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The Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) quantifies emissions as a function of vehicle modal activities. Hence, the vehicle operating mode distribution is the most vital input for running MOVES at the project level. The preparation of operating mode distributions requires significant efforts with respect to data collection and processing. This study is to develop operating mode distributions for both freeway and arterial facilities under different traffic conditions. For this purpose, in this study, we (1) collected/processed geographic information system (GIS) data, (2) developed a model of CO2 emissions and congestion from observations, (3) implemented the model to evaluate potential emission changes from a hypothetical roadway accident scenario. This study presents a framework by which practitioners can assess emission levels in the development of different strategies for traffic management and congestion mitigation.

Implications: This paper prepared the primary input, that is, the operating mode ID distribution, required for running MOVES and developed models for estimating emissions for different types of roadways under different congestion levels. The results of this study will provide transportation planners or environmental analysts with the methods for qualitatively assessing the air quality impacts of different transportation operation and demand management strategies.  相似文献   

This paper develops a typical driving cycle for buses in Hanoi that does not require the deconstruction of the natural driving patterns. Real velocity–time data were collected along 15 routes in the inner city. The raw velocity–time series were preprocessed to remove errors, and smooth and denoise the data. These data, then, were tested for stationary behavior before being used in the construction of the driving cycle based on Markov chain theory. The 14 representative parameters of the driving cycle, including vehicle-specific power, which were extracted from 33 driving cycle parameters using the hierarchical agglomerative clustering method, were used to integrate the features of realistic driving patterns into the typical driving cycle. The conformity of the developed driving cycle with the real-world driving data was evaluated by the speed–acceleration frequency distribution (SAFD). A typical driving cycle for buses in Hanoi with a SAFD of 13.2% was developed. This is the first driving cycle developed for buses in Vietnam.

Implications: A typical driving cycle was developed for the first time for buses in Hanoi. With the deviation in speed-acceleration frequency distribution (SAFD) reaching to 13.2%, the developed driving cycle reflects well the overall real-world driving data in the city. This driving cycle, therefore, can be applied for the development of the country-specific emission factors and emission inventories for buses which are a very good tool as well as useful information for integrated air quality management in Hanoi.  相似文献   

Signalized intersections have been identified as vehicle emission hotspots, where drivers decelerate, idle, and accelerate their vehicles in response to signal changes. Advanced traffic signal status warning systems (ATSSWSs) can be applied to reduce traffic emissions at intersections by mitigating unnecessary braking and acceleration. In this study, two types of ATSSWSs, variable message sign (VMS) based and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) based, were designed, and their environmental effectiveness was evaluated through driving simulator-based experiments. Three scenarios were designed and tested: (1) baseline without an ATSSWS, (2) with the VMS-based ATSSWS, and (3) with the V2I-based ATSSWS. The Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator model was used to evaluate and compare the environmental effectiveness of these two types of ATSSWSs. The results indicate that the proposed ATSSWSs can reduce traffic emissions at signalized intersections. In particular, the V2I-based ATSSWS can substantially reduce CO2, NOx, CO, and HC emissions. The results will help transportation practitioners with implementing advanced driver information systems and decision making on emission reduction policies.

Implications: Signalized intersection has been identified as one of hottest spots for vehicle emissions where signal control causes vehicles to frequently decelerate, idle, and accelerate. Advanced Traffic Signal Status Warning Systems (ATSSWS) can be applied to reduce traffic emission at intersections by decreasing vehicles’ unnecessary brakes and accelerations. The results of this study will assist transportation practitioners in implementing advanced driver information systems and making decisions on emission reduction policies.  相似文献   

Most existing signal timing models are aimed to minimize the total delay and stops at intersections, without considering environmental factors. This paper analyzes the trade-off between vehicle emissions and traffic efficiencies on the basis of field data. First, considering the different operating modes of cruising, acceleration, deceleration, and idling, field data of emissions and Global Positioning System (GPS) are collected to estimate emission rates for heavy-duty and light-duty vehicles. Second, multiobjective signal timing optimization model is established based on a genetic algorithm to minimize delay, stops, and emissions. Finally, a case study is conducted in Beijing. Nine scenarios are designed considering different weights of emission and traffic efficiency. The results compared with those using Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 2010 show that signal timing optimized by the model proposed in this paper can decrease vehicles delay and emissions more significantly. The optimization model can be applied in different cities, which provides supports for eco-signal design and development.

