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Seeing the sustainability of rice-wheat cropping system (RWCS) of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, adequate crop nutrition in general and nitrogen (N) in particular holds the key to sound crop management. The excessive application or insufficient management of N means an economic loss to the farmer and may lead to yield penalties and environmental problems. Improving N management in consonance with other nutrients is much important to break yield plateaus as breeding for high yielding is not happening in recent years. Findings from farm survey are used to evaluate the on-farm N management practices in rice crop of the study area. The crop management practices (especially time of sowing/transplanting and irrigation requirement) and resource base of the farmers decided the N use pattern of the farmers. The N(Physical optimum) and N(economic optimum) exceeding the recommended levels revealed the apparent need for the revalidation of the existing recommendations. Paddy yield increased significantly within different rice types. This study generated comprehensive data on N use pattern in rice in the study area.  相似文献   

To assess P losses to surface water by runoff during the rice season and by drainage flow during the winter wheat season, serial field trials were conducted in different types of paddy soils in the Tai Lake Region (TLR) during 2000 and 2001. Four P application rates were set as 0 (CK), 30, 150, and 300 kg P/hm2 for flooded rice trials and 0 (CK), 20, 80, 160 kg P/hm2 for winter wheat trials respectively. Field experiments were done in two locations with a plot size of 30 m2 and four replications in a randomized complete block design. A simplified lysimeter was installed for each plot to collect all the runoff or drainage flow from each event. Total P (TP) losses to surface water during rice season by runoff flow from four treatments were 150 (CK), 220 (T30), 395 (T150), 670 (T300) g P/hm2 in year 2000, and 298, 440, 1828, 3744 g P/hm2 in year 2001 respectively in Wuxi station, here the soil is permeable paddy soil derived from loam clay deposit. While the losses were 102, 140, 210, 270 in year 2000, and 128, 165, 359, 589 g P/hm2 in year 2001 respectively in Changshu station, here the soil is waterlogged paddy soil derived from silt loam deposit. During the winter wheat season, total P lost from the fields by drainage flow in the four treatments were 253 (CK), 382 (T20), 580 (T89), 818 (T160) g P/hm2 in year 2000–2001, and 573.3, 709.4, 1123.2, 1552.4 g P/hm2 in year 2001–2002 at the Wuxi station. While these were 395.6, 539.1, 1356.8, 1972.1 g P/hm2 in year 2000–2001, and 811.5, 1184.6, 3001.2, 5333.1 g P/hm2 in year 2001–2002 at the Changshu station. Results revealed that P fertilizer application rates significantly affected the TP concentrations and TP loads in runoff during the rice season, and by drainage flow during the winter wheat season. Both TP loads were significantly increased as the P application rate increases. The data indicate that TP losses to surface water were much higher during the winter wheat season than during the rice season in two tested sites. The data also reveal that the annual precipitation and evaporation rate affected the soil P losses to surface water significantly. Year 2000 was relatively dried with higher evaporation thus P losses to water by both runoff and drainage flow were less than in year 2001 which was a relatively wet year with lower evaporation. Results indicate that texture, structure of the soil profile, and field construction (with or without ridge and deep drains) affected soil P losses to surface water dramatically. Annual possible TP lost to water at the application rate of 50 kg P/hm2 year tested in TLR were estimated from 97 to 185 tones P from permeable paddy soils and 109–218 tones P from waterlogged paddy soils. There was no significant difference of TP lost between the CK and the T50 treatments in both stations, which indicate that there is no more TP lost in field of normal P fertilizer application rate than in control field of no P fertilized. Much higher TP lost in runoff or drainage flow from those other P application rates treatments than from the T50 treatment, which suggest that P losses to surface water would be greatly increasing in the time when higher available P accumulation in plough layer soil in this region.  相似文献   

