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Calls to strengthen flood risk governance are echoed across Europe amidst a growing consensus that floods will increase in the future. Accompanying the pursuit of societal resilience, other normative agendas relating legitimacy (e.g. accountability and public participation), and resource efficiency, have become attached to discussions concerning flood risk governance. Whilst these represent goals against which ‘success’ is socially and politically judged, lacking from the literature is a coherent framework to operationalise these concepts and evaluate the degree to which these are achieved. Drawing from cross-disciplinary and cross-country research conducted within the EU project STAR-FLOOD, this paper presents a framework for evaluating the extent to which flood risk governance arrangements support societal resilience, and demonstrate efficiency and legitimacy. Through empirical research in England, this paper critically reflects on the value of this approach in terms of identifying entry points to strengthen governance in the pursuit of these goals.  相似文献   

Despite considerable uncertainties regarding the exact contribution of anthropogenic climate change to disaster risk, rising losses from extreme events have highlighted the need to comprehensively address climate-related risk. This requires linking climate adaptation to disaster risk management (DRM), leading to what has been broadly referred to as climate risk management (CRM). While this concept has received attention in debate, important gaps remain in terms of operationalizing it with applicable methods and tools for specific risks and decision-contexts. By developing and applying a methodological approach to CRM in the decision context of sovereign risk (flooding) in Austria we test the usefulness of CRM, and based on these insights, inform applications in other decision contexts. Our methodological approach builds on multiple lines of evidence and methods. These comprise of a broad stakeholder engagement process, empirical analysis of public budgets, and risk-focused economic modelling. We find that a CRM framework is able to inform instrumental as well as reflexive and participatory debate in practice. Due to the complex interaction of social–ecological systems with climate risks, and taking into account the likelihood of future contingent climate-related fiscal liabilities increasing substantially as a result of socioeconomic developments and climate change, we identify the need for advanced learning processes and iterative updates of CRM management plans. We suggest that strategies comprising a portfolio of policy measures to reduce and manage climate-related risks are particularly effective if they tailor individual instruments to the specific requirements of different risk layers.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to identify major strategic issues for a firm aiming for change towards ecologically sustainable activities in its network. One purpose is to develop and apply a theoretical approach that takes the strategic actions of the firm and its network context into consideration. Empirically, the aim is to identify, describe and categorize various strategic issues when an actor aims to introduce waste recycling activities in its network. The framework is applied to a case describing a food retail chain’s ecological re-positioning in a system for the recycling of waste. The paper identifies a set of strategic issues including managerial implications for a firm that takes on the role of change agent in its industrial network.  相似文献   

国家环境风险防控与管理体系框架构建   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
针对我国环境风险防控与管理存在的问题与不足,讨论了国家环境风险管理体系的概念,总结了欧美等发达国家在环境风险防控与管理领域的经验,构建了“四维一体”的国家环境风险防控与管理体系,以及国家环境风险防控与管理制度基本框架,并结合我国当前环境风险防控的形势提出了近期相关工作的重点.  相似文献   

石油化工企业环境风险评价的方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
首次提出并采用安全检查表与层次分析相结合的石油化工企业环境风险评价方法,对我国运转中的一套丙烯腈系列装置进行系统风险评价和健康风险评价,建立了丙烯腈系列装置安全风险评价层次结构体系,开发了风险评价事故数据库软件。通过评价找出事故隐患,发现氰氢酸是导致职工慢性中毒的主要因素。评价结果表明,事故记录的准确性和事故档案保存的完好性对于评价至关重要。  相似文献   

A case study for water using network of a Starch industry in the state of Gujarat, India, is undertaken with an aim to reduce demineralised water and freshwater flow rates and consequently the wastewater flow rate. The problem was identified as a multi contaminant, reuse and recycle problem. The freshwater consumption and demineralised water consumption were 100 t/h and 51 t/h respectively before modification and the network was dealing with three major contaminants such as total organic content, total dissolved solids and total suspended solids. A program was developed in MATLAB for analysis using Water Pinch. The improved water using network designed for the present work consumed less demineralised and freshwater. The reductions are of the tune of 28% and 64.38% for demineralised and fresh water respectively. Due to alteration in piping, there will be a saving of 406 026 INR per year, which will be utilized for development of efficient environment policy for the company. The entire concept had been implemented on plant level on 1st February-2009 and the reductions are of the tune of 25% and 60% for demineralised and fresh water respectively.  相似文献   

