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Male corn earworm moths, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), were captured in conical Texas pheromone traps (cone traps) and bucket traps baited with four different commercial lures manufactured by three different manufacturers. Because significant numbers were captured in bucket traps baited with some of the lures, and none with others, the volatile emissions from all of the lures were sampled and analyzed by gas Chromatographic methods. The numbers of males captured in two types of trap were compared with bait emissions in an endeavor to define a more effective lure for bucket traps. The lure from one manufacturer captured the same numbers of males in both trap types; one captured more in bucket traps than in cone traps, and another captured only a small number in bucket traps. The emission rate of all active compounds from each of the different lures was approximately linear for the duration of the assays. A gas‐liquid Chromatographic peak associated with a third compound, (Z)‐9‐tetradecenal, which reduces behavioral responses, was observed in the emissions from all lures evaluated. The effectiveness of the Hercon (Emmigsville, PA) lure in capturing males in both types of trap was associated with a lower emission of (Z)‐l 1‐hexadecenal, (Z)‐9‐hexadecenal and (Z)‐9‐tetradecenal than from the other lures.  相似文献   

Asthma in children appears to be associated with both phthalate esters and dampness in buildings. An important question is whether the concentrations of phthalate esters correlate with dampness (expressed as relative humidity—RH) in indoor air. The objective was to study the influence of RH on the specific emission rate (SER) of di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) from one type of vinyl flooring in the well characterized Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC). The vinyl flooring with ca. 17% (w/w) DEHP as plasticizer was tested in 6 FLECs at 22 °C. The RH in the 6 FLECs was 10%, 30%, 50% (in triplicate) and 70%. The RH was changed after 248 d in 2 of the 50%-FLECs to 10% and 70%, and to 50% in the 10%-and 70%-FLECs. The data show that the SER of DEHP from vinyl flooring in FLECs during a 1 yr period is independent of the RH. A new physically based emission model for semivolatile organic compounds was found to be consistent with the experimental data and independent of the RH. The model helps to explain the RH results, because it appears that RH does not significantly influence any of the identified controlling mechanisms.  相似文献   

Lu Y  Huang Y  Zou J  Zheng X 《Chemosphere》2006,65(11):1915-1924
Fertilized agricultural soils are a major anthropogenic source of atmospheric N2O. A credible national inventory of agricultural N2O emission would benefit its global strength estimate. We compiled a worldwide database of N2O emissions from fertilized fields that were consecutively measured for more than or close to one year. Both nitrogen input (N) and precipitation (P) were found to be largely responsible for temporal and spatial variabilities in annual N2O fluxes (N2O–N). Thus, we established an empirical model (N2O–N = 1.49 P + 0.0186 P · N), in which both emission factor and background emission for N2O were rectified by precipitation. In this model, annual N2O emission consists of a background emission of 1.49 P and a fertilizer-induced emission of 0.0186 P · N. We used this model to develop a spatial inventory at the 10 × 10 km scale of direct N2O emissions from agriculture in China. N2O emissions from rice paddies were separately quantified using a cropping-specific emission factor. Annual fertilizer-induced N2O emissions amounted to 198.89 Gg N2O–N in 1997, consisting of 18.50 Gg N2O–N from rice paddies and 180.39 Gg N2O–N from fertilized uplands. Annual background emissions and total emissions of N2O from agriculture were estimated to be 92.78 Gg N2O–N and 291.67 Gg N2O–N, respectively. The annual direct N2O emission accounted for 0.92% of the applied N with an uncertainty of 29%. The highest N2O fluxes occurred in East China as compared with the least fluxes in West China.  相似文献   

The emission factors of NOx, VOC and CO of a road tunnel study performed in September 1993 in the Gubrist tunnel, close to Zürich (Switzerland) are compared with results of emission calculations based on recent results of dynamometric test measurements. The emission calculations are carried out with a traffic emission model taking into account the detailed composition of the vehicle fleet in the tunnel, the average speed and the gradient of the road and the special aerodynamics in a tunnel. With the exception of NOx emission factors for heavy duty vehicles no evidence for a discrepancy between the results of the tunnel study and the emission modeling was found. The measured emission factors of individual hydrocarbons of light duty vehicles were in good agreement with the expectations for most components.  相似文献   