对环太湖丘陵地区农田氮素随地表径流的输出特征进行了研究,结果表明,地表径流中TN浓度随径流量而变化,浓度峰值出现时间滞后于径流量峰值;径流发生前期,NH3 N和NO-3 N浓度水平相当,后期NO-3 N浓度缓慢抬升,而NH3 N含量缓慢下降;NO-2 N浓度相对较低,随时间快速下降;对于TN和NO-3 N而言,溶解态含量高于悬浮态,而溶解态和悬浮态NH3 N的浓度相当;无机氮平均浓度高于有机氮,有机氮尤其是悬浮态有机氮浓度表现出随径流量而变化的特点。  相似文献   

红壤双季稻田不同施肥下的氨挥发损失及其影响因素   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在红壤双季稻田上采用密闭气室法测定了施用等氮量化肥(尿素)、有机肥(猪粪)及化肥有机肥(有机氮无机氮各占一半)配施下氨挥发及其田间表面水NH4 -N含量、温度和pH动态变化,研究氨挥发损失及影响因素.结果表明,与施用尿素相比,单施有机肥及化肥有机肥配施显著降低了稻田氨挥发,施用尿素的早稻和晚稻氨挥发损失率分别达41.4%和39.9%,单施有机肥的分别为0.3%和0.9%,化肥有机肥配施的分别为19.6%和8.9%.施肥后,短期内田面水NH4 -N含量和pH均显著上升,其与氨挥发速率均呈显著正相关.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for two years to find out best water management practice to mitigate methane emission from the rice-fields. Continuously flooded conditions yielded two major flushes of methane emission and on an average resulted in relatively higher rate of methane emission (2.20 and 1.30 mg m(-2) hr(-1), respectively in 2005 and 2006) during the kharif season. The methane flux was reduced to half (1.02 and 0.47 mg m(-2) hr(-1), respectively in 2005 and 2006) when rice fields were irrigated 2-3 days after infiltration of flood water into the soil. Irrigating the field at 0.15 bar matric potential reduced seasonal methane flux by 60% (0.99 and 0.41 mg m(-2) hr(-1), respectively in 2005 and 2006) as compared to completely flooded conditions, without any decline in grain yield (60 q ha(-1)).  相似文献   

太湖平原农田区域地表水特征及对氮磷流失的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解太湖平原不同类型农田氮磷流失特征,在嘉兴地区选择8类共38个农田作为定位点,在降水后对定位点农田沟渠和近农田河道地表水特征进行监测,并采集、检测水样.结果表明:太湖平原农田易产流,径流氮磷污染强度大.在24 h大于15 nm雨量(15 mm·(24 h)-1)或48 h大于20 mm雨量(20 mm·(48 h)-1)的降水条件下,各类农田产流次数占历次监测比例(简称产流频度)为50%~100%;径流氮磷含量超过国家地表水环境质量标准(GB3838-2002)中的Ⅴ类水标准(N,2mg·L-1;P,0.4mg·L-1).汛期,农田产流频度平均高出非汛期13%,农田氮磷流失频度和强度均大于非汛期,氮磷含量分别高出1.2mg·L-1和0.26mg·L-1.不同类型农田氮磷流失强度差异大,氮素最大相差11倍,磷素达4倍.近农田河道水全年多停滞,河水停滞次数占历次监测比例(简称停滞频度)为40%以上,易于氮磷累积.在汛期的15 mm·(24 ·L-1或20mm·(48·L-1以上强度降水条件下,种植蔬菜、果木类和旱作大田作物的农田尤应作为农田面源污染防控重点,近农田河道流动特征应被关注.  相似文献   

