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垃圾资源产业化是彻底解决城市生活垃圾问题的关键.据此,本文提出了建立我国的与市场经济相适应的城市垃圾管理体制,从而实现我国的垃圾资源产业化体系.  相似文献   

党的十六届三中全会以来,全国上下涌动着一股学习科学发展观,宣传科学发展观,用科学发展观统揽经济社会发展全局,促进人与自然和谐发展新理念的热潮。1 落实科学发展观,增强对环境保护工作的责任感和紧迫感坚持以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观,是我们党在深刻总结 20多年改革开放实践经验的基础上,对经济社会发展规律在认识上的一个重要升华,也是我们党对现代化建设指导思想的新的重大发展。树立和落实科学发展观,要求我们必须按照客观规律办事,树立“科学发展”新理念,正确处理经济社会发展与环境保护的关系,在推进经济建设…  相似文献   

Dispersers are expected to assess breeding habitat quality before settlement. Although cues reflecting habitat quality are well studied, social cues have not been as well evaluated. In this paper, we studied breeding habitat selection during 3 years in a natural population of blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, breeding in nest-boxes. Our aim was to investigate if this species used conspecific density and/or reproductive success of con- and heterospecifics (i.e., social cues) in settlement decisions. The patterns observed were consistent with the idea that juveniles, when dispersing from their natal patches, did not react to any of the cues that we tested. In contrast, breeders that dispersed seemed to respond to both conspecific mean patch reproductive success (PRS) and breeding density of the settlement patch in the year of dispersal, their response differing according to their own reproductive success. Indeed, failed breeders moved to areas with high PRS and low density relative to source patches, while successful breeders behaved the opposite. The comparison between juveniles and adults might be modulated by the limited time available to juveniles to gather information on PRS and density at the end of the dispersing year. Adults lacking these time constraints, however, seemed to rely on these conspecific cues although limited by their own quality. Additionally, breeders were more likely to be immigrants in patches with relatively low breeding success and density the previous year, suggesting that settlement is influenced by multiple cues, which may reveal information on different aspects of habitat and be available at different moments. Collectively, our results support the importance of social cues for blue tits’ settlement.  相似文献   

本文论述了第 31届国际地质大会学科和专题命题情况 ,统计了大会收到的论文和摘要数并将各命题重新排序。将位于前 12位的学科和前 5位的专题命题进一步列出重点讨论题目和摘要数。通过与第 30届国际地质大会命题的比较 ,试图大致了解国际地球科学研究的热点和趋势 ;通过上述分析和了解 ,就地球科学与可持续发展阐述了笔者的认识 ,提出了地球科学基础性研究和应用基础研究的重点领域  相似文献   

国土空间规划体系构建工作已经全面展开,清晰详实的现状图和数据是摸清自然资源家底的重要基础,也是编制国土空间规划的重要支撑。而当前国土空间现状数据的用地分类标准、数据精度和应用目标等尚不统一。基于遥感影像、地理国情和互联网POI等多源数据进行国土空间现状一张图研究,综合现有用地分类标准和数据精度,构建青岛市国土空间规划现状一张图。在此基础上,探讨国土空间规划一张图应用方向,包括青岛市“三生空间”和资源环境研判分析,以及城镇建设适宜性、生态服务功能重要性和农业生产适宜性分析等内容。国土空间规划现状一张图的构建,对于明确资源利用上限与环境质量底线,规范国土空间规划数据,以及支撑国土空间规划编制和管理具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their oxygenated derivates (O-PAHs) are identified in soils and groundwater of industrialized sites and contribute to the risk for Humans and the Environment. Nevertheless, data are scarce in literature concerning their retention and transfer in soils and no soil - water partition coefficients are available for these compounds. Sorption of two PAHs, fluorene and acenaphthene and two O-PAHs, 9H-fluorenone and dibenzofuran onto two soils with different organic carbon contents was evaluated and compared by determining their sorption isotherms. Effect of ionic strength and liquid to solid ratio, on fluorene and fluorenone sorption was also evaluated. Sorption equilibrium is achieved within less than 24 hr of mixing and linear sorption models best fit the isotherm data. Acenaphthene and dibenzofuran are similarly sorbed onto the soil. KD of fluorene is higher than the one of fluorenone, showing a smaller affinity of fluorenone towards the solid phase. This means that O-PAH could form larger contamination plumes in groundwater than PAHs. Decreasing the L/S ratio from 100 to 50 and 30, increases the sorption of fluorenone onto the soil by 56% and 67% respectively, while the sorption of fluorene is slightly increased. Increasing the ionic strength of the aqueous phase also modifies the sorption of fluorenone, contrary to the sorption of fluorene which is slightly affected.  相似文献   

日本海底稀土探计划为探查日本近海稀土海底矿物资源,日本将从明年起斥巨资打造海底资源调查船,预计花4年时间完成造船计划。这是日本雄心勃勃勘探开发海底稀土计划的重要一步。然而,有专家指出,人类并不熟知海底4000米~6000米地区的生态系统,如果在海底大规模挖泥,必然会破坏海底生态  相似文献   

Currently, many countries are establishing goals for substituting biofuels for fossil fuels. These goals usually foresee 5–10% substitution while today's production, in most countries, is far below 2%. Evidently, many countries will seek to meet their ambitious biofuel targets through imports. This global trade in biofuels, which is to some extent already taking place, will have a major impact not only on other commodity markets like vegetable oils or animal fodder but also on the global land use change and on environmental impacts. This special issue focuses on the relation between trading, policy making and sustainability impacts of biofuels. It demonstrates the strong but complex link between biofuels production and the global food market, it unveils policy measures as the main drivers for production and use of biofuels and it analyzes various sustainability indicators and certification schemes for biofuels with respect to minimizing the adverse effects of biofuels while maximizing the benefits of the future use of biofuels.  相似文献   

As climate change adaptation is increasingly discussed and becoming a mainstream concept, different types of users are asking themselves if and when they should develop an adaptation strategy, often not knowing where to begin. Climate experts, on the other hand, have access to an enormous amount of data that could be useful to users but often do not know how to translate it into something practical. Both users and experts can be linked through two timescales, the system lifespan and climate vulnerability. While the system lifespan relies on the user’s estimation of his planning timeframe, the climate vulnerability is estimated from climate model projections and observations. We propose a simple tool to relate user and climate expert knowledge by combining the two timescales. To be reliable, the interconnection implies a dialogue to first identify what sensitive climate variable will impact the system and subsequently the extent of the impact. Climate data can then be used to identify, with the use of a simple graph, how sensitive a system is likely to be and help users position themselves about the urgency of adaptation. The concept has been successfully presented and applied to the tourism industry, notably the ski industry, which is showcased in this paper.  相似文献   

2月14日,《国务院关于落实科学发展观加强环境保护的决定》(以下简称《决定》)正式发布,对我国未来5年-15年环境保护事业的发展进行了规划和部署。《决定》被认为是“在环境保护方面,国家发布的最系统和最完备的政策性文件”。  相似文献   

温室气体减排背后巨大的利益博弈成为我国开展减排工作不得不考虑的因素。从国际经验看来,"避重就轻"的减排策略成效显著,通过对一些国家和地区温室气体减排路径的比较和分析,结果表明,废弃物领域成为他们减排效果最好的领域之一。废弃物领域协同减排具有空间大、难度小、成本低、效果好、技术成熟、手段多样的优点,应当成为我国实现温室气体减排的重要途径,为经济发展腾出合理的碳排放空间。  相似文献   

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