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移动通信基站是实现通信信号覆盖的重要设备,是保证移动信号覆盖范围与信号质量的基础支撑。现阶段,随着我国现代化、城市化进程不断加快,移动通信基站的架设密集度极大的增加,为实现移动信号全覆盖,为人们的生产生活提供便利发挥重要作用。但是,基站运行过程中,产生的电磁辐射可能会对人体健康造成不利影响。因此,加强基站电磁辐射防护与环境监管是非常必要的。本文对基站电磁辐射安全距离的有效评估进行了分析,提出了基站电磁辐射防护与环境监管的有效对策。  相似文献   

For wearers of protective clothing in radiation environments there are no quantitative guidelines available for the effect of a radiative heat load on heat exchange. Under the European Union funded project ThermProtect an analytical effort was defined to address the issue of radiative heat load while wearing protective clothing. As within the ThermProtect project much information has become available from thermal manikin experiments in thermal radiation environments, these sets of experimental data are used to verify the analytical approach. The analytical approach provided a good prediction of the heat loss in the manikin experiments, 95% of the variance was explained by the model. The model has not yet been validated at high radiative heat loads and neglects some physical properties of the radiation emissivity. Still, the analytical approach provides a pragmatic approach and may be useful for practical implementation in protective clothing standards for moderate thermal radiation environments.  相似文献   

煤层自燃火灾的自燃火源位置的精确探测是防灭火的关键,也是一项世界性难题。近年来,应用红外技术探测煤层隐蔽火源位置已成为一个热点,通过红外技术定性和定量研究松散煤体升温过程中红外辐射特征变化及影响因素,掌握松散煤体内部热量传递规律,对于利用红外成像技术探测井下煤层自燃隐蔽火源具有重要的参考价值。本文采用在松散煤体中加线状热源,保持热源位置不变,改变热源温度,当温度场达到稳定时用红外热像仪采集表面照片的方法,研究松散煤体表面温度与热源温度的对应关系。结果表明热源上方为高温区域,近似椭圆状,随着热源温度的升高,高温区域不断扩大,表面温度t与热源温度T、像素坐标χ满足关系式。  相似文献   

为研究大学生的手机电磁辐射暴露程度,针对手机的3种使用状态(通话、发短信、上网),用TES-593电磁波污染强度计系统地监测了36部手机,监测点代表耳朵、眼睛和手所在处.结果表明,所有监测值均符合国际非电离辐射防护委员会(ICNIRP)的参考水平.3种使用状态下的手机电磁辐射辐射强度大小依次为通话、发短信、上网;在室内通话、发短信和上网状态下,2G手机近背面的平均电场强度依次为15.27 V/m、11.43 V/m和9.57 V/m;手机在室内通话状态下的电场强度大于室外通话状态下的电场强度,2G手机在这两种状态下,听筒处的平均电场强度分别为16.00 V/m、9.46 V/m.多数手机室内通话电场强度容易超过GB 8702-88《电磁辐射防护规定》的参考值.手机发短信、上网时的辐射强度随距离增大而减小,一般情况下不会超过《电磁辐射防护规定》的参考值.  相似文献   

为充分有效利用煤矿安全隐患数据,揭示安全隐患数据中隐藏的重要信息和潜在规律,用于指导安全管理实践,在对安全隐患数据进行预处理的基础上,利用词云和词频统计方法展现安全隐患概况,运用文本挖掘技术和社会网络分析方法研究煤矿安全隐患信息的关联关系和分布规律。结果表明,将文本挖掘技术和社会网络分析方法应用于文本型安全隐患数据分析具有可行性,有助于煤矿企业提高对安全隐患数据的认知并制定合理的安全隐患治理措施。  相似文献   

天然气管道时常受到破坏,并诱发巨大的射流火焰,可能引燃周围建构物体。系统地分析了管道压力对天然气射流火热辐射灾害的影响,以建立天然气射流火热辐射灾害的系统定量分析方法。基于压力管道小孔泄漏模型和权重-多点源热辐射计算模型,建立了目标物体最大入射热辐射通量、管道压力和目标物与泄漏小孔水平距离的定量关系式。进而选定10 k W/m~2和31.5 k W/m~2作为城镇建筑物遭受引燃和机械破坏的热辐射通量阈值,得到了不同管道压力下天然气射流火热辐射灾害范围。计算结果表明,GB 50028—2006《城镇燃气设计规范》依据管道压力所规定的燃气管道与建筑物的安全间距不能完全满足天然气管道破坏时射流火焰的安全要求,与某武汉天然气管道射流火事故后果一致。  相似文献   

飞火颗粒点燃和火焰辐射引燃是森林-城镇交界域火灾两种主要引燃方式。已有很多研究关注单种引燃方式,但缺乏二者耦合作用下的引燃机理研究。实验研究了热颗粒与热辐射耦合作用下松针燃料床的点燃行为,分析了热颗粒尺寸、温度及辐射热通量对点燃特性的影响。实验结果表明:热颗粒和热辐射耦合作用的点燃危险性远远高于热颗粒或者热辐射单独作用下的点燃危险性。耦合作用时,点燃概率随颗粒尺寸、温度和辐射热通量增大而增大,热颗粒临界点燃温度以及临界辐射热通量均随热颗粒尺寸增大而降低;阴燃向明火转变的点燃时间随辐射热通量增大而降低,但与颗粒状态呈现出较为复杂的关系。  相似文献   

