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In this study, the application of modern recycling technologies in accordance with the European and Cyprus legislation, aiming at the recovery of paper, glass, plastics, aluminium and non-ferrous metals from municipal solid waste (MSW) is presented. The international situation was reviewed, the general trends are marked and the main recycling practices treatments are reported. The paper presents also an overview of the current practices and their environmental implications in Cyprus, and discusses the design and feasibility of a recycling plant located in Pafos area. Three recycling practices for recyclables that were separated at source, varied by their level of automation (0%, 50%, 100%), have been studied from the technical and economic aspect. It was considered that source segregation of organic part from the MSW takes place and no organic matter reaches the recycling plant. A sensitivity analysis was carried out in order to define the most significant parameters affecting the viability of a recycling scheme. It is proved that a fully automated recycling plant with a capacity of 6 tn/h of recyclables located in the industrial area of Pafos, seems to be conditionally feasible and economically profitable solution.  相似文献   

This paper is to investigate the behavior of residents towards electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) recycling in Beijing. For this purpose a large sample questionnaire survey was performed to explore the residents’ characteristics of recycling behavior and preference of e-waste recycling pattern. Besides, the willingness of residents to participate in e-waste recycling was also assessed in our study. For this a logistic regression model was developed to estimate and explain residents’ willingness in e-waste recycling. The model showed that Convenience of recycling facilities and service, Residential conditions, Recycling habit and Economic benefits are four determinants of Beijing residents’ willingness and behavior in e-waste recycling. And centralized recycling pattern by professional recovery spots would have a broad prospect if various kinds of channels can be provided to make the residents feel more convenient in e-waste recycling.  相似文献   

The increase in MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) recycling may attribute to two factors: one is diffusion effect through households' adoption of MSW recycling (an innovative service offered and provided by the government); the other is organizational learning effect due to the reformation of MSW management system (the MSW recycling service provider). The diffusion effect takes place across households through the exchange of information while learning effect occurs through employee's accumulated experience in MSW recycling and the consequent innovation in associated with institutional change within the service provider. In this paper, we develop three models, including (1) the diffusion effect model, (2) the organizational learning effect model, and (3) the interaction model to explain the performance of MSW recycling. Using Taiwan's recyclable waste collected, we show that (1) the diffusion effect and learning effect have significantly impacts on MSW recycling, (2) environmental policy has a significant impact on environmental diffusion and organizational learning, and leads to the accelerating performance of MSW recycling, (3) the interaction of diffusion and organizational learning have a positive impact on MSW recycling performance.  相似文献   

Environmental problems have been considered to be serious in the construction industry. Waste management pressures are pressing very hard with alarming industrial warming signals. Among the different types of construction and demolition wastes, concrete is about 81 percent of the volume of construction and demolition waste in Australia. To minimize the concrete waste generated from construction activities, recycling of concrete waste is one of the best methods to improve the environment. However, situations of concrete recycling in different countries vary considerably. Japan is a leading country in recycling concrete waste, with 100 percent recycling of the wastes that are used for new structural applications. This paper investigates the current concrete recycling situations in Australian and Japanese construction industries. A questionnaire survey and structured interviews were conducted. In comparing the current concrete recycling situations between Australia and Japan, it should be noted that major difficulties found from Australian and Japanese construction industries are on different phases of the transition to recycling of construction wastes. Therefore, it is suggested that the Australian construction industry should be: i) developing a unified policy in concrete recycling; ii) providing financial governmental support; iii) developing clear technical specifications or standards on the use of recycled aggregate for structural applications.  相似文献   

随着LED照明技术的快速发展与LED在照明领域的广泛应用,未来必将有数量庞大的废弃LED待处理,由此产生的资源与环境问题及其回收处理与处置技术值得关注。系统介绍了废LED的材料组成及其环境风险、其潜在资源化价值与回收可行性,并综述了当前废LED中有价金属回收技术研究进展与国内外废LED的回收管理现状。  相似文献   

