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The purpose of this study is to investigate the customer-based brand equity (CBBE) of green brands and their impact on green purchase consumption with the moderating effect of religious commitment. Data were gathered from 315 consumers in three large cities in Pakistan and further analysed by partial least square. The results of this study revealed that there is a significant positive nexus between CBBE and green purchase consumption. Additionally, results showed the evidence of religious commitment moderating the relationship between CBBE and green purchase consumption. The findings are helpful to the greening companies, suggesting that they should focus on every component of brand performance in order to achieve the higher ranked performance that ultimately initiates green purchase and repurchase consumption. This research addresses the attitude behaviour gap in green purchase consumption by incorporating the contingent impact of religious commitment.


Following Hartmann and Apaolaza-Ibáñez’ [(2009). Green advertising revisited. Conditioning virtual nature experiences. International Journal of Advertising, 28(4), 715–739] approach, this experimental study compares the effects of three types of green print ads: a non-green ad, a functional green ad promoting environmental product attributes, and a combined nature ad featuring a pleasant nature image in addition to functional attributes. We extend prior research by simultaneously testing moderating and mediating mechanisms to explain brand attitudes and purchase intention. Using a quota sample of 456 consumers, findings suggest that the functional ad enhances perceptions of environmental brand benefits, which positively affect purchase intention partially mediated by brand attitudes. The combined nature ad, by contrast, activates an additional emotional process of virtually experiencing nature which positively influences brand attitudes and purchase intention beyond perceptions of environmental brand benefits. The effects of the combined nature ad are even stronger for highly involved consumers.  相似文献   

随着全球气候的变暖,低碳生活、低碳消费成为人们关注的热点。本文通过构建模型,从消费者的个人层面和文化层面研究了中国城市居民低碳购买行为的影响因素,结果表明,城市居民的个人因素(低碳认知、低碳情感)和文化因素(集体主义、天人合一)以低碳购买态度为中介,进而正向影响其低碳购买意向,但它们的影响程度存在差异,个人因素对低碳购买态度的影响要大于文化因素,在个人因素中,低碳情感的影响要大于低碳认知,在文化因素中,天人合一的影响要略高于集体主义;而在低碳购买态度到购买意向之间会受到居民对低碳产品信任程度的调节作用。  相似文献   

This study proposes and employs a structural model to examine the effects of environmental literacy, environmental awareness, environmental attitudes, and environmental behavior among middle school students in Eski?ehir on their purchase of environmentally friendly products. In the proposed structural model, environmental illiteracy and environmental awareness were the exogenous latent variables, while pro-environmental attitude, pro-environmental behavior, and the purchase of environmentally friendly products were the endogenous latent variables. The latent variable of environmental illiteracy did not have a statistically significant effect on environmental attitudes and purchase of environmentally friendly products, whereas environmental awareness had a positive effect on pro-environmental attitudes and the purchase of environmentally friendly products. These findings indicate that students with environmental awareness also develop positive attitudes toward the environment, and the presence of a positive attitude toward the environment leads them to display pro-environmental behaviors and adopt a positive attitude toward environmentally friendly products.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - The current study explores the role of green trust, green perceived risk and green perceived quality in changing green purchase intention....  相似文献   

当前,中国制造产业面临污染能耗大、全球竞争优势递减、人口红利消失、产品日趋同质化和客户需求日益个性化等产业困境。随着《中国制造2025》对服务型制造理念的推动,以实物产品为载体,衍生与产品相匹配的服务,并与产品构成“混合产品”来解决客户问题的观点逐渐被诸多企业认同和实践。在混合产品提供过程中,考虑到节约资源、保护环境和预防污染,以及生产者责任延伸制下的政府约束,制造企业能否通过调整混合产品提供策略以削减上述顾虑并落实生产者责任延伸制的要求?本文在耦合生产者责任延伸制和混合产品理论的基础上,发现考虑环保效益的混合产品策略主要受政府、制造企业和客户决策行为的影响,籍此,构建了“政府-企业-客户”三方演化博弈模型,探讨各主体采取不同行为决策时策略的演化路径,并以共享电动汽车为例,验证本文模型,得到一些发现:客户支付意愿能促进策略实现,但促进作用边际递减,为此要求企业服务衍生把握深度和广度,并强调政府引导供需交互的重要性;策略稳定性受制造企业间接收益影响,而服务和环境元素对间接受益的影响更为显著;制造企业服务衍生和客户支付行为之间存在意愿平衡点,为政府制定适度性的扶持政策提供参考;潜在损失的增加促使企业和客户积极参与考虑环保效益的混合产品提供策略;政府参与度的增加促进客户价值创造效用边际递增。研究结论为制造企业在生产者责任延伸制下合理地提供混合产品,政府引导市场客户与激励制造企业方面的政策制定,客户对混合产品消费观念的重塑提供了建议与理论指导。  相似文献   

