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在用轻型汽油车排放随行驶里程劣化规律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于佛山市3.5万条简易稳态工况(ASM)下的尾气排放检测数据,通过分类统计和线性拟合方法分析在用轻型汽油车的污染物排放浓度随行驶里程的劣化规律。分析结果表明,该地区轻型汽油车污染物排放浓度主要分布于低值区间,超过85%的样本数据低于最低排放限值;车辆排放劣化特征随行驶里程呈规律性变化,行驶里程在0~5万km时污染物排放缓慢增长,5万~16万km时呈快速线性增长,16万km后震荡缓慢增长;行驶里程在16万km前,不同车型的排放特征存在一定差异,其中轻型货车和轻型客车的排放浓度高、劣化速度快;CO、HC、NO随行驶里程的劣化规律可用线性增长模型表示。本研究结论可为预测机动车污染变化趋势、完善在用车检查/维护制度、高排放车辆识别和淘汰等方面提供理论支持。  相似文献   

The emission inventory of the city of Santiago, Chile, related to mobile sources was built up using constant emission factors extracted from international literature. To improve the estimate of mobile source emissions, an experimental program was designed, consisting of transient tests on a chassis dynamometer over a sample of about 166 vehicles, applying 9 local driving cycles with average speeds of 3-80 km/hr, and experimentally determined in previous research carried out by the authors. An analysis of the influence of fuel inlet technology, and a year time-length model over emissions, was undertaken. We proposed emission factors as a function of average speed and of CO, THC, and NOx for catalytic and noncatalytic light-duty gasoline vehicles, disaggregated on commercial and private cars. A comparative analysis with emission factors obtained for the application of the COPERT II and AP-42 models was also presented. Our current analysis gives solid evidence indicating that to obtain a reasonable accuracy on emission estimates and calculations, local emission factors must be used.  相似文献   

There is increasing pressure to control gaseous acidifying emissions to prevent harmful environmental effects; many governments are looking for a more effective and scientific means of assessing effects and planning emission controls compared with arbitrarily uniform percentage reductions. The critical loads/levels concept may offer the basis for a solution which is acceptable internationally. There is already agreement to map the critical loads and levels for countries in Europe and North America as a first step towards assessment. Recent developments in defining and quantifying critical loads and levels show the approach could be sufficiently adaptable to apply to the effects of different pollutants on a range of environmental receptors. Whilst it is difficult to arrive at an agreed single definition, various international groups have arrived at definitions which suit their own particular purposes. Despite a variety of different approaches to arriving at estimates of critical loads, there is broad agreement at the figures calculated by the different methods. An extension of the concept, the target load/level, provides a practical solution for implementing control strategies to prevent or minimize environmental effects.  相似文献   

Emissions from diesel vehicles and gas-powered heavy-duty vehicles are becoming a new focus of many inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs. Diesel particulate matter (PM) is increasingly becoming more recognized as an important health concern, while at the same time, the public awareness of diesel PM emissions because of their visibility have combined to increase the focus on diesel emissions in the United States. This has resulted in an increased interest by some states in including heavy-duty vehicle testing in their I/M program. This paper provides an overview of existing I/M programs focused on testing light-duty diesel vehicles, heavy-duty diesel vehicles, and heavy-duty gasoline vehicles (HDGVs). Information on 39 I/M programs in 27 different states in the United States plus 9 international inspection programs is included. Information on the status of diesel emissions technology and current test procedures is also presented. The goal is to provide useful information for air quality managers as they work to decide whether such I/M programs would be worth pursuing in their respective areas and in evaluating the emissions measurement technology to be used in the program. Testing of HDGVs is generally limited to idle testing, because dynamometer testing of these vehicles is not practical, and most were not certified on a chassis basis. Testing of diesel vehicles has mostly been limited to SAE J1667 "snap-idle" opacity testing. Cost-effective technology for measuring diesel emissions currently does not exist, and, therefore, opacity-type measurements, although not effective at reducing the pollutants of most significant health concern, will continue to be used.  相似文献   

The impact of the auxiliaries and particularly air conditioning on emissions (CO2, CO, HC, NOx and particles) is investigated. To this aim, various data from European laboratories are used and analysed. Parameters linked to technology and to climatic conditions are investigated. The main distinction is made between gasoline and diesel vehicles. A physical model is proposed to extrapolate the excess emissions at low temperature (below 28 °C) and with solar radiation, together with a statistical model.  相似文献   