循环经济立法的基本原则及思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
循环经济是指遵循生态规律,以保护环境、节约资源、促进经济发展为目的。以高效利用,综合利用,清洁利用资源为主要手段,以废物的减量化、再使用、再生利用,热回收,无害化处置为基本顺序的经济活动模式。为了大力发展循环经济,当务之急是加快制定循环经济法。文章简要介绍了我国循环经济立法的历史及现状,阐述了立法的必要性以及立法应坚持的指导思想及基本原则,提出了当前制定循环经济法应当重点解决的问题。  相似文献   

显示屏(监视器和电视机)经历了从阴极射线管到平板显示器技术的快速变化。截至目前为止,只有少量的平板显示器已记录在废物收集点。平板显示器的数量越来越多,在未来需要足够的用于回收的基础设施。本文旨在通过液晶显示屏幕的回收对经济影响的案例研究来提供数量、成分、回收利用技术和经验的基本数据。对于组件和材料也适用于其他类型的电子产品,如黑色金属和有色金属,印刷电路板或电缆,回收途径和技术是众所周知的和可用的。目前,液晶显示器(LCD)在欧洲不回收。处置时,例如,通过焚烧,有价值的材料,其成分是不再可用。例如:铟具有重要战略意义的应用,如,太阳能光伏作为一种稀缺资源。液晶显示器在欧洲具有回收基础设施,因此是有用的。  相似文献   

矫旭东  吴佳  王韬  邬娜  封强  傅泽强  杜欢政 《环境工程》2021,39(10):201-206,170
梳理我国固体废物资源化利用现状,剖析当前固体废物在处理机制、管理思路和方式、协同处置等方面问题,基于全生命周期理论、绿色循环及低碳发展思路和方法,开展固体废物分类资源化全生命周期优化管理,提出工业生产制造环节须开展绿色生态设计、推行清洁生产;流通消费环节须构建绿色供应链、倡导绿色消费生活方式;回收处置环节须探索新型商业模式、加大重点领域重点品种固体废物资源化科技创新。  相似文献   

我国铜资源物质流分析研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
铜是我国应用最为广泛的有色金属,研究铜资源利用和循环状态对我国经济可持续发展具有重要的战略意义。论文从铜的生产、加工制造、使用和废铜处理4个阶段详细阐述了铜循环的"STAF"物质流分析模型,并以此模型分析了2004年我国铜的流动状况和社会存量变化,得出结论: 1998~2004年,我国铜工业的PZ、PS、MZ和MS平均值分别为49.08%、25.98%、57.14%和21.45%,远低于欧洲发达国家水平。对比1994年与2004年我国铜物质流图可知,10年来我国铜循环的各阶段中所有流入量和流出量都有较大提高,废铜再资源化程度虽有提高,但较之快速增长的铜需求量仍显不足。因此在资源危机面前,加强政策引导与科研力度,大力提高一次铜的资源生产率和二次铜的再资源化效率是我国铜工业可持续发展的工作重点。  相似文献   

讨论了政府如何适应变化了的回收体系的管理和服务需要,国际通行的“废物丢弃付费”制度为什么在我国难以实行,如何改变利废企业技术水平低和二次污染等问题。提出以下建议:整顿和规范回收体系;发展二手货市场;加大再生资源加工利用技术开发的投入力度;制定优惠政策,激励再生资源产业发展;对进口废料实行园区化管理;完善法律法规和标准,做好基础性工作;加强能力建设,提高公众意识和参与能力。  相似文献   

以宁夏北部的高铝煤炭发电为起点,形成电力、电石、石灰氮、单氰胺、双氰胺、氧化铝、金属铝、金属镓、水泥熟料、水泥、轻质碳酸钙、金属铁粉和熟石灰的循环经济产业链,该产业链上游产品或排出的废渣作为下游产品的原料,不仅综合利用电厂排出的粉煤灰、双氰胺厂排出的黑渣,而且整个循环系统无废水、废渣、废气排放,在减少粉煤灰、黑渣对环境污染的同时,提高了资源的循环利用效率.  相似文献   

