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Four species of estuarine benthic diatoms: Amphiprora c. f. paludosa W. Smith, Nitzschia c. f. dissipata (Kützing) Grunow, Navicula arenaria Donkin, and Nitzschia sigma (Kützing) W. Smith were grown in unialgal cultures. The growth rates of the diatoms were determined as the rate of increase of the chlorophyll a content of the cultures. The diatoms were cultured at different combinations of temperture, daylength, and quantum irradiance. The highest growth rates of Navicula arenaria occurred at 16° to 20°C; the other 3 species had their optimum at 25°C or higher. The small-celled species had higher growth rates at their optimum temperature, but at lower temperatures the growth rates of all 4 species became very similar. The minimum daily quantum irradiance that could effect light-saturated growth at 12° and 20°C ranged from 2.5 to 5.0 E.m-2.day-1. At 12°C, two species had their highest growth rates under an 8 h daily photoperiod. At 20°C, the three species tested all had highest growth rates under 16 h daily photoperiod. The growth response of the benthic diatoms is comparable to that of several cultures of planktonic diatoms, as described in the literature. The influence of temperature and quantum irradiance on the diatoms in the present investigation was comparable to the influence of temperature and light intensity on the 14C-fixation of marine benthic diatoms (Colijn and van Buurt, 1975).  相似文献   

W. Admiraal 《Marine Biology》1977,41(4):307-315
A carbon-14 assimilation method was used to determine action spectra and photosynthesis versus irradiance (P versus I) curves of natural populations of phytoplankton and zooxanthellae from a coral reef fringing Lizard Island in the Australian Barrier Reef. The action spectra were related to the phytoplankton species composition. The curves showed shade adaptation in phytoplankton from deeper waters and in the zooxanthellae. Rates of photosynthesis of zooxanthellae were shown to be highly but variably dependent on their host organisms. Photosynthetic production by zooxanthellae was about 0.9 gC m-2 day-1, which is about three times higher than phytoplankton production in the waters close to the reef.  相似文献   

Plants evolve the production of wound-activated compounds (WACs) to reduce grazing pressure. In addition, several plant-produced WACs are recognized by various invertebrates, playing the role of infochemicals. Due to co-evolutionary processes, some invertebrates recognize plant infochemicals and use them to identify possible prey, detect the presence of predators or identify algae containing various classes of toxic metabolites. Different metabolites present in the same algae can play the role of toxins, infochemicals or both simultaneously. We investigated the infochemical activity of compounds extracted from three diatoms epiphytes of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica, by conducting choice experiments on invertebrates living in the same community or in close proximity. Furthermore, the specific toxicity of the extracts obtained from the same algae was tested on sea urchin embryos using a standard bioassay procedure, to detect the presence of toxins. The comparison of the two effects demonstrated that invertebrates are subjected to diatom wound-activated toxicants when these algae are not associated with their own habitat, but they are able to recognize volatile infochemicals derived from diatoms associated with their habitats. The specific toxicity of WACs was shown to be inversely correlated to the perceptive ability of invertebrates towards volatile compounds liberated by the same algae. Hence, when the recognition of specific algae by a given invertebrate species evolves, their detrimental effects on the receiving organism may be lost.  相似文献   

In 1981 two large (1 200 1) seawater samples from the St. Lawrence Estuary were kept under constant temperature and light conditions for periods of 50 and 68 h, respectively. In both tank experiments, semidiurnal variations in NH4 were observed that could be related to cyclical NH4 uptake by the phytoplankton. Semidiurnal cycles in photosynthetic efficiency (B) and intracellular chlorophyll a in the tank, phased on tides at sea, were also evidenced in both experiments. These results support the hypothesis that variations in phytoplankton photosynthetic activity, which are possibly endogenous, can be phased on semidiurnal variations in vertical tidal mixing (variations of the mean light conditions in the mixed layer). In addition, observed variations in intracellular chlorophyll a suggest the possibility of endogenous cycles of phytoplankton light and shade adaptation.Contribution to the program of GIROQ (Groupe interuniversitaire de recherches océanographiques du Québec)  相似文献   

