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油田注汽锅炉烟气余热利用与低碳减排   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对注汽锅炉烟气余热利用潜力的分析及开展余热利用方式对比分析,采用在注汽锅炉对流段上安装热管换热器,使高温烟气与助燃空气换热,利用换热器回收烟气余热。该技术的现场应用,实现了注汽锅炉燃料单耗降低和污染物排放量降低的目的,取得了良好的节能、减排效果。  相似文献   

针对燃煤锅炉燃烧产生的低温烟气仍具有一定温度的现象,提出通过增设超导热管空气预热器对这部分低温烟气余热加以回收的设想,对锅炉送风进行预热,探讨烟气余热利用可达到的送风温度、节能效果及可能产生的经济效益。  相似文献   

论述了余热利用高效节能电除尘技术的定义、工作原理,介绍了燃煤电站采用烟气余热利用高效节能电除尘技术的几种典型布置方式。重点介绍了该技术在宁德电厂600MW燃煤锅炉上的工程应用情况,通过烟气余热利用高效节能电除尘技术达到了"提效"和"节能"的双重目的。  相似文献   

稠油热采注汽锅炉节能减排措施实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高注汽锅炉系统热率是节能降耗、降本增效的主要挖潜方向。为此开展了一系列节能技术的研究,先后开展了热管空气换热器、高温辐射涂料的节能、硬度在线检测、对流段翅片管硬垢清洗技术的推广应用,通过这些技术的实施应用,取得一定的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

正今年4月28日,学校组织我们到垃圾焚烧发电厂参观。我们来到中央控制室,这里是整个发电厂的"大脑",主要设备的监控和操作都在这里进行,垃圾吊车手在这里操作抓斗将垃圾投入料斗。控制人员在控制室可以通过DCS控制系统,实时监控设备运行情况,通过烟气在线检测仪获得实时烟气排放指标。我们通过屏幕,看到了余热锅炉。垃圾焚烧过程中产生的热能通过余热锅炉的吸收,将水转化为  相似文献   

辽河油田是以稠油热采为主的油田,稠油热采所需的高温高压蒸气来源于热采注汽锅炉,对流段是稠油热采注汽锅炉重要组成部分,在对流段中,水将吸收大量的热量,但对流段积灰状况、清灰方式等严重影响锅炉热效率。通过分析稠油热采注汽锅炉清灰技术现状,研究安全高效的清灰方式,可以延长清灰周期、降低排烟温度、提高热采注汽锅炉的热效率、减少燃料用量、降低锅炉单耗,从而达到节能增效的目的。  相似文献   

文章通过对某燃气发电厂实施安装投入运行溴冷机、改造增压机控制系统、改造厂房冷却水回收系统、改造余热锅炉尾部加装换热器、实现余热再利用等清洁生产的技术措施,实施小指标考核等清洁生产的管理措施,取得较好的节能降耗效果。这些措施为同类企业实施清洁生产提供了经验,并为企业降低能耗指标提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

针对燃用高硫煤锅炉,提出了一套耦合集成两级低温省煤器、暖风器三位一体的"高硫煤锅炉排烟余热回收及减排综合应用系统",该系统高效节能,实现了烟气余热的梯级利用,取代传统的蒸汽暖风器,并同时解决了燃用高硫煤空预器积灰、堵塞问题,在燃用高硫煤锅炉机组中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

陆梁油田作业区为节能减排,结合现场实际,引进利用烟气余热回收装置。文章总结分析了烟气余热回收装置在现场的应用方案,通过计算可知:陆九发电站发电机及压缩机烟气余热,用于原油掺热热源每年可节约燃料费590.8万元。该技术的应用达到了节能挖潜,降本增效的目的,可提高能源利用率。  相似文献   

文章通过简要阐述新疆油田温室气体重点排放过程,指出新疆油田温室气体减排和控制工作的方向,通过对注汽锅炉、天然气处理、储罐、能源结构优化、科技减排技术研究等工艺的研究分析,提出并实施一系列减排工作,在实践中通过对注汽系统减排措施的应用大幅降低了油田温室气体排放量,为新疆油田公司温室气体减排提出了新方向。  相似文献   

综述国内外烟气余热利用技术的研究及应用现状,主要包括热能直接回收、吸收式制冷、有机朗肯循环和温差发电等方式。结合气田开采实际,分析讨论各类余热利用技术在气田增压机组烟气余热利用中的应用潜力和发展方向。在选择余热利用方案时,应结合气田增压机组现有条件、机组性能以及运行模式等因素进行综合评估。  相似文献   

以南方经济发达地区100 tDS/d的污泥干化焚烧发电工程为例,介绍了污泥处置的热电联用系统.工程利用离心干化设备,以废蒸汽为热源干化污泥,提高热值,干化污泥与生物质在循环流化床锅炉中协同焚烧,焚烧产生的蒸汽通过汽轮发电机组发电自用.烟气经过多级处理后达标排放,废水、飞灰和炉渣都得到有效的处理与处置.该工程的实施缓解了...  相似文献   