包装废物减量及回收体系构建研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
对上海的实证研究表明,市场上过度包装倾向较明显,生活垃圾中以塑料为代表的包装废物产生量呈明显上升趋势;现有的废旧物资回收市场管理混乱,对包装废物的回收处置未体现源头生产者的责任.应充分运用生产者责任制度、经济激励机制以及包装废物回收利用的代偿机制等调控手段,建立区域性的包装废物循环利用网络进行较高层次的经营规模,才能保证畅通的包装废物减量及其资源化利用的物质循环.  相似文献   

采用整数线性规划的系统分析方法建立模型,以整数规划解决运输路线及处理方式扩容方案的选择问题,以系统经济成本为优化目标,并着重考虑了运输过程产生的3种恶臭气体扩散对周围特殊区域造成的环境影响,优化固体废弃物运输路线.结果表明:不同时期不同的垃圾回收站适合回收的垃圾类别不同;不同时期不同回收站的运输路线最优选择不同;垃圾填埋处理由于处理费用低,一直是垃圾处理的优选方案,但热解处理量较大,增长幅度最大,且运输处理总费用最低,从长远看,热解厂的未来发展趋势较好;该模型能够有效解决城市固体废弃物系统资源优化配置问题,为决策者提供可靠的依据.  相似文献   

中国废旧农用塑料薄膜的回收与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了中国废旧农用塑料薄膜回收利用的现状 ;重点阐述了中国废旧农膜再生造粒技术 ,从工艺、成本利益、再生粒料的应用市场等各方面对该技术进行了详细的介绍和剖析 ,在论述其优越性的同时 ,指出了再生造粒技术存在的问题 ,为研究人员今后的研究工作指明了方向 ;最后对废旧农膜再生造粒技术的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

童昕  王涛  黄慧婷  王兆龙 《中国环境科学》2018,38(10):3868-3873
基于2014年和2015年环保部发布的省级回收数据,分析了现有传统回收体系下,各省的电子废物回收率变化,发现省级尺度电子废物的回收率呈现较大波动,这与电子废物的跨省流动有密切关系.为此,本文基于现有回收渠道的省际流动网络格局,采用网络分析中的层次聚类方法,揭示全国电子废物流动的区域化特征.结果显示根据区域化特征重新划分市场区,可以使主要市场区的整体回收率波动明显降低,从而为制定合理的回收目标提供参考.针对这一研究结果,提出基于市场区域化特征,建立全国一体化的回收利用市场和差异化的区域性回收目标,有助于充分利用市场机制优化中国电子废物循环利用的空间格局.最后,讨论了生产者主导和处理企业主导两种治理机制对空间优化的潜在影响.  相似文献   

As the generation of waste home appliances increases continuously with economic growth, the importance of recycling becomes more apparent. Many home appliances we use today are recyclable, and recyclable materials from the waste home appliances can be used to create new or refurbishing products. To do that, first of all, we have to know and consider the recyclable materials' recycling potential with environmental and economic information. In this study, an evaluation method to assess recycling potential considering both the environmental and economic factors was suggested for the materials recovered from waste home appliances. Life cycle assessment (LCA) method was applied to obtain the environmental score (SEnv) and an actual value and a static economic model was used to obtain the economic score (SEco). The recycling potential for recyclable materials was calculated by using the SEnv and SEco along with weighting factors derived from an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method. With the calculated data and evaluation method for the recycling materials, this study could provide useful information for decision makers and product designers in the design for environment (DfE).  相似文献   

