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随着经济体制改革的深化,传统的用工制度已经被打破,一线作业人员“三工”比例增加。本文分析了“三工”作业人员安全生产的薄弱之处,提出了强化“三工”人员安全教育工作主要对策。  相似文献   

林亦曦 《林业劳动安全》2002,15(3):37-38,40
论述了在新形势下国有林场“三工”安全管理存在的问题,提出了坚持以人为本、以理服人、以情感人、加强企业安全文化建设的“三工”安全管理新机制。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,随着生产经营形式的多样化,用工制度也发生了很大的变化,目前林业系统使用“三工”有逐年增多的趋势,一些重、脏、累的工种,都由雇用的“三工”承担其生产劳动。据1996年南平市林业因工伤亡事故的统计,“三工”伤亡人数占全市林业系统死亡人数的100%,重伤人数的33.3%。由此可见,控制使用“三工”和加强“三工”的安全生产管理工作,已成为当前安全生产工作的一项重要任务,下面根据  相似文献   

随着经济体制改革的深化,传统的用工制度已经被打破,一线作业人员"三工""比例增加.本文分析了"三工"作业人员安全生产的薄弱之处,提出了强化"三工"人员安全教育工作主要对策.  相似文献   

用工制度改革和劳务市场的形成,使大批农民工、I$时工和外包工(简称“三工”)进入林业企业,为林业经济发展带来了活力,同时也给企业带来了安全生产管理的新问题。近些年来,“三工”因工伤亡事故问题严重,不仅造成“三工”人员伤亡和企业经济损失,而且造成恶劣的影响,甚至关系到社会的稳定。因此,企业必须对‘“三工”的安全生产管理工作给予高度重视,改变传统的管理方法,建立新的安全生产约束机制,确保林业生产的顺利进行。1“三工”的生产特点1.且“三工’人数众多我县林委系统有企事业单位外个,职工1800人,其中生产工人…  相似文献   

在改革开放和社会主义市场经济条件下,越来越多的农民开始摆脱土地的束缚,其中一部分农民离开故土涌向国有林场,承担着各项林业生产任务。因此”三工”(指农民工、临时工、外包工)的安全管理工作,已成国有林场安全生产管理工作中的一项重要内容。搞好“三工”的安全管理工作,提高‘三工”的安全素质和意识,应该着重从“三工”的安全教育入手。现就如何开展国有林场中的“三工”安全教育工作提几点看法。1前期Xi作1.1领导重视实行领导第一负责制,严格执行“安全第一,预防为主”的方针,树立“安全是效益,培训教育为基础”的思想…  相似文献   

欣文 《安全与健康》2006,(10S):16-16
近日,达竹煤电集团金刚煤矿开展“三讲四见面,现身话安全”活动,并将这项活动建立了长效工作制度。该项活动由团委、工会、安监处等单位组织矿伤残职工、伤残职工家属以及离退休老干部、老工人,利用周二、五职工学习日和安全活动日,到采掘工区、并下辅助、有关地面单位和“三违”人员学习班与职工和“三违”人员以亲身的经历,  相似文献   

宁西林业局是陕西省森工采运企业中的大局,人多产量大,经济效益较好,1994年却是该局伤亡事故的高峰年。在吸取事故多发的教训后,该局在1995年采取了一系列措施一举扭转了事故多发的被动局面,伐木作业、红五月、交通运输的因工伤亡事故连续两年为“零”。1996年全局仅死亡1人,第三次取得该局安全生产史上的最好水平。局领导在1997年3月放假后连续召开了三个会议(即安委会成员会、安全生产动员会和基层单位队长、现场人员会),决心再创安全生产平稳形势。为巩固并发展安全生产的大好形势,宁西局决心坚持“五化”确保1997年的因工伤亡…  相似文献   

改革开放以后森林资源日趋分散,外来的低素质劳力—“三工”(临时工、外包工和合同工)源源不断涌入木材生产第一线,增加了安全管理的难度。 近年来,“三工”队伍的各类伤亡事故时有发生,如何进行有效的管理,确保“三工”的生命安全和身体健康已成燃眉之急,我们为此付出不少心血并取得一定收效。  相似文献   

