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In general, indoor radon concentration is subject to seasonal variability. The reasons are to be found (1) in meteorological influence on the transport properties of soil, e.g. through temperature, frozen soil layers and soil water saturation; and (2) in living habits, e.g. the tendency to open windows in summer and keep them closed in winter, which in general leads to higher accumulation of geogenic Rn in closed rooms in winter. If one wants to standardize indoor Rn measurements originally performed at different times of the year, e.g. in order to make them comparable, some correction transform as a function of measurement time which accounts for these effects must be estimated. In this paper, the seasonality of indoor Rn concentration measured in Austria is investigated as a function of other factors that influence indoor Rn. Indoor radon concentration is clearly shown to have seasonal variability, with higher Rn levels in winter. However, it is complicated to quantify the effect because, as a consequence of the history of an Rn survey, the measurement season maybe correlated to geological regions, which may introduce a bias in the estimate of the seasonality amplitude.  相似文献   

Indoor radon survey and gamma activity measurements in soil samples were carried out in the Giresun province (Northeastern Turkey). The result of analysis of variance showed a relationship between indoor radon and radium content in soil (R(2)=0.54). It was found that indoor radon activity concentration ranged from 52 to 360 Bq m(-3) with an average value of 130 Bq m(-3). A model built by BEIR VI was used to predict the number of lung cancer deaths due to indoor radon exposure. It was found that indoor radon is responsible for 8% of all lung cancer deaths occurring in this province. (137)Cs activity concentration was measured 21 years after the Chernobyl accident. The results showed that (137)Cs activity concentration ranged from 41 to 1304 Bq kg(-1) with an average value of 307 Bq kg(-1). The indoor radon results and the geology of the studied area were discussed. Annual effective doses to the both radionuclides of natural origin and (137)Cs were estimated.  相似文献   

ANOVA is used to show that approximately 25% of the total variation of indoor radon concentrations in England and Wales can be explained by the mapped bedrock and superficial geology. The proportion of the total variation explained by geology is higher (up to 37%) in areas where there is strong contrast between the radon potential of sedimentary geological units and lower (14%) where the influence of confounding geological controls, such as uranium mineralisation, cut across mapped geological boundaries. When indoor radon measurements are grouped by geology and 1-km squares of the national grid, the cumulative percentage of the variation between and within mapped geological units is shown to be 34-40%. The proportion of the variation that can be attributed to mapped geological units increases with the level of detail of the digital geological data. This study confirms the importance of radon maps that show the variation of indoor radon concentrations both between and within mapped geological boundaries.  相似文献   

A study of daily and seasonal variations of radon concentrations in underground buildings in major cities of China was carried out. According to the data from the Model 1027 continuous monitor, radon concentrations in the underground buildings changed through two cycles each day. The first cycle was from 12:00 to 0:00 and the highest or lowest value, depending on location, was at about 19:00. The second cycle had a little change. Based on the data from solid state nuclear detectors (SSNTDs), it was concluded that the radon concentrations in underground buildings in winter were lower than in summer, which was opposite to that above the ground level. Similar to that above the ground level, the radon concentrations in spring were close to the year-round average radon concentrations.  相似文献   

