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If SEA is to facilitate 'strategic' changes, it needs to focus on shaping the ways in which strategic initiatives are implemented, not just formulated. This is why follow-up which refers to postdecisional activities of SEA and strategic initiatives is increasingly seen as crucial. However, to date follow-up has only received limited attention in the SEA literature, as well as in practical guidance. The key reasons for why post decision activities are often overlooked are the lack of understanding of its actual benefits and purportedly multiple problems with its accomplishment. This paper reports on the results of a comprehensive literature review and an international e-survey on the topic, as well as an in-depth analysis of six SEA follow-up cases from England and Canada. Practically encountered and perceived benefits of, and obstacles to SEA follow-up are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

We compared three formalisms derived from (1) medical sciences, (2) environmental, and (3) agronomic models to simulate the effects of pH and temperature on the nitrification rate in arable soils. We evaluated these formalisms by implementing them in a simple growth model by comparing modelled and measured nitrate contents of soil samples with different initial soil pH after incubation at two temperatures. We found that the formalisms derived from medical sciences were more accurate and easily adapted to the data, suggesting that such formalisms may be profitably used in agronomic or environmental models.  相似文献   

Little is known about seasonal differences (ice-on vs. ice-off periods) and the sensitivity of in-stream processes to surface water quality constituents in rivers that have a persistent ice cover in winter. The goal of this study is to investigate the sensitivity of nutrient transformation processes on surface water quality, especially rivers in cold regions where ice-covered conditions persist for a substantial part of the year. We established a sensitivity analysis framework for water quality modelling and monitoring of rivers in cold regions using the Water Quality Analysis Program WASP7. The lower South Saskatchewan River in the interior of western Canada, from the Gardiner Dam at Lake Diefenbaker to the confluence of the North and South Saskatchewan rivers, is used as a test case for this purpose. The study reveals that parameter sensitivities differ between ice-covered and ice-free periods and biological model parameters related to nutrient-phytoplankton dynamics can still be sensitive during the ice-covered season. For example, sediment oxygen demand is an important parameter during the ice-on period, whereas parameters related to nitrification are more sensitive in the ice-off period. These results provide insight into important water quality monitoring aspects in cold regions during different seasons.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to develop a catalytic method which has advantages over current method to detoxify and degrade environmentally harmful polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). A variety of catalysts have been employed in a preliminary study on 1,4-dibromobenzene and 4,4-dibromobiphenyl which may be considered to represent simple analogues of PCBs. The most satisfactory catalysts are those involving [Pd(dppf)] [dppf = 1,1-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene], generated in situ from PdCl2(dppf) or Pd(dppf)2. In the presence of the reducing reagent, namely NaBH4, debromination has been achieved at relative mild conditions with high product yields (> 70%). Thus, our results indicate the possibility of dechlorination of PCBs with such catalysts.  相似文献   

Energy and the environment are closely interconnected. In particular, energy-related carbon dioxide emissions are major contributors to climate change. To analyze options within the energy sector to curb greenhouse gas emissions, or to study alternative climate strategies such as adaptation and geoengineering measures, policy-makers can rely on mathematical decision support models, in particular E3 (economy/energy/environment) models and integrated assessment models (IAMs). This paper reviews some of my recent contributions to climate policy design using different types of E3 models and IAMs.  相似文献   

Environmental information — A step to knowledge and understanding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At a time when information and knowledge about the environment and the economy are increasing, problems of both environment and economy are growing more serious. It is the role and opportunity of a university institute concerned with research on environment and economy to convert information about the environment into knowledge, and to explore applications of that knowledge in areas of economic management and policy. The main barriers to production and dissemination of information that can contribute to effective environmental knowledge are those that affect the reliability, adequacy, accessibility, and understandability of environmental information. Such barriers may be systematic, biasing the gathering of information and selecting in advance who may benefit from it; they may be barriers of translation, with distortion of content or significance; barriers of sophistication, that determine both content and context; or, most difficult in the environmental field, barriers imposed by problems of scale and relationships of different scales. To be useful, information cannot be purely objective, but must have subjective value added. There is a staircase of knowing, progressing from Observation and Measurement, to Data, to Information, to Knowledge, to Understanding, and finally to Wisdom, presenting increasing barriers of subjective value, interpretation, and integration at each step.  相似文献   

Agricultural wastes (AW) are produced in huge quantities worldwide and may cause detrimental effects on environmental quality, affecting soil, water, and air quality. Given the growing soil degradation worldwide, the need for more food of good quality and therefore the intensified agriculture, it is important to develop recycling plans even for those types of treated AW (e.g., composts) that are not considered hazardous. Two strategic approaches for safe and sustainable landspreading of organic wastes are proposed, depending on wastes properties and hazard potential, i.e., an approach appropriate for traditionally used wastes (manures and composts) and another approach for wastes that are potentially hazardous or hazardous and should only be reused under specific restrictions. Both approaches foresee concrete steps, require close cooperation between farmers and local/regional authorities, and are appropriate to ensure environmental sustainability at AW recycling or disposal areas. Desktop and web application tools are also presented that are anticipated to assist authorities in implementing their monitoring strategies.  相似文献   