Effects of benthic macrofauna (Corophium volutator, Hydrobia sp., Nereis virens) on benthic community metabolism were studied over a 65-d period in microcosms kept in either light/dark cycle (L/D-system) or in continuous darkness (D-system). Sediment and animals were collected in January 1986 in the shallow mesohaline estuary, Norsminde Fjord, Denmark. The primary production in the L/D-system after 10 d acted as a stabilizing agent on the O2 and CO2 flux rates, whereas the D-system showed decreasing O2 and CO2 flux throughout the period. Mean O2 uptake over the experimental period ranged from 0.38 to 1.24 mmol m–2 h–1 and CO2 release varied from 0.80 to 1.63 mmol m–2 h–1 in both systems. The presence of macrofauna stimulated community respiration rates measured in darknes, 1.4 to 3.0 and 0.9 to 2.0 times for O2 and CO2, respectively. In contrast, macrofauna lowered primary production. Gross primary production varied from 1.06 to 2.26 mmol O2 m–2 h–1 and from 1.26 to 2.62 mmol CO2 m–2 h–1. The community respiratory quotient (CRQ, CO2/O2) was generally higher in the begining of the experiment (0–20 d, mean 1.89) than in the period from Days 20 to 65 (mean 1.38). The L/D-system exhibited lower CRQ (ca. 1) than the D-system. The community photosynthetic quotient varied for both net and gross primary production from 0.64 to 1.03, mean 0.81. The heterotrophic D-system revealed a sharp decrease in the sediment content of chlorophyll a as compared to the initial content. In the autotrophic L/D-system, a significant increase in chlorophyll a concentration was observed in cores lacking animals and cores with C. volutator (The latter species died during the experiment). Due to grazing and other macrofauna activities other cores of the L/D-system exhibited no significant change in chlorophyll a concentration. Community primary production was linearly correlated to the chlorophyll a content in the 0 to 0.5 cm layer. Fluxes of DIN (NH4 ++NO2 +NO3 ) did not reveal significant temporal changes during the experiment. Highest rates were found for the cores containing animals, mainly because of an increased NH4 + flux. The release of DIN decreased significantly due to uptake by benthic microalgae in the L/D-system. No effects of the added macrofauna were found on particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON), total carbon dioxide (TCO2) and NH4 + in the sediment. The ratio between POC and PON was nearly constant (9.69) in all sediment dephts. The relationship between TCO2 and NH4 + was more complex, with ratios below 2 cm depth similar to those for POC/PON, but with low ratios (3.46) at the sediment surface.  相似文献   

In a shallow, subtidal, siliceous sediment, benthic microalgal biomass (g chlorophyll a cm-3) is influenced by light and physical sediment dynamics. The microalgal community is relatively dense, despite adverse conditions (7.0 g chlorophyll a cm-3), and is able to respond rapidly to favorable conditions. Productivity of this community is significantly correlated (P0.05) with benthic light. In addition, productivity is influenced by temperature and bottom water NH4 + and PO4 -3 concentrations, especially as the concentrations fall to levels approaching the K s (halfsaturation constant) of the microalgal community. Metabolic activity in this environment is dependent upon a continuous supply of organic carbon. Temperature is significantly correlated with respiration rate, but other factors (e.g. biomass and organic matter supply) are important also. Community respiration responds to overlying phytoplankton productivity in the same manner as deep-water benthic environments. Bacterial enumeration using CFU (colony-forming units) does not measure accurately the number of in situ metabolically active bacteria.This research was supported by Energy Research and Development Administration Contract AT (11-1) 3279, US AEC Contract AT (11-1) GEN 10, P.A. 20 and NOAA Sea Grant No. 04-3-158-22.  相似文献   

Vertical migratory behavior of benthic diatoms is one of the adaptive strategies employed for a life in intertidal habitats. Irradiance and tides are considered to be the key factors governing vertical migration. Experiments were carried out to determine the influence of these factors in a tropical intertidal sand flat. Rising to the sediment surface for fulfilment of their light requirements for photosynthesis was the first priority. If not fulfilled during the low-tide exposure, diatoms could withstand the tidal effects and stay up at the surface even during the high-tide coverage. In the laboratory experiments, where the effects of tides were removed, the endogenous clock continued to operate in a similar fashion to that in the field when under 12-h light:12-h dark conditions, whereas continuous darkness induced a tidal rhythm. In continuous light, diatoms preferred to stay up longer than was observed in field. The above-mentioned observations reveal that irradiance has a stronger effect than tides in controlling/regulating microscale migrations in benthic diatoms. In addition, temporal differences in the irradiance and the resulting changes in diatom migration can have implications for littoral primary productivity.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