结合某煤化工企业主装置配套的废气处理项目,设计一套有机废气焚烧处理工艺,处理企业产生的CH类废气,在保证安全可靠、焚烧产物达标排放的前提下,尽可能降低运行成本。同时利用系统产生的热量,产生副产蒸气,供厂区用气点使用,节能环保。  相似文献   

对典型炼化企业热媒水的温度、压力、流量及气分、伴热装置的蒸汽使用情况等进行调研,根据低温余热的利用原则,简化低温余热回收利用系统建立步骤,提出适合本企业、有针对性的低温余热回收利用方案。方案实施后,可为企业节省各类蒸汽3.6×105 t/a,年增加经济效益近4 000万元。  相似文献   

氨法在烧结烟气脱硫中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在钢铁工业排放的污染物中,烧结烟气中的二氧化硫和焦化废氨水等都是难以处理的污染物。利用焦化废氨水吸收烧结烟气中SO2的氨一硫铵工艺具有脱硫率高、运行可靠、投资低、副产品可以回收等优点,在脱硫的同时也去除了焦化废水中的氨污染,是一种以废治废、有应用前景的新方法。本文介绍了采用焦化废氨水吸收烧结烟气中的SO2的治污方法原理,并对其工艺流程、特点及运行费用等作了分析。  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide emissions will continue being a major environmental concern due to the fact that coal will remain a major fossil-fuel energy resource for the next few decades. To meet future targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, capture and storage of CO2 is required. Carbon capture and storage technologies that are currently the focus of research centres and industry include: pre-combustion capture, post-combustion capture, and oxy-fuel combustion. This review deals with the oxy-fuel coal combustion process, primarily focusing on pulverised coal (PC) combustion, and its related research and development topics. In addition, research results related to oxy-fuel combustion in a circulating fluidised bed (CFB) will be briefly dealt with.During oxy-fuel combustion, a combination of oxygen, with a purity of more than 95 vol.%, and recycled flue gas (RFG) referred to as oxidant is used for combusting the fuel producing a gas consisting of mainly CO2 and water vapour, which after purification and compression, is ready for storage. The high oxygen demand is supplied by a cryogenic air separation process, which is the only commercially available mature technology. The separation of oxygen from air as well as the purification and liquefaction of the CO2-enriched flue gas consumes significant auxiliary power. Therefore, the overall net efficiency is expected to be decreased by 8–12% points, corresponding to a 21–35% increase in fuel consumption. Alternatively, ion transport membranes (ITMs) are proposed for oxygen separation, which might be more energy efficient. However, since ITMs are far away from becoming a mature technology, it is widely expected that cryogenic air separation will be the selected technology in the near future. Oxygen combustion is associated with higher temperatures compared with conventional air combustion. Both fuel properties as well as limitations of steam and metal temperatures of the various heat exchanger sections of the boiler require a moderation of the temperatures in the combustion zone and in the heat-transfer sections. This moderation in temperature is accomplished by means of recycled flue gas. The interdependencies between the fuel properties, the amount and temperature of the recycled flue gas, and the resulting oxygen concentration in the combustion atmosphere are reviewed.The different gas atmosphere resulting from oxy-fuel combustion gives rise to various questions related to firing, in particular, with respect to the combustion mechanism, pollutant reduction, the risk of corrosion, and the properties of the fly ash or its resulting deposits. In this review, detailed nitrogen and sulphur chemistry was investigated in a laboratory-scale facility under oxy-fuel combustion conditions. Oxidant staging succeeded in reducing NO formation with effectiveness comparable to that typically observed in conventional air combustion. With regard to sulphur, a considerable increase in the SO2 concentration was measured, as expected. However, the H2S concentration in the combustion atmosphere in the near-flame zone increased as well. Further results were obtained in a pilot-scale test facility, whereby acid dew points were measured and deposition probes were exposed to the combustion environment. Slagging, fouling and corrosion issues have so far been addressed via short-term exposure and require further investigation.Modelling of PC combustion processes by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has become state-of-the-art for conventional air combustion. Nevertheless, the application of these models for oxy-fuel combustion conditions needs adaptation since the combustion chemistry and radiative heat transfer is altered due to the different combustion gas atmosphere.CFB technology can be considered mature for conventional air combustion. In addition to its inherent advantages like good environmental performance and fuel flexibility, it offers the possibility of additional heat exchanger arrangements in the solid recirculation system, i.e. the ability to control combustion temperatures despite relatively low flue gas recycle ratios even when combusting in the presence of high oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   

通过对几种含油污泥无害化处理技术的比选,分析不同处理技术物耗、能耗情况,优选出经济有效的含油污泥焚烧技术,结合新疆油田含油污泥的特点,采用层燃螺旋炉排焚烧技术,利用其燃烧热能生产蒸汽用于原油生产,采用余热吸收急冷与碱液半干法除酸技术,有效控制了二次污染;采用布袋除尘与烟尘固化技术确保了烟气达标排放。年节省成本支出3095.88万元。  相似文献   

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