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通过对山东省济南市某城市污水处理厂所有处理单元的采样监测,分析研究了污水处理过程中CH4的释放通量。结果表明,该污水处理厂主要的CH4释放单元包括厌氧池、好氧池、缺氧池和二沉池,其中,厌氧池是最主要的CH4释放单元,释放量约占到全厂的50%。经测算,该污水处理厂每年释放CH4约12 600 kg,CH4的人均释放系数为31.5 g/(人.yr),每处理1 t污水释放CH4334.6 mg。COD浓度可能是影响厌氧池CH4产生和释放的重要因素,在实验监测范围内,高COD浓度可能会促进CH4的释放。 相似文献
This paper describes remote monitoring of air pollutant emissions by a mobile lidar (light detection and ranging)/ sodar (sound detection and ranging) system. First, measurements are carried out in the flue gas plume of a public power plant. The investigations focus mainly on quantifying SO2 emissions, but the uncertainties of such measurements are also emphasized. Furthermore, an example providing valuable data sets for the development and validation of plume dispersion models is outlined with measurements of the dilution of SO2 along the plume axis. Series of repeated determinations of SO2 emissions show a large variation in the obtained flux values, with moderate margins of error. Incomplete recording of the plume within the individual lidar scans, induced by strong looping movements of the flue gas plume, predominantly causes the variations of flux values. Therefore, the highest flux values determined are considered to be the most exact. This is verified by a comparison of measured fluxes with in situ measurements made by the plant operators. The results further indicate that lidar measurements illustrate the location and dimension of aerosol plumes better than the location and dimension of the plumes of gaseous compounds. The wind direction affecting the plume at any moment can be determined faster by lidar than by sodar because the latter requires much longer time intervals of signal averaging. Measurements show higher concentrations of SO2 compared with results from a Gaussian plume model for periods of less than 5 min after dispersion. The findings emphasize the suitability of remote sensing for detecting emissions and for investigating the propagation and dilution of air pollutant plumes. 相似文献
Municipal wastewater treatment may lead to the emission of greenhouse gases. The current Intergovenmental Panel on Climate Change (Geneva, Switzerland) approach attributes only methane emissions to wastewater treatment, but this approach may overestimate greenhouse gas emissions from the highly aerobic processes primarily used in North America. To better estimate greenhouse gas emissions, a procedure is developed that can be used either with plant-specific data or more general regional data. The procedure was evaluated using full-scale data from 16 Canadian wastewater treatment facilities and then applied to all 10 Canadian provinces. The principal greenhouse gas emitted from municipal wastewater treatment plants was estimated to be carbon dioxide (CO2), with very little methane expected. The emission rates ranged from 0.005 kg CO2-equivalent/m3 treated for primary treatment facilities to 0.26 kg CO2-equivalent/m3 for conventional activated sludge, with anaerobic sludge digestion to over 0.8 kg CO2-equivalent/m3 for extended aeration with aerobic digestion. Increasing the effectiveness of biogas generation and use will decrease the greenhouse gas emissions that may be assigned to the wastewater treatment plant. 相似文献
To estimate plausible health effects associated with peak sulfur dioxide (SO 2) levels from three coal-fired power plants in the Baltimore, Maryland, area, air monitoring was conducted between June and September 2013. Historically, the summer months are periods when emissions are highest. Monitoring included a 5-day mobile and a subsequent 61-day stationary monitoring study. In the stationary monitoring study, equipment was set up at four sites where models predicted and mobile monitoring data measured the highest average concentrations of SO 2. Continuous monitors recorded ambient concentrations each minute. The 1-min data were used to calculate 5-min and 1-hr moving averages for comparison with concentrations from clinical studies that elicited lung function decrement and respiratory symptoms among asthmatics. Maximum daily 5-min moving average