This paper discusses results from a vehicular emissions research study of over 350 vehicles conducted in three communities in Los Angeles, CA, in 2010 using vehicle chase measurements. The study explores the real-world emission behavior of light-duty gasoline vehicles, characterizes real-world super-emitters in the different regions, and investigates the relationship of on-road vehicle emissions with the socioeconomic status (SES) of the region. The study found that in comparison to a 2007 earlier study in a neighboring community, vehicle emissions for all measured pollutants had experienced a significant reduction over the years, with oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and black carbon (BC) emissions showing the largest reductions. Mean emission factors of the sampled vehicles in low-SES communities were roughly 2–3 times higher for NOX, BC, carbon monoxide, and ultrafine particles, and 4–11 times greater for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) than for vehicles in the high-SES neighborhood. Further analysis indicated that the emission factors of vehicles within a technology group were also higher in low-SES communities compared to similar vehicles in the high-SES community, suggesting that vehicle age alone did not explain the higher vehicular emission in low-SES communities.

Evaluation of the emission factor distribution found that emissions from 12% of the sampled vehicles were greater than five times the mean from all of the sampled fleet, and these vehicles were consequently categorized as “real-world super-emitters.” Low-SES communities had approximately twice as many super-emitters for most of the pollutants as compared to the high-SES community. Vehicle emissions calculated using model-year-specific average fuel consumption assumptions suggested that approximately 5% of the sampled vehicles accounted for nearly half of the total CO, PM2.5, and UFP emissions, and 15% of the vehicles were responsible for more than half of the total NOX and BC emissions from the vehicles sampled during the study.

Implications: This study evaluated the real-world emission behavior and super-emitter distribution of light-duty gasoline vehicles in California, and investigated the relationship of on-road vehicle emissions with local socioeconomic conditions. The study observed a significant reduction in vehicle emissions for all measured pollutants when compared to an earlier study in Wilmington, CA, and found a higher prevalence of high-emitting vehicles in low-socioeconomic-status communities. As overall fleet emissions decrease from stringent vehicle emission regulations, a small fraction of the fleet may contribute to a disproportionate share of the overall on-road vehicle emissions. Therefore, this work will have important implications for improving air quality and public health, especially in low-SES communities.  相似文献   

为探究煤质对型煤燃烧排放特征的影响,选取了呼和浩特市某城区推广使用的6种方型型煤进行了污染物排放水平测试,并结合煤质数据分析了影响型煤燃烧排放特征的主要因素。结果表明,挥发分含量是影响型煤燃烧产生的PM2.5和NOx排放浓度的主要因素;VOCs的排放浓度与挥发分和固定碳的总含量相关;计算得到型煤燃烧后的主要污染物(CO、SO2、NOx、TSP、PM2.5、VOCs)的排放因子,分别为(36.0±17.3)、(1.89±0.47)、(1.18±0.62)、(0.47±0.69)、(0.19±0.15)和(0.27±0.18)g·kg−1;设置排放情景,计算得到在该区域推广型煤后主要污染物的减排率分别为61.9%、22.2%、20.6%、89.3%、91.6%和89.1%。在推广民用型煤的过程中,还应加强对煤质的管理,同时推广型煤的配套炉具,减少人为操作造成的污染物排放。  相似文献   

Federal Tier 3 motor vehicle emission and fuel sulfur standards have been promulgated in the United States to help attain air quality standards for ozone and PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm). The authors modeled a standard similar to Tier 3 (a hypothetical nationwide implementation of the California Low Emission Vehicle [LEV] III standards) and prior Tier 2 standards for on-road gasoline-fueled light-duty vehicles (gLDVs) to assess incremental air quality benefits in the United States (U.S.) and the relative contributions of gLDVs and other major source categories to ozone and PM2.5 in 2030. Strengthening Tier 2 to a Tier 3-like (LEV III) standard reduces the summertime monthly mean of daily maximum 8-hr average (MDA8) ozone in the eastern U.S. by up to 1.5 ppb (or 2%) and the maximum MDA8 ozone by up to 3.4 ppb (or 3%). Reducing gasoline sulfur content from 30 to 10 ppm is responsible for up to 0.3 ppb of the improvement in the monthly mean ozone and up to 0.8 ppb of the improvement in maximum ozone. Across four major urban areas—Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, and St. Louis—gLDV contributions range from 5% to 9% and 3% to 6% of the summertime mean MDA8 ozone under Tier 2 and Tier 3, respectively, and from 7% to 11% and 3% to 7% of the maximum MDA8 ozone under Tier 2 and Tier 3, respectively. Monthly mean 24-hr PM2.5 decreases by up to 0.5 μg/m3 (or 3%) in the eastern U.S. from Tier 2 to Tier 3, with about 0.1 μg/m3 of the reduction due to the lower gasoline sulfur content. At the four urban areas under the Tier 3 program, gLDV emissions contribute 3.4–5.0% and 1.7–2.4% of the winter and summer mean 24-hr PM2.5, respectively, and 3.8–4.6% and 1.5–2.0% of the mean 24-hr PM2.5 on days with elevated PM2.5 in winter and summer, respectively.