The relative acute toxicity of spent lubricant oil and detergent was evaluated against hermit crab, Clibanarius africanus (Aurivillus) and periwinkle, Tympanotonus fuscatus (L) from the Lagos lagoon in laboratory bioassays. Based on the derived toxicity indices, the detergent (96 hr LC50 = 5.77ml/l) was found to be 1.73 times more toxic than spent engine oil (96 hr LC50 = 10.01 ml/l) when acting singly against C africanus and 18.73 times (96 hr LC50-48.67 ml/l) more toxic (96 hr LC50 = 911.57 ml/l) when acting singly against T. fuscatus. On the basis of the computed susceptibility factors, C. africanus was found to be about eight times and ninety-one times more susceptible to the toxic effect of detergent and spent lubricant oil respectively. The randomized analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that there was significant difference (Fcal 58.83 Ftab 3.87; DF 13; p > 0.05) between all treatments of spent lubricant oil and detergent during the 96 hr exposure period of test animals. At 5% level of significance the Student Neuman-Keuls (SNK) test further revealed significant differences in the mean mortality response of test animals exposed to toxicants at all concentrations and untreated control. The results obtained in this study suggest that the estuarine benthic macroinvertebrates, which play key roles in the environment, may serve as useful in-situ sentinels for biomonitoring studies of petroleum pollutants in fragile aquatic ecosystems such as the Lagos lagoon.  相似文献   

When measurements of in-vivo fluorescence are used to estimate photosynthesis in the field, the marked temporal and spatial variations in phytoplankton populations, and their nutrient and light histories, have produced varied results. Natural phytoplankton populations in large, flow-through mesocosms with different controlled nutrient and sewage sludge additions were sampled weekly from June to September 1984. Good correlations were observed between the increase in fluorescence upon the addition of DCMU (F) and both in-situ production and the parameters (Pm and ) of the photosynthesis-irradiance curve for these phytoplankton populations. Good correlations were also obtained between DCMU-enhanced fluorescence (FDCMU) and chlorophyll a concentrations. The relationship between F and in-situ 14C production was consistent among mesocosms even in the face of major shifts from diatom-dominated to dinoflagellate-dominated populations. On the other hand, the FDCMU:Chl a relationship was significantly different between mesocosms and related to species composition. It was concluded that F offers the possibility of rapidly and accurately indexing both in-situ production and the photosynthetic capacity of mixed phytoplankton populations.This study was supported by EPA cooperative agreement 810265-03 and NOAA grant NA-83-ABD-00008  相似文献   

Changes in pH as a measure of photosynthesis by marine macroalgae   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
L. Axelsson 《Marine Biology》1988,97(2):287-294
An automatically operated method for high precision measurements of steady-state photosynthesis by macroalgae was developed. Changes in pH and oxygen content of seawater passing the algae in a flowthrough system, could be measured with extremely high accuracy over very long periods of time. The method is especially suitable for measurements on flowthrough systems with high rates of water exchanges (i.e. short retention time), and can be used to study exchange processes for marine plants, animals and small ecosystems. Since the same measuring unit is used for several flowthrough chambers, the method is very suitable for comparisons between different species, or between differently pretreated specimens of the same species (e.g. in toxicological studies). The method was used to study the ratio: [oxygen production] to [CO2+H+ uptake] at different light intensities for several macroalgae belonging to different systematic groups and from different habitats. At lower photosynthetic rates this ratio was similar for all of the algae studied (1.17±0.02). For brown algae of the fucacean family, the ratio increased by 0.08 units at higher photosynthetic rates. This increase was thought to be related to the crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)-like strategies connected to these algae. For all other algae studied, the ratio remained constant or decreased slightly (at most by 0.04 units) at higher photosynthetic rates. The relations between the abovementioned ratio and the photosynthetic quotient are discussed on a theoretical basis.  相似文献   