concentrations from the mobile monitoring study ranged from 70 to 84 ppb (183–220 µg/m 3), and maximum daily 1-hr moving average concentrations from the mobile monitoring study ranged from 15 to 24 ppb (39–63 µg/m 3). Maximum 5-min moving average concentrations from stationary monitoring ranged from 39 to 229 ppb (102–600 µg/m 3), and maximum daily 1-hr average concentrations ranged from 15 to 134 ppb (40–351 µg/m 3). Estimated exposure concentrations measured in the vicinity of monitors were below the lowest levels that have demonstrated respiratory symptoms in human clinical studies for healthy exercising asthmatics. Based on 5-min and 1-hr monitoring, the exposure levels of SO 2 in the vicinity of the C.P. Crane, Brandon Shores, and H.A. Wagner power plants were not likely to elicit respiratory symptoms in healthy asthmatics.Implications: Mobile and stationary air monitoring for SO2 were conducted to quantify short-term exposure risk, to the surrounding community, from peak emissions of three coal-fired power plants in the Baltimore area. Concentrations were typically low, with only a few 5-min averages higher than levels indicated during clinical trials to induce changes in lung capacity for healthy asthmatics engaged in exercise outdoors. 相似文献
Gas exchange and ozone-induced foliar injury were intensively measured during a 6-day period in mid-August 1998 on leaves of Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, Corylus avellana, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Morus nigra, Prunus avium, Prunus serotina, Rhamnus cathartica, and Viburnum lantana at a forest nursery site in Canton Ticino, Switzerland. Plants were grown in four open plots (AA), four open-top chambers receiving carbon-filtered (CF) air, and four receiving non-filtered (NF) air. Significant variation in gas exchange (F > 12.7, P < 0.001) was detected among species with average net photosynthesis and average stomatal conductance differing by a factor of two. Species also varied significantly in foliar injury for those leaves for which we measured gas exchange (F = 39.6, P < 0.001). Fraxinus excelsior, M. nigra, P. avium, P. serotina, R. cathartica, and V. lantana showed more injury than A. pseudoplatanus, B. pendula, C. avellana, and Fagus sylvatica. Plants grown in CF chambers had significantly higher net photosynthesis (A) and stomatal conductance to water vapor (gwv), and lower foliar injury than plants grown in NF chambers and AA plots; interactions between species and ozone treatments were significant for all variables (F > or = 2.2, P < 0.05) except gwv (F = 0.7, P > 0.1). Although A and gwv decreased and foliar injury increased with leaf age, the magnitude of these changes was lower for plants grown in CF chambers than for plants grown in NF chambers and AA plots. Neither ozone uptake threshold (r = 0.26, P > 0.20) nor whole-plant injury (r = -0.15, P > 0.41) was significantly correlated with stomatal conductance across these species. It appears that the relationships between stomatal conductance and foliar injury are species-specific and interactions between physiology and environments and leaf biochemical processes must be considered in determining species sensitivity to ambient ozone exposures. 相似文献
The occurrence and fate of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in a sewage treatment plant and two industrial wastewater treatment plants from textile and tannery factories were investigated. EDCs of interest are 4-nonylphenol, 4-octylphenol, their ethoxylate oligomers (mono- and di-ethoxylates of nonylphenol and octylphenol), bisphenol A, triclosan and steroid estrogens. Target compounds were determined in dissolved fraction, total suspended solids and sludge by employing solid phase extraction and ultrasonication followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry.Nonylphenols and oligomers with one or two ethoxy groups were the most abundant compounds in raw wastewater as well as in effluents from all the treatment stages of sewage treatment plant, followed by triclosan and bisphenol A. Steroids were found at very low concentrations. Almost all phenolic EDCs compounds were predominantly associated to suspended solids in influents whereas the dissolved fraction dominated the treated effluents. High removal rates, ranging from 86% to 99%, were observed throughout the whole treatment process. Biodegradation was the main removal pathway of EDCs. Tannery wastewaters exhibited high concentrations of nonylphenolic compounds. This type of wastewaters could pose a significant risk to the aquatic and terrestrial environment. 相似文献
