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This study compares the performances of fern and plastic chips as packing media for the biofiltration of a styrene-laden waste gas stream emitted in a plant for the manufacture of plastic door plates. Fern chips (with a specific surface area of 1090 m2 m?3) and plastic chips (with a specific surface area of 610 m2 m?3) were packed into a pilot-scale biotrickling filter with a total medium volume of 50 L for the performance test. Field waste gas with styrene concentrations in the range of 161–2390 mg Am?3 at 28–30 °C) was introduced to the bed and a fixed empty-bed retention time (EBRT) of 21 sec, a volumetric gas flow rate of 8.57 m3 hr?1, and superficial gas velocity of 53.6 m hr?1 were maintained throughout the experimental period. Nutrients containing metal salts, nitrogen, phosphorus, and milk were supplemented to the filters for maintaining the microbial activities. Results reveal that the biotrickling filter developed in this study had the highest styrene monomer (SM) elimination capacities (170 g m?3 hr?1 for fern-chip packing and 300 g m?3 hr?1 for plastic-chip packing) among those cited in the literature. The plastic medium is a favorable substitute for endangered fern chips. The thermal-setting nature of plastic chips limits their recycle and reuse as raw materials, and the study provides an opportunity for the utilization of the materials.

Implications: Biotreatment of contaminants in air streams offers an inexpensive and efficient alternative to conventional technologies. Biofiltration has a great potential for the degradation of gas-borne styrene and total hydrocarbon (THC) removal efficiency of around 80%. The objective of this research was to compare the performances of fern chips and a kind of plastic chips as packing media for biofiltration of the styrene-laden waste gas stream emitted from cutting operations of stripes of premixed unsaturated polyester (UP) and styrene paste before hot-pressing operations for making plastic door plates. From a practical point of view, the plastic medium can be a good substitute medium for fern chips, which has been declared as a protected plant. This study provides an experimentally verified model for the design and operation of such biotreatment systems.  相似文献   


A biotrickling filter with blast-furnace slag packings (sizes = 20-40 mm and specific surface area = 120 m2/m3) was utilized to treat NO in an air stream. The operational stability, as well as the effects of gas empty-bed retention time (EBRT) and nutrient addition on the removal ability of NO, were tested. Approximately six weeks were required for the development of a biofilm for NO degradation, and a two-week organic carbon deficiency resulted in the detachment of biofilms from the packing surfaces. A steady removal rate of 80% was attained at specified influent NO concentrations of 892 to 1237 ppm and an EBRT of 118 sec. The effluent NO concentration diminished exponentially with enlarging EBRT, with influent NO concentrations of 203-898 ppm, and EBRTs of 25 to 118 sec. Nutrient addition is essential for efficient removal of the influent NO. Mass ratios of C: P: N = 7: 1: 30 and NaHCO3: NO-N = 6.3 could be used for practical applications.  相似文献   

采用生物滤床处理NO模拟废气,研究了停留时间(EBRT)、有机物浓度等在生物硝化去除NO技术中的作用过程.实验结果表明,EBRT和有机物含量是影响NO硝化去除效率的主要因素,NO去除效果随着有机物含量和EBRT的增大而提高;当进口浓度50 mg/m3,营养液中葡萄糖40 mg/L,EBRT>3 min时,NO去除率达95%以上.比较自养菌和异养菌对NO硝化去除的效果,异养菌的去除效率提高20%~30%,具有广泛应用前景.  相似文献   

The importance of municipal wastewater land application to nitric oxide production and transport in soil was studied through the formulation and conduct of a comprehensive laboratory testing protocol. Nitric oxide (NO) is a precursor in the formation of tropospheric ozone which can directly impact public health and the environment. It is the uncertainty in the NO budget, and its relation to O3, that motivates the need for measurements and modeling of NO flux from soils. Wastewater-amended soil is potentially one important component of that budget. NO emissions reported here were measured from: a well-characterized unamended soil, water-amended soil, and wastewater-amended soil in the laboratory in a dynamic test chamber. Laboratory results indicate that NO emissions from the selected sandy loam soil ranged from 0.3 to 0.4 ng N m-2 s-1 per cm2 of unamended soil, while water-amended soil emissions ranged from 0.4 to 0.7 ng N m-2 s-1 per cm2. NO flux from wastewater-amended soil ranged from 1.0 to 1.2 ng N m-2 s-1 per cm2 of applied soil.  相似文献   