The levels of organochlorine compounds in eggs of water birds from the colony on Tai Lake in China were studied. The eggs were collected in 2000 and belonged to the following species: 65 samples of black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), 36 samples of little egret (Egretta garzetta), 26 samples of cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) from 13 clutches and 43 samples of Chinese pond heron (Ardeola bacchus) from 17 clutches. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its derivates (DDE and DDD), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and its isomers (alpha-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH, delta-HCH), heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, endrin aldehyde, alpha-endosulfan, beta-endosulfan, and endosulfan sulfate were determined in the laboratory by gas chromatography. The data showed that DDE had the highest levels in all the samples, followed by beta-HCH. The mean levels of DDE among the water bird species were in the order as follows: black-crowned night heron (5464.26 ng/g, dry weight) > Chinese pond heron (2791.12 ng/g, dry weight) > little egret (1979.97 ng/g, dry weight) > cattle egret (660.11 ng/g, dry weight). DDT and its metabolites accounted for 90% of the total organochlorines, except that it was only 73% for cattle egret. The differences of the residue among the bird species were statistically significant and could be attributed to their variations in prey and habitat. Although the DDE burdens in Tai Lake were much lower than 8 microg/g (wet weight) which are thought to have significant adverse effects on black-crowned night herons, they would be expected to increase the risk of adverse effects on survival of chicks of herons and egrets, particularly black-crowned night heron, based on the critical value of 1 microg/g (wet weight) DDE. The burdens of HCHs in this study were higher and the cyclodienes were lower than those found elsewhere.  相似文献   

太湖地区侧渗水稻土稻田磷素动态特征及其潜在环境效应的田间测试结果表明,水稻地上部收获带走的磷量平均为47.5kg·hm-2;土壤表层0—10cm富集的磷、整个稻季径流流失的溶解态磷、颗粒态磷和总磷与施磷量呈线性相关关系。水稻生长季由径流损失的总磷量约在1.3~5.1kg·hm-2,损失量随施磷量的增加而增加。过量施肥会增加磷素径流流失风险,在当地施磷量30kg·hm-2条件下,水田磷素流失量相对很小。太湖地区侧渗水稻土稻季建议施磷量为50kg·hm-2。  相似文献   

苏南太湖地区农田水中COD的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在苏南太湖地区5个县7个试验田,对农业非点源有机物污染进行封闭集水区农田径流研究。结果表明:输入农田的污染量以污染比负荷量2年平均值表示,水田为-24.45~10.95kg/ha·a,旱地为-11.70~1.65kg/ha·a,说明农田排水中有机物质对水系水质污染很小。  相似文献   

东湖、汤逊湖和梁子湖沉积物磷形态及pH对磷释放的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章采用淡水沉积物中磷形态标准测试程序(SMT)研究了东湖、汤逊湖和梁子湖沉积物中磷的形态分布,并比较了不同pH条件下沉积物磷释放特征的差异性。结果表明:东湖沉积物总磷质量分数最高,平均值1.232 mg.g-1,其次为汤逊湖(0.762mg.g-1),梁子湖沉积物总磷质量分数最低(0.572 mg.g-1);3个湖泊上覆水总磷质量浓度也表现出类似的变化规律,线性相关性分析显示上覆水中总磷质量浓度与沉积物总磷质量分数显著正相关。东湖和梁子湖沉积物总磷中无机磷和有机磷所占比例较接近,汤逊湖无机磷所占比例远低于有机磷。不同湖泊之间磷形态的分布并没有一定的规律性,湖泊的地理分布以及人为因素可能是造成磷形态差异的主要因素。当pH为2.0~7.0时,3个湖泊沉积物中溶解性活性磷(SRP)释放量均呈先增加后减小的趋势;当pH为7.0~12.0时,SRP释放量呈增加趋势。相关分析结果表明,SRP的释放与有机质的质量分数无显著相关性。方差分析结果显示3个湖泊沉积物在黏粒和粉粒组成上均没有显著差异(P>0.1),表明实验样品的粒径组成不是造成各个湖泊间磷释放差异的原因。不同pH条件下,SRP释放量与沉积物总磷质量分数显著正相关;酸性环境下,SRP释放量与酸式磷(HCl-P)的相关性优于碱式磷(NaOH-P),碱性环境下则刚好相反。  相似文献   

