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One uncertainty associated with large dam removal is the level of downstream sediment deposition and associated short‐term biological effects, particularly on salmonid spawning habitat. Recent studies report downstream sediment deposition following dam removal is influenced by proximity to the source and river transport capacity. The impacts of dam removal sediment releases are difficult to generalize due to the relatively small number of dam removals completed, the variation in release strategies, and the physical nature of systems. Changes to sediment deposition and associated streambed composition in the Elwha River, Washington State, were monitored prior to (2010‐2011) and during (2012‐2014) the simultaneous removal of two large dams (32 and 64 m). Changes in the surface layer substrate composition during dam removal varied by year and channel type. Riffles in floodplain channels downstream of the dams fined and remained sand dominated throughout the study period, and exceeded levels known to be detrimental to incubating salmonids. Mainstem riffles tended to fine to gravel, but appear to be trending toward cobble after the majority of the sediment was released and transported through system. Thus, salmonid spawning habitats in the mainstem appear to have been minimally impacted while those in floodplain channels appear to have been severely impacted during dam removal.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The pebble count, a quick and simple technique for characterizing streambed materials, has long been used by geomorphologists, hydrologists, and river engineers. This paper describes how pebble counts have been used to monitor fine sediment (particles less then 6 mm in size) on the Boise National Forest. Data from two watersheds subjected to major wildfires and the failure of a dam are discussed. Following wildfires, pebble count data showed increases in streambed fines followed by improvement of the stream substrate with time as the watersheds recovered. For the dam failure, pebble count data showed an increase in fines in the stream below the failure and were used to track the distance of sediment movement downstream. Pebble counts may be best used where fine sediment on channel substrates are a concern, such as in granitic watersheds where coarse sands are a large component of bedload and land-disturbing activities introduce fine sediment into streams. Pebble counts are found to be a simple and rapid monitoring method that can be used to help determine whether or not land management activities or land disturbances are introducing fine sediment into streams.  相似文献   

This is a study of the scientific component of an effort to restore an urban river by removing a low-head dam. The Secor Dam is owned by a local government entity near Toledo, Ohio. The proposed removal of the last structure impeding flow on the Ottawa River has broad appeal, but the owner is concerned about liability issues, particularly potential changes to the flood regime, the presence of contaminated sediments behind the dam, and possible downstream transport of reservoir sediments. Assessing sediment contamination involved sediment sampling and analysis of trace metals and organic contaminants. Forecasting sediment transport involved field methods to determine the volume and textural properties of reservoir and upstream sediment and calculations to determine the fate of reservoir sediments. Forecasting changes in the flood regime involved HEC-RAS hydrological models to determine before and after dam removal flood scenarios using LiDAR data imported into an ArcGIS database. The resulting assessment found potential sediment contamination to be minor, and modeling showed that the removal of the dam would have minimal impacts on sediment transport and flood hazards. Based on the assessment, the removal of the dam has been approved by its owners.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study used an innovative GIS/remote sensing approach to study historical river channel changes in the Huron River, a wandering gravel‐bedded river in northern Ohio. Eight sets of historical aerial photographs (1958‐2003) span the construction of a low‐head dam (1969), removal of the spillway (1994), and removal of the dam itself (2002). Construction of the dam modified stream gradients >4 km upstream of the small impounded reservoir. This study tracked changes in the polygon size, shape, and centroid position of 12 sand‐gravel bars through a study reach 0.2‐4.1 km upstream of the dam. These bars were highly responsive, tending to migrate obliquely downstream and toward the outer bank at rates up to 9 m/year. Historical changes in the size and position of the bars can be interpreted as the downstream translation of one or more sediment waves. Prior to dam construction, a sediment wave moved downstream through the study reach. Following construction of the dam, this sediment wave became stationary and degraded in situ by dispersion. The growth of bars throughout the study reach during this time interval resulted in a progressive increase in channel sinuosity. Removal of the spillway rejuvenated downstream translation of a sediment wave through the study reach and was followed by a reduction in channel sinuosity. These results illustrate that important geomorphologic changes can occur upstream of low‐head dams. This may be a neglected area of research about the effects of dams and dam removals.  相似文献   