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been recognized as important sources for anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. The objective of the study was to thoroughly investigate a typical industrial WWTP in southern Taiwan in winter and summer which possesses the emission factors close to those reported values, with the analyses of emission factors, mass fluxes, fugacity, lab-scale in situ experiments, and impact assessment. The activated sludge was the important source in winter and summer, and nitrous oxide (N2O) was the main contributor (e.g., 57 to 91 % of total GHG emission in a unit of kg carbon dioxide-equivalent/kg chemical oxygen demand). Albeit important for the GHGs in the atmosphere, the fractional contribution of the GHG emission to the carbon or nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment was negligible (e.g., less than 1.5 %). In comparison with the sludge concentration or retention time, adjusting the aeration rate was more effective to diminish the GHG emission in the activated sludge without significantly affecting the treated water quality. When the aeration rate in the activated sludge simulation was reduced by 75 %, the mass flux of N2O could be diminished by up to 53 % (from 9.6 to 4.5 mg/m2-day). The total emission in the WWTP (including carbon dioxide, methane, and N2O) would decrease by 46 % (from 0.67 to 0.36 kg CO2-equiv/kg COD). However, the more important benefit of changing the aeration rate was lowering the energy consumption in operation of the WWTP, as the fractional contribution of pumping to the total emission from the WWTP ranged from 46 to 93 % within the range of the aeration rate tested. Under the circumstance in which reducing the burden of climate change is a global campaign, the findings provide insight regarding the GHG emission from treatment of industrial wastewater and the associated impact on the treatment performance and possible mitigation strategies by operational modifications. 相似文献
城市污水厂初沉池和二沉池混合污泥利用由蚯蚓和微生物共同组成的人工生态系统进行稳定处理。蚯蚓生态床可集污泥浓缩、调理、脱水、稳定、处置和综合利用等多种功能于一身:(1)蚯蚓和微生物将污泥作为生长营养源,对其进行分解和吸收;(2)蚯蚓生理代谢产生的蚓粪是高效农肥和土壤改良剂;(3)在生态床中增殖的蚯蚓具有重要的饲料和药用价值。污泥物质经蚯蚓污泥稳定床处理后,可全部被生态系统吸收利用和转化,具有流程简单、管理方便、无二次污染、造价和运行费用低廉、副产物具有经济利用价值等特点,为解决污泥的最终处置问题提供了生态利用的新途径。 相似文献
A mobile laboratory equipped with a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS) operated in Galena Park, Texas, near the Houston Ship Channel during the Benzene and other Toxics Exposure Study (BEE-TEX). The mobile laboratory measured transient peaks of benzene of up to 37 ppb v in the afternoon and evening of February 19, 2015. Plume reconstruction and source attribution were performed using the four-dimensional (4D) variational data assimilation technique and a three-dimensional (3D) micro-scale forward and adjoint air quality model based on mobile PTR-MS data and nearby stationary wind measurements at the Galena Park Continuous Air Monitoring Station (CAMS). The results of inverse modeling indicate that significant pipeline emissions of benzene may at least partly explain the ambient concentration peaks observed in Galena Park during BEE-TEX. Total pipeline emissions of benzene inferred within the 16-km 2 model domain exceeded point source emissions by roughly a factor of 2 during the observational episode. Besides pipeline leaks, the model also inferred significant benzene emissions from marine, railcar, and tank truck loading/unloading facilities, consistent with the presence of a tanker and barges in the Kinder Morgan port terminal during the afternoon and evening of February 19. Total domain emissions of benzene exceeded corresponding 2011 National Emissions Inventory (NEI) estimates by a factor of 2–6. Implications:?Port operations involving petrochemicals may significantly increase emissions of air toxics from the transfer and storage of materials. Pipeline leaks, in particular, can lead to sporadic emissions greater than in emission inventories, resulting in higher ambient concentrations than are sampled by the existing monitoring network. The use of updated methods for ambient monitoring and source attribution in real time should be encouraged as an alternative to expanding the conventional monitoring network. 相似文献