氨(NH3)挥发是农业生态系统氮肥损失的重要途经,然而,北方干旱半干旱地区水肥耦合马铃薯田土壤NH3挥发规律缺少数据支撑.该研究利用通气法田间原位观测我国西北滴灌水肥一体化和传统沟灌施肥马铃薯田水肥耦合土壤NH3挥发特征,设置滴灌施肥500 kg·hm-2(DDF)、滴灌施肥1000 kg·hm-2(DGF)、滴灌不施肥(DCK)、沟灌施肥500 kg·hm-2(FDF)、沟灌施肥1000 kg·hm-2(FGF)、沟灌不施肥(FCK)6个处理.结果表明,NH3挥发速率峰值出现在施用氮肥后1—2周,不同水肥处理土壤NH3挥发存在显著差异(P<0.01).2018年DDF、DGF、DCK、FDF、FGF、FCK土壤NH3累积挥发量分别为21.50、28.14、7.20、37.06、66.25、11.88 kg·hm-2;2019年,分别为9.42、15.25、7.24、34.73、76.81、8.56 kg·hm-2.2018年和2019年,沟灌FDF处理的NH3挥发损失率分别是滴灌DDF处理的1.76倍和11.89倍;沟灌FGF处理分别是滴灌DGF的2.60倍和8.54倍.滴灌DGF处理NH3挥发强度比滴灌DDF处理分别增加27.03%和52.94%,沟灌FGF处理比沟灌FDF处理分别增加76.04%和118.37%.随施肥量增加,传统沟灌马铃薯田土壤NH3挥发损失率和NH3挥发强度的增量高于滴灌水肥一体化模式.NH3挥发速率与土壤体积含水量、NH4+-N和NO3--N呈极显著相关(P<0.01).和传统沟灌比较,滴灌水肥一体化技术降低马铃薯田土壤NH3挥发损失率,减轻NH3挥发强度,提高马铃薯水肥利用率,减轻环境污染.  相似文献   

Distribution and equilibrium partitioning of metals (Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Ni, Pb, Mn, and Zn) between pore water and surface sediments at the Ilaje coast of Ondo State, Nigeria, were studied. The Ilaje River can be one of the interesting research locations because of its economic nature and history of oil pollution. Seasonal variations were observed to investigate possible variations in the availability of metals for organisms throughout the year. The concentrations in both sediments and pore water during the dry and wet seasons were as follows: Cu?>?Fe???Mn?>?Pb?>?Ni?>?Cr?>?Cd?>?Zn. The pore water–sediment partition coefficient (K p) showed that Zn and Cd were highly mobile while Fe and Cu have restricted mobility. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in pore water had a strong influence on mobility and bioavailability of all the metals (p?K oc), increased levels of Fe and Cu were linked to lithological origin. Concentrations of Pb and Ni were associated with petroleum-related sources. The significance of the field-based techniques for ecotoxicological purposes is discussed.  相似文献   

Vortices could play an important role in the occurrence of certain biological phenomena, such as the massive proliferation of harmful algae in bodies of water. Many measures exist to detect vortices in fluids, but little is known about the stochastic behavior of these quantities with data that contain statistical noise. Consequently they do not provide control over the probability of false positives and give little information about the risk of false negatives. Obtaining such control requires a statistical testing procedure. In this paper, we develop a test for vortices in random current fields using only the directions of the current observed at points on a regular grid. We construct a change-point test for spatially ordered angular data to detect the presence of a local vortex. A global vortex detection procedure based on this test is developed and applied to a data set from a lagoon located in the south of France. It is shown that this procedure can detect the presence of multiple vortices with good accuracy.  相似文献   

