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When two closely related species are sympatric the process of species recognition (identifying conspecifics) and mate-quality recognition (increased fitness benefits) can yield a conflict when heterospecifics resemble high-quality conspecifics. Conflict in species versus mate-quality recognition may serve as a possible mechanism for the persistence of unisexual, gynogenetic Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa). Amazon mollies require sperm from closely related species (e.g., sailfin mollies, P. latipinna) to start embryogenesis but inheritance is strictly maternal. When choosing mates, male sailfin mollies from populations sympatric with Amazon mollies may rely on traits indicating species identity rather than those indicating mate quality. Conversely, males from allopatric populations may rely more on traits indicating mate quality. Previous work has found that male sailfin mollies in sympatry exhibit a significantly greater mating preference for female sailfin mollies over Amazon mollies compared to males in allopatry. In addition, male sailfin mollies prefer to associate with and produce more sperm in the presence of larger conspecific females, which are more fecund. We hypothesized that male sailfin mollies experience a conflict in species recognition and mate-quality recognition in the presence of Amazon mollies that are relatively larger than female sailfin mollies. To test this hypothesis, we paired males from sympatric and allopatric populations with a larger Amazon molly and a smaller female sailfin molly. We scored the number of mating attempts that males directed to conspecific and heterospecific females. Males in most sympatric and allopatric populations demonstrate no clear preference for conspecifics. In addition, we found some evidence for a difference in mating preference between allopatric and sympatric populations with males from allopatry showing a greater heterospecific mate preference. These results indicate a conflict between species and mate-quality recognition. In sympatry this conflict may contribute to the persistence of gynogenetic Amazon mollies.  相似文献   

Summary Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is defined as small, random deviations from bilateral symmetry in a generally perfect bilaterally symmetrical morphological trait. FA in forewing length affects the outcomes of interspecific contests for food items (dead arthropods) between two species of Japanese scorpionflies, Panorpa nipponensis and P. ochraceopennis, in nature. FA differences between same-sex contestants are more important than either body size or ownership of food in determining the outcomes of interspecific contests; for both sexes, winners statistically significantly more often have relatively low FA. Two condition-dependent mating tactics are used by the males of each species: (a) a male may defend a dead-arthropod nuptial gift, or (b) a male without such an arthropod may wait near a male with one. In both tactics, males release long-distance sex pheromones. Groups of pheromone-releasing males are made up of one male with a nuptial gift and his satellites; the males in a group may be conspecifics or heterospecifics. Males that lose contests for nuptial gifts often become satellites of the contest winners whether or not winners are conspecific. Satellite males have statistically significantly greater FA than males with nuptial gifts in heterospecific male display groups. Satellite males mate infrequently and briefly compared to resource-holding males. Satellites of heterospecific males copulate with conspecific females displaced from nuptial gifts by the resource-holding males of the other species. In both species, the largest and smallest individuals have the greatest FA, and intermediate-sized individuals have the least; this same pattern often occurs in other animals.  相似文献   

Summary In Perdita portalis, a ground nesting, communal bee, males are clearly dimorphic. The two male morphs are easily distinguished based on head size and shape into (1) a flight-capable, small-headed (SH) morph that resembles the males of other closely related species and (2) a flightless, large-headed (LH) morph that possesses numerous derived traits, such as reduced compound eyes, enlarged facial foveae and fully atrophied indirect flight muscles. The SH morph occurs exclusively on flowers while the LH morph is found only in nests with females. While on flowers, SH males are aggressive, fighting with conspecific males and heterospecific male and female bees, and they mate frequently with foraging females. Using artificial observation nests placed in the field, I observed the behavior of females and LH males within their subterranean nests. LH males are aggressive fighters; males attacked each other with mandibles agape, and male-male fights always ended in the death of one male. LH males are highly attentive to the reproductive behavior of females; they spend increasing amounts of time near open cells during cell provisioning, and mating only takes place immediately prior to oviposition when females are forming the accumulated pollen and nectar into a ball. Based on larvae reared to adulthood in the laboratory, the two male morphs occur in equal proportions. The behavior of males in closely related species, especially P. texana, and the origin and maintenance of male dimorphism are discussed.  相似文献   

