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按照《国家地表水环境质量监测网监测任务作业指导书(试行)》中实验室分析测试的质量保证和质量控制要求,结合江苏省南京环境监测中心的实际工作,综合分析2017年10月—2018年8月间国家地表水采测分离工作中环境标准样品在样品测试准确度验证、检测人员能力确认、检测设备期间核查及关键化学试剂检查等方面的应用情况。为保障环境监测结果量值溯源的统一性、准确性、一致性和可比性,提出丰富水环境标准样品的浓度水平、解决标准样品供需不平衡问题、改善消耗量大的标准样品操作方法、建立环境标准样品使用信息共享平台等实践建议,为合理提升环境标准样品应用效能、有效保证水环境监测数据质量提供参考。  相似文献   

A geographic information system (GIS)-based approach with spatial analysis advantages was developed to optimize the total emission control scheme on air pollution in Lanzhou, combined with Models-3 modeling system and a linear programming model. GIS system is mainly used for establishing a multifactor assessment model to quantitatively divide environmental functional zone, and also used for selecting control sites in linear programming model. The results show that most of the urban area belongs to the second type of function, which is 122.8 km2 occupying about 76.5% and the third type of about 32.9 km2 occupying 20.5%. To reach the air quality up to the national standard in the entire control area, some large-emission factories need to cut emissions from 19% to 27%. For small but low-emission height sources, the cut may be as high 40%. The improvement of the ecological environment is urgently needed for controlling the background particle pollution in Lanzhou city.  相似文献   

A new method (NMM, using acetic acid fiber filter and 90% ethanol) was established to determine chlorophyll in freshwater algae, and it was compared with US standard method (USM, using glass fiber filter and 90% acetone) and the method recommend by EPA of China (CHM, using acetic acid fiber filter and 90% acetone). The precision and repeatability of NMM is equivalent to that of USM, but NMM is safer to laboratory workers than USM and CHM because ethanol was used as solvent in NMM instead of acetone used in USM and CHM, and time and money were also greatly saved by the new method. The precision and repeatability of CHM was much less than USM and NMM, and the advice improving the method was proposed that the extraction time must be prolonged.  相似文献   

环境监控(监测)建设与发展过程的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
论述环境监控系统的发展过程、具体应用和建设的意义。叙述环境监控系统的建设为解决环境质量监测、污染源在线自动监测和生态监测与具体部门相关联而造成信息孤岛的问题,提倡环保多业务综合共享信息的标准化;环境监控系统的建设是基础,应用是关键,运行维护管理是保障,三者不可偏废。让环境管理者产生形象思维,拓宽思路和视野,发现和解决新问题。  相似文献   

The maximal covering species problem (MCSP) is becoming an accepted method for selecting networks of reserves for the preservation of species and their habitats. Drawing on experience with the MC location P (MCLP), we expect that the objective function in the region of the optimum is quite flat. This implies many equal-optimal and near-optimal solutions for any particular problem. We propose a new type of heuristic for the MCSP: an interchange heuristic which frequently provides a better solution than greedy adding heuristics now commonly used. The proposed interchange heuristic, with multiple random starts, gives one a range of alternative sets of sites rather than a single mathematically selected solution, from which a final satisfactory solution can be chosen.  相似文献   

Energy-related activities contribute a major portion of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere. In this study, a dual-interval multi-stage stochastic programming model for the planning of integrated energy-environment systems (DMSP-IEES) model is developed for integrated energy-environment systems management, in which issues of GHG-emission mitigation can be reflected throughout the process of energy systems planning. By integrating methodologies of interval linear programming (when numbers are described as interval values without distribution information), dual-interval programming (when lower and upper bounds of interval values are not available as deterministic values but as discrete intervals), and multi-stage stochastic programming, the DMSP-IEES model is capable of dealing with uncertainties expressed as discrete intervals, dual intervals, and probability distributions within a multi-stage context. Decision alternatives can also be generated through analysis of the single- and dual-interval solutions according to projected applicable conditions. A case study is provided for demonstrating the applicability of the developed methodology. The results indicate that the developed model can tackle the dual uncertainties and the dynamic complexities in the energy-environment management systems through a multi-layer scenario tree. In addition, it can reflect the interactions among multiple system components and the associated trade-offs.  相似文献   

