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Earthworms are so closely incorporated into the soil structure that they are not calculated easily from the soil. Due to this property, their extraction from soil is tedious and time-consuming. Different methods have been used for their extraction from the soil, and efficiency of each method is affected by physical properties, viz., temperature and moisture of the soil. This study explored the advantage and disadvantage of different sampling methods for the extraction of earthworms such as hand sorting, octet method, formalin method, mustard extraction method, allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), and onion extraction method. Extraction efficiency of formalin is 20–60 times more as compared to hand sorting, but hand sorting gives satisfactory results for earthworms of more than 0.2 g live weight, and cocoons can also be recovered by this method. Octet method is effective in extracting anecic species and could easily be applied to site where chemical extraction is not a viable option. Extraction by mustard and AITC is simple, low cost, and more efficient for the extraction of deep-burrowing anecic species. The onion extraction solution is low cost and nontoxic which can be used as alternative to formalin. Like mustard, the onion solution is also inexpensive and not harmful to the earthworms and environment.  相似文献   

Traditional crop landraces play dynamic roles in the expression of native biological and cultural diversity via their central position in the genetic resource base, agroecosystems and social heritage of indigenous peoples. Farmer varieties provide farmers with an “agricultural survival kit” for household welfare and for adaptation to changing conditions. These varieties meet local cultural practices and environmental constraints, and play an intrinsic role in cultural survival by constituting a living repository of ancestral customs including cultivar-specific recipes, songs, handicrafts, stories of origin, and unique planting, harvesting, processing, and storage rituals and techniques. The centrality of rice in Southeast Asian agricultural and social systems, contrasted with the significant erosion of rice-based biological and cultural diversity in native communities, calls for increased attention to the links between traditional rice varieties and indigenous rice-based customs. This study represents the research efforts of rice farmers pertaining to the Tado clan, a Kempo Manggarai community on Flores␣Island, in association with USA academicians. Research results demonstrate: (i) a complex suite of upland rice-based ethnobotanical traditions; (ii) significant and␣dynamic regional flux and dissemination of “old” and “new” landraces; (iii)␣community-level maintenance of distinct genotypes across a range of microenvironments; (iv) localized “extinctions” of ancestral landraces within 1–2 generations and a concomitant loss of related traditions; and (v) the contributions of a collaborative (indigenous and academic) approach to ethnographic and agronomic research.  相似文献   

Commercial and recreational harvesting of shellfish within the coastal systems is usually very extensive. Since these ecosystems are frequently subjected to contamination, namely from agricultural, urban and industrial activities, and shellfish generally display a high capacity to bioaccumulate metals, populations may be at risk in terms of toxic metal exposure as a consequence of the harvesting and ingestion of near shore coastal marine organisms. Shellfish is regularly tested for concentrations of metals and other contaminants by legal authorities for commercial purposes, but although health officials use total metal as standards of food safety, only a part of the metal accumulated in shellfish is available to be assimilated and to cause toxic effect. In order to elucidate these issues an investigation on cockles inhabiting the Aveiro estuary was conducted. Element levels in sediments and wild Cerastoderma edule from sampling areas with different levels of contamination were measured; total element burden of cockles was related to accessible fraction for assimilation (TAM); element concentrations in wild C. edule were compared to EFSA (European Food Safe Authorities), USFDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) and FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand) maximum levels (MLs); and the amount of cockle flesh needed to be consumed to exceed provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) was determined. The present work showed that although sediment metal and metalloid contamination in Aveiro estuary is low the concentration of elements in C. edule does not reflect the contamination of the sediment. Aluminium (Al) and mercury (Hg) were the less and nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) were the most bioaccumulated metals by cockles. Comparison of MLs from international organisations with the concentration of elements in C. edule showed that arsenic (As) and Pb exceeded standard levels. The ingestion of less than 1 kg for As and 1.5 kg for Pb of cockles would result in exceeding the PTWI threshold (0.015 and 0.025 mg kg?1 week?1 respectively) in any of the areas considered in the study. Cd and Al also appear to be limiting elements for human consumption. Indeed, consumption of more than 3.1 kg and 2.1 kg of whole cockle soft part from one of the study areas during a single week would lead to exceedance of the recommended PTWI value for Cd (0.007 mg kg?1 week?1) and Al (7 mg kg?1 week?1) respectively. The health concerns to humans from cockle consumption from Aveiro estuary are discussed.  相似文献   