后现代旅游理念源于后现代主义思潮,是一种新型的旅游观。在回顾国内外相关文献基础上,采用实地研究与问卷调查方法,以长沙县开慧镇为例进行了实证研究。研究发现:(1)后现代旅游是对现代旅游的继承性发展,后现代旅游需求是多样、复杂、甚至矛盾的,目前很难统一界定;(2)总体来看,后现代旅游产品开发应该秉持绿色自然、情感体验、个性本我、健康公平等理念;(3)开慧镇乡村旅游资源丰富,但现有产品开发存在游客参与度不高,消费水平偏低,产品认知程度不一,新媒体营销收效甚微等问题;(4)探索性地设立了由13个影响因子组成的指标体系,依据对游客的重要性程度将权重划分为高、中、低3个层级,并以此作为产品开发的参照;(5)提出了加强“大地艺术类”“儿童旅游类”“农家体验类”“户外休闲类”4类后现代乡村旅游产品开发的建议。今后,有必要加强对“后现代”或“跨现代”背景下的乡村旅游研究。  相似文献   

基于多群组结构方程模型的绿色价值结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色价值结构是"人与自然和谐发展"这一价值理念影响下的消费者消费价值观的结构要素。首先回顾了绿色价值结构的相关文献,提出了绿色价值结构的假设模型,设计并开展了以绿色化妆品为主题的面向女性消费者的问卷调查;然后用SPSS13.0对581份有效问卷数据进行了信度和效度检验以及探索性因子分析,并用AMOS17.0对假设模型和调查数据进行了结构方程模型的拟合和检验;最后分析了不同群组消费者的结构方程模型拟合参数的特点。研究结果表明:当前消费者的绿色价值结构主要由消费者的安全价值、环境价值、审美价值和社交价值构成;在这些消费者价值中,年轻消费者群体和低收入消费者群体的安全价值受到绿色价值理念的影响比较突出,高收入水平、高受教育水平以及年龄比较大的消费群体的环境价值受到绿色价值理念的影响比较明显,低学历消费者群体和年轻消费者群体的社交价值则比较容易受到绿色价值理念的影响。  相似文献   

Previous academic research into how consumers evaluate advocacy advertising identified many possible paths involving potentially reflexive effects on how people perceive an advocacy advertising sponsor, the advocated issue and themselves. This paper has examined one possible scenario within this complicated phenomenon: that of advertising advocating a specific environmental consumer action, recycling. In the specific context of this study, structural equation modelling demonstrated clear causal relationships among consumer perceptions of the recycling advertisements’ sponsoring organization, consumer self-efficacy and perceived consumer effectiveness of complying with the advocated issue (recycling behaviour). These factors were shown to impact specific advocacy advertising goals (termed message effectiveness in this study) such as behavioural intention toward the advocated recycling issue and perceived changes in how consumers evaluate the sponsoring organization.  相似文献   

区域品牌已成为提升区域竞争力的重要途径,对于区域经济的可持续发展具有重要影响。本文基于资源配置体系的内生视角,在对区域品牌发展的驱动机制进行探讨和构建的基础上,理论分析并实证检验了区域资源禀赋对区域品牌发展的影响机理和作用边界,以及制度因素在二者关系中的调节作用,以期通过探索资源禀赋、制度因素与区域品牌发展的关系,揭示以资源禀赋为逻辑起点的区域品牌发展驱动机制。研究结果显示,在主效应方面,区域品牌内的品牌声誉、金融支持、技术投入三个资源因素对区域品牌发展均具有显著的驱动作用。作用边界方面,公共营销在品牌声誉与区域品牌发展的关系中具有显著正向调节作用,品牌声誉对区域品牌发展的贡献随着公共营销能力的提升而增加;市场维护变量在金融支持与区域品牌发展关系中具有显著正向调节作用,区域市场维护力度越强,金融支持对区域品牌发展的促进作用越显著。并且,两项制度因素均能够显著正向调节技术投入和区域品牌发展的关系,即制度因素与区域品牌发展对技术投入的敏感性具有正相关关系。研究结论的实践启示在于,区域品牌发展的核心驱动要素为区域资源的禀赋状态,区域内的企业、地方政府等利益相关主体应从树立品牌声誉、加强金融支持、提升创新技术投入三个方面来提升区域品牌的成长动力。在推动区域品牌发展过程中,地方政府的主要职能应锁定在建构主打产品的公共营销体系和维护产品市场交易秩序两个方面,继而为区域品牌成长提供政策环境和必要条件。  相似文献   