研制了一种新型分流透光式烟度计,可适用于柴油机排烟的动态监测,具有结构简单、精度高、易于携带等优点。仪器符合我国现行的标准。  相似文献   

An understanding of the scaling laws governing aerosol sampler performance leads to new options for testing aerosol samplers at small scale in a small laboratory wind tunnel. Two methods are described in this paper. The first involves an extension of what is referred to as the "conventional" approach, in which scaled aerosol sampler systems are tested in a small wind tunnel while exposed to relatively monodisperse aerosols. Such aerosols are collected by test and reference samplers respectively and assessed gravimetrically. The new studies were carried out for a modified, low flowrate version of the IOM personal inhalable aerosol sampler. It was shown that such experiments can be carried out with a very high level of repeatability, and this supported the general validity of the aerosol sampler scaling laws. The second method involves a novel testing system and protocol for evaluating the performances of aerosol samplers. Here, scaled aerosol samplers of interest are exposed to polydisperse aerosols, again in a small wind tunnel. In this instance, the sampled particles are counted and sized using a direct-reading aerodynamic particle sizer (the APS). A prototype automated aerosol sampler testing system based on this approach was built and evaluated in preliminary experiments to determine the performance of another modified version of the IOM personal inhalable aerosol sampler. The design of the new test system accounts for the complex fluid mechanical coupling that occurs near the sampler inlet involving the transition between the external flow outside the sampler and the internal airflow inside the sampler, leading in turn to uncontrolled particle losses. The problem was overcome by the insertion of porous plastic foam plugs. where the penetration characteristics are well understood, into the entries of both the test and the reference samplers. Preliminary experiments with this new system also supported the general validity of the aerosol sampler scaling laws. In addition, they demonstrated high potential that this approach may be applied in a standardised aerosol testing method and protocol.  相似文献   

This study examines perceived risk data from the U.S., China, Japan, and South Korea. These data are then compared with similar results collected from previous studies. Psychometric scaling scores from Burkino Faso (a West African Country), France, Norway, and Hungary have been analyzed and compared with results from our study. The data reveal certain risk events like nuclear weapons, war, and AIDS to have high perceived risks in all countries. These data also show that many of the events have dissimilar perceived risks in different countries. The conclusions also show some countries have higher over all levels of perceive risk (South Korea) while others like the United States display generally lower values.  相似文献   

2014年9月1日起,国家试行6年以内的非营运轿车等车辆免检制度。大多数城市根据此规定,对于车辆的排放定期检验也同步实施6年免检。随着汽车保有量的快速增长,车辆尾气排放对大气环境的影响不容忽视。因此,地方环保部门应针对机动车污染排放的管理重点,从管理手段、管理体制机制、管理对策等方面进一步加强对高污染车辆的监管。  相似文献   

在枯水期和丰水期,对秦皇岛市15个典型入海排污口污水进行生物效应监测,选用发光细菌(费歇尔弧菌)、藻类(中肋骨条藻)、甲壳类(卤虫)、鱼类(海水青鳉幼鱼) 4种不同的生物毒性测试生物对污水进行短期急性毒性测试。结果表明:排海污水的毒性大小易受雨水稀释影响;海水青鳉幼鱼对污水最为敏感,其次为卤虫和中肋骨条藻,费歇尔弧菌敏感性最低。对排海污水毒性评估结果与理化指标的相关性分析进一步表明,仅仅依靠理化指标来评估污水的环境影响具有局限性。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展与普及,对现有系统进行网络化改造的技术条件已经成熟。利用VPN实现所有站点的远程联网,采用统一的数据通讯标准,可提高数据通讯和远程监控能力,从而有效地解决质控问题。文章介绍了一些国内领先的解决方案和成型产品供参考。  相似文献   