Emissions of nitric oxide (NO) were determined during late spring and summer 1995 and the spring of 1996 from four agricultural soils on which four different crops were grown. These agricultural soils were located at four different sites throughout North Carolina. Emission rates were calculated using a dynamic flow-through chamber system coupled to a mobile laboratory for in-situ analysis. Average NO fluxes during late spring 1995 were: 50.9±47.7 ng N m−2 s−1 from soil planted with corn in the lower coastal plain. Average NO fluxes during summer 1995 were: 6.4±4.6 and 20.2±19.0 ng N m−2 s−1, respectively, from soils planted with corn and soybean in the coastal region; 4.2±1.7 ng N m−2 s−1 from soils planted with tobacco in the piedmont region; and 8.5±4.9 ng N m−2 s−1 from soils planted with corn in the upper piedmont region. Average NO fluxes for spring 1996 were: 66.7±60.7 ng N m−2 s−1 from soils planted with wheat in the lower coastal plain; 9.5±2.9 ng N m−2 s−1 from soils planted with wheat in the coastal plain; 2.7±3.4 ng N m−2 s−1 from soils planted with wheat in the piedmont region; and 56.1±53.7 ng N m−2 s−1 from soils planted with corn in the upper piedmont region. An apparent increase in NO flux with soil temperature was present at all of the locations. The composite data from all the research sites revealed a general positive trend of increasing NO flux with soil water content. In general, increases in total extractable nitrogen (TEN) appeared to be related to increased NO emissions within each site, however a consistent trend was not evident across all sites.  相似文献   

An experimental study was conducted in order to determine the relationship of nitric oxide (NO) consumption to water-filled pore space in soil. A test system that included the capability to blend gases, test soil samples, and analyze off-gases was used to conduct the study. The experimental set consisted of three replicates at five different levels of soil water content and three different levels of soil nitrogen in a sandy loam soil: unamended soil, soil fertilized at 56.2 kg N per ha (50 lb N acre(-1)), and soil fertilized at 112.3 kg N per ha (100 lb N acre(-1)). The average NO consumption rates were 7.1x10(-13) g-NO cm(-3) soil, 3.5x10(-11) g-NO cm(-3) soil, and 1.5x10(-10) g-NO cm(-3) soil, respectively.  相似文献   

The catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 on alumina supported Fe-Cr-V (18/1/1 atomic ratios) oxides and Fe-V (1/1 atomic ratio) oxides in simulated flue gas has been investigated. Preliminary experimental results indicate that both show exceptional promise as sulfur-resistant and active catalysts for the control of NOx in power plant exhaust emissions.  相似文献   

过渡金属氧化物催化氧化NO实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用沉淀法制备出一系列过渡金属氧化物催化剂,在内径为10 mm的固定床反应器中考察其对低浓度NO的催化氧化活性,催化反应活性顺序为:MnCrCoCuFeZn,并考察了以锰为活性组分采用低温固相法、流变相法和浸渍法制备的催化剂催化氧化NO的活性。实验结果表明,采用流变相法和低温固相法制备的锰氧化物催化剂,在反应温度150℃,NO浓度为5×10-4,O2为3%,N2为平衡气,空速51 000 h-1条件下,NO转化率分别为65%和57%;采用浸渍法制备的Mn/TiO2-10%催化剂,在反应温度200℃,空速相同的条件下,NO转化率为47%。  相似文献   

Determining the amount and rate of degradation of toxic pollutants in soil and groundwater is difficult and often requires invasive techniques, such as deploying extensive monitoring well networks. Even with these networks, degradation rates across entire systems cannot readily be extrapolated from the samples. When organic compounds are degraded by microbes, especially nitrifying bacteria, oxides or nitrogen (NOx) are released to the atmosphere. Thus, the flux of nitric oxide (NO) from the soil to the lower troposphere can be used to predict the rate at which organic compounds are degraded. By characterizing and applying biogenic and anthropogenic processes in soils the rates of degradation of organic compounds. Toluene was selected as a representative of toxic aromatic compounds, since it is inherently toxic, it is a substituted benzene compound and is listed as a hazardous air pollutant under Section 12 of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Measured toluene concentrations in soil, microbial population growth and NO fluxes in chamber studies were used to develop and parameterize a numerical model based on carbon and nitrogen cycling. These measurements, in turn, were used as indicators of bioremediation of air toxic (i.e. toluene) concentrations. The model found that chemical concentration, soil microbial abundance, and NO production can be directly related to the experimental results (significant at P < 0.01) for all toluene concentrations tested. This indicates that the model may prove useful in monitoring and predicting the fate of toxic aromatic contaminants in a complex soil system. It may also be useful in predicting the release of ozone precursors, such as changes in reservoirs of hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen. As such, the model may be a tool for decision makers in ozone non-attainment areas.  相似文献   