A rapid method for measuring the redox potential (Eh) values of marine sediments is described. This method has been used to relate changes in the areas of highly reduced sediment in a sea loch system to the continuously fluctuating inputs of organic waste from a pulp and paper mill. Subsequent faunal changes in these areas can be related to changes in the measured sedimentary redox level. The method is suggested as a rapid means of assessing the potential impact of an additional organic input to a marine sediment.  相似文献   

Benthic mucilage, whether native or artificially fragmented to microscopic dimensions by ultrasonic treatment, was mixed with cytochrome c, which was used as a 12 000 Da polycationic model compound. Cytochrome c binding profiles proved to depend on the aggregation state of the mucilage. The native mucus matrix binds cytochrome c quasi hyperbolically with an apparent affinity constant K = 1 × 106M −1. As shown by chemical modification of both the mucilage and cytochrome c, the binding expression is dependent on the availability of both the positive charges on the cytochrome c surface and the negative charges within the mucus matrix. The extent of binding is sensitive to the ionic strength of the medium. The ultrasonic-stabilized mucus fragments display a peculiar binding profile, with an apparent low affinity, abruptly entering into a high affinity binding region. The results suggest that, depending on the mucus to polycation ratio, a polymeric reticulus builds up. This reticulus can accommodate molecules of at least 12 000 Da molecular weight. The results are also discussed with respect to biological implications. Received: 23 April 1997 / Accepted: 24 November 1997  相似文献   

Resprouting is an important persistence strategy for woody species and represents a dominant pathway of regeneration in many plant communities, with potentially large consequences for vegetation dynamics, community composition, and species coexistence. Most of our knowledge of resprouting strategies comes from fire-prone systems, but this cannot be readily applied to other systems where disturbances are less intense. In this study we evaluated sapling responses to stem snapping for 49 moist-forest species and 36 dry-forest species from two Bolivian tropical forests. To this end we compared in a field experiment the survival and height growth of clipped and control saplings for a two-year period, and related this to the shade tolerance, carbohydrate reserves, and the morphological traits (wood density, leaf size) of the species. Nearly all saplings resprouted readily after stem damage, although dry-forest species realized, on average, a better survival and growth after stem damage compared to moist-forest species. Shade-tolerant species were better at resprouting than light-demanding species in moist forest. This resprouting ability is an important prerequisite for successful regeneration in the shaded understory, where saplings frequently suffer damage from falling debris. Survival after stem damage was, surprisingly, only modestly related to stem reserves, and much more strongly related to wood density, possibly because a high wood density enables plants to resist fungi and pathogens and to reduce stem decay. Correlations between sampling performance and functional traits were similar for the two forest types, and for phylogenetically independent contrasts and for cross-species analyses. The consistency of these results suggests that tropical forest species face similar trade-offs in different sites and converge on similar sets of solutions. A high resprouting ability, as well as investments in stem defense and storage reserves, form part of a suite of co-evolved traits that underlies the growth-survival trade-off, and contributes to light gradient partitioning and species coexistence. These links with shade tolerance are important in the moist evergreen forest, which casts a deep, more persistent shade, but tend to diminish in dry deciduous forest where light is a less limiting resource.  相似文献   

The myosin ATPase activity of the flexor muscle of an estuarine crab, Scylla serrata, was studied in relation to salinity adaptation. The enzyme is activated more by calcium than by magnesium; it exhibits maximum activity at pH 9.0, and substrate inhibition above 0.5 mM ATP. The enzyme activity increases in crabs adapted to higher salinities. The enzyme from normal (70% sea water) crabs shows two pH optima; one at pH 7.0, the other at pH 9.0. The neutral optimum shifts to pH 6.0 upon adaptation to full strength sea water, but disappears upon adaptation to 25% sea water. The enzyme from normal crabs shows an optimum at 30 °C; adaptation to full strength sea water raises this optimum to 38 °C, whereas adaptation to 25% sea water decreases it to 24 °C. These changes are discussed in relation to estuarine conditions.  相似文献   