Measurements of indoor radon concentrations were performed in 28 low-rise houses and 30 apartments in Patras area from December 1996 to November 1997, using nuclear track detectors. The investigation was focused on the effects of season and floor number, as well as on the existence of a basement in low-rise houses on indoor radon levels. It was found that the differences in mean radon concentrations between adjacent seasons, in a number of 61 selected sampling sites distributed in 28 houses, were statistically significant. As expected, a maximum was found in winter and a minimum in summer. The differences in mean radon concentration on different floors of the same houses were also statistically significant and followed a linear decrease from underground to 2nd floor. In addition, indoor radon concentrations in the ground floor were found to be influenced by the existence or not of a basement. The average annual radon concentration was found to be 41 Bq m(-3) for the houses, 28 Bq m(-3) for the apartments and 38 Bq m(-3) for all the dwellings. These values lead to an average effective dose equivalent of 1.1, 0.7 and 0.9 mSv y(-1), respectively. Residents living on the underground in low-rise houses, during winter, where the average effective dose equivalent is 2.1 mSv y(-1), attain the higher risk.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the influence of faulting on the variability of geogenic radon at detailed scale (1:2000), data on gamma ray fluxes, U and Th concentrations in rocks, radon in soil-gas and radon in groundwater were collected in three target areas on the Oliveira do Hospital region (Central Portugal). This region stands on the Iberian Uranium Province, and is dominantly composed of Hercynian granites and metasedimentary rocks of pre-Ordovician age, crosscut by faults with dominant strike N35°E, N55°E and N75°E. Radiometric anomalies are frequent, associated with faults of the referred systems and metasedimentary enclaves; the analytical data confirms that these anomalies are produced by local high uranium contents in rocks and fault-filling materials (n = 34, range 13-724 ppm), while other radiogenic elements are relatively constant (e.g. Th 4-30 ppm). Radon concentration in soil can be extremely high, up to 12,850 kBq m−3 (n = 215), with a large proportion of results above 100 kBq m−3. Unsurprisingly, groundwater also shows high radon concentrations, with observed values in the range 150-4850 Bq.L−1 (n = 17). From the results it is concluded that metasedimentary enclaves, as well as faults, can accumulate uranium from circulating fluids, and as a consequence, strongly locally enhance geogenic radon potential. Due to this fact, for the purpose of land use planning in such uranium-enriched regions, very detailed geological mapping is needed to precisely recognize radon high risk areas. A correlation between radon concentration in soil or in groundwater and gamma ray fluxes was established pointing to the possible use of these fluxes as a first step in assessing geogenic radon potential, at least to geological setting similar to the study area.  相似文献   

Within the context of its institutional scientific support to the European Commission, in 2005 the Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring (REM) group at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, started to explore the possibility of mapping indoor radon in European houses as a first step towards preparing a European Atlas of Natural Radiations. The main objective of such an atlas is to contribute to familiarizing the public with its naturally radioactive environment. The process of preparing the atlas should also provide the scientific community with a database of information that can be used for further studies and for highlighting regions with elevated levels of natural radiation. This document presents the status of the European indoor radon (Rn) map, first statistical results, and outlines of forthcoming challenges.  相似文献   

Dilution of indoor air contaminants with less contaminated outdoor air is the most common strategy for control of indoor air quality. Unfortunately this strategy frequently imposes a substantial energy burden. If the contaminants are associated with occupants and their activities, a ventilation control system based on the carbon dioxide level in the controlled space is shown to relieve this energy burden. A test was carried out in the Fridley, MN, Junior High School Music Department to obtain air quality, energy, and subjective response data on an Automatic Variable Ventilation System. A control system with both CO2 and temperature inputs was devised to control the use of outdoor air. Infiltration measurements lead to a quantitative measure of ventil3tion efficiency. This in turn led to recommendations for air circulation patterns in rooms. The measured ventilation efficiency enabled energy and CO2 models to fit measured data. Energy savings of approximately 20% were found for this application. Subjective response of the occupants also was measured. A special questionnaire, subjected to statistical analysis, showed that the subjects felt warmer with increased CO2 in the room air.  相似文献   

Radon gas can be present within buildings at sufficiently high levels that it becomes a health risk. Such levels can be reduced, and so radon remediation programmes in the home in UK Affected Areas should result in reduced risks to the population. This paper considers the benefits and costs of the domestic radon remediation programme in Northamptonshire, UK, and considers the implications of the choice of Action Level, in view of the adoption of different levels in many countries. A programme with a higher Action Level will cost less, and target those most at risk, but will be less cost effective. In addition, a higher Action Level leaves a higher residual dose and risk to the remaining population. Such doses are higher than and inconsistent with the radiation dose limits for the general public in the EU Basic Standards Directive.  相似文献   