Implications: Following U.S. Tier 3 emissions and fuel sulfur standards for gasoline-fueled passenger cars and light trucks, these vehicles are expected to contribute less than 6% of the summertime mean daily maximum 8-hr ozone and less than 7% and 4% of the winter and summer mean 24-hr PM2.5 in the eastern U.S. in 2030. On days with elevated ozone or PM2.5 at four major urban areas, these vehicles contribute less than 7% of ozone and less than 5% of PM2.5, with sources outside North America and U.S. area source emissions constituting some of the main contributors to ozone and PM2.5, respectively.  相似文献   

Emission data needed as input for the operation of atmospheric models should not only be spatially and temporally resolved. Another important feature is the effective emission height which significantly influences modelled concentration values. Unfortunately this information, which is especially relevant for large point sources, is usually not available and simple assumptions are often used in atmospheric models. As a contribution to improve knowledge on emission heights this paper provides typical default values for the driving parameters stack height and flue gas temperature, velocity and flow rate for different industrial sources. The results were derived from an analysis of the probably most comprehensive database of real-world stack information existing in Europe based on German industrial data. A bottom-up calculation of effective emission heights applying equations used for Gaussian dispersion models shows significant differences depending on source and air pollutant and compared to approaches currently used for atmospheric transport modelling.  相似文献   

中国近10年来硝酸工业快速发展,但该行业的污染治理和环境管理情况却没有得到同步发展和应有的重视,对环境已造成了严重污染.现行综合排放标准已无法对硝酸工业污染起到控制作用.分析了硝酸工业污染排放情况和国内外相关的排放标准,针对中国实际情况提出了该行业污染物排放标准制定思路,严格控制硝酸工业NOx 和总氮排放,并建议利用国际清洁发展机制对温室气体N2O实施减排控制.  相似文献   

以93#国Ⅲ乙醇汽油(E10)、93#国Ⅲ普通汽油和93#国Ⅳ普通汽油为实验对象,对GB18352.3-2005中要求限定的CO、HC和NOx,以及颗粒物(PM)和CO2等主要污染物的排放进行了测量和对比研究,并对CO、HC、PM、NOx、CO2和苯系物等污染物的形成原因和减排机理进行了分析。和93#国Ⅲ普通汽油相比,93#国Ⅲ乙醇汽油(E10)排放的尾气中:CO降低了19.7%,HC降低了16.4%;和93#国Ⅳ普通汽油相比,93#国Ⅲ乙醇汽油(E10)排放的尾气中:CO降低了1.8%,HC降低了12.9%, CO2降低了2.4%。研究表明,乙醇汽油在减少CO、HC、NOx、颗粒物和苯系物等有毒物质排放方面具有显著功效,使用乙醇汽油可以减少环境污染物的排放,显著改善空气质量。  相似文献   

通过非水微乳液法制备了纳米氧化铈,并将之添加到90^#汽油中,研究了纳米氧化铈对汽油动力性能、尾气污染物CO、HC、PM、NOx排放的影响。结果表明:非水微乳液法制备的纳米氧化铈粒径在30~50nm之间,粒径分布较窄;添加浓度为100mg/L时,不会对汽油的动力性能产生明显影响,但可以明显降低90。汽油尾气中的CO、HC、PM、NOx排放。其中,800r/min的正常怠速下可以降低CO排放19.39%、HE排放19.92%、NOx排放51.19%、PM排放25%;在2000r/min的高怠速下可降低CO排放16.17%、NOx排放46.92%、PM排放16.67%。  相似文献   