:利用萃取火焰原子吸光法和石墨炉原子吸光法 (标准添加法 )共同对底质中的 Pb进行测定 ,测定结果表明此方法能减少 Pb的基体干扰 ,提高测定结果的准确度  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical programming approach to analyze the feasibility of zero liquid discharge option in different industries. Mathematical programming methodologies are applied to four industrial cases—a tricresyl phosphate plant, an ethyl chloride plant, a paper mill and a refinery. In each case study various end of pipe and regeneration configurations using different treatment technologies are explored to determine the possibility of zero liquid discharge and its economical feasibility. The results show that the relationship between the cost of regeneration and the cost of freshwater as well as the discharge concentration of the treatment is the determining factor for the feasibility of zero liquid discharge.  相似文献   

The effects of scouring parameters on the scouring efficiency, including the weight ratio of de-sizing agent and fabric (5–80 g/g fabric), temperature of de-sizing agent tank (60–90 °C) and dipping time (2–8 s), were investigated. The results demonstrated that weight loss of sizing agent was significantly observed only in the de-sizing agent tank particularly in the first de-sizing tank and was found to a small extent in water tank. The optimum condition in the scouring machine was found at a de-sizing agent to fabric ratio of 20 g/g fabric, with a temperature of the first de-sizing agent tank of 80 °C, a temperature of the second de-sizing agent tank of 90 °C, and dipping time of fabric of 7 s. According to these conditions, more than 89% of the sizing agent was eliminated and only 3.52 mg/g fabric of sizing agent remained in the scoured fabric which was in an acceptable range for feeding to the down stream process known as dyeing process. Application of our results to actual textile plant has shown that there is a cost reduction due to improved utilization of rinse water, chemicals and energy in the process and consequent decreases in the generation of wastewater. Furthermore, the production capacity was increased from 30 m/min to 34.4 m/min.  相似文献   

Industrial ecology (IE) is an emerging framework adopted in the manufacturing, construction, and process industries to provide innovative solutions in strategic planning, leading to cleaner operation and production. An IE framework integrates a large number of processes, economic constraints, and environmental, health and safety considerations for optimized resource utilization. This paper provides a review of environmental management practices in the mining and minerals industry, emphasizing two concepts: IE and cleaner production. The mining and minerals industry provides primary materials for industrial activities; as such, it is an important component in the “industrial ecosystem.” This industry is subject to very stringent social and environmental scrutiny, while providing society with required natural resources to meet essential sustainable development requirements. The implementation of an IE framework in the sector will contribute to sustainable development.  相似文献   

Water resource management has become an important operational and environmental issue. The increasing costs of dependable water supplies and wastewater disposal have increased the economic incentive for implementing technologies that are more environmentally friendly, and that can ensure efficient use of natural resources. A structured “integrated water resources management,” (IWRM) model for water management is presented as a useful tool for research into complex water using production systems in industrial companies. The step-by-step procedure and the consistent relationships between the diagram types allow straightforward implementation of water saving projects. By performing various case studies, it became clear that the IWRM model is applicable to various types of water using industrial companies. Therefore, wastewater reclamation and reuse are effective procedures for more sustainable industrial development programs.  相似文献   

