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Central village selection is the priority of small town construction. Depending on the development potential analysis, classification analysis, and quantitative and qualitative analysis, this article systematically proposes the specific methods of central village selection and also constructs the indicator system used in central village selection in small towns of western underdeveloped region in China. The article also puts forward ideas and methods for selection of central village in the western underdeveloped region through an empirical research on Lidian Town, Jingning County, Gansu Province. In the final part, suggestions and recommendations on how to develop central village for Lidian Town are made.  相似文献   

This article attempts to explore the nexus between rural households’ environmental dependency, poverty and livelihood strategies. Households’ income from each livelihood activities formed the basis for categorizing households according to livelihood strategies. The principal component analysis, agglomerative hierarchical and the k-means cluster analysis were employed to determine the four livelihood clusters and to assign households to the identified livelihood strategies. Households’ environmental dependency, poverty and asset holding were compared across the strategies, and the determinants of livelihood choice were analyzed using multinomial logit model. The results indicate the existence of marked differences in environmental dependency, rural poverty and asset endowments across the livelihood groups. Household’s total saving, access to credit, production implements, business cost, exposure to agricultural shock determined household’s access to a more remunerative livelihood strategy. Incomes from each livelihood activities for the identified livelihood strategies were analyzed, and their implications were also discussed.  相似文献   

生态文明城市是新型城镇化建设的目标,是实现经济发展、民生改善与生态保护协调统一的最佳方式。适度的人口容量、科学的城市规划和有效的城市治理是避免和减轻城市病的根本途径。本文从生态经济学和系统工程学跨学科的视角出发,构建了一个基于适度人口容量,人口流动和城乡均衡发展的生态文明城市建设路径的理论分析框架,并以广东省惠州市为例,根据土地功能定位和主体功能区定位,分别测算了惠州市的适度人口容量;基于人口自然变动和人口机械变动的趋势,预测了惠州市未来人口发展状况。研究发现,惠州市常住人口已略微超过基于土地功能定位测算的适度人口容量,但基于主体功能定位的人口密度模型测算表明,惠州市未来人口发展规模远低于适度人口容量,进而从总体上剖析了惠州市生态文明城市建设中适度人口容量和人口均衡发展方面带有普遍性的问题和原因。由此,揭示出生态文明城市的创建,必须基于人口承载力,走动态规划调控路子,协同推进经济建设、民生改善、生态保护、环境优化和制度改革,真正地促进流动人口市民化、城乡公共服务均等化和社会保障公平化。  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - The comprehensive suitability of regional human settlements is of great significance to the development and spatial distribution of regional human...  相似文献   

基于课题组在7省区1 356农户的调查问卷数据,采用双差分析模型对IFAD项目的扶贫绩效进行了测度;选用人均纯收入作为贫困代理指标,并采用倾向得分匹配法对项目干预的净效应进行了分析,分别采用核匹配和半径匹配(0.001)方法测算了项目的干预效果,定量评价了联合国IFAD中国项目对项目区受益人精准脱贫的实际贡献。研究结果显示:1IFAD项目脱贫效果显著:IFAD项目的实施对项目区贫困农户脱贫率的净贡献为18.71%,由于IFAD项目实施而摆脱贫困的受益人总数达到80.746万人,其中直接受益人46.113 7万人,间接受益人为34.632 3万人;2从收入结构来看,IFAD项目干预对贫困农户种植业收入增长的影响最大:采用Di D、包含控制变量的Di D、加权最小二乘Di D和PSM方法分析的结果显示,IFAD项目实施使项目受益人的种植业收入人均增长了1 031.15元,且在0.05的水平上显著;3从家庭特征来看,市场便捷程度和户主学历对IFAD项目干预效果的影响最大。基于以上研究结论,本文提出了旨在提高IFAD中国项目脱贫绩效的政策建议:1应充分发挥联合国IFAD项目精准脱贫的示范效应;2加快贫困地区农业产业结构升级以优化贫困户的收入结构;3进一步加强贫困地区道路和教育等基础设施建设。  相似文献   