Implications: Vehicle emissions are heavily at signal intersections in urban area. The multiobjective signal timing optimization model is proposed considering the trade-off between vehicle emissions and traffic efficiencies on the basis of field data. The results indicate that signal timing optimized by the model proposed in this paper can decrease vehicle emissions and delays more significantly. The optimization model can be applied in different cities, which provides supports for eco-signal design and development.  相似文献   

Vehicle deterioration and technological change influence emission factors (EFs). In this study, the impacts of vehicle deterioration and emission standards on EFs of regulated pollutants (carbon monoxide [CO], hydrocarbon [HC], and nitrogen oxides [NOx]) for gasoline light-duty trucks (LDTs) were investigated according to the inspection and maintenance (I/M) data using a chassis dynamometer method. Pollutant EFs for LDTs markedly varied with accumulated mileages and emission standards, and the trends of EFs are associated with accumulated mileages. In addition, the study also found that in most cases, the median EFs of CO, HC, and NOx are higher than those of basic EFs in the International Vehicle Emissions (IVE) model; therefore, the present study provides correction factors for the IVE model relative to the corresponding emission standards and mileages.

Implications: Currently, vehicle emissions are great contributors to air pollution in cities, especially in developing countries. Emission factors play a key role in creating emission inventory and estimating emissions. Deterioration represented by vehicle age and accumulated mileage and changes of emission standards markedly influence emission factors. In addition, the results provide collection factors for implication in the IVE model in the region levels.  相似文献   

Wireless communication systems have been broadly applied in various complicated traffic operations to improve mobility and safety on roads, which may raise a concern about the implication of the new technology on vehicle emissions. This paper explores how the wireless communication systems improve drivers’ driving behaviors and its contributions to the emission reduction, in terms of Operating Mode (OpMode) IDs distribution used in emission estimation. A simulated work zone with completed traffic operation was selected as a test bed. Sixty subjects were recruited for the tests, whose demographic distribution was based on the Census data in Houston, Texas. A scene of a pedestrian’s crossing in the work zone was designed for the driving test. Meanwhile, a wireless communication system called Drivers Smart Advisory System (DSAS) was proposed and introduced in the driving simulation, which provided drivers with warning messages in the work zone. Two scenarios were designed for a leading vehicle as well as for a following vehicle driving through the work zone, which included a base test without any wireless communication systems, and a driving test with the trigger of the DSAS. Subjects’ driving behaviors in the simulation were recorded to evaluate safety and estimate the vehicle emission using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released emission model MOVES. The correlation between drivers’ driving behavior and the distribution of the OpMode ID during each scenario was investigated. Results show that the DSAS was able to induce drivers to accelerate smoothly, keep longer headway distance and stop earlier for a hazardous situation in the work zone, which driving behaviors result in statistically significant reduction in vehicle emissions for almost all studied air pollutants (p-values range from 4.10E-51 to 2.18E-03). The emission reduction was achieved by the switching the distribution of the OpMode IDs from higher emission zones to lower emission zones.

Implications: Transportation section is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. Many studies demonstrate that the wireless communication system dedicated for safety and mobility issues may contribute to the induction in vehicle emissions through changing driving behaviors. An insight into the correlation between the driving behaviors and the distribution of Operating Mode (OpMode) IDs is essential to enhance the emission reduction. The result of this study shows that with a Drivers Smart Advisory System (DSAS) drivers accelerated smoothly and stopped earlier for a hazardous situation, which induce the switch of the OpMode IDs from high emission zones to lower emission zones.  相似文献   