The occurrence of leakage in large tank farms or oil deposits can lead to fire or explosion accidents. Coupling effects of fire and explosion loadings can cause considerably more damage to adjacent tanks or buildings than either loading individually does. In this study, the combined loadings of the explosion shock wave and heat radiation from a pool fire on a neighboring empty fixed-roof tank were numerically investigated. The effects of the explosion shock wave intensity and relative height of the explosion center [the ratio of the height of the explosion center to the height of the tank (hr)] were analyzed. The results indicate that tanks damaged by explosion shock waves have decreased fire resistance and critical buckling temperature. Moreover, the thermal buckling deformation of the predamaged tank largely depends on the explosion shock wave. With an increase in the explosion shock wave intensity or a decrease in hr, the explosion shock wave has greater influence on the fire resistance of the tank, and the critical buckling temperature decreases. This paper can provide an understanding of the dynamics of a tank under explosion shock wave loading, and of the critical failure criterion and failure modes of a target tank under the coupled loading of the explosion shock wave and an adjacent pool fire.  相似文献   

在“选择性催化还原法(SCR)脱硝-湿法脱硫”系统中,用SCR脱硝后回收的部分废热作为低温热源对湿法脱硫后的烟气进行远红外气相辐射加热,则可实现低成本、高效、简便的烟气再热.以导热油为载热流体,对远红外气相辐射加热湿法脱硫烟气的效果及其影响因素进行了研究.结果表明:流体载热远红外气相辐射加热方式较传统加热方式效果明显;加热终温随导热油温度和进口气体温度升高而升高,而随辐射距离、进口气体流量增大而降低;加热速率随导热油温度升高而增大,而随辐射距离、进口气体温度和进口气体流量增加而减小;加热管所涂涂料的性能是影响辐射加热效果的重要因素之一.  相似文献   

为研究危化品重大危险源基于社会风险基准的规划管控影响,采用我国标准规定的定量风险评价方法,TNT当量炸药简化方法,针对最大TNT当量炸药、事故发生总累计频率、人口密度分布控制参数等不同工况条件,对比分析国土开发强度的允许人口密度受社会风险约束影响的变化规律。研究结果表明:人口密度指数分布控制参数Nk与Nb的允许取值随最大TNT当量炸药和事故发生总累计频率降低而提高;确定工况下,允许总人口规模受最大TNT当量炸药影响很小;在最大TNT当量炸药大于100 t或事故发生总累计频率小于1×10-8次/a时可按最大事故场景进行规划控制分析。  相似文献   

建立了热颗粒和热辐射共同作用下阴燃点燃松针燃料床的二维数值模型,计算得到了热颗粒和热辐射单独点燃以及共同作用点燃的临界条件,分析了燃料床的点燃过程。与前人实验数据对比表明数值模型能够较好预测临界点燃条件。金属热颗粒单独作用时点火所需的临界温度与颗粒直径呈双曲线关系。金属热颗粒与热辐射共同作用时,临界辐射热通量呈现出随颗粒温度和直径的增加而显著减小的趋势。热辐射持续供热能有效维持表层炭氧化反应,两者共同作用下点燃危险性增加。研究同时发现,燃料含水率对共同作用下的临界辐射热通量有较大影响。  相似文献   

The hazardous sludge disposal process in the form of landfills requires the determination inter alia of the flammable and explosion properties of dried sewage sludge dust, which has the ability to ignite and spontaneously combust when stored in silos. At a constant furnace surface temperature, the minimum ignition temperature of the sludge dust layer with a layer thickness of 5 mm is 270 °C, and for a layer thickness of 12.5 mm it is 250 °C. Two selected fire extinguishing powders for Class A, B, C and D fires were used in the study to determine the possibility of reducing the susceptibility of dried wastewater to ignition from heated surface, self-ignition and explosion parameters. The most effective extinguishing powder was ABC Favorit, which increased the value of the minimum ignition temperature of the layer (5 mm thick) to 360 °C and the spontaneous ignition temperature of the sludge with this powder increased by 22 °C at 169.6 cm3 in comparison to the sludge without extinguishing powder, respectively. The lowest self-ignition temperature of 136 °C was recorded for the largest tested volume (169.6 cm3) for dried sewage dust without any fire extinguishing powders. The biggest values of pmax and (dp/dt)max dried sewage dust were recorded 4.8 bar and 113 bar/s respectively. By analysing the obtained test results, it can be assumed that dried sewage dust is a combustible material with properties similar to biomass.  相似文献   

首钢孟家冲尾矿坝渗流稳定分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
针对孟家冲尾矿库坝面出现的渗水现象,对坝体的渗流以及稳定进行计算分析。计算结果表明,由于堆积坝的不断升高,导致坝体浸润线抬高,安全稳定系数降低,从而将造成坝体失稳,出现溃坝事故。为消除隐患,提出采用辐射井排渗的设计方案,并对该方案的可行性进行计算分析。  相似文献   

The road accident of a tanker transporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) originated a fire and, finally, the BLEVE of the tank. This accident has been analyzed, both from the point of view of the emergency management and the explosion and fireball effects. The accidental sequence is described: fire, LNG release, further safety valves release, flames impingement on vessel unprotected wall, vessel failure mode, explosion and fireball. According to the effects and consequences observed, the thermal radiation and overpressure are estimated; a mathematical model is applied to calculate the probable mass contained in the vessel at the moment of the explosion. The peak overpressure predicted from two models is compared with the values inferred from the accident observed data. The emergency management is commented.  相似文献   

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