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This paper discusses how world steel production and seaborne iron ore trade have grown since 1950. The role of steel production forecasts in determining investment in the iron ore industry is examined. Forecasts for world steel production and the demand and supply of seaborne iron ore in the 1990s are presented. It is predicted that world steel production will increase by 64 million tons between 1991 and 2000. This increase will be located principally in the developing countries and China. The corresponding increase in seaborne iron ore trade will be approximately 55 million tons. Expansion projects will be located mainly in Australia and Brazil, but no greenfield iron ore projects will be undertaken. By the end of the decade, the demand for seaborne iron ore will be equal to its supply.  相似文献   

Through discussion of causative factors and examination of historical data, petrochemical spill prevention in US waters is reviewed. Unintentional petrochemical outflow is analyzed in a comprehensive manner and presented as a hierarchical sequence of antecedent events to reveal the trends of causative factors leading to release. Specifically, a seaborne petrochemical spill is examined in terms of four basic, antecedent events: (1) an underway source, (2) a failure incident, (3) a marine accident capable of breaching the hull and cargo block, and (4) the onset of outflow. These events are further subdivided into underlying, contributing events to form a causative framework for spill prevention. While a hierarchical review is not necessary to uncover the elements of causation, it does provide a comprehensive and logical structure that clearly defines these elements in terms of occurrence frequency and contribution to resulting outflow. It is found that relatively small, frequent spills less than 40,000 liters (10,567 gallons), attributable to human operator failures, leading to grounding, and cargo transfer system failure accidents, dominate US seaborne petrochemical outflow from 1992 to 1999. Given the frequency of groundings, structural reinforcement regulations such as those contained in the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (requiring double hulls) appear well justified. However, passive restraint systems are secondary to the need for vigilant training and licensing of tank vessel operators.  相似文献   

Through discussion of causative factors and examination of historical data, petrochemical spill prevention in US waters is reviewed. Unintentional petrochemical outflow is analyzed in a comprehensive manner and presented as a hierarchical sequence of antecedent events to reveal the trends of causative factors leading to release. Specifically, a seaborne petrochemical spill is examined in terms of four basic, antecedent events: (1) an underway source, (2) a failure incident, (3) a marine accident capable of breaching the hull and cargo block, and (4) the onset of outflow. These events are further subdivided into underlying, contributing events to form a causative framework for spill prevention. While a hierarchical review is not necessary to uncover the elements of causation, it does provide a comprehensive and logical structure that clearly defines these elements in terms of occurrence frequency and contribution to resulting outflow. It is found that relatively small, frequent spills less than 40,000 liters (10,567 gallons), attributable to human operator failures, leading to grounding, and cargo transfer system failure accidents, dominate US seaborne petrochemical outflow from 1992 to 1999. Given the frequency of groundings, structural reinforcement regulations such as those contained in the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (requiring double hulls) appear well justified. However, passive restraint systems are secondary to the need for vigilant training and licensing of tank vessel operators.  相似文献   

Dramatic changes in the institutional structure of the international oil industry in recent years have created new responsibilities and opportunities for developing countries in petroleum transport. The article discusses the prospects for changes in the ownership/control pattern of seaborne oil movements and the need for both oil producing and oil importing developing countries to pursue national plans to acquire shipping tonnage and expertise, without being deterred by the present depressed conditions of the world shipping industry. Drawing from the experience in India, it deals with some features and problems of petroleum transport by sea, pipeline, rail and road. It stresses the importance of co-operation among developing countries through common operation of deep-water terminals and large size tankers to optimise transport costs.  相似文献   

通过对近20年上海港集装箱流量和流向结构的系统分析,认为其运输功能大致经历了集装箱喂给港和集装箱枢纽港基本成型两个阶段,并从影响其功能变化的国家政策、港口腹地、依托城市、国际航运市场四方面因素进行了初步探讨;从系统综合的视角讨论了上海国际航运中心建设的主要对策措施,即加快与周边港口的协作、整合长江沿线港口以及推进长江深水航道建设。  相似文献   

某些特殊物资对温度、湿度等环境条件有特殊的要求,特别是集装箱作为密闭的箱体,其内部环境条件更加恶劣。为了保证进藏特殊物资安全开展集装箱运输,作者在格尔木地区对集装箱内部温、湿度环境条件及其影响因素即大气环境温度、太阳辐射强度和风速进行了测试,最后运用统计分析方法建立了集装箱内部温度数学模型,得出了内部最恶劣温度范围,从而为特殊物资安全进箱提供理论依据。  相似文献   

介绍了一种用于给倾角传感器提供恒温环境的小型高精度恒温箱的设计与实现。此恒温箱要求体积小、温度控制精度在±0.05℃以内。文中介绍了恒温箱的结构设计和温控算法并给出了详细的实验结构,证明了研制的这种高精度恒温箱不仅其控温精度高,且与同类产品比其体积小,安装调试方便。  相似文献   

在痕量分析中,为获得准确的分析结果,容量材质以及洗涤方法的选择至关重要。试验分析表明:聚乙烯是较好的容器材料,它玷污最小、易洗涤、价廉、容器清洗。经实验证明:蒸汽法效果好,但需要相应装置;浸泡法简单易行,但消耗较大。其他方法则各有利弊,因此可根据不同的分析元素及特征,选择合适的洗涤方法。  相似文献   

某些特殊货物对温度、湿度等环境条件有特殊的要求,特别是集装箱一般为密闭的箱体,其内部环境条件更加恶劣。成都地区具有高温高湿的气候特点,为了保证这些特殊货物在成都地区安全开展集装箱运输,作者在成都地区对集装箱内部温、湿度环境条件及其影响因素即大气环境温度进行了测试,最后运用统计分析方法建立了集装箱内部温度数学模型,得出了内部最恶劣温度范围,从而为特殊货物安全进箱提供理论依据。  相似文献   