Major and trace element, PAH, and PCB concentrations were measured in surface sediments and particles from sediment traps collected in the First and Second Basin of the Mar Piccolo (Gulf of Taranto) in two periods (June–July and August–September, 2013). The aim of the study was to evaluate pollution degree, sediment transport and particle redistribution dynamic within the area. Results confirm the higher contamination of sediments from the First Basin observed by previous researches, particularly for Cu, Hg, Pb, total PAHs, and total PCBs. Advective transport from the First to the Second Basin appears to be the leading transfer mechanism of particles and adsorbed contaminants, as evidenced by measured fluxes and statistical analyses of contaminant concentrations in surficial sediments and particles from sediment traps. Long-range selective transports of PAHs and microbial anaerobic degradation processes for PCBs have been also observed. These results are limited to a restricted time window but are consistent with the presence of transport fluxes at the bottom of the water column. This mechanism deserves further investigation and monitoring activities, potentially being the main responsible of pollutant delivering to the less contaminated sectors of the Mar Piccolo.  相似文献   

Atmospheric remote sensing offers a unique opportunity to compute indirect estimates of air quality, which are critically important for the management and surveillance of air quality in megacities of developing countries, particularly in India and China, which have experienced elevated concentration of air pollution but lack adequate spatial-temporal coverage of air pollution monitoring. This article examines the relationship between aerosol optical depth (AOD) estimated from satellite data at 5 km spatial resolution and the mass of fine particles ≤2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM(2.5)) monitored on the ground in Delhi Metropolitan where a series of environmental laws have been instituted in recent years.PM(2.5) monitored at 113 sites were collocated by time and space with the AOD computed using the data from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS onboard the Terra satellite). MODIS data were acquired from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Earth Sciences Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). Our analysis shows a significant positive association between AOD and PM(2.5). After controlling for weather conditions, a 1% change in AOD explains 0.52±0.202% and 0.39±0.15% change in PM(2.5) monitored within ±45 and 150 min intervals of AOD data. This relationship will be used to estimate air quality surface for previous years, which will allow us to examine the time-space dynamics of air pollution in Delhi following recent air quality regulations, and to assess exposure to air pollution before and after the regulations and its impact on health.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Insect sex pheromones play a crucial role in the mate finding and calling behavior of Lepidoptera pests. Currently, little is known about the chemical...  相似文献   

Detection methods are necessary to quantify fullerenes in commercial applications to provide potential exposure levels for future risk assessments of fullerene technologies. The fullerene concentrations of five cosmetic products were evaluated using liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry to separate and specifically detect C60 and C70 from interfering cosmetic substances (e.g., castor oil). A cosmetic formulation was characterized with transmission electron microscopy, which confirmed that polyvinylpyrrolidone encapsulated C60. Liquid-liquid extraction of fullerenes from control samples approached 100% while solid-phase and sonication in toluene extractions yielded recoveries of 27-42%. C60 was detected in four commercial cosmetics ranging from 0.04 to 1.1 μg/g, and C70 was qualitatively detected in two samples. A single-use quantity of cosmetic (0.5 g) may contain up to 0.6 μg of C60, demonstrating a pathway for human exposure. Steady-state modeling of fullerene adsorption to biosolids is used to discuss potential environmental releases from wastewater treatment systems.  相似文献   

For a number of phthalates and especially for di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), surprisingly high house dust concentrations are reported in the literature. Therefore, the uptake of the most prominent compounds DEHP and di-n-butylphthalate (DnBP) from plasticized indoor materials into house dust samples of different organic content has been experimentally determined. The experiments have been performed within 45 days which is sufficient for the more volatile phthalate (DnBP) to reach equilibrium conditions. DnBP reaches considerably higher concentrations in the chamber air compared to real room measurements and, thus, also elevated dust concentrations. In contrast, the mass transfer of DEHP in the dust via the gas phase was significantly lower. However, small chamber experiments showed elevated mass transfer of DEHP in case of direct contact between emission source and sink. This aspect is experimentally determined using an plasticized PVC polymer with and without direct contact to house dust. A transfer into the dust could be observed in dependence of the initial concentration in the material. However, the results do not allow the differentiation between the two uptake mechanisms via capillary forces and contact to the material’s boundary layer. The results illustrate that the reasons for elevated DEHP concentrations in dust indoors can be traced back to direct contact of source and sink, abrasion from the source, and transport via airborne particles.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes the emission rates of size fractionated particulate matter, inorganic aerosols, acid gases, ammonia and methane measured over four flocks at a commercial broiler chicken facility. Mean emission rates of each pollutant, along with sampling notes, were reported in this paper, the first in a series of two. Sampling notes were needed because inherent gaps in data may bias the mean emission rates.The mean emission rates of PM10 and PM2.5 were 5.0 and 0.78 g day?1 [Animal Unit, AU]?1, respectively, while inorganic aerosols mean emission rates ranged from 0.15 to 0.46 g day?1 AU?1 depending on the season. The average total acid gas emission rate was 0.43 g day?1 AU?1 with the greatest contribution from nitrous and nitric acids and little contribution from sulfuric acid (as SO2).Ammonia emissions were seasonally dependent, with a mean emission rate of 66.0 g day?1 AU?1 in the cooler seasons and 94.5 g day?1 AU?1 during the warmer seasons. Methane emissions were relatively consistent with a mean emission rate of 208 g day?1 AU?1.The diurnal pattern in each pollutant’s emission rate was relatively consistent after normalizing the hourly emissions according to each daily mean emission rate. Over the duration of a production cycle, all the measured pollutants’ emissions increased proportionally to the total live mass of birds in the house, with the exception of ammonia.Interrelationships between pollutants provide evidence of mutually dependent release mechanisms, which suggests that it may be possible to fill data gaps with minimal data requirements. In the second paper (Roumeliotis, T.S., Dixon, B.J., Van Heyst, B.J. Characterization of gaseous pollutants and particulate matter emission rates from a commercial broiler operation part II: correlated emission rates. Atmospheric Environment, 2010.), regression correlations are developed to estimate daily mean emission rates for data gaps and, using the normalized hourly diurnal patterns from this paper, emission factors were generated for each pollutant.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The consumption of natural gas in Beijing has increased in the past decade due to energy structure adjustments and air pollution abatement. In this...  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Photochemical smog, characterized by high concentrations of O3 and fine particles, is of great concern in the urban areas, in particular megacities and city clusters like the Pearl River Delta.  相似文献   