The ever increasing quantity of construction and demolition waste (C&DW) in Italy is presently challenging public administrators, which strive to ensure that collection and recycling are sustainably managed and need to understand whether and to what extent recycled aggregates can complement natural aggregates in a sustainable supply mix (SSM) for the construction industry. The paper presents a research aimed at analysing energy and environmental implications of the C&DW recycling chain in the administrative territory of Provincia di Torino in Northern Italy, with 2.25 million inhabitants and yearly generation of 1.8 million tons of C&DW. A combined Geographical Information System (GIS) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) model was developed using site-specific data and paying particular attention to land use, transportation and avoided landfill: crucial issues for sustainable planning and management. A GIS was used to handle data and information about 89 recycling plants, including technological features, output and physical–mechanical characteristics of recycled aggregate. The LCA methodology was used to identify and quantify energy and environmental loads, under different assumptions relevant to delivery distances, quality of recycled aggregates, local availability of natural aggregates and geographical coverage of market demand. The C&DW recycling chain was proved to be eco-efficient, as avoided impacts were found to be higher than the induced impacts for 13 out of 14 environmental indicators. It was also estimated that the transportation distance of recycled aggregate should increase 2–3 times before the induced impacts outweigh the avoided impacts.  相似文献   

This paper presents an economic evaluation of three typical recycling processes for the five main types of waste electronic home appliances (EHA) (TV set, refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner and personal computer) in Beijing, the capital of China. The main purpose is to identify the formal management framework with economic feasibility for the waste EHA generated in large municipalities of China. It is found that the advanced technologies, which have mechanical processing units, should be introduced to recover more valuable materials from the waste appliances. Net revenues with a range of 90–240 RMB (Chinese currency unit, 1.0 USD  8.0 RMB) per unit, depend on the type of appliance, could be expected in case of using the most complicated procedures which can separate both metals and plastics from the shredded mixtures. However, the recycling of waste refrigerator and waste washing machine will, respectively, spend about 100 and 6 RMB per unit if solely by simple manual dismantling. Revenues from recycling of the other three types of appliances are positive but quite low in this case. Although positive revenues could be achieved from the isolated evaluation of recycling, the entire management system, which also covers the phases of collection and transportation, is economically infeasible if the waste appliances are bought from the households still at current prices. Based on a survey of the householder's attitude to the cost for waste EHA management, which was conducted earlier, the practical way to construct a formal management system for waste EHA in Beijing is to reduce the citizen's traditional expectation to the values of waste appliances and encourage their transfer to the formal collection system at lower prices.  相似文献   

Industrial parks play a significant role in the production and use of goods and services. However, this also means that the environmental problems of each company are concentrated in a relatively small area. One of these problems is solid waste disposal, which has become a critical issue because of its negative impacts as well as the resources consumed. Integrated solid waste management integrates cleaner and more sustainable production strategies by reducing resource consumption and applying mechanisms found in natural ecosystems to industrial systems. Nevertheless, one of the necessary conditions for the design of such a system is a preliminary study of waste generation management in the area. The study presented in this paper characterizes industrial waste production and management in the metropolitan area of Granada (Spain), and analyzes its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A similar typology of industrial activities, mainly in the distribution and transportation sector, as well as the proximity of various industrial parks could facilitate their partnership in environmental management. The results obtained in our study point to significant weaknesses in the system, such as the lack of effective waste management tools and training for waste management personnel. Other weaknesses were, the low percentage of selective waste collection and the existence of unauthorized collectors. The paper concludes with specific proposals for waste collection. These recommendations include the creation of the following: (i) a community responsible for waste management; (ii) recycling points in industrial parks; (iii) energy recovery from the waste; (iv) a market to sell, buy, and/or exchange waste; (v) one authorized set of waste management agents that would provide the advantages of an economy of scale.  相似文献   

构建了2017年中国废纸回收决策系统的基准模型,其中重点关注废纸非规范回收对中国国内废纸回收系统的经济效益和环境(GHG排放量)的影响.其次,对影响废纸回收系统效益的相关参数进行了灵敏度分析,最后在整合非规范回收商贩情境下对系统经济效益和GHG排放量进行了预测.结果表明:2017年中国废纸回收的经济效益约为458.3元/t,GHG排放量为901.1kgCO2eq;规范回收率和非规范回收接受率都会对系统经济效益和改善GHG排放结构有显著影响;整合非规范回收企业以及个体回收商的情境下2030年经济效益将上升至3312.5元/t,而GHG排放量上升至942.9kgCO2eq.并且通过情境预测发现整合非规范回收能提升规范回收率,这能有效的规范中国的废纸回收市场.  相似文献   

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