基建单位的班组与“三工”现在多数基建单位已转为管理型企业,施工现场总包单位(工程中标单位)、分包单位和劳务队混存,特别是建筑企业的基层班组,就是大小不等的承包队,其人员主要是“三工”,即合同工、劳务工与务工农民。这使得传统的单一行政管理向行政管理、行业管理和合同管理并存转变,需要相应的法制来做保证,而《宪法》中有关“人权”的条款和《安全生产法》中“安全第一、预防为主”的方针,就是解决这一问题最根本的制度。只要管理者依法给“三工”一份爱,他们就能关注安全生产,消除各类隐患,降低事故风险。“三工”中不乏技艺双全,品格高尚者。在以现代设计和新型材料为主,造型  相似文献   

我国建筑工程领域生产事故频发,建筑工人相比其他行业也显著表现出了高流动性的特点。研究目的在于分析建筑工人流动性对施工安全水平的影响机理。采用文献阅读法,引入安全沟通和安全参与两个中介变量,初步构建了建筑工人流动性影响施工安全水平的理论模型;运用问卷调查法收集数据,采用结构方程(SEM)进行理论验证。结果表明,建筑工人流动性对安全沟通、安全参与和施工安全水平都有显著负向影响,流动性越高,施工安全水平越低。  相似文献   

为帮助建筑工人养成良好的安全行为习惯,基于操作性条件反射理论,在开展两轮调查的基础上,分析建筑工人的安全心理和行为特点及其安全行为习惯的特性,提出建筑工人安全行为习惯的塑造策略和方法,设计应用方案并进行评价。结果表明:安全行为习惯具有稳定性、自觉性和自动性;安全行为习惯塑造以低起点、小坡度、抓细节、重坚持、多实践为核心要求,以班组层面的塑造活动为核心任务;安全行为习惯塑造在过程体验和长期效果方面具有优势,但在强制力和针对性方面存在不足。  相似文献   

This study aims to describe the characteristics of occupational injuries to educational support staff (service worker) in schools. In this research, 803 injured workers registered in 2015 were analyzed in terms of their gender, age, work experience, school type, work type, accident type, agency of accident, nature of injury and injured part of the body for each occupation. The workers were classified into after-school instructor, custodian and cooking staff. Accidents occurred mainly due to slips (35.6%) on floor/stair or contact with high temperature (18.1%). Also, the workers mostly fractured (41.2%) or had burns (19.3%) on their leg/foot (37.1%) or arm/hand/finger (29.8%). The results showed the difference in characteristics and injury pattern of injured persons for each occupation type, addressing the need for customized preventative measures for each situation. The results of this study can be a baseline in devising policies and guidelines for preventing accidents of service workers in schools.  相似文献   

Effective implementation of occupational safety and health (OSH) legislation based on European Union directives requires promotion of OSH management systems ( OSH MS). To this end, voluntary Polish standards (PN-N-18000) have been adopted, setting forth OSH MS specifications and guidelines. However, the number of enterprises implementing OSH MS has increased slowly, falling short of expectations, which call for a new national policy on OSH MS promotion. To develop a national policy in this area, a survey was conducted in 40 enterprises with OSH MS in place. The survey was aimed at identifying motivational factors underlying OSH MS implementation decisions. Specifically, workers’ and their representatives’ involvement in OSH MS implementation was investigated. The results showed that the level of workers ‘ involvement was relatively low, which may result in a low effectiveness of those systems. The same result also applies to the involvement of workers’ representatives and that of trade unions.  相似文献   