Globally, 1.3 billion on-road vehicles consume 79 quadrillion BTU of energy, mostly gasoline and diesel fuels, emit 5.7 gigatonnes of CO2, and emit other pollutants to which approximately 200,000 annual premature deaths are attributed. Improved vehicle energy efficiency and emission controls have helped offset growth in vehicle activity. New technologies are diffusing into the vehicle fleet in response to fuel efficiency and emission standards. Empirical assessment of vehicle emissions is challenging because of myriad fuels and technologies, intervehicle variability, multiple emission processes, variability in operating conditions, and varying capabilities of measurement methods. Fuel economy and emissions regulations have been effective in reducing total emissions of key pollutants. Real-world fuel use and emissions are consistent with official values in the United States but not in Europe or countries that adopt European standards. Portable emission measurements systems, which uncovered a recent emissions cheating scandal, have a key role in regulatory programs to ensure conformity between “real driving emissions” and emission standards. The global vehicle fleet will experience tremendous growth, especially in Asia. Although existing data and modeling tools are useful, they are often based on convenience samples, small sample sizes, large variability, and unquantified uncertainty. Vehicles emit precursors to several important secondary pollutants, including ozone and secondary organic aerosols, which requires a multipollutant emissions and air quality management strategy. Gasoline and diesel are likely to persist as key energy sources to mid-century. Adoption of electric vehicles is not a panacea with regard to greenhouse gas emissions unless coupled with policies to change the power generation mix. Depending on how they are actually implemented and used, autonomous vehicles could lead to very large reductions or increases in energy consumption. Numerous other trends are addressed with regard to technology, emissions controls, vehicle operations, emission measurements, impacts on exposure, and impacts on public health.

Implications: Without specific policies to the contrary, fossil fuels are likely to continue to be the major source of on-road vehicle energy consumption. Fuel economy and emission standards are generally effective in achieving reductions per unit of vehicle activity. However, the number of vehicles and miles traveled will increase. Total energy use and emissions depend on factors such as fuels, technologies, land use, demographics, economics, road design, vehicle operation, societal values, and others that affect demand for transportation, mode choice, energy use, and emissions. Thus, there are many opportunities to influence future trends in vehicle energy use and emissions.  相似文献   

Poor air quality is still a threat for human health in many parts of the world. In order to assess measures for emission reductions and improved air quality, three-dimensional atmospheric chemistry transport modeling systems are used in numerous research institutions and public authorities. These models need accurate emission data in appropriate spatial and temporal resolution as input. This paper reviews the most widely used emission inventories on global and regional scales and looks into the methods used to make the inventory data model ready. Shortcomings of using standard temporal profiles for each emission sector are discussed, and new methods to improve the spatiotemporal distribution of the emissions are presented. These methods are often neither top-down nor bottom-up approaches but can be seen as hybrid methods that use detailed information about the emission process to derive spatially varying temporal emission profiles. These profiles are subsequently used to distribute bulk emissions such as national totals on appropriate grids. The wide area of natural emissions is also summarized, and the calculation methods are described. Almost all types of natural emissions depend on meteorological information, which is why they are highly variable in time and space and frequently calculated within the chemistry transport models themselves. The paper closes with an outlook for new ways to improve model ready emission data, for example, by using external databases about road traffic flow or satellite data to determine actual land use or leaf area. In a world where emission patterns change rapidly, it seems appropriate to use new types of statistical and observational data to create detailed emission data sets and keep emission inventories up-to-date.

Implications: Emission data are probably the most important input for chemistry transport model (CTM) systems. They need to be provided in high spatial and temporal resolution and on a grid that is in agreement with the CTM grid. Simple methods to distribute the emissions in time and space need to be replaced by sophisticated emission models in order to improve the CTM results. New methods, e.g., for ammonia emissions, provide grid cell–dependent temporal profiles. In the future, large data fields from traffic observations or satellite observations could be used for more detailed emission data.  相似文献   

Air pollution caused by ship exhaust emission is receiving more and more attention. The physical and chemical properties of fuels, such as sulfur content and PAHs content, potentially had a significant influence on air pollutant emissions from inland vessels. In order to investigate the effects of fuel qualities on atmospheric pollutant emissions systematically, a series of experiments was conducted based on the method of actual ship testing. As a result, SO2, PM and NOx emission rates all increased with the increase of main engine rotating speed under cruise mode, while PM and NOx emission factors were inversely proportional to the main engine rotating speed. Moreover, SO2 emission factor changed little with the increase of the main engine rotating speed. In summary, the fuel-dependent specific emission of SO2 was a direct reflection of the sulfur content in fuel. The PM emission increased with the increase of sulfur content and PAHs content in fuel. However, fuel qualities impacted little on NOx emissions from inland vessels because of NOx formation mechanisms and conditions.

