may cause both of the abundance and biomass curves crossed. To our knowledge, this is the first time that several benthic indices were used to assess the benthic ecological status in Bohai Bay, which gave the similar results. Furthermore, there is indication that the ecological status is related to excess input of wastewater along main rivers and outlets. In a word, AMBI, Shannon-Wiener Index and W-statistic could be able to assess the benthic ecological status of Bohai Bay under the organic pollutants pressure.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the contribution of various black carbon (BC) contents to nonlinearity of sorption and desorption isotherms for acetochlor on sediment, equilibrium sorption and desorption isotherms were determined to measure sorption and desorption of acetochlor in sediment amended with various amounts of BC. In this paper, two types of BC referred to as BC400 and BC500 were prepared at 400°C and 500°C, respectively. Higher preparation temperature facilitated the formation of micropores on BC to enhance its sorption capacity. Increase of the BC content obviously increased the sorption amount and reduced the desorption amount for acetochlor. When the BC500 contents in total organic carbon (TOC) increased from 0 to 60%, Freundlich sorption coefficient (K f) increased from 4.07 to 35.74, and desorption hysteresis became gradually obvious.When the content of BC in TOC was lower than 23%, the sorption isotherm had a significant linear correlation (p = 50.05). In case of desorption, a significant nonlinear change could be observed when the content of BC was up to 13%. Increase of BC content in the sediment would result in shifting the sorption-desorption isotherms from linearity to nonlinearity, which indicated that contribution of BC to nonlinear adsorption fraction became gradually remarkable.  相似文献   

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