在考虑我国移动源主要大气污染物排放标准变化的基础上,分别对我国2000-2012年道路移动源和非道路移动源主要大气污染物(CO、NOx、HC、PM2.5)的排放量进行了估算。研究表明:2000-2012年间,我国移动源主要大气污染物排放总量呈现先增后减的趋势,2005年达到最大值,为4 233万t,其中道路移动源的排放量占80%以上;各类大气污染物的排放量的差异性较大,CO和NOx的排放量较多,占排放总量的87%以上,从整体趋势上来看,CO的排放量逐年较少,NOx的排放量逐年增大,而HC和PM2.5变化不大;摩托车和重型柴油货车是道路移动源主要排放源,农业机械是非道路移动源的主要排放源;移动源排放的主要大气污染物在地区间的分布极不平衡,2012年排放量最高的5个省份依次是山东、河北、河南、广东和江苏;排放强度较大的地区主要集中在环渤海经济圈、长三角地区和珠三角地区,其中又以上海、北京、天津3个直辖市的排放强度最大。 相似文献
Land spreading nitrogen-rich municipal waste biosolids (NO 3−-N<256 mg N kg −1 dry weight, NH 3-N∼23,080 mg N kg −1 dry weight, Total Kjeldahl N∼41,700 mg N kg −1 dry weight) to human food and non-food chain land is a practice followed throughout the US. This practice may lead to the recovery and utilization of the nitrogen by vegetation, but it may also lead to emissions of biogenic nitric oxide (NO), which may enhance ozone pollution in the lower levels of the troposphere. Recent global estimates of biogenic NO emissions from soils are cited in the literature, which are based on field measurements of NO emissions from various agricultural and non-agricultural fields. However, biogenic emissions of NO from soils amended with biosolids are lacking. Utilizing a state-of-the-art mobile laboratory and a dynamic flow-through chamber system, in-situ concentrations of nitric oxide (NO) were measured during the spring/summer of 1999 and winter/spring of 2000 from an agricultural soil which is routinely amended with municipal waste biosolids. The average NO flux for the late spring/summer time period (10 June 1999–5 August 1999) was 69.4±34.9 ng N m −2 s −1. Biosolids were applied during September 1999 and the field site was sampled again during winter/spring 2000 (28 February 2000–9 March 2000), during which the average flux was 3.6±1.7 ng N m −2 s −1. The same field site was sampled again in late spring (2–9 June 2000) and the average flux was 64.8±41.0 ng N m −2 s −1. An observationally based model, developed as part of this study, found that summer accounted for 60% of the yearly emission while fall, winter and spring accounted for 20%, 4% and 16% respectively. Field experiments were conducted which indicated that the application of biosolids increases the emissions of NO and that techniques to estimate biogenic NO emissions would, on a yearly average, underestimate the NO flux from this field by a factor of 26. Soil temperature and % water filled pore space (%WFPS) were observed to be significant variables for predicting NO emissions, however %WFPS was found to be most significant during high soil temperature conditions. In the range of pH values found at this site (5.8±0.3), pH was not observed to be a significant parameter in predicting NO emissions. 相似文献
以湖南省某城镇污水处理厂一期1.0× 104 m3·d-1提标改造工程项目为案例,针对其进水中工业废水占比高(达80%)、污染物浓度波动大、难降解有机物含量高等特点,在原水解酸化池+AAO+高效沉淀池+纤维转盘滤池工艺的基础上,通过现场中试实验,分析了以臭氧催化氧化+生物活性炭滤池(O3-BAC)作为提标改造主... 相似文献
Congener specific polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) data from the stack gas of nine Korean municipal waste incinerators was used to determine characteristic congener patterns of emitted PCBs. Principal component analysis revealed three classes of incinerators according to their pattern of PCB congener emissions: those resembling the background sampling material; those producing large quantities of a few tetra-chlorinated congeners; those producing large proportions of mono (MO-) and non-ortho (NO-) congeners relative to di-ortho (DO-) levels. Also, correlations between individual PCB congeners and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) were discovered for several NO-PCBs and tetra and penta chlorinated PCDFs. Full PCB congener data is presented along with operating conditions for each incinerator. 相似文献