The rural primary organizations of water management are the important parts of the public service system in the government administration.This paper studies several major management models of the rural primary water management in Zhejiang Province of China.The research result shows that ambiguous functions,lack of funding,and unreasonable personnel structure are the major problems of the rural primary water management.Therefore,it is urgent to improve service system,ensure sufficient funds,and qualify the population personnel of the rural primary organizations of water management  相似文献   

The rural primary organizations of water management are the important parts of the public service system in the government administration. This paper studies several major management models of the rural primary water management in Zhejiang Province of China. The research result shows that ambiguous functions, lack of funding, and unreasonable personnel structure are the major problems of the rural primary water management. Therefore, it is urgent to improve service system, ensure sufficient funds, and qualify the population personnel of the rural primary organizations of water management.  相似文献   

The pre-modern history of population change in the Fuping County (Shaanxi Province, China) during the Ming and Qing Dynasties (AD 1368–1911) was reconstructed using historical sources. The Fuping County experienced two major population collapses, i.e. the late Ming Dynasty (1550–1640s) and the 1860–1880s. The first one was caused by the great AD 1556 earthquake and the extreme droughts and warfare in the 1630–1640s. The second one was caused by warfare and extreme droughts. As a whole, natural disasters, including extreme drought and great earthquake, were the key direct causes of population collapse, and climatic cooling would be a potential indirect cause. It is very interesting that population collapses occurred almost synchronously in the Fuping County and whole China, and the trends of population change were also very similar. Climate–population relationship in China would be valid at finer geographic level, and climatic cooling could be a potential indirect cause of population collapse.  相似文献   

水利水电工程建设与移民安置会占用淹没区与安置区土地,根据补偿原理,淹没区与安置区理应获得补偿,从公平角度研究其土地补偿,对于增进移民与安置区居民福祉、实现社会公平正义具有积极意义。本文在界定和讨论淹没区与安置区土地公平补偿内涵与范围的基础上,分析了研究区域现行补偿标准的公平性,采用收益还原法和条件价值法分别测算了淹没区与安置区土地的市场价值与非市场价值,并由此测算土地公平补偿。结果表明:1淹没区与安置区土地公平补偿内涵是"损失什么,补偿什么",采取完全补偿原则,能体现"两区"之间的公平,公平补偿范围包括农地市场价值和非市场价值;2研究区域淹没区和安置区水田的市场价值分别是698 558.18元/hm2和573 272.73元/hm2,旱地为457 090.91元/hm2和465 818.18元/hm2;淹没区和安置区水田的非市场价值为50 006.40元/hm2和52 008.36元/hm2,旱地为47 045.65元/hm2和48 278.08元/hm2。3淹没区水田公平补偿测算结果为748 564.58元/hm2,旱地为504 136.56元/hm2;安置区水田公平补偿为625 281.09元/hm2,旱地为514 096.26元/hm2;4现行淹没区水田和旱地补偿标准仅为测算结果的53.77%和53.80%,安置区的补偿标准更是远低于该测算结果。研究结论:研究区域现行土地补偿标准仅能反映部分农地价值,是不完全补偿,同时,有关补偿制度未将淹没区与安置区土地补偿置于平等地位,现行土地补偿标准有失公平;本文基于农户的福利损失测算土地补偿,体现了公平补偿内涵;在土地补偿政策改进方面,应提高淹没区与安置区土地补偿标准,建立完善的社会保障制度,实施更加积极的就业政策等。  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - While most studies focus on the impact characteristics of farmers and family economic traits have on participation in rural environmental improvement,...  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Rural areas in Northwest China have always been the main concentration of poverty-stricken people in China. In 1986, China listed 665 poor counties...  相似文献   