The critical paths for radionuclides and the critical foods in Asian countries differ from those in Western countries because agricultural products and diets are different. Consequently, safety assessments for Asian countries must consider rice as a critical food. As most rice is produced under flooded conditions, the uptake of radionuclides by rice is affected by soil conditions. In this report, we summarize radionuclide and stable element soil-to-plant transfer factors (TFs) for rice. Field observation results for fallout 137Cs and stable Cs TFs indicated that while fallout 137Cs had higher TF than stable Cs over several decades, the GM (geometric mean) values were similar with the GM of TF value for 137Cs being 3.6 × 10−3 and that for stable Cs being 2.5 × 10−3. Although there are some limitations to the use of TF for stable elements under some circumstances, these values can be used to evaluate long-term transfer of long-lived radionuclides in the environment. The compiled data showed that TF values were higher in brown rice than in white rice because distribution patterns for elements were different in the bran and white parts of rice grains.  相似文献   

In this study, wild three-spined sticklebacks were sampled every six weeks, between April and October, in a low contaminated stream. For all fish, physiological indexes, such as condition factor, hepato-, gonado- and nephro-somatic index were calculated to determine fish condition and reproductive status. Moreover, a set of biomarkers including biotransformation enzymes, oxidative stress parameters, neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption markers was measured. The results allowed to determine biomarker variability due to fish gender or sampling season. For example, 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity, glutathione peroxidase as well as vitellogenin and spiggin exhibited strong gender differences. Conversely, lipoperoxidation and acethylcholinesterase activity were characterised by a lack of gender and seasonal variation, and can be considered as more robust parameters for a field application. The present work allowed to establish practical guideline for biomarker measurements in wild sticklebacks and to define a reference system which can be used to analyze variations in future monitoring studies.  相似文献   

Specific features of larval feeding in two geographic populations of the gypsy moth are considered. It is shown that in larvae reared on an artificial diet, trophic indices depend on several factors, including the age and sex of larvae and the food plant on which the parental generation developed in nature. It is shown that larval micropopulations belonging to the same geographic population but feeding in nature on different plant species differ from each other to a greater extent than those of different geographic populations feeding on the same species.  相似文献   

The biochemical response of wild sticklebacks collected in Autumn 2005 at seven stations in the North of France was studied using a set of complementary biomarkers. Here, data on biotransformation of xenobiotics, oxidative stress exposure and damages, neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption are provided. All the sites are characterized by a specific response pattern that allows distinguishing sampling locations. Moreover, these responses are in accordance with data on existing environmental pressures and the chemical analysis of metals performed in surface water. The assessment of individual responses is completed by fish population disturbance monitoring. Based on these measurements, the investigated sites are characterized by different levels of disturbance. This study argues for a multi-parametric approach of aquatic ecosystem contamination based on association between chemical, biochemical and ecological endpoints and provides a testimony of the usefulness of stickleback for this purpose.  相似文献   

Removal of synthetic dyes from wastewaters: a review   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
The more recent methods for the removal of synthetic dyes from waters and wastewater are complied. The various methods of removal such as adsorption on various sorbents, chemical decomposition by oxidation, photodegradation, and microbiological decoloration, employing activated sludge, pure cultures and microbe consortiums are described. The advantages and disadvantages of the various methods are discussed and their efficacies are compared.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at presenting and discussing the methodologies implemented in state-of-the-art models for predicting the physical processes of radionuclide migration through the aquatic environment, including transport due to water currents, diffusion, settling and re-suspension. Models are briefly described, model parameter values reviewed and values recommended. The different modelling approaches are briefly classified and the advantages and disadvantages of the various model approaches and methodologies are assessed.  相似文献   