Rather than seeking females directly, males in many animal species locate and defend sites that contain spatially limited resources essential for female survival and reproduction. In these cases, resident males successfully repelling conspecific rivals will mate with sexually receptive females that seek to use the resident’s resources. Theory predicts that if resources are limiting in nature, are costly to procure, and if residency at the resource site increases male reproductive success, each site should be monopolised by a single adult male. Moreover, if females aggregate at these sites, males should be sedentary and monopolise harems. This predicts that males should reside at resource sites longer than females and male tenure should be positively correlated with harem size. I address these hypotheses using a wild population of the Wellington tree weta, Hemideina crassidens, a sexually dimorphic insect in which males use mandibular weapons in fights to control resource sites (galleries in trees) required by females for diurnal refuge. In a longitudinal study using artificial galleries, I show that male tenure in a gallery is positively related to harem size and, contrary to prediction, not gallery size per se. Moreover, contrary to prediction, females are more sedentary than males: males appear to move frequently between galleries to search for novel mates. I show experimentally that galleries represent mating sites to males: males prefer galleries housing adult females whereas females prefer unoccupied galleries. Females likely avoid male-occupied galleries because they incur injuries when interacting with males.  相似文献   

Selection should favor strategies that reduce costs associated with spermatogenesis. This is especially true when males are sympatric with closely related species, and must avoid heterospecific matings, as in the unisexual–bisexual species complex of mollies. Male sailfin mollies, Poecilia latipinna, are sexually parasitized by Amazon mollies (P. formosa), and produce more sperm in the presence of female sailfin mollies than in the presence of Amazon mollies. We tested the hypothesis that male sailfin mollies differentially expend sperm when mating with either conspecific or heterospecific females. We measured sperm expenditure by determining the amount of sperm males have remaining after mating. Male sailfin mollies had more sperm available after mating with female sailfin mollies than after mating with Amazon mollies. While this result could indicate higher sperm expenditure to Amazon mollies, males mating with female sailfin mollies had more sperm available after mating than their baseline sperm reserves. Spermiation, the last stage of spermatogenesis, could be triggered by physical contact with females, and could increase sperm availability during mating. We examined the relationship between sperm availability and the amount of time that males mated with females. We found that sperm availability increased as mating trial time increased with female sailfin mollies, but not with Amazon mollies. Spermiation in the presence of conspecific female stimuli could reduce physiological costs associated with spermatogenesis while increasing the amount and quality of sperm available for sperm competition. We suggest that future studies examining sperm priming and expenditure should consider the potential for spermiation.  相似文献   

Males often face strong mating competition by neighboring males in their social environment. A recent study by Plath et al. (Anim Behav 75:21–29, 2008a) has demonstrated that the visual presence of a male competitor (i.e., an audience male) affects the expression of male mating preferences in a poeciliid fish (Poecilia mexicana) with a weaker expression of mating preferences when an audience male observed the focal male. This may be a tactic to reduce sperm competition, since surrounding males likely share intrinsic preferences for female traits or copy mate choice decisions. Here, we examined the hypothesis that a same-sex audience would affect female mate preferences less than male mating preferences. Our hypothesis was based on the assumptions that (1) competition for mates in a fashion that would be comparable in strength to sperm competition or overt male–male aggression is absent among Poecilia females, and (2) P. mexicana females typically form female-biased shoals, such that almost any female mate choice in nature occurs in front of a female audience. Poecilia females (P. mexicana, surface and cave form, and the closely related gynogenetic Poecilia formosa) were given a choice between a large and a small male, and the tests were repeated while a conspecific, a heterospecific, or no audience female (control) was presented. Females spent more time in the neutral zone and, thus, less time near the males during the second part of a trial when an audience was presented, but—consistent with predictions—females showed only slightly weaker expression of mate preferences during the second part of the tests. This decline was not specific to the treatment involving an audience and was significantly weaker than the effect seen in the male sex.  相似文献   