The primary vector of the dengue fever virus, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, is distributed across the tropical and sub-tropical latitudes; however, the area at risk of infection has been expanding steadily. This study aimed to identify the industries most vulnerable to the effects of dengue fever by 2030. The assessment was done by considering the international supply chain, with aspects such as the labor intensity, and the relevant geographical and socioeconomic aspects being taken into account. In addition, multi-regional input-output tables were employed to analyze the ripple effects of productivity losses resulting from workers contracting the disease. The results indicate that more than 10% of the workers involved in the supply chain of all the major industries in the United States (USA), China, Japan, and Germany could be considered at risk of contracting dengue fever by 2030. Moreover, the risk was even higher in India and Brazil, namely, more than 70%. The effect of widespread dengue fever infection could influence industrial activities severely, not only in the regions most at risk (India and Brazil) but also in the other regions (USA, Japan, and Germany). Labor-intensive industries, such as agriculture, fisheries, and the distribution sector are particularly at risk and will have to consider appropriate contingency measures. It is recommended that the downstream side of the supply chain, the industries in the USA, Japan, and Germany, supports the introduction of worker’s health management system against the infectious disease into their business partners. This study employed limited data and only estimated the possible effects of the disease by 2030. Further comprehensive analysis is required with more data modeled for the future to verify and enhance the reliability of the present results.  相似文献   

Hybrid life-cycle assessment employing input–output analysis has advantages over conventional methods. In the inventory phase of a hybrid assessment, the data collection and the boundary selection can be tailored by using structural path analysis. This technique was applied to recent Australian data in order to determine environmentally important input paths in terms of energy consumption, land disturbance, water use, and emissions of greenhouse gases, NOx, and SO2, for all Australian industry sectors. Due to the complexity of inter-industrial transactions, up to third-order paths can be top-ranking. The identification of such paths is considerably more labour-intensive in conventional life-cycle assessments.  相似文献   

Planting urban trees and expanding urban forest canopy cover are often considered key strategies for reducing climate change impacts in urban areas. However, urban trees and forests can also be vulnerable to climate change through shifts in tree habitat suitability, changes in pests and diseases, and changes in extreme weather events. We developed a three-step framework for urban forest vulnerability assessment and adaptation that scales from regional assessment to local on-the-ground action. We piloted this framework in the Chicago region in 10 locations representing an urban-exurban gradient across a range of socioeconomic capacities. The majority of trees across a seven-county region had low to moderate vulnerability, but many of the least vulnerable species were nonnative invasive species. Urban forests in the 10 pilot locations ranged in vulnerability largely due to differences in economic and organizational adaptive capacity. Adaptation actions selected in these locations tended to focus on increased biodiversity and restoration of natural disturbance regimes. However, adaptation actions in more developed sites also included incorporating new species or cultivars. Lessons learned from the pilot area can be used to inform future efforts in other urban areas.  相似文献   

This article offers a critical analysis of some of the issues associated with the emerging mining sector in Madagascar, within the context of the redefinition of the role of the State. First focusing on the development model elaborated by the World Bank and its influence on the adoption of a new mining code in Madagascar, the analysis demonstrates that it is difficult for the sector's new legislation to allow the Malagasy State to manage the social and environmental aspect of the mining industry.  相似文献   

Although forest carbon offsets can play an important role in the implementation of comprehensive climate policy, they also face an inherent risk of reversal. If such risks are positively correlated across projects, it can affect the integrity of larger project portfolios and potentially the entire offsets program. Here, we discuss three types of risks that could affect forest offsets—fat tails, micro-correlation, and tail dependence—and provide examples of how they could present themselves in a forest offset context. Given these potential dependencies, we suggest several new risk management approaches that take into account dependencies in reversal risk across projects and which could help guard the climate integrity of an offsets program. We also argue that data collection be included as an integral part of any offsets program so that disturbance-related dependencies may be identified and managed as early and to the greatest extent possible.  相似文献   

针对我国南方特色的蜜饯制品凉果加工过程中产生的水污染问题,解析其废水来源与特征,系统研究凉果行业节水、废料利用和废水处理的技术路线、途径和工艺。按照“源头节水、中间减污、末端治污”的水污染全过程控制技术路线,从清洁生产角度提出基于“超声波节水清洗+工序水分质回用”的果蔬清洗与果坯脱盐漂洗节水技术;从循环经济角度提出腌渍液经真空浓缩+离子交换脱盐后制成低盐饮料及结晶盐回用,废糖液经过滤+澄清+脱色后再生回用及生产副产品的废料综合利用技术;针对凉果废水含盐量和COD高、水质变幅大等特征,从达标减排角度提出生化处理+脱盐处理组合工艺;并提出推动凉果企业清洁化改造,倡导行业集约化发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

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