Background Sustainable development (SD) is a common concept. Knowledge and attitudes are essential in the SD process. This study assesses the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of local people about SD. Aim To study the factors that influence the understanding of the concept, contents, and indicators of different aspects affecting the health and environmental issues. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out from June to July 2007 among 546 households in the Quang Tri province. Data were gathered on basis of socio-demographic variables, namely age, gender, education, occupation, income, and region. Chi square tests and multivariate analysis were performed on the obtained data. The data were cleaned and analysed using SPSS 15.0 for windows. Results Occupation is related to knowledge, attitude, or practice. Income is related to knowledge or practice. Gender related to only attitude. Lastly, region is related to attitude or practice. The proportion of wrong understanding about SD is 2.0 times (95% CI: 1.3; 3.1, p < 0.001) higher than that of the people who have good understanding about it. The rate of willingness to do any related SD programmes of the people who understanding is 2.1 times (95% CI: 1.4; 3.2, p < 0.001) higher than that of the people who have bad one. Conclusions This study shows that knowledge on sustainability of the local communities is low. Occupation and income influence understanding of SD more than region, age, gender, and education. Most of the local people who do not understand SD in general, do not want to participate or act in SD programmes.  相似文献   

Rural human settlement is a significant indicator of the living standards of rural residents,and its improvement can contribute to promoting the positive interaction between inhabited environment and the social,economic,and resource environment in the countryside.Based on 557 valid questionnaires of satisfaction evaluation of human settlement in the peripheral metropolitan area of Beijing,this paper analyzed the elemental characteristics and factors influencing human settlement quality using multivariate statistical analysis and a structural equation model.The result shows that,first,the rural residents in a peripheral metropolitan area of Beijing are generally satisfied with the quality of human settlement(satisfaction rate is 66.2%).Specifically,the natural and social environment of the countryside is excellent and harmonious and corresponding standard of countryside infrastructure is advanced,but the quality of public services and follow-up management of facilities are in urgent need of improvement and the imbalance between revenue and expenditure of rural households has led to a continuous increase in the pressures of life.Second,factors such as social atmosphere,appearance of the village,entertainment,living costs,fundamental public services,and production costs have significant effects on human settlement quality in this peripheral metropolitan area,with social atmosphere as the main one.Living costs and supporting services are the main constraints to improvement in the quality of human settlement.  相似文献   

中间消耗的"消耗规模与部门构成"是影响中国出口碳排放的重要因素。基于世界投入产出数据库(WIOD)1995—2015年数据,在部门归类与形式变换基础上,本文选取"单位产出碳排放量"、"完全消耗系数"与"出口值"为中国出口隐含碳排放的影响因子,构建"因子变动—反事实构造—效果评价"分析框架,借助规模指数与结构指数对影响因子的变化动态进行描述,并通过反事实构造对"因子变动"的影响效果进行评价。研究发现:"单位产出碳排放量"规模指数单调递减,Spearman偏度系数为右偏态,说明相比于意愿产出而言,非意愿产出"碳排放量"具有内在的规模不经济;"中间消耗"规模指数与碳偏向性指数在截面上始终处于高位水平,时序上出现了显著的递增趋势,说明中国单位出口值的中间消耗量偏大,消耗投入在结构上偏向于高碳部门,与"技术前沿国"美国存在显著"技术差距";"出口值"规模指数呈现"平缓扩张——快速攀升——V型震荡"的阶段性特征,结构指数经历了以基期2002年为顶点、"先下降、后上升、再平稳"的变化轨迹,说明"出口值"作为最具弹性的影响因子,受"亚洲金融危机"、"加入世界贸易组织"与"美国次债危机"等外部冲击的影响明显,对出口碳排放的推动作用存在伸缩性与阶段性差异。从"因子变动"影响效果来看,中国产出、中间消耗与出口的部门构成具有内生关联,均显著偏向于高碳部门,对出口隐含碳排放增长产生了叠加性的"正向"扩张效应。基于此,本文认为,总量控制与结构优化的视角需从产品环节向中间消耗环节扩展,现阶段应深化要素市场改革,加速要素禀赋升级,借力要素价格机制与差别化产业规制政策,从上游环节抑制出口碳排放的输入来源。  相似文献   