The Rybinsk Reservoir (Russia) is the largest artificial waterbody in Europe (4550 km2) and provides drinking water for population of the cities located along the coast line. Industrialization in Cherepovets at the northeastern portion of the reservoir, including one of the largest metallurgical facilities in Europe, has resulted in chemical contamination of the reservoir. The extent of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) contamination in bream liver, a common fish species, taken from six locations in the Rybinsk Reservoir and Volga River, and biochemical and morphometric biomarkers of fish health were investigated. Liver PCB concentrations ranged from non-detected to 3.4 microg/g wet wt of liver, with the greatest concentrations found in fish taken near the industrialized area in Sheksna Reach of Rybinsk Reservoir. The source of the bream contamination is the PCB pollution of bottom organisms and sediments conditioned with industrialization facilities of Cherepovets. The patterns of the PCB congeners in the livers of bream taken near Cherepovets were similar at all of the stations that were sampled around the reservoir and Volga River. Among the common fish health biomarkers used only liver total ChE activity and liver-somatic index in bream near Cherepovets can reflect environmental pollution. Other morphometric (FCF, Clark's condition factors, and spleen-somatic index) and biochemical (protein content and acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain) biomarkers related with fish health varied among locations, but were not correlated to the concentrations of PCBs in the bream livers.  相似文献   

Converting a congested high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane into a high-occupancy toll (HOT) lane is a viable option for improving travel time reliability for carpools and buses that use the managed lane. However, the emission impacts of HOV-to-HOT conversions are not well understood. The lack of emission impact quantification for HOT conversions creates a policy challenge for agencies making transportation funding choices. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the case study of before-and-after changes in vehicle emissions for the Atlanta, Georgia, I-85 HOV/HOT lane conversion project, implemented in October 2011. The analyses employed the Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) for project-level analysis with monitored changes in vehicle activity data collected by Georgia Tech researchers for the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). During the quarterly field data collection from 2010 to 2012, more than 1.5 million license plates were observed and matched to vehicle class and age information using the vehicle registration database. The study also utilized the 20-sec, lane-specific traffic operations data from the Georgia NaviGAtor intelligent transportation system, as well as a direct feed of HOT lane usage data from the State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA) managed lane system. As such, the analyses in this paper simultaneously assessed the impacts associated with changes in traffic volumes, on-road operating conditions, and fleet composition before and after the conversion. Both greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants were examined.

Implications: A straight before-after analysis showed about 5% decrease in air pollutants and carbon dioxide (CO2). However, when the before-after calendar year of analysis was held constant (to account for the effect of 1 yr of fleet turnover), mass emissions at the analysis site during peak hours increased by as much as 17%, with little change in CO2. Further investigation revealed that a large percentage decrease in criteria pollutants in the straight before-after analysis was associated with a single calendar year change in MOVES. Hence, the Atlanta, Georgia, results suggest that an HOV-to-HOT conversion project may have increased mass emissions on the corridor. The results also showcase the importance of obtaining on-road data for emission impact assessment of HOV-to-HOT conversion projects.  相似文献   

Residues of EBDC (ethylenebisdithiocarbamate) fungicides and ETU (ethylenethiourea; 2-imidazolidinethione) were monitored in beers and wines from different locations. No EBDC residues were detected in any of the samples examined. Concerning the ETU residues, the residue levels higher than the limit of method detection (0.01 ppm) were 22.6% and 7.3% in the commercial beer and wine samples respectively, but the number of samples containing more than 0.1 ppm of ETU was practically negligeable.  相似文献   