Implications: Ship activity is considered to be the third largest source of air pollution in China. In particular, air pollutants emitted from ships in river ports and waterways have a direct impact on regional air quality and pose threat on the health of local residents owing to high pollutants concentration and poor air diffusion. The study on the relationship between air pollutant emissions and fuel quality of inland vessels can provide foundational data for local authority to formulate reasonable and appropriate policies for reducing atmospheric pollution due to inland vessels.  相似文献   

The relationship between emission reductions and changes in ozone can be studied using photochemical grid models. These models are updated with new information as it becomes available. The primary objective of this study was to update the previous Collet et al. studies by using the most up-to-date (at the time the study was done) modeling emission tools, inventories, and meteorology available to conduct ozone source attribution and sensitivity studies. Results show future-year, 2030, design values for 8-hr ozone concentrations were lower than base-year values, 2011. The ozone source attribution results for selected cities showed that boundary conditions were the dominant contributors to ozone concentrations at the western U.S. locations, and were important for many of the eastern U.S. locations. Point sources were generally more important in the eastern United States than in the western United States. The contributions of on-road mobile emissions were less than 5 ppb at a majority of the cities selected for analysis. The higher-order decoupled direct method (HDDM) results showed that in most of the locations selected for analysis, NOx emission reductions were more effective than VOC emission reductions in reducing ozone levels. The source attribution results from this study provide useful information on the important source categories and provide some initial guidance on future emission reduction strategies.

Implications: The relationship between emission reductions and changes in ozone can be studied using photochemical grid models, which are updated with new available information. This study was to update the previous Collet et al. studies by using the most current, at the time the study was done, models and inventory to conduct ozone source attribution and sensitivity studies. The source attribution results from this study provide useful information on the important source categories and provide some initial guidance on future emission reduction strategies.  相似文献   

Determination of the effect of vehicle emissions on air quality near roadways is important because vehicles are a major source of air pollution. A near-roadway monitoring program was undertaken in Chicago between August 4 and October 30, 2014, to measure ultrafine particles, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, traffic volume and speed, and wind direction and speed. The objective of this study was to develop a method to relate short-term changes in traffic mode of operation to air quality near roadways using data averaged over 5-min intervals to provide a better understanding of the processes controlling air pollution concentrations near roadways. Three different types of data analysis are provided to demonstrate the type of results that can be obtained from a near-roadway sampling program based on 5-min measurements: (1) development of vehicle emission factors (EFs) for ultrafine particles as a function of vehicle mode of operation, (2) comparison of measured and modeled CO2 concentrations, and (3) application of dispersion models to determine concentrations near roadways. EFs for ultrafine particles are developed that are a function of traffic volume and mode of operation (free flow and congestion) for light-duty vehicles (LDVs) under real-world conditions. Two air quality models—CALINE4 (California Line Source Dispersion Model, version 4) and AERMOD (American Meteorological Society/U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model)—are used to predict the ultrafine particulate concentrations near roadways for comparison with measured concentrations. When using CALINE4 to predict air quality levels in the mixing cell, changes in surface roughness and stability class have no effect on the predicted concentrations. However, when using AERMOD to predict air quality in the mixing cell, changes in surface roughness have a significant impact on the predicted concentrations.

Implications: The paper provides emission factors (EFs) that are a function of traffic volume and mode of operation (free flow and congestion) for LDVs under real-world conditions. The good agreement between monitoring and modeling results indicates that high-resolution, simultaneous measurements of air quality and meteorological and traffic conditions can be used to determine real-world, fleet-wide vehicle EFs as a function of vehicle mode of operation under actual driving conditions.  相似文献   

To explore the potential effectiveness of a localized waste recycling system in Chinese cities, several rounds of a municipal solid waste source-separated collection (MSWSC) program were implemented throughout China from 2000 to 2017. In our study, to evaluate the achievements of the MSWSC program, a structured questionnaire survey and face-to-face interviews were conducted in eight representative cities from the MSWSC pilot cities. Influencing factors were examined via a Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) on both the individual level and the city level. The differences in MSWSC performance among the eight research cities were investigated through a comparative analysis. The results suggested that gender, age, knowledge of MSWSC, satisfaction with sanitation and satisfaction with publicity had significant impacts on MSWSC, and we further found that the city-level factors influenced the relationship between MSWSC performance and the individual-level variables. Differences among the eight research sites indicated that Nanjing and Hangzhou exhibited relatively high achievements in the implementation of MSWSC program, while Yichun and Guiyang showed poor performance. The experiences of these advanced pilot cities suggest that specific containers for designated waste types, widespread public education, and sufficient MSWSC incentives must be provided and publicized to promote municipal solid waste recycling behaviors. Given the unique status of municipal solid waste management in China and its regional heterogeneity, the MSWSC system should be further discussed with regard to local conditions in a wider range of city settings.