Male fiddler crabs, Uca paradussumieri, mate underground during a 4- to 7-day period each full and new moon. As soon as the tide recedes, males enter the burrows of females that will ovulate the following day ('pre-ovigerous' females). Males copulate with and guard these females until they ovulate. When interrupted by an intruding male, the first male to reach the female is usually able to defend her and successfully mate with her. In fiddler crabs, females mate multiply and there is last male sperm precedence. Before each semi-lunar mating period, male U. paradussumieri were more likely to court females with whom they would later mate than other nearby females with whom they did not mate. This suggests that males collect information on female reproductive state prior to the females becoming ovigerous. In this species, aggression was common between males that courted the same female. When previously courted females were approached by other males, the initial courter attempted to forcefully disrupt the courtship. This behavior may allow males the exclusive use of information on female reproductive condition. It also suggests a type of scramble competition between males over females. Furthermore, it indicates that males are able to locate receptive females prior to their becoming ovigerous. The shorter guarding period observed in this species, as compared with other fiddler crabs, is caused by females rejecting longer guarding periods. Male ability to assess female reproductive status may therefore be advantageous because it increases male mating success within a scramble type of competitive polygyny.  相似文献   

Males vary in the degree to which they invest in mating. Several factors can explain this variation, including differences in males’ individual condition and the fact that males allocate their energy depending on the context they face in each mating attempt. Particularly, female quality affects male reproductive success. Here, we studied whether male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) strategically allocated more mating effort, in terms of mating behaviour and male–male competition, when they were matched with a receptive (R) female than a non-receptive one. In accordance with our prediction, we found that males increased their mating behaviour when they were with a receptive female. Even though male guppies can inseminate non-receptive females, we only found high levels of courtship between males that were with a receptive female rather than a non-receptive one. Although there was little affect of female receptivity on male–male competition, we found that males chased and interrupted courtships more with receptive females than with non-receptive females regardless of odour. Finally, we also studied whether the sexual pheromone produced by receptive female guppies is a cue that males use in order to increase their mating effort. We found that males were more attracted to a female when they perceived the sexual pheromone, but only increased their mating and aggressive behaviours when females showed receptive behaviour. This strategic increase in mating effort could result in higher male reproductive success because mating attempts towards receptive females are likely to be less costly and males could have a greater probability of fertilisation.  相似文献   

Hybridization is a widespread phenomenon in many vertebrate groups. Prezygotic isolating mechanisms, probably caused by selection against hybrids with reduced fitness, reduce the likelihood of such events. Although hybrid-reduced fitness relatively to parental species is common, hybridization can also be beneficial, and hybrids sometimes outperform the pure species type. In this study, we examined two potential processes, Hubbs’s principle and male–male competition, which could enhance hybridization in the waterfrog complex and thus explain the proportion of heterospecific pairs collected in a natural pond. Firstly, by collecting 791 frogs in the field to study pair and chorus composition, we showed that in a mixed Rana lessonaeRana esculenta population, the scarcity of hybrid R. esculenta males did not account for the proportion of heterospecific pairs: indeed, when examining pairing composition in six different choruses, we found that hybrid males were always under-represented and that R. esculenta females were found paired with R. lessonae males. Secondly, we investigated experimentally whether or nor male–male competition mechanism could explain pair formation in waterfrogs. Our mating speed experiment highlights mechanisms that could explain heterospecific pairs in a context of promiscuous mating where scramble competition was intense. To measure the rapidity with which a male grasps a female, we placed males in a grid cage with a female, and the dynamics of pair formation was monitored. R. esculenta males showed a lower pairing success than R. lessonae males as a smaller proportion of them amplexed females, and more time was needed for them to get amplexed. Thus, a less adaptative mechanism than female mate choice may also explain the mating pattern observed in waterfrog species.  相似文献   

