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实施农业清洁生产势在必行   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从农业生产及农业污染的特点入手,借鉴工业清洁生产的基本理念,初步界定了农业清洁生产的内涵。从农业可持续发展战略的高度,论述了实施农业清洁生产战略的必要性和可能性,并就全面推行农业清洁生产战略提出建议。  相似文献   

针对目前清洁生产评价存在的问题,提出了一种更为准确的清洁生产评价模型,包括指标体系的建立、数学模型的选择.并通过某石油开发建设项目的清洁生产评价,验证该模型的可行性。  相似文献   

Cleaner production is not only about changing raw materials, processes and products. It is also about changing corporate culture and the attitudes of people. An understanding of the dynamics of change within organisations undertaking cleaner production can help educators, consultants and project champions to improve the potential for success. The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into the range of key human dimensions that are potentially relevant to the success of cleaner production initiatives. The paper includes examples of the literature relevant to the subject as well as a summary of the results of research into elements of change within 22 organisations participating in a major cleaner production demonstration project in New Zealand. The research was designed to provide insight into changes in key indicators of environmental management and cleaner production, as well as elements of organisational culture and attitudes. For control purposes, a group of randomly selected organisations was also included. Organisations were surveyed before the start of the demonstration project and approximately a year later. Not surprisingly, results for the demonstration group show trends towards indicators of environmental management and cleaner production. Conversely, results for the control group indicate a trend away from environmental management and cleaner production. Trends in organisational culture and attitudes are less predictable. The paper provides a discussion of the implications of the results and suggests that organisational change theory should be incorporated into cleaner production research and programme development, implementation and evaluation.  相似文献   

分析总结了德国在法律体系、监管机制、科学技术、技术中介机构及宣传培训等方面推行清洁生产的主要做法和经验,并对我国如何推进开展清洁生产提出了思考和建议:加强以企业为主体的清洁生产推广机制;加大政策扶持力度,推广先进清洁生产技术;规范咨询机构管理,培育良好市场环境。  相似文献   

康洁生产——高技术污染下清洁生产的新视点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清洁生产自80年代末在美国等发达国家提出以后。得到国际社会的普遍响应,成为一种环保潮流,被认为是环境战略由被动反应转向主动行动的一个转折点,当今高技术污染呈现许多新的特点。对清洁生产理念提出挑战。文章从清洁生产的起源和发展出发。通过反思高技术污染对清洁生产的挑战,指出了“清洁生产”需要理论完善,提出了“康洁生产”这一环境战略的新观念。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了清洁生产、循环经济的相关理论,分析了清洁生产的积极影响,从而论证了循环经济的前提和本质是清洁生产,清洁生产是实现可持续发展的最佳选择。  相似文献   

基于主成分分析的焦化行业清洁生产评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据<清洁生产标准-炼焦行业>(HJ/T126-2003)标准开展焦化建设项目清洁生产评价,评价指标达87个,存在数据收集困难的问题,并且采用标准对比法进行清洁生产评价只能得出每个评价指标清洁生产级别,为了明确焦化建设项目清洁生产水平和行业清洁生产水平间的关系,以河北省符合国家焦化行业产业政策的8家企业为样本,采用主成...  相似文献   

在清洁生产审核中,经济评估是对清洁生产方案的综合性全面经济分析。通过评估分析,比较各种备选方案,为投资决策选择效益最佳的方案提供依据。本文通过对水泥厂清洁生产审核经济评估指标的分析,详细阐述各项评估指标的运用效果。  相似文献   

区域清洁生产提供了有效解决地区性重大环境问题的途径。介绍了区域清洁生产理论基础之后,论述了区域清洁生产的实施模式,并建立了完整的经济环境评价模型,为区域清洁生产的实施提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

凹印制版企业清洁生产审核工作处于起步阶段。该行业涉及机加工、电镀、电子雕刻、印刷四个生产领域,国家对于该类企业的清洁生产审核工作并没有统一、规范的理论指导。利用已有的清洁生产知识,借鉴其它行业清洁生产审核的工作经验,对某凹印制版企业进行清洁生产审核。利用权重总和计分排序法确定清洁生产审核重点,设置清洁生产目标。编制审核重点流程图、单元操作流程图判明废弃物的产生情况;对生产过程中的物料、水进行衡算,并做重要物质的单元素平衡图,得出审核结论,发现清洁生产机会。该清洁生产审核实践,对凹印制版企业的清洁生产审核有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

Extensive research has examined the relationship between environmental management/performance and business performance but yielded no conclusive results. This paper makes two contributions to the literature. First, instead of focusing on one aspect, we try to compare using various types of cleaner production activities: low- and high-cost activities. Second, the study complements the existing literature which focuses on firms in developed countries with an analysis of firms in the Chinese manufacturing industry. In this paper, the relationship between cleaner production and business performance was analyzed using Structure Equation Model (SEM). We find an overall positive impact of cleaner production on firm's business performance. We also found that the cleaner production activities of low-cost scheme have a bigger contribution to financial performance compared to non-financial performance, while cleaner production activities of high-cost scheme have a greater contribution to non-financial performance, compared to financial performance. This study should be useful for firms that consider adopting cleaner production as well as stakeholders who aim to promote cleaner production.  相似文献   