水稻强化栽培体系的CH4排放特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫色土稻作区是川中丘陵区的主要生态系统类型,而水稻强化栽培技术因其巨大的增产潜力而日益受到关注和推广,为了解这一生态区域稻田强化栽培体系的碳过程,同时为中国紫色土地区稻田CH4排放总量提供数据依据,利用静态箱/气相色谱法原位观测水稻(Oryza Sativa Linnaeu)强化栽培体系CH4排放通量特征。结果表明:齐穗期和成熟期稻田CH4排放存在明显的日变化,曲线均为单峰单谷型;齐穗期的CH4排放速率明显高于成熟期;日变化峰值均出现在一天中温度较高的15:00,最低值均出现在在温度偏低的7:00—9:00。稻田CH4排放通量的季节变化存在2个排放高峰,分别出现在生长最为旺盛的拔节孕穗期和收获前期。地下5cm温度和气温是影响CH4排放的重要因素。常规栽培、强化覆膜及强化无膜在水稻整个生长期内CH4排放总量分别为292.332,283.533和208.422kg·hm-2,强化栽培比常规栽培CH4排放总量减少了3.0%~28.7%,但增产效果不显著。  相似文献   

In this study two types of biological contact oxidation processes (BCOP), a step-feed (SBCOP) unit and an inter-recycle (IBCOP) unit, were designed to investigate the treatment of heavily polluted river water. The Daqing River, which is the largest pollutant contributor to the Dianchi Lake, one of the most eutrophic freshwater lakes in China, was taken for the case study. It was found that the SBCOP had higher adaptability and better performance in the reduction of COD, TN, and TP, which made it applicable for the treatment of polluted river water entering the Dianchi Lake. Nitrification rate was observed to be greatly affected by the influent temperature. During each season, the nitrification in the SBCOP was higher than that in the IBCOP. TN removal efficiency in the SBCOP was higher than that in the IBCOP during the winter and spring but poorer during the summer, possibly due to the inhibition of denitrification by higher dissolved oxygen level in the summer. Moreover, symbiotic algaebacteria growth may be conducive to the removal of pollutants.  相似文献   

Field experiments were done in two sites, Yixing and Changshu, Jiangsu province, China, to study P movement and leaching in flooded paddy soils. P movement in soil was investigated by using the KH2 32PO4 tracker method, and the amount of P leached from the soil layer in different depths was estimated by measuring P concentrations in the soil solution and saturated hydraulic conductivities in field. Determination was done about one month after P application. There was 46% and 42% of total 32P retained in the 0-5cm layer of soil in the Yixing site and in the Changshu site respectively. The 32P retained in the 25-30 cm layer was only about 1-2% of the total 32P added. Furthermore, 8.01% of 32P in the soil of Yixing site and 16.8% of 32P in the soil of Changshu site was lost from the layer 0-30 cm soil. The seasonal amounts of P leached from the top soil layer and from bottom layer are about 4.5-5.8% and 1.6-2.1% of the total P application, respectively. Changes of total P concentrations in soil solutions during rice growth showed that the fertilizer P applied before flooding of the paddy fields suffered a flash leaching loss and a slow leaching loss. We concluded that the fertilizer P could quickly move in the flooded paddy rice field and parts of it can enter into surface water and ground water. Unless the P application is well managed the risk of P loss and consequently environmental pollution exist.  相似文献   

南亚热带中小型水库沉积物中磷的形态与释放特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以珠海6座典型中小型供水水库为研究对象,通过对水库沉积物中磷形态和释放速率的测定,分析这些水库沉积物中磷形态特征和释放速率及它们与水体磷的关系,了解库容和调水对沉积物中磷形态特点和释放速率的影响.从库容来看,小型水库沉积物中TP及各形态磷含量明显高于中型水库,且小型水库以无机磷为主,中型水库以有机磷为主.小型水库表层底泥的磷释放速率明显高于中型水库.从调水方式来看,抽水水库沉积物中TP及各形态磷含量明显高于非抽水水库且自表层向下大多有递减的趋势,层间波动较大,说明调水入库河流污染日趋严重以及水库调水量增长,沉积物中磷的含量有增加趋势.6座水库沉积物中PO4-P的释放速率与上覆水体TP的增加量以及沉积物中NaOH-P OP含量呈显著的相关性(r>0.80,p<0.05),说明底泥磷释放对水体中TP有很大贡献,而释放的PO4-P主要来源于沉积物中NaOH-P和OP.  相似文献   