Implications: This study attempts to discuss the factors affecting performance on municipal solid waste source-separated collection (MSWSC) by considering the nested data of two levels of individual and city from a structured questionnaire survey. Therefore, a Hierarchical Linear Model is established which can analyze the intra-group and inter-group effects of two-level variables. The proposed method can be expanded to other cities to determine the main factors affecting MSWSC or to evaluate the residents’ performance on MSWSC.  相似文献   

In the United States, 26% of greenhouse gas emissions is emitted from the transportation sector; these emisssions meanwhile are accompanied by enormous toxic emissions to humans, such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and hydrocarbon (HC), approximately 2.5% and 2.44% of a total exhaust emissions for a petrol and a diesel engine, respectively. These exhaust emissions are typically subject to vehicles’ intermittent operations, such as hard acceleration and hard braking. In practice, drivers are inclined to operate intermittently while driving through a weaving segment, due to complex vehicle maneuvering for weaving. As a result, the exhaust emissions within a weaving segment ought to vary from those on a basic segment. However, existing emission models usually rely on vehicle operation information, and compute a generalized emission result, regardless of road configuration. This research proposes to explore the impacts of weaving segment configuration on vehicle emissions, identify important predictors for emission estimations, and develop a nonlinear normalized emission factor (NEF) model for weaving segments. An on-board emission test was conducted on 12 subjects on State Highway 288 in Houston, Texas. Vehicles’ activity information, road conditions, and real-time exhaust emissions were collected by on-board diagnosis (OBD), a smartphone-based roughness app, and a portable emission measurement system (PEMS), respectively. Five feature selection algorithms were used to identify the important predictors for the response of NEF and the modeling algorithm. The predictive power of four algorithm-based emission models was tested by 10-fold cross-validation. Results showed that emissions are also susceptible to the type and length of a weaving segment. Bagged decision tree algorithm was chosen to develop a 50-grown-tree NEF model, which provided a validation error of 0.0051. The estimated NEFs are highly correlated with the observed NEFs in the training data set as well as in the validation data set, with the R values of 0.91 and 0.90, respectively.

Implications: Existing emission models usually rely on vehicle operation information to compute a generalized emission result, regardless of road configuration. In practice, while driving through a weaving segment, drivers are inclined to perform erratic maneuvers, such as hard braking and hard acceleration due to the complex weaving maneuver required. As a result, the exhaust emissions within a weaving segment vary from those on a basic segment. This research proposes to involve road configuration, in terms of the type and length of a weaving segment, in constructing an emission nonlinear model, which significantly improves emission estimations at a microscopic level.  相似文献   

Rapid economic growth in China has resulted in a significant increase in particulate matter (PM2.5) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), the reduction of which has become a primary government focus. However, as the energy consumption and air pollutant emissions in Chinese cities have very significant regional characteristics, individual governance measures are necessary. This study used 2013 to 2016 energy consumption data from 31 Chinese cities to evaluate the dynamic efficiency of the urban environments. Labor, fixed assets, and energy consumption were taken as the inputs, gross domestic product (GDP) was taken as the output, and particulate matter (PM2.5) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) were taken as the carry-over variable indicators. Using a meta-frontier dynamic DEA model, the 31 cities were classified into high-income and upper-middle-income cities, the overall 2013–2016 energy consumption and air pollutant efficiency scores were analyzed, and improvements and changes were recommended to increase the efficiencies. Large differences were found in the energy consumption and air pollution emissions efficiency scores and the needed improvements, with the hig-income cities performing better overall than the upper-middle-income cities. While there have been some significant improvements in SO2 emissions, PM2.5 improvements have been far slower. Therefore, in most cities, more control measures are needed to control PM2.5 emissions. However, in addition to improving PM2.5 in the upper-middle-income cities, SO2treatments are also needed.

