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事故调查是安全生产工作中的重要环节,是对生产安全事故及时处理、发现问题的重要手段,其目的在于找出导致事故发生的可能原因,进而提出防止类似事故再次发生的对策措施。从法律依据、事故分级、事故调查程序、事故调查主体、调查组组成、事故调查期限、责任追究、事故调查经费来源、信息公开等方面开展了我国与欧盟的事故报告与事故调查处理对比分析,剖析了我国目前事故报告与调查处理的工作存在的一些问题,研究和借鉴了欧盟的一些先进理念和做法,并提出改进我国事故报告与调查处理的若干对策建议。  相似文献   

The evaluation of human individual characteristics is very important for any ergotechnical system optimization, especially in occupational safety. Investigations were carried out for this purpose. An important classification of ergonomic characteristics for construction workers was prepared. The importance and relevance of the choice of those characteristics as well as their application are presented in the article.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of results of 1035 serious and 341 minor accidents recorded by Poland's National Labour Inspectorate (PIP) in 2005–2011, in view of their prevention by means of additional safety measures applied by machinery users. Since the analysis aimed at formulating principles for the application of technical safety measures, the analysed accidents should bear additional attributes: the type of machine operation, technical safety measures and the type of events causing injuries. The analysis proved that the executed tasks and injury-causing events were closely connected and there was a relation between casualty events and technical safety measures. In the case of tasks consisting of manual feeding and collecting materials, the injuries usually occur because of the rotating motion of tools or crushing due to a closing motion. Numerous accidents also happened in the course of supporting actions, like removing pollutants, correcting material position, cleaning, etc.  相似文献   

This study provides a case example of an energy company that prioritized occupational safety and health and accident reduction as long-term, strategic development targets. Furthermore, this study describes the monetary benefits of this strategic decision. Company-specific accident indicators and monetary costs and benefits are evaluated. During the observation period (2010–2016), strategic investments in occupational safety and health cost the company EUR 0.8 million. However, EUR 1.8 million were saved in the same period, resulting in a 2.20 cost–benefit ratio. The trend in cost savings is strongly positive. Annual accident costs were EUR 0.4 million lower in 2016 compared to costs in 2010. This study demonstrates that long-term, strategic commitment to occupational safety and health provides monetary value.  相似文献   

This article focuses on employee direct participation in occupational health and safety (OHS) management. The article explains what determines employee opportunities to participate in OHS management. The explanatory framework focuses on safety culture and safety management at workplaces. The framework is empirically tested using Estonian cross-sectional, multilevel data of organizations and their employees. The analysis indicates that differences in employee participation in OHS management in the Estonian case could be explained by differences in OHS management practices rather than differences in safety culture. This indicates that throughout the institutional change and shift to the European model of employment relations system, change in management practices has preceded changes in safety culture which according to theoretical argument is supposed to follow culture change.  相似文献   

结合我国经济社会发展历程,对新中国成立60年来职业安全健康监察体制的发展沿革分4个阶段进行回顾分析,总结存在的问题及值得借鉴的经验。针对我国职业安全健康监察工作融合度不够、监管层级不明确、现场监察执法工作独立性不强、现场执法频度有限等方面的不足,结合我国省直管县的行政体制改革趋势,提出建立横向层面上职业安全监察与职业健康监察相融合、监察执法与业务管理相分离,纵向层面上自上而下垂直管理的体制优化构想,以期能够为我国职业安全健康监察体制的完善提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   


Occupational injuries requiring admission to a trauma unit were examined to outline the events surrounding the injury and to examine the costs. Sixty-nine patients were admitted over a 12-month period, representing 4.30% of all work-related injuries attending the emergency department and 4.25% of all admissions to the trauma unit. Most were male (91%), working in skilled trade occupations (65%), with a mean age of 38.8 years. Personal protective equipment was used only by 46% of injured workers who should have been using it. Sixty-one percent of patients believed that their injury was preventable. Half of the injuries were to the upper limb, fall was the most frequent mechanism (25%) and the median duration of admission was 2 days. The direct hospital costs were estimated at over 300 000 GBP. Failure to use protective equipment and to follow health and safety guidelines suggests that opportunities exist for injury prevention.  相似文献   

Introduction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the trend of occupational injuries in Turkey using epidemiologic criteria such as incidence mortality and fatality/all injuries recorded – rates. Materials and methods. Safety and health data were obtained from the Annual Statistic Books of the Social Insurance Institution (1988–2006) and Social Security Institution (2007–2011) of Turkey. Results. The results from the official data showed that although total employment is increasing the number of occupational injuries and incidence and mortality rates are decreasing. The results also demonstrate that occupational fatality/all injuries recorded – rate is increasing. The fatality/all injuries recorded – rate per 1000 injuries increased to 25.5 in 2011 from 8.6 in 1988. Each work day an average of five people died because of occupational injuries. Discussion and conclusions. The fatality/all injuries recorded – rate (the number of fatal cases per 1000 occupational injuries) is an important indicator of the injury rate for a country. Systems of occupational injury and illness surveillance constitute a critical resource for the management and reduction of occupational injuries and illness.  相似文献   