New findings on the causes of waste and emissions, which were obtained from analysing numerous material streams in various sectors of industry, are presented in this article. It describes the implications of these findings for the vision of clean production, for formulating environmental policy concerning cleaner production targets, for the opportunities to assess to what extent the cleaner production targets have been met, and for the cleaner production assessment. A modified cleaner production assessment approach is presented, and illustrated using leather production as an example. The consequent implications for the diffusion of cleaner production are discussed.  相似文献   

普通高等院校餐厅清洁生产措施探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校餐厅作为在校师生的饮食场所,是高校建设的一个重要环节,其运行管理好坏直接影响到高校的整体形象,而清洁生产的实施是衡量其运行管理指标之一。以西安市某高校餐厅为例,采用问卷调查和实地调查法,运用Spass软件对数据进行处理分析,并针对餐厅消耗品、餐厅设施、餐厅饭菜、餐厅员工、餐厅厨余等提出清洁生产措施。结果表明:(1)通过清洁生产,该餐厅平均每年能够节约电费1.67万元,减少劳务成本约5.52万元,一次性消耗品增收6.75万元,共产生经济效益13.64万元,并减少10%上的剩菜剩饭;(2)通过清洁生产,提高了饭菜质量、降低了饭菜价格,吸引更多的学生到餐厅就餐,增加了餐厅收入,改善了餐厅的环境。因此,实施高校清洁生产,对于减轻学校的财政压力、建立环境友好型社会具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

火电行业清洁生产水平分析与评价——以M火电企业为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火电行业在能源消耗中占有重要的地位,如果在火电行业中有效地实施清洁生产,将改变目前采取"末端治理"为主的被动污染控制模式。以M电力企业为例,分析了其典型的清洁生产措施,并与火电行业清洁生产主要指标进行对比,评价该企业在火电行业的清洁生产水平,其成功的清洁生产措施可以为行业开展清洁生产工作提供经验。  相似文献   

This article opens briefly with the recent discussions about the effectiveness of pollution prevention. As pollution prevention and cleaner production are important elements of industrial ecology, the different definitions and approaches of industrial ecology as a term also need clarity. The major part of this article reflects the first results of the cleaner production and industrial ecology concepts, applied in an industrial ecosystem project (INES) in the Rotterdam harbour area. In this industrial area with many refineries and (petro)chemical facilities, the possibilities for companies to reuse waste streams, by-products and energy from each other was researched. The project was initiated by an industrial association. Sixty-nine members of the industrial association joined the INES project and provided confidential information about their resources, products and waste streams to the research team. Based on this information, 15 projects were designed. The selected three projects for further feasibility studies showed the potency to reduce the use of energy, water and bio sludge significantly.  相似文献   

本文简述了乌兰水泥有限责任公司在生产管理和生产过程中主动实施清洁生产的一些经验和成绩。即从项目建设初期就严格执行国家有关环保的法律法规,如“三同时”制度并将清洁生产的理念贯穿于管理和生产的始终,到污染治理方面选用有效的技术措施和管理手段等。简述了先进环保设施及科学管理手段是实现清洁生产的根本。  相似文献   

中国是全球最大的浓缩苹果汁生产和出口国,年产量和出口量均占全球总量的60%左右,均位居世界第一。中国浓缩果汁行业高速发展的同时,严峻的行业环境问题严重限制了中国浓缩果汁行业的进一步发展[1]。企业实施清洁生产审核是企业实现清洁生产最有效的手段.实践表明,通过实施清洁生产审核活动,企业提高了资源能源利用效率,降低了环境污染,取得了经济和环境的同步发展,为浓缩果汁企业今后的清洁生产审核积累了经验。  相似文献   

清洁生产技术在制革工业生产中的应用   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
分析了我国制革工业的污染现状 ,提出了制革工业推行清洁生产的必要性及实现清洁生产的途径。通过生产性试验研究出羊皮制革工业的清洁生产技术 ,详细分析了羊皮制革工业在生产过程中采用清洁生产技术的污染物削减情况。  相似文献   

清洁生产减排潜力分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了目前清洁生产减排潜力分析的四种方法,即效益分析、情景分析、最佳可行技术分析和生命周期评价,并总结了其各自的优缺点和适用性。同时针对我国目前清洁生产研究重点领域-流域/区域清洁生产来说,系统动力学是对清洁生产减排潜力进行分析的最好方法,其动态分析性不仅适用于流域/区域清洁生产这一动态系统,而且其仿真预测功能还将为流域/区域清洁生产的推进机制研究和驱动力分析提供科学依据。  相似文献   

清洁生产的可操作性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
剖析清洁生产的基本内涵、词义及实施方案 ,讨论了清洁生产的可操作性 ,表明企业可以根据实际情况推行清洁生产 ,选择余地很大。  相似文献   

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