E. Paasche 《Marine Biology》1973,19(2):117-126
The small marine plankton diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle and Heimdal (Guillard's clone 3H) was grown in chemostats with silicate as the limiting nutrient. The calculated maximum growth rates were comparable to those previously reported for this species. The silica content of the diatom shells varied with the growth rate. As the growth rate approached zero, there were still measurable quantities of residual reactive silicate in the medium. In one of the two chemostats used, silicate assimilation by the cells was inefficient due to some unknown internal or external factor. In the other chemostat, statistically calculated half-saturation constants of growth were in the range of 0.5 to 0.8 g—at Si/l, depending on which kind of correction was made for residual silicate. Half-saturation constants of steady-state mean silicate uptake per cell and hour, calculated in a similar fashion, were in the range of 1.4 to 2.6 g—at Si/l. These results indicate that the silicate concentrations causing a reduced silicate uptake by this species in nature do not necessarily result in a correspondingly reduced growth rate. Growth in coastal waters is likely to become seriously limited by a shortage of silicate only when most of the silicate originally present has been removed in the course of a diatom bloom.  相似文献   

The effects of ultraviolet radiation on phytoplankton are usually described as a function of dose (J m–2, weighted appropriately). Experiments conducted in 1988 and 1989 on a marine diatom,Thalassiosira pseudonana (Clone 3H), demonstrate that during lightlimited photosynthesis in visible radiation, the inhibition of photosynthesis by supplemental ultraviolet radiation (principally UV-B: 280 to 320 nm) is a function of irradiance (W m–2) as well as of dose: for equal doses of UV-B, a relatively short exposure to high UV-B irradiance is more damaging to photosynthesis than a longer exposure to lower irradiance. In fact, photoinhibition by UV-B is well described as a monotonic, nonlinear function of irradiance for time scales of 0.5 to 4 h. A nitrate-limited culture was about nine times more sensitive to UV-B than was a nutrient-replete culture, but the kinetics of photoinhibition were similar. These results have some bearing on efforts to describe the effects of ultraviolet radiation on marine primary productivity. Action spectra of photoinhibition by UV can be constructed, but they should only be used to describe photoinhibition for specified time scales. Vertical profiles of relative photoinhibition must be interpreted cautiously because photoinhibition by UV-B is likely to be a function of incubation time and results must therefore be interpreted in the context of vertical mixing.  相似文献   

For the antitropical gooseneck barnacle Pollicipes elegans, population-specific physiological temperature tolerance of larvae may serve as a barrier to larval dispersal across the warmest regions of the tropical Pacific Ocean. Thermal tolerance ranges of larvae of three different populations of P. elegans sampled in 2011 and 2012 (Mexico [MX], El Salvador [ES], and Peru [PE]) were investigated by measuring three indicators of physiological performance: swimming activity, oxygen consumption, and lethality or LT50. The thermal tolerance profiles, which include measurable optimum (maximum aerobic performance), pejus (“getting worse”) and pessimum (worst aerobic performance) ranges, of larvae from the three populations were consistent with their characteristic environmental temperatures. In MX, larvae live close to the upper border of their optimum during warm months and so have a limited capacity to tolerate higher-than-normal temperatures. Larvae from the ES population likewise appear to live within their optimum temperature range, but these larvae lack a detectable pessimum range, suggesting they would be unable to cope with temperatures above their pejus range. Larvae from PE have a broad optimum but no pejus range. Different thermal tolerance ranges provide strong evidence for population-dependent physiological adaptations in P. elegans. For the southern (PE) and northern (MX) P. elegans populations, high tropical temperatures are likely to be a strong direct physiological barrier to larval survival and dispersal, which is in contrast to the more thermally tolerant ES population.  相似文献   

A deep-sea benthic trap is described with which amphipods (Tmetonyx cicada) were both collected and observed at their ambient pressure of 134 atm. T. cicada collected with decompression from the same depth and locality were more sensitive to subsequent recompression than those amphipods brought to the surface at their ambient pressure. T. cicada from 2700 m experience irreversible injury during decompression to atmospheric pressure. The pressure tolerance of the deep-sea mysid Gnathophausia zoea was measured and compared with the tolerance of mid-water decapods and the shallow-water Crangon crangon. G. zoea became more sensitive to high pressure with prolonged exposure to atmospheric pressure. Deep sea animals exhibit a tolerance to high pressure related to their normal ambient pressure; sensitivity to decompression is also related to normal ambient pressure.  相似文献   

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