对2003—2008年间采集自太湖不同水域的9个背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)样品组织中的DNA损伤产物—8-羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine,8-OHdG)的水平进行了分析,同时研究了蚌体组织中重金属Cd2+和有机污染物PCBs的蓄积残留量,以探明水体污染和DNA损伤的相关性。研究结果显示,9个样本中的8-OHdG的含量在1.021~8.886ng·g-1之间,尤其以无锡三山岛和宜兴大浦这2个水域的样本最为突出,差异显著,表明上述水域已受到较严重的污染。PCBs在9个样本中有7个检出,但含量无明显差异(P0.05),表明PCBs并非引起背角无齿蚌体内DNA损伤的主要污染因素。而背角无齿蚌组织中的Cd2+残留量与8-OHdG水平间存在显著的剂量—效应关系,呈正相关。这一结果与实验室内的模拟试验相吻合,提示重金属Cd2+是引起水体中背角无齿蚌DNA受损的主要污染因素。研究显示,背角无齿蚌机体组织中的8-OHdG具有稳定性强、测定方法简单快速、在一定的范围内具有显著的剂量—效应关系、实验室与野外分析相吻合等特点,因此可作为分子生物标志物来评价生物体受水环境持久性污染物污染而导致的DNA损伤效应。  相似文献   

对2003--2008年闯采集自太湖不同水域的9个背角无齿蚌(Anodontawoodiana)样品组织中的DNA损伤产物-8-羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine,8-OHdG)的水平进行了分析,同时研究了蚌体组织中重金属cd2+和有机污染物PCBs的蓄积残留量,以探明水体污染和DNA损伤的相关性。研究结果显示,9个样本中的8-OHdG的含量在1.021-8.886ng.g-1之间,尤其以无锡三山岛和宜兴大浦这2个水域的样本最为突出,差异显著,表明上述水域已受到较严重的污染。PCBs在9个样本中有7个检出,但含量无明显差异(P〉0.05),表明PCBs并非引起背角无齿蚌体内DNA损伤的主要污染因素。而背角无齿蚌组织中的cd2+残留量与8-OHdG水平间存在显著的剂量一效应关系,呈正相关。这一结果与实验室内的模拟试验相吻合,提示重金属cd2+是引起水体中背角无齿蚌DNA受损的主要污染因素。研究显示,背角无齿蚌机体组织中的8-OHdG具有稳定性强、测定方法简单快速、在一定的范围内具有显著的剂量—效应关系、实验室与野外分析相吻合等特点,因此可作为分子生物标志物来评价生物体受水环境持久性污染物污染而导致的DNA损伤效应。  相似文献   

马骁轩  冉勇  孙可  龚剑  邹梦遥 《生态环境》2007,16(2):378-383
为确定珠江三角洲水体悬浮颗粒物中多环芳烃和有机氯农药的含量和来源,对珠江上游的两条重要支流西江、北江水体中的悬浮颗粒物分期进行了两次采样分析,测定了水体中悬浮颗粒物的含量,分析了其中多环芳烃、有机氯农药的含量。其中,北江水体中悬浮颗粒物中的PAHs的总量分别为928.8、1259.7ng·g-1干质量,西江水体中悬浮颗粒物的PAHs总量分别为660.1、1130.7ng·g-1干质量,其来源主要为石化燃料的燃烧与排放。北江水体悬浮颗粒物中的有机氯农药总量为41.9、135.3ng·g-1干质量,西江为78.54、108.7ng·g-1干质量,由沿岸农田排放入水体。并发现,西江北江沿岸的农田,仍旧在使用DDT、硫丹等农药。  相似文献   

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