Much academic research and industrial development explores new ways to create greener and environmentally friendlier chemicals and materials for a variety of applications. A significant part of this work focuses on the development, processing and manufacturing, recycling and disposal of green plastics, adhesives, polymer composites, blends and many other industrial products from renewable resources. Natural fibres offer the potential to deliver greater added value, sustainability, renewability and lower costs especially in the automotive industry. Further research involves the fibre crop production. The ever-increasing volume of scientific literature refers with enthusiasm to the potential of natural fibres in technological, economic and ecological terms. This enthusiasm tends to also expand to the areas of human life and socio-economic development for the fibre crop growers and their communities. However, there is very little debate or evidence to support statements about the assumed advantages for the affected population in rural areas. We argue that despite the predicted new boom in the demand of natural fibres, it is unlikely that this will represent a real improvement in the quality of life of crop fibre growers and their communities. This paper examines the experience of Mexico as a case study and argues that only through consistent political will and co-operation between governments, industry, scientists, consumer groups and local communities, as well as a suitable economic strategy such as local subsidies, a truly sustainable economic development, social equity and improved environmental quality will be achieved for tens of thousands of natural fibre growers.  相似文献   

汽车共享作为中国新兴的可持续交通方式,如何成功的使消费者接受和使用,是研究的关键挑战。本文基于UTAUT2模型,选择上海市居民作为调查对象,发现价格价值对行为意向影响最大,其次为享乐动机、努力期望、绩效期望和便利条件,社群影响对行为意向影响不显著;行为意向和便利条件对使用行为有显著正面影响,便利条件对使用行为影响更大。进而,使用个人特征为调节变量(是否有私家车、网约车经验和婚姻状况)验证对模型路径的影响,绩效期望对行为意向的影响受到是否有车、网约车经验和婚姻状况三个因素的调节,无车、无网约车经验与未婚的受访者调节效应更强;便利条件对行为意向和使用行为的影响同时受到是否有车单个因素的调节,无车者的调节作用更强;价值价格对行为意向的影响受到婚姻状况的调节,未婚者的调节效应更强;行为意向对使用行为的影响受到是否有网约车经验的调节,无网约车经验的调节效应更强。基于汽车共享服务发展初期的市场调查,本文建议汽车共享企业应提前布局服务网络,扩大会员数量,宣传它与私家车相比的成本优势和共享的价值观,获得细分市场。  相似文献   

中国省际间绿色发展福利测量与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在绿色发展理念下,对绿色发展福利进行测量和评价比传统的GDP评价更能体现发展的质量。本文基于生态绩效理论,将绿色发展福利增长速度推导为脱钩指数与GDP增长速度的乘积。首先以人类发展指数作为绿色发展福利的判别标准,根据脱钩指数理论,以数值0和0.1为界线,将2002—2014年中国31个省份的绿色发展福利水平划分为"负福利增长"、"绝对低福利增长"、"相对低福利增长"三类。其次,利用数据包络分析(DEA)方法及Malmquist指数测度兼顾期望产出(GDP)与非期望产出(生态足迹)的绿色经济增长,并对中国省际绿色经济增长效率进行分解,将绿色全要素生产率分为技术效率变动、技术变动、纯技术效率变动和规模效率变动,以探讨影响中国绿色发展"C"模式的关键因素。实证结果表明:中国大陆31个省份的脱钩指数均小于0.6(两个省份的脱钩指数小于0),处于低福利增长状态,但是整体上省际间脱钩指数与GDP增长速度呈现正相关关系,省际间人类发展指数的差异主要表现在公平的教育机会与收入分配差距两个方面。对中国大陆31个省份绿色经济增长速度的分解表明,绿色全要素生产率的提升主要得益于技术效率变动、纯技术效率变动、规模效率变动指数的提高,且每个时期三者的贡献率均在1左右波动。检验期间,北京、上海、广东、天津四个省份作为"创新者"共同推动产出朝着最优生产前沿面外移。最后,为了构筑中国绿色发展"C"模式,认为应该以绿色发展福利水平的提升为导向,在依据绿色全要素生产率提高绿色经济增长效率的同时,应注重教育公平与收入分配差距的缩减。同时,应积极发挥创新者省份绿色发展的示范效应,带动非创新者省份共同发展。  相似文献   