Background, aim, and scope Ten years of public health interventions on industrial emissions to clean air were monitored for the Mediterranean city of Cartagena. During the 1960s, a number of large chemical and non-ferrous metallurgical factories were established that significantly deteriorated the city’s air quality. By the 1970s, the average annual air concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO 2) ranged from 200 to 300 µg/m 3 (standard conditions units). In 1979, the Spanish government implemented an industrial intervention plan to improve the performance of factories and industrial air pollution surveillance. Unplanned urban development led to residential housing being located adjacent to three major factories. Factory A produced lead, factory B processed zinc from ore concentrates, and factory C produced sulfuric acid and phosphates. This, in combination with the particular abrupt topography and frequent atmospheric thermal inversions, resulted in the worsening of air quality and heightening concern for public health. In 1990, the City Council authorized the immediate intervention at these factories to reduce or shut down production if ambient levels of SO 2 or total suspended particles (TSP) exceeded a time-emission threshold in pre-established meteorological contexts. The aim of this research was to assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of the intervention plan implemented from 1992 to 2001 to abate industrial air pollution. Materials and methods The maximum daily 1-h ambient air level of SO 2, NO 2, and TSP pollutants was selected from one of the three urban automatic stations, designed to monitor ambient air quality around industrial emissions sources. The day on which an intervention took place to reduce and/or interrupt industrial production by factory and pollutant was defined as a control day, and the day after an intervention as a post-control day. To assess the short-term intervention effect on air quality, an ecological time series design was applied, using regression analysis in generalized additive models, focusing on day-to-day variations of ambient air pollutants levels. Two indicators were estimated: (a) appropriateness, the ratio between mean levels of the pollutant for control days versus the other days, and (b) effectiveness, the ratio between mean levels of the pollutant for post-control days versus the other days. Ratios in regression analyses were adjusted for trend, seasonality, temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure, calendar day, and special events as well as the other pollutants. Results A total of 702 control days were made on the factories’ industrial production during the 10-year period. Fifteen reductions and five shutdown control days took place at factory A for ambient air SO 2. At factory B, more controls were carried out for the SO 2 pollutant in the years 1992–1993 and 1997. At factory C, the control days for SO 2 decreased from 59 reductions and 14 shutdowns to a minimum from 1995 onwards, whereas the controls on TSP were more frequent, reaching a maximum of 99 reductions and 47 shutdowns in the last year. SO 2 ambient air mean levels ranged from 456 to 699 µg/m 3 among factories on reduction control days and between 624 and 1,010 µg/m 3 on shutdown days. The TSP ambient air mean levels were 428 and 506 µg/m 3 on reduction and shutdown days, respectively. For all types of control days and factories, a mean ratio of 104% (95% confidence interval [CI] 88 to 121) in SO 2 levels was obtained and a mean ratio of 67% (95% CI 59 to 75) in TSP levels. Post-control days at all factories showed a mean ratio of ?16% (95% CI ?7 to ?24) in SO 2 levels and a mean ratio of ?13% (95% CI ?7 to ?19) in TSP levels. Discussion Interventions on industrial production based on the urban SO 2 and TSP ambient air levels were justified by the high concentrations detected. The best assessment of the interventions’ effectiveness would have been to utilize the ambient air pollutant concentration readings from the entire time of the production shutdowns or reductions; however, the daily hourly maximum turned out to be a useful indicator because of meteorological factors influencing the diurnal concentration profile. A substantial number of interventions were carried out from 1 to 3 am, when vehicular traffic was minimum. On the other hand, atmospheric stability undergoes diurnal cycling in the autumn–winter period due to thermal inversion, which reaches maximum levels around daybreak. Therefore, this increases the ambient air levels and justified the interventions carried out at daybreak in spite of the traffic influence. Conclusions All the interventions for SO 2 and TSP were carried out when the measured ambient air levels of pollutants were exceeded, which shows the appropriateness of the intervention program. This excess was greater when intervening on SO 2 than on the TSP levels. For both ambient air levels of SO 2 and TSP, significant drops in air pollution were achieved from all three factories following activity reductions. The production shutdown controls were very effective, because they returned excess levels, higher than in the reduction controls, to everyday mean values. Recommendations and perspectives The Cartagena City observational system of intermittent control has proven to effectively reduce industrial emissions’ impact on ambient air quality. This experienced model approach could serve well in highly polluted industrial settings. From a public health perspective, studies are needed to assess that the industrial interventions to control air pollution were related to healthier human populations. Legislation was needed to allow the public administration to take direct actions upon the polluting industries. 相似文献
针对目前城市污水处理厂进水水质以生活污水为主转向以难生物处理的工业废水为主的现状,进行了A/O工艺的耐受性试验.结果表明:随着工业废水比例的增加,厌氧、好氧污泥活性都显著下降,厌氧污泥的耐受性较高;随着运行时间的延长,两类污泥的活性逐步得到不同程度的恢复;工业废水比例越高,活性恢复所需时间越长;两类污泥的协同代谢作用保证了出水效果.A/O工艺所能耐受的进水中制药废水、印染废水和生活污水的分配比(体积比)为3∶3∶4. 相似文献
This study monitors the long term performance of membrane bioreactor (MBR) for the treatment of synthetic municipal wastewater at solid retention time (SRT) of 40 and 20d with particular emphasis on simultaneous nitrification-denitrification (SND). SND was greatly influenced by the operating dissolved oxygen (DO). It was found that at an SRT of 20d, nitrogen removal through assimilation into biomass increases as a result of higher biomass yield. The profile of soluble microbial products (SMP) conformed to a cyclical pattern in the MBR with respect to SRT. Decrease in SRT from 40 to 20d resulted in doubling of accumulated SMP concentration (to 56mgl(-1)) in the MBR. This however, was accompanied by a simultaneous drop in percentage of SMP with MW>100kD, from 42.4% to 33%. Also, the sludge filterability decreased by 24-folds despite a decrease in the biomass concentration, following the above reduction in SRT. It was found that the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (K(l)a) was a function of biomass concentration in MBR with the ratio of the oxygen transfer coefficient in mixed liquor to that of clean water (alpha) to be 0.2-0.5. 相似文献
污泥水热炭化处理被认为是极具潜力的污泥安全处置与资源化利用的技术措施之一。为了解废水中碳、氮、磷、钾和重金属含量随水热炭化反应温度和反应时间的变化规律,对市政污泥190℃和260℃水热炭化不同时间(1、6、12、18和24 h)后的废水组成成分进行了研究。结果表明,水热炭化处理后,废水颜色由黑色变成浅黄色;pH由6.40提高到9.14;TOC、COD和BOD5最高分别增加了13 175 mg/L、55 998 O2mg/L和31 723 O2mg/L;氮和钾含量显著提高,但磷含量降低;Cd、Cr含量由未检测到分别增加到0.060 mg/L和2.326 mg/L,As、Pb含量均由0.032 mg/L分别增加到1.408 mg/L和0.590 mg/L,但Cu、Mn及Zn含量降低。比起反应时间,反应温度对废水组成成分的影响更大。 相似文献
针对亚热带地区某规模化养猪场SBR处理低碳氮比(C/N)沼液出水不达标的问题,研究了以乙酸钠为速效碳源时其投加量对SBR运行效果的影响,并采用4级串联生物强化稳定塘工艺对SBR出水进行强化处理。结果表明:当乙酸钠投加量为400 mg·L −1时,SBR工艺对COD、氨氮和总氮的平均去除率分别从16%±1%、25%±4%和14%±1%提高到了32%±1%、55%±2%、27%±4%;串联生物强化稳定塘(BSPs)工艺对COD、氨氮、总氮和总磷的平均去除率达到了65%±2%、80%±4%、79%±3%和83%±4%,出水平均浓度分别为(155±5)、(67±2)、(89±2)和(6±1) mg·L −1,均可满足《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》(GB 18596-2001)的要求。以生物膜和双穗雀稗构成的前2级生物强化稳定塘系统对COD、氨氮、总氮和总磷的消纳量分别占整个串联稳定塘系统消纳量的57%、50%、51%和81%。进一步分析可知,串联生物强化稳定塘工艺对养猪废水主要污染物(COD、氨氮、总氮、总磷)的去除效果显著,采用此技术可实现废水的达标排放。 相似文献