Data from suburban residences in the Boston metropolitan area reveal a potential adverse impact on indoor air quality from woodburning in woodstoves and fireplaces. Ambient pollutant concentrations at each residence were compared to corresponding pollutant levels indoors at three locations (kitchen, bedroom, and activity room). Individual gaseous pollutant samples were averaged on an hourly basis while 24-h integrated samples of particulate matter were obtained. Ten gaseous pollutants were sampled along with total suspended particulates (TSP). Chemical analyses further determined ten components of TSP including trace metals, benzo-a-pyrene(B)aP, respirable suspended particulates (RSP), and water soluble sulfates and nitrates. Monitoring lasted two weeks at each residence and was conducted under occupied, real-life, conditions. Observed, elevated indoor concentrations of TSP, RSP, and BaP are attributed to woodburning. Data indicate that average indoor TSP concentrations during woodburning periods were about three times corresponding levels during nonwoodburning periods. The primary 24-h national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for TSP was exceeded once indoors during fireplace use, and the secondary, 24-h TSP NAAQS, was also exceeded indoors by RSP concentrations. Indoor BaP concentrations during woodstove use averaged five times more than during nonwoodburning periods. At this stage, results are only indicative, but the potential impact from elevated indoor concentrations of TSP, RSP, and BaP, attributed to woodburning, may have long-term health implications.  相似文献   

Following an intensive survey of domestic radon levels in the United Kingdom (UK), the former National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB), now the Radiation Protection Division of the Health Protection Agency (HPA-RPD), established a measurement protocol and promulgated Seasonal Correction Factors applicable to the country as a whole. Radon levels in the domestic built environment are assumed to vary systematically and repeatably during the year, being generally higher in winter. The Seasonal Correction Factors therefore comprise a series of numerical multipliers, which convert a 1-month or 3-month radon concentration measurement, commencing in any month of the year, to an effective annual mean radon concentration. In a recent project undertaken to assess the utility of short-term exposures in quantifying domestic radon levels, a comparative assessment of a number of integrating detector types was undertaken, with radon levels in 34 houses on common geology monitored over a 12-month period using dose-integrating track-etch detectors exposed in pairs (one upstairs, one downstairs) at 1-month and 3-month resolution. Seasonal variability of radon concentrations departed significantly from that expected on the basis of the HPA-RPD Seasonal Correction Factor set, with year-end discontinuities at both 1-month and 3-month measurement resolutions. Following this study, monitoring with electrets was continued in four properties, with weekly radon concentration data now available for a total duration in excess of three and a half years. Analysis of this data has permitted the derivation of reliable local Seasonal Correction Factors. Overall, these are significantly lower than those recommended by HPA-RPD, but are comparable with other results from the UK and from abroad, particularly those that recognise geological diversity and are consequently prepared on a regional rather than a national basis. This finding calls into question the validity of using nationally aggregated Seasonal Correction Factors, especially for shorter exposures, and the universal applicability of these corrections is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In the UK, excessive levels of radon gas have been detected in domestic housing. Areas where 1% of existing homes were found to be over the Action Level of 200 Bq · m 3 were declared to be Radon Affected Areas. Building Regulations have been introduced which require that, for areas where between 3% and 10% of existing houses are above the Action Level, new homes should be built with basic radon protection using a membrane, and that, where 10% or more of existing homes exceed this level, new homes should be built with full radon protection.Initially these affected areas followed administrative boundaries, known as Counties. However, with increasing numbers of measurements of radon levels in domestic homes recorded in the national database, these areas have been successively refined into smaller units – 5 km grid squares in 1999, down to 1 km grid squares in 2007.One result is the identification of small areas with raised radon levels within regions where previously no problem had been identified. In addition, some parts of areas that were previously considered radon affected are now considered low, or no, risk. Our analysis suggests that the net result of improved mapping is to increase the number of affected houses. Further, the process is more complex for local builders, and inspectors, who need to work out whether radon protection in new homes is appropriate.Our group has assessed the cost-effectiveness of radon remediation programmes, and has applied this analysis to consider the cost-effectiveness of providing radon protection in both new and existing homes. This includes modelling the potential failure rate of membranes, and whether testing radon levels in new homes is appropriate. The analysis concludes that it is more cost effective to provide targeted radon protection in high radon areas, although this introduces more complexity.The paper also considers the trend in housing to a greater proportion of apartments, the regional variations in types of housing and the decreasing average number of occupants in each dwelling, and concludes that data and methods are now available to respond to the health risks of radon at a local level, in keeping with a general initiative to prioritise responses to health and social welfare issues at a more local level.  相似文献   