采用自行研制的生物转鼓过滤器(RDB)反硝化净化NO。结果表明,在实验温度为25~30℃、pH为7.0~7.5、转鼓转速为1.0r/min、空床停留时间(EBRT)为86.40s、营养液用量为5.0L、营养液更换频率为0.2L/d的条件下,RDB在30d内完成挂膜;RDB稳定运行期间,当NO进气质量浓度为90~433mg/m3时,NO去除率维持在42.9%~85.2%,平均去除负荷为10.40g/(m3.h);转鼓转速决定了生物膜表面的更新速率和液膜厚度,当转速为0.5r/min时,NO去除率达到最大值(75.0%);将营养液用量控制在1.3~3.0L较为合理;EBRT是决定反硝化效率的重要因素,当EBRT为345.60s时,NO去除率不受其进气浓度的影响,且去除率高达95%以上,当EBRT为43.20s、NO进气质量浓度从98mg/m3增加到1095mg/m3时,NO去除率从62.5%下降到30.7%,当进气负荷为50.00g/(m3.h)时,NO去除负荷达到最大值(27.50g/(m3.h))。  相似文献   

The emission of NO was parameterized using empirical relationships with landuse type, fertilization rate and soil temperature. Eight landuse types (including four arable lands) were considered. Fertilization rates were distinguished for different regions and crops. A typical summer period of July in 1999 was chosen for detailed calculations. The total NO emission in the July is 141.1 Gg N, with 73.7% from arable lands and 22.0% from grasslands. The highest emission intensity can be more than 40 ng N m(-2) s(-1) in the heavily fertilized North China Plain, and the average of the whole lands is 6.5 ng N m(-2) s(-1). The annual emission was roughly estimated to be 657 Gg N, about 11.7% of the global total (5600 Gg N, reported by IPCC in 2000), and about 12.5% of the anthropogenic origin in China. Our results were compared with some earlier findings, and uncertainties were discussed.  相似文献   

Unraveling the source of nitric oxide emission during nitrification.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitric oxide production was measured during nitrification in a laboratory-scale bioreactor, operated at conditions relevant to municipal nitrifying wastewater treatment plants. This study aims to determine which type of microorganism and which metabolic pathway is responsible for nitric oxide emission during nitrification. Simulation studies were used to identify which pathway is the main source of nitric oxide emission, based on the following three hypothetical pathways for nitric oxide emission: (a) nitrification, (b) denitrification by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria with ammonium as electron donor, and (c) heterotrophic denitrification. The results of the study suggest that, in a nitrifying reactor treating wastewater containing solely ammonium and nutrients, denitrification by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria is the main nitric-oxide-producing pathway. During the experiments, 0.025% of the treated ammonium is emitted as nitric oxide, independent of the aeration rate imposed. Nitrite presence and oxygen limitation were found to increase the nitric oxide emission.  相似文献   

The variation and spatial distribution of the atmospheric concentration of nitric oxide (NO) near the epicenter of the Kobe earthquake at local time 5:46, 17 January 1995 have been studied using data at monitoring stations of the local environmental protection agencies. The concentration of NO 8 days before the earthquake was 199 ppb, about ten times larger than the average peak level of 19 ppb, accompanying the retrospectively reported precursory earthquake lightning, increase of radon concentration in well water and of the counts of electromagnetic (EM) signals. The reported thunderstorm over the Japan Sea about 150 km away was too far for the thunder-generated NO to reach the epicenter area. The concentration of NO was also found to have increased before other major earthquakes (Magnitude>5.0) in Japan. Atmospheric discharges by electric charges or EM waves before earthquakes may have generated NO. However, the generation of NO by human activities of fuel combustion soon after holidays is enormously high every year, which makes it difficult to clearly link the increase with the earthquakes. The increase soon after the earthquake due to traffic jams is clear. The concentration of NO should be monitored at a several sites away from human activities as background data of natural variation and to study its generation at a seismic area before a large earthquake.  相似文献   

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