Abstract: We evaluate the effects of small dams (11 of 15 sites less than 4 m high) on downstream channels at 15 sites in Maryland and Pennsylvania by using a reach upstream of the reservoir at each site to represent the downstream reach before dam construction. A semi‐quantitative geomorphic characterization demonstrates that upstream reaches occupy similar geomorphic settings as downstream reaches. Survey data indicate that dams have had no measurable influence on the water surface slope, width, and the percentages of exposed bedrock or boulders on the streambed. The median grain diameter (D50) is increased slightly by dam construction, but D50 remains within the pebble size class. The percentage of sand and silt and clay on the bed averages about 35% before dam construction, but typically decreases to around 20% after dam construction. The presence of the dam has therefore only influenced the fraction of finer‐grained sediment on the bed, and has not caused other measurable changes in fluvial morphology. The absence of measurable geomorphic change from dam impacts is explicable given the extent of geologic control at these study sites. We speculate that potential changes that could have been induced by dam construction have been resisted by inerodible bedrock, relatively immobile boulders, well‐vegetated and cohesive banks, and low rates of bed material supply and transport. If the dams of our study are removed, we argue that long‐term changes (those that remain after a period of transient adjustment) will be limited to increases in the percentage of sand and silt and clay on the bed. Thus, dam removal in streams similar to those of our study area should not result in significant long‐term geomorphic changes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: There is a pressing need for tools to predict the rates, magnitudes, and mechanisms by which sediment is removed from a reservoir following dam removal, as well as for tools to predict where this sediment will be deposited downstream and how it will impact downstream channel morphology. In the absence of adequate empirical data, a good initial approach is to examine the impacts of dam removal within the context of the geomorphic analogies of channel evolution models and sediment waves. Channel changes at two dam breaching sites in Wisconsin involved a succession of channel forms and processes consistent with an existing channel evolution model. Sediment transported downstream after removal of other dams suggests that reservoir sediment may be translated downstream either as a distinct wave or gradually eroded away. More extensive data collection on existing dam removals is warranted before undertaking the removal of a large number of dams. However, if removal is to proceed based on current knowledge, then geomorphic analogies can be used as the foundation for sediment management and stabilization schemes.  相似文献   

River engineers use sediment transport formulas to design regulated channels in which the river's ability to transport bedload would remain in equilibrium with the delivery of materials from upstream. In gravel-bed rivers, a number of factors distort the simple relationship between particle size and hydraulic parameters at the threshold of sediment motion, inherent in the formulas. This may lead to significant errors in predicting the bedload transport rates in such streams and hence to instability of their regulated channels. The failure to recognize a nonstationary river regime may also result in unsuccessful channelization. Rapid channel incision has followed channelization of the main rivers of the Polish Carpathians in the 20th century. A case study of the Raba River shows that incision has resulted from the increase in stream power caused by channelization and the simultaneous reduction in sediment supply due to variations in basin management and a change in flood hydrographs. Calculations of bedload transport in the river by the Meyer-Peter and Müller formula are shown to have resulted in unrealistic estimates, perhaps because the different degree of bed armoring in particular cross-sections was neglected. It would have been possible to avoid improper channelization if the decreasing trend in sediment load of the Carpathian rivers had been recognized on the basis of geomorphological and sedimentological studies. Allowing the rivers to increase their sinuosity, wherever possible without an erosional threat to property and infrastructure, and preventing further in-stream gravel mining are postulated in order to arrest channel incision and reestablish the conditions for water and sediment storage on the floodplains.  相似文献   

Fox, James F., Charles M. Davis, and Darren K. Martin, 2010. Sediment Source Assessment in a Lowland Watershed Using Nitrogen Stable Isotopes. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(6):1192–1204. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00485.x Abstract: Sediment sources and transported sediments were sampled in a lowland watershed with pronounced fine sediment storage in the streambed. Sediments were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen content and stable nitrogen isotopic composition. Analysis of the data shows that temporarily stored streambed sediments dominate the sediment load during moderate- and low-flow hydrologic events. Modeling of sediment transport and nitrogen elemental and isotopic mass balance was performed for the watershed for a 12-month time period using a continuous, conceptual-based model. The model results show that during moderate- and low-flow hydrologic events, the streambed is slowly downcutting. During very high-flow hydrologic events, deposition is pronounced in the streambed and sediment is replenished to the bed. Nitrogen model results show that elemental and isotopic nitrogen of streambed sediments vary substantially over the simulation period. In this manner, the streambed in a lowland watershed functions as a temporary storage zone that, in turn, can impact the nitrogen elemental and isotopic signature of sediments. The variation could significantly impact estimates of sediment provenance using nitrogen tracer-based methods. Future work should consider both hydrologic and biogeochemical control on the nitrogen isotopic signature of sediments in small lowland watersheds and streams where a significant portion of deposited fines are temporarily stored.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Gunnison River in the Gunnison Gorge is a canyon river where upstream dams regulate mainstem discharge but do not affect debris-flow sediment supply from tributaries entering below the reservoirs. Regulation since 1966 has altered flood frequency, streambed mobility, and fluvial geomorphology creating potential resource-management issues. The duration of moderate streamflows between 32.3 and 85.0 m3/s has increased threefold since 1966. This, along with flood-peak attenuation, has facilitated fine-sediment deposition and vegetation encroachment on stream banks. The Shields equation and on-site channel geometry and bed-material measurements were used to assess changes in sediment entrainment in four alluvial reaches. Sand and fine gravel are transported through riffle/pool reaches at most discharges, but the cobbles and boulders composing the streambed in many reaches now are infrequently entrained. Periodic debris flows add coarse sediment to rapids and can increase pool elevation and the streambed area affected by backwater and fine-sediment accumulation. Debris-flow supplied boulders accumulate on fans and in rapids and constrict the channel until reworked by larger floods. The response to streamflow-régime changes in the Gunnison Gorge could serve as an analog for alluvial reaches in other regulated canyon rivers.  相似文献   