Soft tissue accumulated concentrations of nine metals (V, As, Se, Ag, Cd, Pb, Mn, Cu and Zn) were studied in two main phenotypes (1) according to external shell colour (white and pink), and (2) according to shell shape (shell with a rounded posterior end--"regular" and with an elongate posterior end and a notable flexure--"irregular") of the Baltic clam Macoma balthica from southern Baltic Sea off Poland. No differences in metal concentrations were observed between colour-based phenotypes. By contrast, "irregular" clams exhibited generally higher concentrations of all elements in their tissues than "regular" bivalves. This finding provides the first reference on a potential linkage of shell deformation with tissue metal concentrations within one entire population of clams living in the same habitat. Different ability of metal handling in the shape-based phenotypes is presumably related to different physiological capacity of the bivalves induced by the selection effect of specific environmental conditions. It is suggested that unfavourable conditions in deep waters of the Gulf of Gdansk (e.g. hypoxia/anoxia, hydrogen sulphide, elevated bioavailability of metals) induces, in a certain part of the population, morphological deformation of shell (thereby leading to irregular shape) and in parallel physiological adaptations which result in greater sensitivity to trace metals of "irregular" clams. This hypothesis however, requires further investigation with special focus on genetic divergences between phenotypes because till now we cannot exclude the co-occurrence of two types (semi-species) of clams in the Gulf: an Atlantic type and a Baltic type. Genetic analysis with a use of DALP technique revealed strong intrapopulational polymorphism but no fingerprints or intraspecific polymorphism characterising any of the phenotypes considered (both colour- and shape-based). Since eight polymorphic loci were clearly identified further studies of population genetic structure hold optimistic promise.  相似文献   

A sample of commercial BADGE was fractioned by HPLC and eight impurities including novel propyl derivatives (2), (5) and (6) were identified by NMR spectrometry, FAB-MS and GC-MS. The estrogenicity, both agonist and antagonist, of fractions containing these impurities was measured with a yeast two-hybrid assay incorporating the human (hER alpha) and a competitive binding assay for hER alpha (ELISA). In the yeast two-hybrid assay, estrogenic antagonist activity was found in two fractions, while estrogenic agonist activity was not found in any. In the ELISA method, the binding affinity to hER alpha was found in three fractions. It is probable that a comprehensive assessment of the estrogenic properties of commercial BADGE, and their implications for human health, will require examination of all its components as described here.  相似文献   

Emission of ethylene from the needles of Japanese red pine, Pinus densiflora, was measured in air-polluted areas in Hiroshima, Japan. We applied a suitable protocol to determine the rate of ethylene emission from the excised needles. The influence of excision of needles on ethylene emission was not detected during the first 4 h of incubation at 20 degrees C. Ethylene emissions were low in the unpolluted (clean) areas regardless of the altitude or season. The emission of stress ethylene increased with the atmospheric NO2 concentration, suggesting that atmospheric NOx or related substances induced the higher ethylene emission in the polluted areas (near urban and industrial areas). In all cases, 1-year-old needles emitted significantly larger amounts of ethylene than the current needles. Ethylene emission did not increase evenly in the polluted areas, but the frequency of trees emitting high ethylene increased. Therefore, threshold rates for the baseline ethylene emission were proposed.  相似文献   

Seawater, atmospheric dimethylsulfide (DMS) and aerosol compounds, potentially linked with DMS oxidation, such as methanesulfonic acid (MSA) and non-sea-salt sulfate (nss-SO42?) were determined in the North Yellow Sea, China during July–August, 2006. The concentrations of seawater and atmospheric DMS ranged from 2.01 to 11.79 nmol l?1 and from 1.68 to 8.26 nmol m?3, with average values of 6.20 nmol l?1 and 5.01 nmol m?3, respectively. Owing to the appreciable concentration gradient, DMS accumulated in the surface water was transferred into the atmosphere, leading to a net sea-to-air flux of 6.87 μmol m?2 d?1 during summer. In the surface seawater, high DMS values corresponded well with the concurrent increases in chlorophyll a levels and a significant correlation was observed between integrated DMS and chlorophyll a concentrations. In addition, the concentrations of MSA and nss-SO42? measured in the aerosol samples ranged from 0.012 to 0.079 μg m?3 and from 3.82 to 11.72 μg m?3, with average values of 0.039 and 7.40 μg m?3, respectively. Based on the observed MSA, nss-SO42? and their ratio, the relative biogenic sulfur contribution was estimated to range from 1.2% to 11.5%, implying the major contribution of anthropogenic source to sulfur budget in the study area.  相似文献   

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