A 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD(5)) test has been used as the standard measurement of organic pollution in rivers worldwide. However, it may be argued that BOD is not a sufficient indicator of organic pollution when nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand (NBOD) is present in water samples. In this study, BOD, NBOD, and carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD) of treated sewage effluent (TSE) were measured near at the discharge outlet of 3 sewage treatment plants (STPs) in Sakai, Itachi, and Kashio rivers in Central Japan. Additional measurements were conducted at one point upstream and two points downstream from the STP discharge points in the rivers. It was estimated that NBOD values in the TSE of Sakai River, Kashio River and Itachi River accounted for 54%, 69% and 18% of their BOD values, respectively. Respective NH4+ and NO2- concentrations were positively correlated with those of NBOD values in Sakai, Itachi, and Kashio rivers. The BOD loads from the TSE were estimated to be 2.2, 5.7, and 1.2 times higher than the CBOD loads in the Sakai, Itachi, and Kashio rivers, respectively. The variation of the portion of NBOD values of each TSE, as well as the ratios of CBOD to BOD loads, was attributed to the difference in each STP system. Consequently, the NH4+ and NO2- of TSE led to the increase of NBOD in the Sakai River basin.  相似文献   

Perchlorate is an inorganic anion that is used in solid rocket propellants, fireworks, munitions, signal flares, etc. The use of fireworks is identified as one of the main contributors in the increasing environmental perchlorate contamination. Although fireworks are displayed for entertainment, its environmental costs are dire. Perchlorates are also emerging as potent thyroid disruptors, and they have an impact on the ecology too. Many studies have shown that perchlorate contaminates the groundwater and the surface water, especially in the vicinity of fireworks manufacturing sites and fireworks display sites. The health and ecological impacts of perchlorate released in fireworks are yet to be fully assessed. This paper reviews fireworks as a source of perchlorate contamination and its expected adverse impacts.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the influence of Asian monsoon on chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) content in Sabah waters and to identify the related oceanographic conditions that caused phytoplankton blooms at the eastern and western coasts of Sabah, Malaysia. A series of remote sensing measurements including surface Chl-a, sea surface temperature, sea surface height anomaly, wind speed, wind stress curl, and Ekman pumping were analyzed to study the oceanographic conditions that lead to large-scale nutrients enrichment in the surface layer. The results showed that the Chl-a content increased at the northwest coast from December to April due to strong northeasterly wind and coastal upwelling in Kota Kinabalu water. The southwest coast (Labuan water) maintained high concentrations throughout the year due to the effect of Padas River discharge during the rainy season and the changing direction of Baram River plume during the northeast monsoon (NEM). However, with the continuous supply of nutrients from the upwelling area, the high Chl-a batches were maintained at the offshore water off Labuan for a longer time during NEM. On the other side, the northeast coast illustrated a high Chl-a in Sandakan water during NEM, whereas the northern tip off Kudat did not show a pronounced change throughout the year. The southeast coast (Tawau water) was highly influenced by the direction of the surface water transport between the Sulu and Sulawesi Seas and the prevailing surface currents. The study demonstrates the presence of seasonal phytoplankton blooms in Sabah waters which will aid in forecasting the possible biological response and could further assist in marine resource managements.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of the first critical examination of time series of riverine nutrient-load data for the entire Baltic Sea drainage area. Water quality data collected by or for the different national environmental agencies were compiled and analysed statistically to identify and remove inconsistent or obviously incorrect observations. Moreover, sampling tours were undertaken to acquire additional information about the present nutrient concentrations in the largest rivers in the study area. Gaps in the time series of approved data were then filled in by employing statistical interpolation and extrapolation methods. Thereafter, the concentration and runoff data were combined to obtain estimates of monthly nutrient loads for the time period 1970–93. The results of the calculations showed that although there had been substantial changes in land use, atmospheric deposition and wastewater treatment in many parts of the study area, the total riverine loads of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to the Baltic Sea have been fairly constant since 1980, and most likely also since 1970. Moreover, the interannual variation was clearly correlated to the runoff. The mean annual loads for the time period 1980–93 were found to be about 825 000 tonnes N and 41 000 tonnes P, respectively. This implies that (i) several other investigators have strongly underestimated the riverine loads of nutrients, especially the nitrogen, and that (ii) the riverine loads by far exceed the input to the Baltic Sea from other sources, {i.e.} atmospheric deposition, direct emissions from cities and industries along the Baltic Sea coast and nitrogen fixation by marine algae.  相似文献   