市场与政府对农户绿色防控技术采纳的协同作用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农户绿色防控技术的采纳对于农药减量、农产品质量提升和生态环境保护具有重要的积极作用。基于湖北宜昌、丹江口和江西赣州285个柑橘种植户样本,运用二元Logistic回归方法,分析市场利润与政府的激励和约束政策对农户绿色防控技术采纳意愿和行为的影响。研究表明:(1)仍有36.14%的样本农户在具有绿色防控技术采纳意愿的前提下并没有真实的绿色防控技术采纳行为;(2)农户的绿色防控技术采纳行为表达受市场利润与政府激励和约束政策的双重影响。在绿色市场发展不完善,市场利润激励不足的情况下,政府激励与约束政策均能不同程度促进农户的绿色防控技术采纳行为。也即政府激励与约束政策弥补绿色农产品市场不足,在引导和规范农户的绿色病虫害防治上起到积极作用。  相似文献   

贫困山区名牌战略初探:以渝鄂湘黔接壤区为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
渝鄂湘黔接壤区是全国闻名的贫困山区。在这里,开发名牌产品,实行名牌战略,不仅是必要的,而且是可能的。有可能发展成为名牌的产品包括:历史上已有一定知名度的传统产品;山区无污染的绿色产品;拥有较强的科技含量又已有质量优势的工业产品;以天然植物为开发对象的现代生物化工产品;精美的少数民族工艺产品等。推行名牌战略,应提高认识,坚定信心,搞好计划;应巩固和扩大已有的名牌产品;对有潜力的产品应分层次、顺序,先  相似文献   

This paper examines consumer attitudes and behavior on the use of plastic and cloth bags in Eski?ehir, Turkey. To this end, a structural equation model is proposed. Environmental consciousness regarding the use of plastic bags, social pressure, support for the banning of plastic bags, the intention to use cloth bags and behavior to reduce plastic bag use are employed as latent variables in the model. The intention to use cloth bags and the behavior to reduce the use of plastic bags are defined as endogenous latent variables in the structural model. In the conclusion of the study, it is identified that consumers who are environmentally conscious and feel under social pressure, tend to reduce the use of plastic bags and switch to using cloth bags.  相似文献   

绿色产品监测的法制建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿色产品已经成为最具魅力的引导市场潮流的商品,其监测的法律保护问题日益突出。本文分析了国内外绿色产品监测法律保护的现状,提出了加强绿色产品监测法制建设的建议。  相似文献   

环境公平问题既有研究述评及研究框架思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境不公平问题,日益成为经济发展现实中的一个重要问题,也日益成为环境经济学的一个着重关注领域,但既有的研究尚缺乏系统性和理论基础。本文系统梳理了国内外关于环境公平定义的代表性观点,在此基础上提出了作者对环境公平的认识。然后笔者在各种形式的环境不公平研究(包括不同群体间的环境不公平问题的研究和不同区域间的环境不公平问题的研究)、环境公平问题的研究方法(主要指基于地理信息系统获取相应的变量数据进而用计量模型的方法和借鉴收入差距的分析方法)等既有研究进行梳理和简要评述的基础上,提出:环境不公平问题的实质是经济利益不公平问题的转化与延伸,应在这一认识前提下来探讨环境公平问题、来建立环境公平问题的研究框架。进而提出:以经济学方法讨论利益主体之间如何实现公平享有环境利益、公平分配使用环境容量、公平承受环境破坏后果、公平分担环境维护责任、公平分担环境治理成本,是环境公平问题研究的主要方向。  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to illustrate the benefits, and challenges towards providing multifunctional urban green spaces. The results are based on critical analysis of study findings from different cities in Europe, America and to a lesser extent in Asia. Inner-city green spaces are especially important for improving air quality through uptake of pollutant gases and particulates which are responsible for respiratory infections. Due to their amenity and aesthetics, green spaces increase property value. To ensure multifunctional role of urban a green space is achieved, in particular the social and psychological role, certain standards of quantity, quality and distribution within the urban area should be adequately established. Green spaces need to be uniformly distributed throughout the city area, although each does not need to be extremely large but should be large enough to accommodate the city population.  相似文献   

Recovery of used products has become a field of rapidly growing importance in reverse supply chain management. Product recovery includes collection, inspection/separation, disassembly, reconditioning/reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling. In real time situations, the collection of end‐of‐life (EoL) products from the customer and their return to the manufacturer is tedious and time consuming. Reduced product life cycles have increased the rate of product returns and disposals. Owing to shortened product economic life cycles, the recovery of value from EoL products is becoming a necessity. Companies have realised the value that they could recover by remanufacturing or recycling EoL products. Researchers have developed various models for product recovery network design, optimal inventory, production planning and control, remanufacturing, recycling, disposal, etc. The main purpose of this paper is to review the literature on EoL product recovery and inventory management issues in reverse supply chains and to outline some future directions for research on these issues.  相似文献   

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