Radon (Rn(222)) levels in an indoor atmosphere of a multi-storey building at Mumbai have been measured for one year covering all the four seasons. Monitoring was carried out using the time-integrated passive detector technique, using Kodak-115 type Solid State Nuclear Track Detector (SSNTD) films of 2.5x2.5 cm size. Measured indoor radon levels showed a decreasing trend with height with concentration ranging from 41 Bq m(-3) at ground floor level to 15 Bq m(-3) at 19th floor level. Using the dose conversion factors, the inhalation dose due to breathing of radon gas is estimated to be 1.03 mSv y(-1) at the ground floor to 0.38 mSv y(-1) at the 19th floor level. Measured indoor radon concentrations on each floor were compared with the computed values using a mathematical model. The agreement between measured values and calculated values of indoor concentrations at different floors was very good within the limitations of various field parameter values.  相似文献   

Radon gas contributes a significant fraction of the natural background radiation dose, and in some areas raised levels are found in buildings. both homes and the workplace. Different UK Action Levels apply to homes and the workplace. because of the diurnal variation of radon. This study reviews the results for a number of hospitals throughout England and Wales. and suggests that the likelihood of finding raised radon levels is similar in the workplace and homes in the same area. Radon measurements and consequent remediation of any raised levels are appropriate in all workplaces in radon Affected Areas with over 5% of houses above the UK domestic Action Level of 200 Bq m(-3).  相似文献   

This paper contributes to our understanding of the challenges faced when seeking to apply systemic, integration concepts in ‘arenas of practice’. It takes a critical look at the application of the systems-based SPICOSA Project in the region of the Oder (Szczecin) Lagoon, which forms the border between Germany and Poland. The paper highlights a range of place-based and temporal-based factors, which need careful consideration when adopting systems-based approaches to Integrated Coastal Zone Management and makes a series of recommendations for how such approaches might be approved. The experience within the study site was that challenges relating to scale, in one of its many facets, strongly influenced abilities to integrate within the systemic approach. Our view is that cross-scale issues and multi-level challenges can be thought of as one of the dominant factors controlling the successfulness of system approaches to managing complex environments.  相似文献   

Exposure to airborne pollutants can result in adverse health effects. Acute symptoms can for instance comprise of irritation of the eyes or of the respiratory tract (called sensory irritation). In a recent case, health problems were reported in a French school and supposedly attributed to the presence of airborne irritant pollutants. Based on measured concentrations, the risk of developing the described health effects was assessed.Numerous airborne sensory irritants (aldehydes, organic acids, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), SO(2), NH(3)) were identified and quantified in the indoor air by using active and passive sampling and online monitoring techniques. Reference values based on toxicological properties of compounds (sensory irritants) were taken from the literature. If not available, tentative values were specially developed for this purpose. Concentrations of all sensory irritants remain below their corresponding guideline values and are comparable to literature data. It was concluded that the risk of developing sensory irritation due to the presence of the studied compounds is negligible. This holds both for individual compounds and for the mixture of studied compounds. Limitations of the employed sampling strategy, and of existing sampling and analytical techniques, which do not allow for analysing more reactive compounds-which are strong sensory irritants-may play a role. New sampling techniques need to be developed. Psychosocial factors (group behaviour, increased attention to sensory irritation) should also be taken into account when dealing with health complaints on sensory irritation.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the effects of various air pollutants on lung collagen biosynthesis have been performed. A hitherto unexpected synergism between the oxidant air pollutants ozone or nitrogen dioxide and a respirable-sized aerosol of ammonium sulfate was observed during controlled exposures of rats to these substances. In an assay system, measuring collagen biosynthesis by lung minces prepared from rats exposed for 1 week to either filtered air or to these pollutants gases, dose-response curves to either O3 or NO2 are altered in the presence of 5 mg/m3 of (NH4)2SO4 aerosol. These observations may have broad implications for the appropriate evaluation of laboratory data in the setting of ambient air quality standards and/or the setting of threshold limit values for maintenance of occupational health and safety.  相似文献   