Implications: There are big differences in the expectation of improvement of the two pollutants in all cities. In many Western cities, the expectation of PM2.5 improvement in the past years has not been reduced, but has been expanding. This shows that the central government has unified the air pollution control policies and the existing air pollution control measures formulated and implemented by the local governments.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from U.S. power plants are independently reported by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and the Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Differences between the CAMD and EIA emission tallies show that the amount of CO2 produced by an individual power plant is less certain than might be imagined or desired. These differences are attributed to systematic error and random measurement error. Random error cannot be retroactively corrected, whereas systematic error can be corrected where relevant data are available. Accordingly, this study identified and, where possible, corrected systematic error affecting the CAMD and EIA CO2 emission tallies for 1065 power plants that emitted more than 25,000 tons of CO2 during 2013. The EIA tallies were corrected by accounting for emission factor error, acid-gas sorbent consumption, and combustion of biogenic fuel. The CAMD tallies were likewise corrected by accounting for unreported unit emissions. It was not possible to objectively correct systematic error affecting about 11% of the power plants, and subjective corrections were not attempted. At these plants, the CAMD and EIA emission tallies sometimes differed by more than 20% due to missing unit error, plant identification error, temporal measurement error, or inferred reporting error. Comparisons of the CAMD and EIA emission tallies before and after correction for systematic error show the effectiveness of these corrections. The comparisons also show the persistence of random measurement error.

Implications: Understanding the uncertainty of CO2 emission tallies for USA power plants might inform emission inventories, atmospheric flow models or inversions, and emission reduction policies. Knowing the cause and size of measurement errors that contribute to this uncertainty might also help to identify ways to improve the measurement methods and reporting protocols that these CO2 emission tallies are based on.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to develop and demonstrate a fuel-based approach for emissions factor estimation for highway paving construction equipment in China for better accuracy. A highway construction site in Chengdu was selected for this study with NO emissions being characterized and demonstrated. Four commonly used paving equipment, i.e., three rollers and one paver were selected in this study. A portable emission measurement system (PEMS) was developed and used for emission measurements of selected equipment during real–world highway construction duties. Three duty modes were defined to characterize the NO emissions, i.e., idling, moving, and working. In order to develop a representative emission factor for these highway construction equipment, composite emission factors were estimated using modal emission rates and the corresponding modal durations in the process of typical construction duties. Depending on duty mode and equipment type, NO emission rate ranged from 2.6–63.7mg/s and 6.0–55.6g/kg–fuel with the fuel consumption ranging from 0.31–4.52 g/s correspondingly. The NO composite emission factor was estimated to be 9–41mg/s with the single-drum roller being the highest and double-drum roller being the lowest and 6–30g/kg-fuel with the pneumatic tire roller being the highest while the double-drum roller being the lowest. For the paver, both time-based and fuel consumption-based NO composite emission rates are higher than all of the rollers with 56mg/s and 30g/kg-fuel, respectively. In terms of time–based quantity, the working mode contributes more than the other modes with idling being the least for both emissions and fuel consumption. In contrast, the fuel-based emission rate appears to have less variability in emissions. Thus, in order to estimate emission factors for emission inventory development, the fuel-based emission factor may be selected for better accuracy.

Implications: The fuel-based composite emissions factors will be less variable and more accurate than time-based emission factors. As a consequence, emissions inventory developed using this approach will be more accurate and practical.  相似文献   

In atmospheric environment, the layout difference of urban buildings has a powerful influence on accelerating or inhibiting the dispersion of particle matters (PM). In industrial cities, buildings of variable heights can obstruct the diffusion of PM from industrial stacks. In this study, PM dispersed within building groups was simulated by Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations coupled Lagrangian approach. Four typical street building arrangements were used: (a) a low-rise building block with Height/base H/b = 1 (b = 20 m); (b) step-up building layout (H/b = 1, 2, 3, 4); (c) step-down building layout (H/b = 4, 3, 2, 1); (d) high-rise building block (H/b = 5). Profiles of stream functions and turbulence intensity were used to examine the effect of various building layouts on atmospheric airflow. Here, concepts of particle suspension fraction and concentration distribution were used to evaluate the effect of wind speed on fine particle transport. These parameters showed that step-up building layouts accelerated top airflow and diffused more particles into street canyons, likely having adverse effects on resident health. In renewal old industry areas, the step-down building arrangement which can hinder PM dispersion from high-level stacks should be constructed preferentially. High turbulent intensity results in formation of a strong vortex that hinders particles into the street canyons. It is found that an increase in wind speed enhanced particle transport and reduced local particle concentrations, however, it did not affect the relative location of high particle concentration zones, which are related to building height and layout.