The operation of Trinity and Lewiston Dams on the Trinity River in northern California in the United States, combined with severe watershed erosion, has jeopardized the existence of prime salmonid fisheries. Extreme streamflow depletion and stream sedimentation below Lewiston have resulted in heavy accumulation of coarse sediment on riffle gravel and filling of streambed pools, causing the destruction of spawning, nursery, and overwintering habitat for prized chinook salmon (Salmo gairdnerii) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha). Proposals to restore and maintain the degraded habitat include controlled one-time remedial peak flows or annual maintenance peak flows designed to flush the spawning gravel and scour the banks, deltas, and pools. The criteria for effective channel restoration or maintenance by streambed flushing and scouring are examined here, as well as the mechanics involved.The liabilities of releasing mammoth scouring-flushing flows approximating the magnitude that preceded reservoir construction make this option unviable. The resulting damage to fish habitat established under the postproject streamflow regime, as well as damage to human settlements in the floodplain, would be unacceptable, as would the opportunity costs to hydroelectric and irrigation water users. The technical feasibility of annual maintenance flushing flows depends upon associated mechanical and structural measures, particularly instream maintenance dredging of deep pools and construction of a sediment control dam on a tributary where watershed erosion is extreme. The cost effectiveness of a sediment dam with a limited useful economic life, combined with perpetual maintenance dredging, is questionable.  相似文献   

A study on sediment transport and channel change was conducted on Zayante Creek and the lower San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz County, California. A rainstorm with a recurrence interval locally in excess of 150 years occurred during the study year, 1982 WY. Stream surveys indicated that significant aggradation occurred during and after the peak flood. Upper study reaches were substantially recovered after high flows of early April, but the lower study reaches still had significant filling of pools and burial of riffles by sand. Increases in width-depth ratio were minor and localized in upper reaches, but were significant in lower reaches. Large inputs of sand, primarily from landsliding, altered the sediment transport regime. A higher proportion of the bedload is now transported by lower flows than before the January event. Roads and sand quarries contributed significantly to sediment input to the stream. A proposed dam may alter the sediment transport regime of Zayante Creek. Mitigating the effects of this dam on downstream fish habitat may require occasional bankfull discharges.  相似文献   