Background Sustainable development (SD) is a common concept. Knowledge and attitudes are essential in the SD process. This study assesses the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of local people about SD. Aim To study the factors that influence the understanding of the concept, contents, and indicators of different aspects affecting the health and environmental issues. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out from June to July 2007 among 546 households in the Quang Tri province. Data were gathered on basis of socio-demographic variables, namely age, gender, education, occupation, income, and region. Chi square tests and multivariate analysis were performed on the obtained data. The data were cleaned and analysed using SPSS 15.0 for windows. Results Occupation is related to knowledge, attitude, or practice. Income is related to knowledge or practice. Gender related to only attitude. Lastly, region is related to attitude or practice. The proportion of wrong understanding about SD is 2.0 times (95% CI: 1.3; 3.1, p < 0.001) higher than that of the people who have good understanding about it. The rate of willingness to do any related SD programmes of the people who understanding is 2.1 times (95% CI: 1.4; 3.2, p < 0.001) higher than that of the people who have bad one. Conclusions This study shows that knowledge on sustainability of the local communities is low. Occupation and income influence understanding of SD more than region, age, gender, and education. Most of the local people who do not understand SD in general, do not want to participate or act in SD programmes.  相似文献   

Improper natural ventilation practices may deteriorate indoor air quality when in close proximity to roadways, although the intention is often to reduce energy consumption. In this study, we employed a CFD-based air quality model to quantify the impact of traffic-related air pollution on the indoor air quality of a naturally ventilated building. Our study found that the building envelope restricts dispersion and dilution of particulate matter. The indoor concentration in the baseline condition located 10 m away from the roadway is roughly 16–21% greater than that at the edge of the roadway. The indoor flow recirculation creates a well-mixed zone with little variation in fine particle concentration (i.e., 253 nm). For ultrafine particles (< 100 nm), a noticeable decrease in particle concentrations indoors with increasing distance from the road is observed due to Brownian and turbulent diffusion. In addition, the indoor concentration strongly depends on the distance between the roadway and building, particle size, wind condition, and window size and location. A break-even point is observed at D ~ 2.1 (normalized distance from the roadway by the width of the road). The indoor particle concentration is greater than that at the highway where D < 2.1, and vice versa. For new building planning, the distance from the roadway and the ambient wind condition need to be considered at the early design stage whereas the size and location of the window openings, the interior layout, and the placement of fresh air intakes are important to the indoor air quality of existing buildings adjacent to roadways.  相似文献   

Building regulations in the UK have since 1992 required that radon-proof membranes be installed in new domestic properties to protect residents against the adverse effects of radon. This study compares the cost-effectiveness of the current regulatory regime with an alternative that would entail new properties being tested for radon after construction, and being remediated if necessary. The alternative regime is found to be more cost-effective for a sample of properties in Brixworth, Northamptonshire, UK. For this regime, the central estimate of cost per quality-adjusted life-year gained, the measure of cost-effectiveness used, is 2869 pounds compared to 6182 pounds for installing membranes, results suggesting a case for re-examining the current regulations on radon protection in new properties. Pilot studies will, however, be needed to consider how different means of protecting residents of new properties against radon might operate in practice and to provide improved evidence on their relative cost-effectiveness.  相似文献   

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