为了减少民航维修人员不安全行为,探讨组织因素对民航维修人员安全行为的影响机理。基于组织行为学理论并结合民航维修人员的访谈分析,确定了影响民航维修人员安全行为的4个组织因素——安全氛围、工作压力、风险感知和安全管理,在此基础上,构建了组织因素与民航维修人员安全行为关系的假设模型。选取国内航空公司维修基地的一线机务维修人员进行问卷调查,采用结构方程模型对假设模型进行验证。结果表明,安全氛围、工作压力、风险感知和安全管理4个维度与安全参与行为、安全服从行为显著相关,其中,安全氛围对安全参与行为的影响最大。风险感知对安全服从行为的影响最小。  相似文献   

One of the most important ways to prevent accidents is to consider safety climate or culture. Moreover, some studies suggest that behavior contributes to 86%-96% of all injuries. This cross-sectional study took place in an Iranian petrochemical company in 2010. Vinodkumar and Bhasi’s safety climate questionnaire and an ergonomic behavior sampling checklist were the data collection tools. Cronbach’s a for questionnaire reliability was .928. With reference to the results of a pilot study, a sample of 1755 was determined for behavior sampling. We used principal component analysis (PCA) to derive the coefficient of paths in the path model and the Anderson-Rabin method to calculate factor scores. The results showed that safety climate was an effective predictor of ergonomic behavior (p < .01). They also showed the importance of decreasing the number of workers with negative safety climate. Moreover, it is necessary to promote workers’ ergonomic behaviors in the workplace.  相似文献   

A lot of attention has beenfocused on workers ‘ perceptions of workplace safety but relatively little or no research has been done on the impact of job satisfaction on safety climate. This study investigated this relationship. It also examined the relationships between job satisfaction and workers’ compliance with safety management policies and accident frequency. A positive association was found between job satisfaction and safety climate. Workers who expressed more satisfaction at their posts had positive perceptions of safety climate. Correspondingly, they were more committed to safety management policies and consequently registered a lower rate of accident involvement. The results were thus consistent with the notion that workers ‘ positive perceptions of organisational climate influence their perceptions of safety at the workplace. The findings, which have implications in the work environment, are discussed.  相似文献   

The association between safety climate, job satisfaction and turnover intention has not been thoroughly researched. This research is needed so that safety researchers and practitioners can begin to delineate the impact of safety on organizational and business outcomes. A path analysis was completed using data from a national sample of workers from the USA (n?=?1525). The overall fit of the model was excellent and analyses determined that both training and resource adequacy positively affected safety climate and job satisfaction. Safety climate also positively influenced job satisfaction. Both safety climate and job satisfaction were negatively associated with respondents’ turnover intention. In the study, the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention is reiterated in a sample of workers across many industries. This study is novel because it is one of the first studies to confirm that turnover intention is reduced with increased safety climate in a diverse sample of workers.  相似文献   

随着国企改制的不断深化,安全管理显现出许多薄弱环节,尤其是在能源勘探开发过程中发生的重特大事故,不断给安全生产发出了黄牌警告.近年来,多种因素导致员工"三违",造成恶性事故不断,其原因是由于企业缺乏安全文化氛围和员工缺乏必要的自我安全保护意识,盲目蛮干导致事故高发.因此,加强企业安全文化建设是提高全员安全意识的一种行之有效的方法,并可以进一步促进和提高员工的自我安全保护意识和安全技术素质.本文阐述了企业安全文化建设在新形势下的重要意义,并针对石化企业开展安全文化建设提出几点建议.  相似文献   

This study reports the general health and safety (HS) conditions in the Turkish construction industry from the perspective of construction labor. Toward this aim, a questionnaire survey was carried out with 800 workers employed in 32 construction projects in Turkey. Contractors were found to neglect their legal liabilities in paying workers’ insurance premiums. Also, they overlooked safety training and were reluctant to hiring physicians at construction sites and investing in personal protective equipment (PPE). As the real constructors of projects, workers did not attach adequate importance to occupational training. In addition, they were not willing to use some PPE. Key participants of HS affairs such as workers, contractors, unions, and government should comprehend their drawbacks to overcome the current dangerous view of the industry. In this regard, related government bodies should compel contractors and workers to adapt to the relatively new regulations on occupational HS.  相似文献   

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