Abstract: Many rivers and streams of the Mid‐Atlantic Region, United States (U.S.) have been altered by postcolonial floodplain sedimentation (legacy sediment) associated with numerous milldams. Little Conestoga Creek, Pennsylvania, a tributary to the Susquehanna River and the Chesapeake Bay, is one of these streams. Floodplain sedimentation rates, bank erosion rates, and channel morphology were measured annually during 2004‐2007 at five sites along a 28‐km length of Little Conestoga Creek with nine colonial era milldams (one dam was still in place in 2007). This study was part of a larger cooperative effort to quantify floodplain sedimentation, bank erosion, and channel morphology in a high sediment yielding region of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Data from the five sites were used to estimate the annual volume and mass of sediment stored on the floodplain and eroded from the banks for 14 segments along the 28‐km length of creek. A bank and floodplain reach based sediment budget (sediment budget) was constructed for the 28 km by summing the net volume of sediment deposited and eroded from each segment. Mean floodplain sedimentation rates for Little Conestoga Creek were variable, with erosion at one upstream site (?5 mm/year) to deposition at the other four sites (highest = 11 mm/year) despite over a meter of floodplain aggradation from postcolonial sedimentation. Mean bank erosion rates range between 29 and 163 mm/year among the five sites. Bank height increased 1 m for every 10.6 m of channel width, from upstream to downstream (R2 = 0.79, p < 0.0001) resulting in progressively lowered hydraulic connectivity between the channel and the floodplain. Floodplain sedimentation and bank erosion rates also appear to be affected by the proximity of the segments to one existing milldam, which promotes deposition upstream and scouring downstream. The floodplain and bank along the 28‐km reach produced a net mean sediment loss of 5,634 Mg/year for 2004‐2007, indicating that bank erosion was exceeding floodplain sedimentation. In particular, the three segments between the existing dam and the confluence with the Conestoga River (32% of the studied reach) account for 97% of the measured net sediment budget. Future research directed at understanding channel equilibria should facilitate efforts to reduce the sediment impacts of dam removal and legacy sediment.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The state of Michigan is interested in removing two low‐head dams in an 8.8 km reach of the Kalamazoo River between Plainwell and Otsego, Michigan, while minimizing impacts locally and to downstream reaches. The study was designed to evaluate the erosion, transport, and deposition of sediments over a 37.3‐year period using the channel evolution model CONCEPTS for three simulation scenarios: Dams In (DI), Dams Out (DO), and Design (D). The total mass of sediment emanating from the channel boundary, for the DI case, shows net deposition of 4,100 T/y for the study reach, with net transport (suspended and bed load) of 10,500 T/y passing the downstream boundary. For the DO case, net erosion is 19,200 T/y with net transport of 30,100 T/y (187% increase) passing the downstream boundary. For the D case, net deposition is 2,570 T/y (37% decrease) with transport of 14,200 T/y (35% increase) passing the downstream boundary. The most significant findings were: (1) removal of the low‐head dams will cause significant erosion of sediments stored behind the dams and increased sediment loads passing the downstream boundary and (2) sediment loads for the proposed channel design are similar to existing conditions and offer reduced fine‐sediment loadings.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP5) was used to model the transport and sediment/water interactions of metals under low flow, steady state conditions in Tenmile Creek, a mountain stream supplying drinking water to the City of Helena, Montana, impacted by numerous abandoned hard rock mines. The model was calibrated for base flow using data collected by USEPA and validated using data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for higher flows. It was used to assess metals loadings and losses, exceedances of Montana State water quality standards, metals interactions in stream water and bed sediment, uncertainty in fate and transport processes and model parameters, and effectiveness of remedial alternatives that include leaving contaminated sediment in the stream. Results indicated that during base flow, adits and point sources contribute significant metals loadings to the stream, but that shallow ground water and bed sediment also contribute metals in some key locations. Losses from the water column occur in some areas, primarily due to adsorption and precipitation onto bed sediments. Some uncertainty exists in the metal partition coefficients associated with sediment, significance of precipitation reactions, and in the specific locations of unidentified sources and losses of metals. Standards exceedances are widespread throughout the stream, but the model showed that remediation of point sources and mine waste near water courses can help improve water quality. Model results also indicate, however, that alteration of the water supply scheme and increasing base flow will probably be required to meet all water quality standards.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In Yegua Creek, a principal tributary of the Brazos River in Texas, surveys of a 19 km channel reach downstream of Somerville Dam show that channel capacity decreased by an average of 65 percent in a 34 year period following dam closure. The decrease corresponds with an approximately 85 percent reduction in annual flood peaks. Channel depth has changed the most, decreasing by an average of 61 percent. Channel width remained stable with an average decrease of only 9 percent, reflecting cohesive bank materials along with the growth of riparian vegetation resulting from increased low flows during dry summer months. Although large changes in stream channel geometry are not uncommon downstream of dams, such pronounced reductions in channel capacity could have long‐term implications for sediment delivery through the system.  相似文献   

An issue in evaluating the success of agricultural management practices is the speed that eroded particles make their way through the downstream waters. In this study at Old Woman Creek (OWC) and Rock Creek (RC), two largely agricultural watersheds in Ohio, the flux of sediment and radionuclides (7Be, 210Pb, and 137Cs) in thunderstorm runoff was examined to better understand transport of eroded agricultural soils. The hydrograph in an agricultural area under no-till was similar in timing, but of lesser magnitude, than the hydrograph from a similar-sized area under conventional tillage. The activities of 210Pb and 7Be are linearly correlated and are higher in suspended sediments derived from no-till subbasins than those derived from conventionally tilled subbasins. A suspended sediment plume, identified by its unique radionuclide signature, was traced through 17 km of OWC stream channel in approximately 13.4 h (0.35 m/s). The downstream exponential decrease of 7Be activities in suspended sediments 3 to 12 h after passage of the sediment plume was used to estimate transport distances of suspended sediment from 2 to 17 km, respectively. Transport distances of suspended sediments were also calculated from wave kinematics and indicate that at OWC suspended sediment transport distances were longer in streams draining areas of no-till (19-26 km) than in the streams draining areas of conventional tillage (6-15 km). Suspended sediments travel 7 to 22 km at RC. The transport distances are long relative to the lengths of the stream channel and indicate that erosion control methods implemented in the watershed should be reflected quickly in downstream waters.  相似文献   