Current political discussions and developments indicate the importance and urgency of incorporating climate change considerations into EIA processes. The recent revision of the EU Directive 2014/52/EU on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) requires changes in the EIA practice of the EU member states. This paper investigates the extent to which the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) can contribute to an early consideration of climate change consequences in planning processes. In particular the roles of different actors in order to incorporate climate change impacts and adaptation into project planning subject to EIA at the appropriate levels are a core topic. Semi-structured expert interviews were carried out with representatives of the main infrastructure companies and institutions responsible in these sectors in Austria, which have to carry out EIA regularly. In a second step expert interviews were conducted with EIA assessors and EIA authorities in Austria and Germany, in order to examine the extent to which climate-based changes are already considered in EIA processes. This paper aims to discuss the different perspectives in the current EIA practice with regard to integrating climate change impacts as well as barriers and solutions identified by the groups of actors involved, namely project developers, environmental competent authorities and consultants (EIA assessors/practitioners). The interviews show that different groups of actors consider the topic to different degrees. Downscaling of climate change scenarios is in this context both, a critical issue with regards to availability of data and costs. Furthermore, assistance for the interpretation of relevant impacts, to be deducted from climate change scenarios, on the specific environmental issues in the area is needed. The main barriers identified by the EIA experts therefore include a lack of data as well as general uncertainty as to how far climate change should be considered in the process without reliable data but in the presence of knowledge about possible consequences at an abstract level. A joint strategy on how to cope with uncertain prognoses about main impacts on environmental issues for areas without reliable data requires a discussion and cooperation between EIA consultants and environmental authorities.  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 are of concern with respect to effects on human health and environment. Increased levels of mortality and morbidity have been associated with respirable particulate air pollution. In India, it is not yet mandatory to monitor PM2.5 levels therefore very limited information is available on PM2.5 levels. To understand the fine particle pollution and also correlate with PM10 which are monitored regularly in compliance with ambient air quality standards. This study was carried out to monitor PM2.5, PM10, and NO2 for about one year in a residential cum commercial area of Mumbai city with a view to understand their correlation. The average PM2.5 concentration at ambient and Kerbsite was 43 and 69 μg/m3. The correlation coefficients between PM2.5 and PM10 at ambient and Kerbsite were 0.83 and 0.85 respectively thus indicating that most of the PM2.5 and PM10 are from similar sources. TSP, PM10 levels exceeded Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB) standard during winter season. PM2.5 levels also exceeded 24 hourly average USEPA standard during winter season indicating unhealthy air quality.  相似文献   

Fifteen years ago, the first mapping guidelines for the recording and evaluation of river physical habitat quality in Germany, closely following the Länder Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser (LAWA) field survey, have been published. In light of this experience, a revised version has now been developed for North Rhine-Westphalia (West Germany). For the assessment, the streams are divided into segments serving as survey units. The survey is performed primarily in the field from the mouth to the source by an on-site recording of data. Defined reference conditions of the relevant morphological stream types serve as basis of the evaluation. Two evaluation procedures are carried out independently to validate the quality of the data. The proven basic concept operates as follows: the local scale habitat variables are grouped into 31 single parameters, which are then aggregated into six main parameters. These can further be aggregated into three zones: streambed, banks and adjacent land. The main modifications of the presented version are the following: (1) a larger differentiation of morphological stream types and (2) a higher level of detail concerning the mapping of relevant habitat characteristics. The last point allows additional evaluation options related to the morphological needs of the instream biota and a differentiated survey of anthropogenic degradation. Despite all modifications, the comparability with previous surveys has been largely maintained. By qualitative comparison of this method with other European mapping guidelines, different concepts of hydromorphological mapping are finally discussed.  相似文献   

As a core product category rule (PCR), EN 15804 defines rules for conducting the life cycle assessment (LCA) of building products in the context of environmental product declarations (EPDs). This European standard is complemented by EN 16485, which provides further guidance for specific aspects for the LCA of wood and wood-based construction products. For all life cycle stages under consideration, the renewable and non-renewable primary energy employed for energy generation or material use is accounted for. Furthermore, the inputs and outputs of secondary materials (SM), renewable secondary fuels (RSF) and non-renewable secondary fuels (NRSF) have to be reported. Especially in the end-of life stage as well as in the production stage, the standards do not exactly rule the accounting method of the primary energy contained in SM, RSF and NRSF. As both standards leave room for interpretation, we wrote this discussion article to introduce this issue to the LCA community and to present our developed accounting specifications. In general, we consider EN 15804 and EN 16485 as helpful tools for the LCA of building products. We hope that our ideas on certain aspects contribute to a better understanding of the standards, possibly leading to further improvement in the course of the standardization process.  相似文献   

The abilities of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) to take up heavy metals from soils amended with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) were assessed under greenhouse conditions. Both plants were grown in two soils contaminated with heavy metals (Gujranwala—silty loam and Pacca—clay loam). The soils were treated with 0, 0.625, 1.25, and 2.5 mM EDTA kg?1 soil applied at both 45 and 60 days after sowing (DAS); the experiment was terminated at 75 DAS. Addition of EDTA significantly increased concentrations of Cd, Cr, and Pb in roots and shoots, and bio-concentration factors and phytoextraction rates were also increased. Post-harvest soil analysis showed that soluble fractions of metals were also increased significantly. The increase in Cd was ≈ 3-fold and Pb was ≈ 15-fold at the highest addition of EDTA in Gujranwala soil; in the Pacca soil, the increase was less. Similarly, other phytoremediation factors, such as metal translocation, bio-concentration factor, and phytoextraction, efficiency were also maximum when soils were treated with 2.5 mM EDTA kg?1 soil. The study demonstrated that sorghum was better than oat for phytoremediation.  相似文献   

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