利用近年来安全生产基本统计数据,指出安全生产工作侧重点是职业安全健康,并分析了我国当前职业安全健康持续好转的形势与发展趋势;根据安全生产发展阶段理论,结合党的“十八大”提出的社会发展要求和国家安全监管总局监管监察工作目标,指出从现在起应进一步强化职业健康工作,逐步将我国安全生产工作重点转向职业健康,并对当前职业健康工作重点提出了加强宣传教育,企业承担主体责任,加强技术监督,强化监管等建议。  相似文献   

The study looks into the occupational safety and working conditions among bus drivers in Metro Manila, the Philippines. Quantitative data were collected through survey interviews of 95 bus drivers using the stratified sampling technique. Results showed that bus drivers worked an average of 16?h/day and were engaged in risky driving behaviors such as over-speeding and road racing in order to reach their quota for the day. Fifty-nine percent experienced work-related accidents, with a mean of three accidents. The most common accident was hitting another vehicle followed by side swipe. The accidents were blamed on other drivers, followed by vehicle defect, inattentiveness and tiredness/micro-sleep or sudden involuntary sleep while driving. The most common health symptoms experienced by the bus drivers were fatigue, back pain, and cough and colds. This study underlines the need for an occupational health and safety program for bus drivers in the Philippines.  相似文献   

《2006年促进职业安全与健康框架公约》(C187,2006)和《职业安全与健康框架建议书》(R197,2006)的公布是为了进一步减少全球发生的大量职业性伤病和死亡,保护工人免受因就业而引发的病患和伤害,降低职业性伤病和死亡对劳动生产率和经济与社会发展的负面影响。本文对《公约》及《建议书》的主要内容,包括《公约》中的定义、《公约》制定的目标、国家政策、国家制度、国家计划等进行了详细的介绍和分析,以期继续推广预防性安全健康文化建设。  相似文献   

为进一步提升北京市科技攻关能力,推进北京市科技创新体系建设,由北京市劳动保护科学研究所牵头,联合有关单位共同申请的《北京市职业安全健康重点实验室》,将成为北京市首个多方合作、优势互补、强强联合的典范。该实验室对于全面提升我国和北京市职业安全健康科技创新能力,加快科研成果的转化和培养新型复合型职业安健康领域的科研人才,以及在引领相关领域科研模式创新发展等方面将发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

职业健康安全管理体系是当今先进的安全管理方法.文章根据化工企业的实际特点,分析了化工企业建立和实施职业安全健康管理体系的必要性和注意事项,讨论了化工企业建立职业安全健康体系的方法.  相似文献   

构建煤矿职业安全卫生管理体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安全生产是煤矿企业的头等大事。根据煤矿企业的实际特点 ,分析了煤矿安全生产管理的现状、特点和煤矿建立职业安全卫生管理体系的注意事项。讨论了建立煤矿职业安全卫生管理体系的步骤和方法  相似文献   

介绍了职业安全卫生管理体系出台的背景及模式,从企业发展角度指出企业推行该体系的必要性及意义。  相似文献   

职业安全健康工作的核心是对人力资源的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济和社会的发展,职业安全健康工作越来越受到党和国家领导人的重视。切实做好职业安全健康研究与管理工作是落实科学发展观的基本标志之一,而职业安全健康工作的核心是对人力资源的保护。因此我们要充分认识到加强职业安全健康工作的重要性、必要性和紧迫性,让广大劳动者实现"体面劳动"。一要加强职业安全健康监管,二要借鉴经验完善体制,三要加大相关职业安全健康科学技术研究。只有全面提升人力资源保护,贯彻落实"科技兴安"战略,加强人力资源管理,才能确保劳动者在劳动生产过程中的安全与健康。  相似文献   

经统计职业危害因素申报系统、职业病网络直报系统等相关数据,发现四川省职业危害涉及面广,接触危害因素人数众多,职业健康投入不足,职业病发病人数多并主要为尘肺病。省安全监管局在职业健康监管方面开展了多项切实有效的工作,然而在职业病防治中仍存在诸多现实问题。针对这一情况,提出了强化职业健康防治意识,增强工作自觉性和主动性;完善法律法规体系,形成良好法治环境;完善制度、机制,落实企业主体责任;突出重点,深入开展职业危害治理等提高职业病危害防治效果。  相似文献   

强调了劳动安全卫生设计的重要性,就《废气治理环保项目劳动安全卫生设计专篇》的编写方法进行了说明。指出了环保项目中常见的危险危害因素,并提出相应的防范技术措施。  相似文献   

职业健康安全管理体系在煤炭行业获得了广泛认可和应用,对提高煤炭行业的职业健康安全管理水平起到了较大的促进作用.OSAS18001、ISO9001与ISO14001等管理体系标准均推荐采用过程方法,但煤炭行业鲜有应用.为了更好地在煤炭行业职业健康安全管理体系中贯彻过程管理模式,本文从TS煤矿职业健康安全管理体系的建立与运行、过程分析以及审核方法等方面入手,结合TS煤矿的实际,介绍了过程方法在煤矿职业健康安全管理体系中的应用.  相似文献   

英国自20世纪80年代初期实施职业健康与安全资质制度以来,有十多万人通过了不同等级和专业的职业安全健康考试,为英国的职业安全健康保障做出了重大贡献。为了解英国职业健康与安全资质,学习借鉴其成功经验,在简要介绍英国国家职业资格制度的基础上,详细地介绍了英国职业健康与安全资质等级、种类、课程和考核评估方式等内容,总结了其主要特点,并结合我国注册安全工程师执业资格制度实施现状,提出了完善制度的建议。  相似文献   

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