Sage Creek in south‐central Wyoming is listed as impaired by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) due to its sediment contribution to the North Platte River. Despite the magnitude of sediment impacts on streams, little research has been conducted to characterize patterns of sediment transport or to model suspended sediment concentration in many arid western U.S. streams. This study examined the relationship between stream discharge and suspended sediment concentration near the Sage Creek and North Platte River confluence from 1998 through 2003. The objectives were to determine patterns of stream discharge and suspended sediment concentration, produce a sediment prediction model, and compare sediment concentrations for the six‐year period. Stream discharge and suspended sediment transport responded rapidly to convective storms and spring runoff events. During the study period, events exceeding 0.23 m3/s accounted for 92 percent of the sediment load, which is believed to originate from erodible headwater uplands. Further analysis of these data indicates that time series modeling is superior to simple linear regression in predicting sediment concentration. Significant increases in suspended sediment concentration occurred in all years except 2003. This analysis suggests that a six‐year monitoring record was insufficient to factor out impacts from climate, geology, and historical sediment storage.  相似文献   

The loss of the world's reservoir capacity to sedimentation can be mitigated by altering dam operations to release sediment downstream. However, legal uncertainty regarding whether dam owners are liable for damages to surrounding landowners due to altered operations provides a significant disincentive for sustainable sediment management. Past work recommends that courts apply a “rule of reasonableness” in assessing liability: dam owners should be held liable for damages only if they act unreasonably in altering operations, and surrounding landowners should take reasonable measures to mitigate foreseeable damage. Based on past cases, judicial determinations of reasonable reservoir management and reasonable precautionary measures by landowners are generally highly speculative, controversial, and based on limited information. Courts can ease the future burden of making these difficult determinations with rulings that create economic incentives for parties to act reasonably. For example, courts might entitle landowners to be free from sediment related damages, and protect the entitlement with a liability rule. This gives dam owners an economic incentive to release sediment only if the benefits of doing so outweigh court ordered damages to landowners. Past judicial decisions are largely consistent with this legal regime.  相似文献   

It is becoming more common for public authorities in charge of dam construction and management to inform the population living in the area soon to be submerged by a proposed dam. However, populations living further downstream along a river to be dammed, have often been left to find out by chance, despite the fact that the changes to the river flow regime will have an important impact on their lives, sometimes serious negative impacts. This article makes a comparison between two dams, one at Bort-les-Orgues across the upper Dordogne River in southern France, the other the Bagré Dam over the Nakambé (or White Volta) River in south-eastern Burkina Faso. The article discusses dam construction and operation from the point of view of the concerned populations living in the reservoir and downstream areas.
In 2000, a study was carried out in the Dordogne Valley to ascertain downstream impacts of dam operations and information needs of the population. Suggestions from local river users related mostly to improving public information about predicted and actual flow rates and actual flow in real time along the 300 km course of the Dordogne between the dams and the estuary. Such information should be disseminated as widely as possible through available media, including the Internet, and also displayed visibly in key locations along the length of the river.  相似文献   

Although the implementation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) has dramatically increased the quality of surface waters in urbanized areas, WWTPs can still discharge noticeable amounts of solutes and particles to recipient streams. Although the fate of WWTP nutrients has received considerable attention, transport and in-stream transformation of sewage-derived particulate organic matter (SDPOM) have not. To investigate the transport and transformation of SDPOM in recipient streams, we experimentally injected fluorescently labeled SDPOM into a headwater stream and tracked its downstream fate at baseflow. Most SDPOM disappeared from the streamwater within a 160-m long reach with an average deposition velocity of 0.14 mm s(-1). We further coupled hydrometric measurements of specific water fluxes through the streambed interface with a mixing model to estimate streambed oxygen removal, and found significantly higher oxygen removal in the deposition (0.75 g O2 m(-2) d(-1)) than in the downstream post-deposition (0.36 g O2 m(-2) d(-1)) subreach. Contrary to our expectations, we did not detect any apparent effect of SDPOM deposition on streambed clogging. Our results show the capacity of a recipient stream to retain SDPOM and to reduce its downstream export, and thus contribute to a better understanding of ecosystem services of human-altered streams.  相似文献   

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