介绍了采用温湿度仪连续监测的方法测定复合材料包装容器的透湿度,对缩短试验时间,减小测试误差具有参考意义。提出对于复合材料包装容器部分为金属材料的情况,透湿面积的计算方式。  相似文献   

贸易与环境体戚相关,入世后我国对外贸易将面临来自环保的各种问题。本文在阐述了国际绿色壁垒对我国出口贸易影响的同时,也分析了大量对外贸易对国内环境造成的影响,并提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

近年来中国边境贸易研究的问题与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自古以来,边境贸易是我国对外经济交流的主要方式.近年来对我国边境研究较多,主要集中在我国边境贸易发展的历史总结、政策规范、边境贸易与区域经发展等方面,但对边境贸易与边境安全、边境贸易过程中跨境民族问题和我国边境贸易的优势等方面的研究较少.随着研究的不断深入,针对边境贸易出现了边境地区当地居民参与边境贸易过程、边境贸易与大尺度区域经济发展、"区位论"视角下的边境贸易等新动向.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》1986,12(3):175-186
This paper examines recent trends in East-West trade in general. During the later 1960s and early 1970s trade between East and West grew faster than world trade. But after 1976 this growth slowed as trade between Eastern Europe and the West collapsed, although the USSR continued to trade with the West. It is shown that the second oil price rise in 1979 produced enhanced terms of trade for the USSR. The major products traded between East and West are identified and it is noted that the future direction of East-West trade will be profoundly influenced by whether or not the USSR undertakes significant economic reform.  相似文献   

田泽  顾莹 《中国环境管理》2016,8(3):73-76,105
国际贸易中碳排放转移关系到贸易双方的碳权分配与碳排放责任,处理好贸易出口和碳排放关系非常重要。本研究应用投入产出法及模型,对我国2002—2011年出口贸易的碳排放进行测算。结果显示,出口贸易与出口贸易隐含碳排放呈现出同比增长关系,从出口规模和结构看,电气、机械及器材制造业,基本金属及金属制品业,通用、专用设备制造业,化学原料和化学制品制造业等行业的碳排放位居前列,行业高碳结构性特征明显;短期内出口贸易与出口隐含碳的正相关关系不会有明显变化,但从长期来看二者的正相关关系将会趋于减弱。本研究提出以碳减排为约束,转变出口贸易结构,促进传统制造业优化升级,发展低碳贸易产品和绿色产业等建议。  相似文献   

The international recovered paper trade serves two important functions: increasing raw material availability in the paper and board industry and providing economic incentives to recycle. The purpose of this paper is to shed further light on emerging patterns in this trade by empirically analysing the changes in the bilateral trade flows of recycled paper between 1992 and 2008. According to our estimations, two important changes occurred in the 1990s and 2000s. First, the growing importance of developing economies in global recycled paper trade plays a significant role in import demand as a determinant of trade flows. Second, the changes in global trade patterns necessitate investigating the transportation cost measures used in applied research.  相似文献   

上海文化产业及贸易发展影响因素的灰色关联度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经济全球化浪潮的推动下,文化影响力日益加大,文化产业成为各国竞相争抢的战略高地。文化贸易作为一种新的贸易形态实现了迅猛增长,而国与国竞争的焦点在于主要节点城市实力的较量。采用灰色关联方法,从经济发展、产业规模、市场需求和科研创新四个方面选取14个指标,对上海文化产业及贸易发展的影响因素进行了实证分析。结果表明,城乡居民家庭人均可支配收入等因素对上海文化产业发展有着重要的关联影响,而人均生产总值和互联网用户普及率等因素对上海文化贸易有着重要的影响,但科技成果与文化产业及贸易的关联度均较小,尤其是外贸依存度的关联影响不显著。  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》1986,12(3):258-268
This paper attempts to reveal the durable and occasional factors influencing the Hungarian trade in aluminium semi-fabricated and fabricated products. The analysis starts with the presentation of various figures showing the major trends in the Hungarian exports of aluminium products and it is based on identification of a variety of determinants affecting the fluctuation of trade. Specifics of the Hungarian trade in aluminium fabricated products to the West are further illustrated by short case histories. Conclusions are then drawn regarding the discovered aspects of trade determinants.  相似文献   

中国产品的主要进口国和国际买家已相继推出碳标签认证,中国出口商极可能会受到来自进口国家和地区强制加注碳标签的要求,由此,将引发更多贸易摩擦,从而影响中国贸易的可持续发展。碳标签已成为一种新型环境贸易措施。探讨碳标签在全球的发展状况,分析其法律性质,研究其对中国贸易的影响,提出切实可行的法律建议,对中国经济与环境的健康发展有重大意义。  相似文献   

随着区域间经济联系日益密切,生态服务的市场交换行为伴随着货物贸易快速增加,已成为生态服务贸易的主要形式。市场型生态服务贸易导致生态服务使用在区域间的巨大不公平,已对区域可持续发展产生了重大影响。从隐含自然资源产品提供、隐含能源提供和污染物净化三个方面设计了生态服务贸易的测度框架,并构建了生态不对等交换指数评价生态服务交换的不对等程度。  相似文献   

The continued growth in world trade and investment flows has led to a renewed interest among researchers and policy makers in the potential impact that trade liberalisation policy may have on the environment. The aim of this paper is to provide a balanced and accessible summary of the findings of recent economic research on the impact of growth in international trade and investment on environmental quality.  相似文献   

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