Implications: This study has demonstrated the height variation and layout of urban architecture affect the local concentration distribution of particulate matter (PM) in the atmosphere and for the first time that wind velocity has particular effects on PM transport in various building groups. The findings may have general implications in optimization the building layout based on particle transport characteristics during the renewal of industrial cities. For city planners, the results and conclusions are useful for improving the local air quality. The study method also can be used to calculate the explosion risk of industrial dust for people who live in industrial cities.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors endeavored to develop an effective framework for improving local urban air quality on meso-micro scales in cities in China that are experiencing rapid urbanization. Within this framework, the integrated Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)/CALPUFF modeling system was applied to simulate the concentration distributions of typical pollutants (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <10 μm [PM10], sulfur dioxide [SO2], and nitrogen oxides [NOx]) in the urban area of Benxi. Statistical analyses were performed to verify the credibility of this simulation, including the meteorological fields and concentration fields. The sources were then categorized using two different classification methods (the district-based and type-based methods), and the contributions to the pollutant concentrations from each source category were computed to provide a basis for appropriate control measures. The statistical indexes showed that CALMET had sufficient ability to predict the meteorological conditions, such as the wind fields and temperatures, which provided meteorological data for the subsequent CALPUFF run. The simulated concentrations from CALPUFF showed considerable agreement with the observed values but were generally underestimated. The spatial-temporal concentration pattern revealed that the maximum concentrations tended to appear in the urban centers and during the winter. In terms of their contributions to pollutant concentrations, the districts of Xihu, Pingshan, and Mingshan all affected the urban air quality to different degrees. According to the type-based classification, which categorized the pollution sources as belonging to the Bengang Group, large point sources, small point sources, and area sources, the source apportionment showed that the Bengang Group, the large point sources, and the area sources had considerable impacts on urban air quality. Finally, combined with the industrial characteristics, detailed control measures were proposed with which local policy makers could improve the urban air quality in Benxi. In summary, the results of this study showed that this framework has credibility for effectively improving urban air quality, based on the source apportionment of atmospheric pollutants.

Implications: The authors endeavored to build up an effective framework based on the integrated WRF/CALPUFF to improve the air quality in many cities on meso-micro scales in China. Via this framework, the integrated modeling tool is accurately used to study the characteristics of meteorological fields, concentration fields, and source apportionments of pollutants in target area. The impacts of classified sources on air quality together with the industrial characteristics can provide more effective control measures for improving air quality.

Through the case study, the technical framework developed in this study, particularly the source apportionment, could provide important data and technical support for policy makers to assess air pollution on the scale of a city in China or even the world.  相似文献   

Maritime greenhouse gas emissions are projected to increase significantly by 2050, highlighting the need for reliable inventories as a first step in analyzing ship emission control policies. The impact of ship power models on marine emissions inventories has garnered little attention, with most inventories employing simple, load-factor-based models to estimate ship power consumption. The availability of more expansive ship activity data provides the opportunity to investigate the inventory impacts of adopting complex power models. Furthermore, ship parameter fields can be sparsely populated in ship registries, making gap-filling techniques and averaging processes necessary. Therefore, it is important to understand of the impact of averaged ship parameters on ship power and emission estimations. This paper examines power estimation differences between results from two complex, resistance-based and two simple, load-factor-based power models on a baseline inventory with unique ship parameters. These models are additionally analyzed according to their sensitivities toward average ship parameters. Automated Identification System (AIS) data from a fleet of commercial marine vessels operating over a 6-month period off the coast of the southwestern United States form the basis of the analysis. To assess the inventory impacts of using averaged ship parameters, fleet-level carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are calculated using ship parameter data averaged across ship types and their subtype size classes. Each of the four ship power models are used to generate four CO2 emissions inventories, and results are compared with baseline estimates for the same sample fleet where no averaged values were used. The results suggest that a change in power model has a relatively high impact on emission estimates. They also indicate relatively little sensitivity, by all power models, to the use of ship characteristics averaged by ship and subtype.

Implications: Commercial marine vessel emissions inventories were calculated using four different models for ship engine power. The calculations used 6 months of Automated Identification System (AIS) data from a sample of 248 vessels as input data. The results show that more detailed, resistance-based models tend to estimate a lower propulsive power, and thus lower emissions, for ships than traditional load-factor-based models. Additionally, it was observed that emission calculations using averaged values for physical ship parameters had a minimal impact on the resulting emissions inventories.  相似文献   

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