The communities of intestinal helminths found in the winter sample of ide (December–May, 45 fish) and in the summer sample (August–September, 42 fish) were compared. They consisted of 10 and 11 species, respectively, with Sphaerostomum globiporum being dominant in both communities. The species Parasymphylodora markewitschi and Capillaria tomentosa were found only in the summer community. Dominance and diversity (the Simpson and Brillouin indices) in the winter community were higher. All helminth species in the intestinal community of ide were of broad specificity. Therefore, host specialization does not play an important role in the forming of intestinal helminth community in this fish species.  相似文献   

A simulation model, based on original and published data, has been developed to determine the period and amplitude of natural population cycles of wild reindeer on the Taimyr Peninsula and reveal the role of hunting in these cycles. The results of simulations show that hunting in the late 20th century has smoothed out the cycles. Considering natural factors of population regulation, uncontrolled elimination of part of the population by hunting should maintain the average long-term abundance at a level lower than potentially possible under natural dynamics, leading to negative ecological and economic consequences.  相似文献   

Disinfection of wastewater with peracetic acid: a review   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Peracetic acid is a strong disinfectant with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Due to its bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, and sporicidal effectiveness as demonstrated in various industries, the use of peracetic acid as a disinfectant for wastewater effluents has been drawing more attention in recent years. The desirable attributes of peracetic acid for wastewater disinfection are the ease of implementing treatment (without the need for expensive capital investment), broad spectrum of activity even in the presence of heterogeneous organic matter, absence of persistent toxic or mutagenic residuals or by-products, no quenching requirement (i.e., no dechlorination), small dependence on pH, short contact time, and effectiveness for primary and secondary effluents.Major disadvantages associated with peracetic acid disinfection are the increases of organic content in the effluent due to acetic acid (AA) and thus in the potential microbial regrowth (acetic acid is already present in the mixture and is also formed after peracetic acid decomposition). Another drawback to the use of peracetic acid is its high cost, which is partly due to limited production capacity worldwide. However, if the demand for peracetic acid increases, especially from the wastewater industry, the future mass production capacity might also be increased, thus lowering the cost. In such a case, in addition to having environmental advantages, peracetic acid may also become cost-competitive with chlorine.  相似文献   

The uptake and retention of technetium from sea water by juvenile lobsters, and the effects of moulting on these processes, has been studied using 95mTc as a tracer.Accumulation was rapid with whole body concentration factors of over 2000 being measured in some lobsters. Uptake was highest immediately before a moult; post-moult there was a fall in accumulation. No simple mathematical equation for technetium accumulation with time was found.The technetium concentration in the moulted exoskeleton increased with time of exposure of the lobsters but never exceeded 2% of the whole body value.The highest percentage of the whole body activity was found in the digestive gland; the green gland had the highest concentration factor.Technetium excretion, following 64 d of accumulation, could be expressed as an exponential rate of loss. The biological half-time was calculated as 53 d. Moulted exoskeletons from these lobsters contained approximately 0·6% of the day zero whole body activity.  相似文献   

The activity of antioxidant enzymes and electrophoretic protein spectra were studied in sand smelt larvae inhabiting from five Sevastopol bays with different degrees of anthropogenic impact. The activity of antioxidant enzymes and the heterogeneity of electrophoretic protein spectra proved to increase in the larvae from the most polluted waters. The possibility of using these parameters as biological markers for assessing the influence of pollution on the early stages of fish ontogeny and the marine environment are discussed.  相似文献   

The global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) commenced in 2016 and provide an evidence-based framework for sustainable development planning and programming until 2030. There is emerging international practice and a growing catalogue of related reviews, assessments, guidelines and publications. While the expert community is clearly emphasising the need to adopt evidence- and science-based approaches to SDG implementation, policymakers now face the challenge of implementing the SDGs simultaneously in a coherent and integrated manner. Regular systematic reviews of national progress and approaches to implementing the SDGs are advisable to ensure that emerging science and knowledge is effectively informing national practice. This paper reviews the recent academic and expert literature as well as national experience in implementing the SDGs in 26 countries. It uses a systematic approach to analyse the degree to which key implementation stages and approaches recommended in the expert literature are being adopted and applied to support national SDG implementation on-the-ground. The review highlights that while progress has been made in some initial planning stages, key gaps remain in terms of the assessment of interlinkages, trade-offs and synergies between targets. Gaps are also clearly evident in the adoption of systems thinking and integrated analytical approaches and models. This is problematic as it may undermine effective implementation and the transformative potential of the SDGs. As more countries turn their attention to the SDGs, the review underscores the considerable risk that they will pursue the same ‘siloed’ or ‘linear’ approaches to sustainable development that have met with limited success in the past.  相似文献   