建立了一种泥沙水样中分离微塑料纤维和去除泥沙的方法。选取聚酰胺6(Polyamide 6,PA)、丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物(Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymers,ABS)、聚丙烯(Polypropylene,PP)颗粒,制备长度(1±0. 25) mm,宽度(200±30)μm的微塑料纤维;分别混合不同质量(0,0. 01,0. 05,0. 25,1. 25,6. 25 g)经30%过氧化氢消解和饱和氯化钠(1. 2 g/m L)、碘化钠溶液(1. 8 g/m L)浮选后的自然泥沙;以探究在不同泥沙质量下,静置阶段投加氯化钠颗粒对玻璃漏斗中微塑料纤维分离效率以及泥沙去除率的影响,并与不投加氯化钠和容量瓶浮选法作比较。结果表明,在静置阶段添加氯化钠颗粒效果较优,对3种微塑料纤维的平均分离效率和泥沙的平均去除率分别为87. 78%和98. 33%。实验结论可为微塑料分离提取方法的优化提供参考。  相似文献   

根据国家地表水采测分离工作实施要求,剖析了分析测站在采测分离记录审核中经常遇到的各种问题,诸如《国家地表水环境质量监测网监测任务作业指导书(试行)》执行中技术记录与质量保证和质量控制要求存在客观差异、分析测站人员对所用记录表理解不透以及分析人员的失误等。结合分析测站实际工作情况,提出了进一步完善质量体系、优化技术记录、规范技术要求、提高执行意识、综合提升监测数据质量的建议。  相似文献   

We compared levels of eight heavy metals in common tern eggs collected in 1982 (n=24) from coastal New Jersey with archived specimens collected from the same colonies in 1971 (N=9). Levels of all metals, except cobalt, showed a significant decrease over the 11 year period, with lead and nickel showing the greatest decline. Mercury levels declined over 50% based on geometric means. Cadmium and mercury showed the lowest levels in both years. Pair-wise correlation coefficients on log-transformed data revealed lower correlations in 1971, whereas most metal pairs showed significant correlations in 1982. Mercury levels showed significant positive correlations with cobalt, cadmium, and nickel in 1971, but were not correlated with levels of any other metal in 1982.  相似文献   

新显色剂的合成及其在环境监测中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合成了新试剂三氮烯NPCPDT,即1-(4-硝基苯基)-3-(5-氯吡啶)。研究了NPCPDT与汞(Ⅱ)的显色反应。结果表明,在pH为11.5的Na2B4O7-NaOH介质中,在TX-100存在下,Hg(Ⅱ)与NPCPDT形成稳定的1∶2型配合物,在440nm处有一最大正吸收,在530nm处有一最大负吸收,表观摩尔吸光系数为2.45×105L/mol.cm,Hg(Ⅱ)的量在0~12μg/25ml内符合比尔定律。本法灵敏度高,选择性好,用于测定废水和环境水样中的微量汞,获得了满意结果。  相似文献   

北京市地表水环境面临的主要问题及防治对策   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
针对北京市地表水水质污染现状、污染特点及其变化趋势,深入剖析了目前地表水环境及其治理过程中存在的主要问题,提出进一步改善北京市地表水环境的措施与建议。  相似文献   

The Environmental Laboratories Automation Software System or PALMA (Spanish abbreviation) was developed by a multidisciplinary team in order to support the main tasks of heterogeneous air quality control networks. The software process for PALMA development, which can be perfectly applied to similar multidisciplinary projects, was (a) well-defined, (b) arranged between environmental technicians and informatics, (c) based on quality guides, and (d) clearly user-centred. Moreover, it introduces some interesting advantages with regard to the classical step-by-step approaches. PALMA is a web-based system that allows 'off-line' and automated telematic data acquisition from distributed inmission stations belonging not only to homogeneous but also to heterogeneous air quality control networks. It provides graphic and tabular representations for a comprehensive and centralised analysis of acquired data, and considers the daily work that is associated with such networks: validation of the acquired data, alerts with regard to (periodical) tasks (e.g., analysers verification), downloading of files with environmental information (e.g., dust forecasts), etc. The implantation of PALMA has provided qualitative and quantitative improvements in the work performed by the people in charge of the considered control network.  相似文献   

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