Using models to estimate the contribution of traffic to air pollution levels from known traffic data typically requires the knowledge of model parameters such as emission factors and meteorological conditions. This paper presents a state-space model analysis method that does not require the knowledge of model parameters; these parameters are identified from measured traffic and ambient air quality data. This method was used to analyze carbon monoxide (CO) in downtown Fairbanks, AK, which is the community of focus for this paper. It was found that traffic contributed, on average, 53% to the total CO levels over the last six winters. The correlation coefficient between the measured and model-predicted daily profiles of the CO concentration was 0.98, and the results were in good agreement with earlier findings obtained via a thorough CO emission inventory. This justified the usability of the method and it was further used to analyze fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in downtown Fairbanks. It was found that traffic contributed, on average, approximately 30% to the total PM2.5 levels over the last six winters. The correlation coefficient between the measured and model-predicted daily profiles of the PM2.5 concentration was 0.98.  相似文献   

基于海南省2016年工业环境统计数据,通过自下而上的方法建立海南省2016年工业大气污染源排放清单,并利用中国多尺度排放清单模型(MEIC)排放清单进行背景源补充,使用CALPUFF模型进行大气污染模拟。污染物排放清单结果显示,2016年海南省SO_2、NO_x、CO、PM_(2.5)、PM(10)、黑碳(BC)、有机碳(OC)、挥发性有机物(VOCs)和NH3的排放量分别为1.50×10~4、5.10×10~4、4.56×10~5、2.34×10~4、2.10×10~4、3.50×10~3、1.20×10~4、4.96×10~4、6.50×10~4 t,其中SO_2主要排放源为化石燃料固定燃烧源(分担率66.67%),NO_x主要排放源为交通源(分担率51.18%),CO、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)主要排放源为生活源(分担率分别59.01%、81.28%和87.62%),VOCs主要排放源为工业溶剂使用源(分担率75.91%),NH_3主要排放源为农业源(分担率93.54%)。排放量较大的区域集中在儋州市、澄迈县一带。SO_2、NO_x年均最大浓度均出现在海口市,PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)年均最大浓度均出现在定安县。交通源对全省污染物浓度贡献突出,工业源虽然对颗粒物浓度贡献率较低,但仍需加强PM_(2.5)治理。  相似文献   

浅述天津十一五、十二五期间主要污染物总量控制的工作历程,总结实践经验并对现有问题进行反思,梳理未来几年减排工作方法和管理策略。在此基础,提出采用提升排放标准和差别化征收排污费等手段确保总量控制制度的有效实施。  相似文献   

Emission projections are important for environmental policy, both to evaluate the effectiveness of abatement strategies and to determine legislation compliance in the future. Moreover, including uncertainty is an essential added value for decision makers. In this work, projection values and their associated uncertainty are computed for pollutant emissions corresponding to the most significant activities from the national atmospheric emission inventory in Spain. Till now, projections had been calculated under three main scenarios: “without measures” (WoM), “with measures” (WM) and “with additional measures” (WAM). For the first one, regression techniques had been applied, which are inadequate for time-dependent data. For the other scenarios, values had been computed taking into account expected activity growth, as well as policies and measures. However, only point forecasts had been computed. In this work statistical methodology has been applied for: a) Inclusion of projection intervals for future time points, where the width of the intervals is a measure of uncertainty. b) For the WoM scenario, ARIMA models are applied to model the dynamics of the processes. c) In the WM scenario, bootstrap is applied as an additional non-parametric tool, which does not rely on distributional assumptions and is thus more general. The advantages of using ARIMA models for the WoM scenario including uncertainty are shown. Moreover, presenting the WM scenario allows observing if projected emission values fall within the intervals, thus showing if the measures to be taken to reach the scenario imply a significant improvement. Results also show how bootstrap techniques incorporate stochastic modelling to produce forecast intervals for the WM scenario.  相似文献   

基于数据包络分析(DEA)的点源水污染物排放指标初始分配方法,是将基于DEA的线性规划评价方法进行改进,从而使其适用于评价企业的水环境绩效,并依此进行排污指标初始分配。将非期望产出作为投入指标处理,构造了5输入1输出的规模可变DEA模型,并以南京市280家企业的COD排放指标初始分配为例进行了分析。结果表明,方法的模拟分配结果在公平的基础上,反映了企业的环境效率,效率越高,可得到的COD排放指标也越高,这将对企业治污起到激励作用,分配方法具有一定的可操作性;对案例企业进行分组并实行组内参评,基本可以避免部分极值原始数据对评价结果的影响,得到的COD排放指标分配结果也更为合理。  相似文献   

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