Rural human settlement is a significant indicator of the living standards of rural residents, and its improvement can contribute to promoting the positive interaction between inhabited environment and the social, economic, and resource environment in the countryside. Based on 557 valid questionnaires of satisfaction evaluation of human settlement in the peripheral metropolitan area of Beijing, this paper analyzed the elemental characteristics and factors influencing human settlement quality using multivariate statistical analysis and a structural equation model. The result shows that, first, the rural residents in a peripheral metropolitan area of Beijing are generally satisfied with the quality of human settlement (satisfaction rate is 66.2%). Specifically, the natural and social environment of the countryside is excellent and harmonious and corresponding standard of countryside infrastructure is advanced, but the quality of public services and follow-up management of facilities are in urgent need of improvement and the imbalance between revenue and expenditure of rural households has led to a continuous increase in the pressures of life. Second, factors such as social atmosphere, appearance of the village, entertainment, living costs, fundamental public services, and production costs have significant effects on human settlement quality in this peripheral metropolitan area, with social atmosphere as the main one. Living costs and supporting services are the main constraints to improvement in the quality of human settlement.  相似文献   

Detailed observations of natural and anthropogenic disturbance events that impact forest structure and the distribution of carbon are essential to estimate changes in terrestrial carbon pools and the associated emissions and removals of greenhouse gasses. Recent advances in remote sensing approaches have resulted in annual and decadal estimates of land-cover change derived from observations using broad-scale moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) 250 m–1 km imagery. These land-use change estimates, however, are often not attributed directly to a cause or activity and are not well validated, especially in tropical areas. Knowledge of the type of disturbance that caused the observed land-cover changes is important, however, for the quantification of the associated impacts on ecosystem carbon stocks and fluxes. In this paper, we provide estimates of the amount of forest land-cover change in a Mexican forested region and propose an approach for attributing the cause of the observed changes to the underlying disturbance driver. To do so, we collate geospatial and remote sensing data from a variety of sources to summarize statistics about the major disturbances within the Yucatan Peninsula, an “early action” region for the reduction of emissions from deforestation and degradation, from 2005 to 2010. We combine the datasets to develop rules to estimate the likely disturbances that caused the observed land-cover changes based on their spatially explicit location. Finally, we compare our observed disturbance rates to those detected using classified land-cover data derived from MODIS.  相似文献   

This study examines the marginalization process of rural communities, which is caused by the decline of community-based autonomy and various activities in relation to the decline and aging of their populations, based on the frameworks that describe the process in three stages. A field survey was conducted in five rural communities in Yurihonjo-shi in Akita Prefecture, Japan. These communities were selected based on their locations, population decline and aging rates, and population sizes and were categorized into two groups, the remote and the central communities. This survey was composed of two sections: (1) a questionnaire-based survey to households and (2) an interview survey with the chairperson of each community. In order to capture the multidimensionality of residents’ daily lives, sustainable development indicators, which are originally designed to capture the well-being of nations, were utilized to develop the questionnaire. The results demonstrated significant differences between the two groups of communities mainly on four aspects: (1) farming type, (2) visits and roles of out-migrated family, (3) self-evaluation of living conditions, and (4) residents’ future concerns. These findings suggest the current state of the remote community can be seen as that of the “marginalizing” community, for which a welfare-based approach is recommended to secure the living conditions of the residents. On the other hand, the current state of the central community is considered as that of the “sustaining” community for which a revitalization approach is recommended in order to rejuvenate the diminishing community functions.  相似文献   

In early 1980 an extension agent was assigned to the rural municipality of Bangui, Ilocos Norte, Philippines to work on development projects – in particular the improvement of the supply of safe water for drinking and sanitation. After many months of visiting spring sites and meeting with community leaders, a small part of the municipality was selected to build a gravity fed piped water system. Although the system took many months to plan, identify funding and construct, the 600 community members were ultimately rewarded with house to house connections that enabled them to achieve per capita water consumption levels above the minimum levels recommended by the World Health Organization. Of course, money was critical to ensure the project’s success, but many other factors played an equally critical role. For instance, without the active participation of the community and the unwavering support of the community leadership the project would not have survived the initial planning stage. Also, the extension agent played a critical role by acting as a conduit between funding agencies, the Bureau of Public Works and the community. The primary lesson to be learned from this experience is that the success of rural development projects is largely driven by the synergy between the community, technical support, financial support, and agents of change such as extension agents. If any of these ingredients had been lacking, the project result would likely have been far different.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - This research proposes “food self-sufficiency of tourism site” as an applicable measure of sustainability. However, empirical evidence...  相似文献   

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