A flood event was investigated in a measurement section of the estuary of the Dese River, the major tributary of the Venice Lagoon (mean annual discharge=7.5 m3/s), to observe the variations induced by the flow on the physico-chemistry of the water column and the transport of particles and pollutants. The flood was generated by a typical summer storm, which had a return period of 2 years. The study was based on the continuous recording of the discharge and the measurement of both current speed and physico-chemical variables along the vertical profile. Water samples were also collected for the analysis of total and dissolved heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn), and nutrients (TKN, N-NO3-, N-NO2-, N-NH3, total phosphorous, P-PO43-). The suspended particle matter (SPM) concentration increased in the water column during the flood, and the discharge versus SPM relationship showed a counterclockwise hysteresis. The occurrence of hysteresis was related to the delayed response of the load, deriving from the runoff on the basin soils with respect to materials mobilized from the streambed in the initial phases of the flood. The transport of most of the analysed heavy metals was driven by the SPM. The increase in concentration of this parameter significantly affected the amount of Fe, Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, and partially Zn transported by the stream. Among nutrients, N-NO3- concentration also increased significantly during the flood, due to the runoff on agricultural surfaces. The study allowed describing the mechanisms of load generation with high flow magnitudes, highlighting the importance of floods in the transport of materials and pollutants from the drainage basin to the Venice Lagoon.  相似文献   

After the Aznalcóllar mining spill (25th April 1998), considerable social concern arose amongst the inhabitants of the SW Iberian Peninsula concerning the consumption of local seafood. Squilla mantis was collected in four regions of the Gulf of Cádiz with a dual objective: to analyze the heavy metal levels for human consumption and as part of biomonitoring program. Heavy metal concentrations (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb) were analyzed in soft tissues and cuticle. The highest values were found in the soft tissues for zinc, copper and cadmium and in the cuticle for iron, manganese and lead. The mean copper concentration in the soft tissue, corresponding to the edible part, was 27.1 microg x g(-1) wet weight. Approximately 80% of stations showed values higher than 20 microg x g(-1) wet weight of copper, the Spanish legal limit for the concentration of this metal in the crustacean for human consumption. For Zn and Cu no significant differences were found between regions, probably related with the capacity for regulation of S. mantis. The highest values found for copper in the Gulf of Cádiz compared to other areas is likely to be related with contamination from terrestrial mining activities (copper and pyrites) in the region, dating back to the times of Tartessians and Romans, rather than the effects of mining spill which was shown not to create any significant increases in heavy metal concentrations of organisms of the Guadalquivir River or the adjacent coastal area.  相似文献   

A hydroponic experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of iodine species and solution concentrations on iodine uptake by spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Five iodine concentrations (0, 1, 10, 50 and 100 microM) for iodate (IO(3)(-)) and iodide (I(-)) were used. Results show that higher concentrations of I(-) (> or =10 microM) had some detrimental effect on plant growth, while IO(3)(-) had little effect on the biomass production of spinach plants. Increases in iodine concentration in the growth solution significantly enhanced I concentrations in plant tissues. The detrimental effect of I(-) on plant growth was probably due to the excessively high accumulation of I in plant tissues. The solution-to-spinach leaf transfer factors (TF(leaf), fresh weight basis) for plants treated with iodide were between 14.2 and 20.7 at different solution concentrations of iodide; TF(leaf) for plants treated with iodate decreased gradually from 23.7 to 2.2 with increasing solution concentrations of iodate. The distribution coefficients (DCs) of I between leaves and roots were constantly higher for plants treated with iodate than those treated with iodide. DCs for plants treated with iodide increased with increasing solution concentrations of iodide, while DCs for plants treated with iodate (around 5.5) were similar across the range of solution concentrations of iodate used in this experiment. The implications of iodine accumulation in leafy vegetables in human iodine nutrition are also discussed.  相似文献   

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