Differential interests between the sexes regarding the number of copulations can result in sexual harassment. Hence, females may have less time available for foraging. Male sexual harassment often leads to fitness reduction in females. We used the mating complex of the bisexual fish Poecilia mexicana and the co-occurring all-female Poecilia formosa to study sexual harassment and its incurred cost on female feeding efficiency. P. formosa is a sperm-dependent parthenogen that requires mating with host males to induce embryogenesis, but the male genes are not used. We therefore predicted P. mexicana males to prefer conspecific females. Hence, costs of male sexual harassment should not occur in unisexuals. While P. formosa are at a disadvantage compared to P. mexicana females due to male mate choice (leading to sperm limitation), this could be traded-off by suffering less from sexual harassment. In our experiment, we found males to direct significantly more pre-copulatory mating behaviour towards conspecific females, whereas actual mating attempts did not differ between species. Contrary to our prediction, both types of females started feeding later and spent less time feeding in the presence of a male partner compared to the time spent feeding with another female, suggesting that females of both species suffer from male harassment. The focal females' feeding time declined with increasing body size of the female competitor, and the same pattern was found when a male was present. We discuss that—besides sexual harassment—other factors such as food competition and female mate choice may affect female feeding efficiency.  相似文献   

In lekking species, females may become sperm-limited when mating with sexually successful males, and this may be exacerbated by a poor male diet. Polygynous males may also be limited by the amount of accessory gland products (AGPs) they can transmit to females, which in turn may influence the females’ refractory period and longevity. Here, we tested the effect of male mating history, larval and adult diet on copula duration, mating intervals, female fecundity, fertilisation success, life span and likelihood to remate using sexually successful males of the lekking tephritid fly Anastrepha obliqua. Flies originated from either a native or exotic host fruit and were protein-fed or deprived. Male diet and larval host influenced copula duration, while the time elapsed between matings was affected by the interaction of mating order and male adult diet. Female fecundity was not influenced by female position in mating order or protein inclusion into the male diet. However, mating order and male larval diet influenced female fertilisation success. Importantly, as males mated successively they were less able to induce a refractory period on females, as the last females to mate with a male were more likely to remate and had slightly longer life spans than the first females to mate with males. These results might be attributed to a decrease in male AGPs with increasing male mating frequency. We discuss the role of conditional expression of male mating frequency with respect to A. obliqua’s life history, the trade-off that females face when mating with a successful male, the effect of larval diet on adult sexual performance and the possibility for sexual conflict to occur due to high male mating rates and fitness costs to females.  相似文献   

Pheromones may convey information about mate quality and social status. In the field cricket Gryllus integer, females mount the males for copulation, such that males cannot coerce females to mate. We examined whether virgin G. integer females preferred the scent of potentially dominant males to that of subordinate males. First, we collected pheromones by confining males on filter paper. Next, we offered filter paper from each of two size-matched males and control paper to females that had never been exposed to males, and measured the time spent by the female on each kind of paper. Finally, dominance status of the males in each size-matched pair was determined by pitting the two males against one another in agonistic contests. When offered filter paper from subsequently dominant versus subsequently subordinate males, females spent more time on the paper from the dominant male than the subordinate male, and much less time on control paper. Thus, pheromones may inform female G. integer about a male's potential to achieve dominant social status. Male pheromones were also associated with the female's tendency to mount a male. In contrast to cockroaches, where females prefer the scent of subordinate males (presumably to avoid risk of injury), female crickets prefer the scent of potentially dominant males and are more likely than males to wound their mating partners.  相似文献   

Summary One of the roles ascribed to spider courtship is that of mate recognition and reproductive isolation. We describe behavioral mechanisms underlying these functions in three species of wandering spiders of the genus Cupiennius (Ctenidae). C. salei and the two sympatric species C. getazi and C. coccineus discriminate conspecifics and heterospecifics in a multistage process which covers three principal phases of courtship: (1) Chemical phase: male spiders initiate vibratory courtship communication less often upon contact with heterospecific than with conspecific female silk. (2) Vibratory phase: females respond with their own vibration less often and with increased delay to the vibratory courtship signals of heterospecific males than to those of conspecific males. (3) Tactile phase: in heterospecific pairings males and females interrupt the contact phase if their courtship has progressed thus far. The product of the probabilities of passing through each of the different stages of courtship is between 0.44 and 0.88 for conspecific pairings, but zero for most heterospecific pairings. This is to a greater extent due to the behavioral barriers of the vibratory and the tactile phase than to that of the chemical phase. Male taxis on tracks of female silk does not depend on the species-specificity of the silk. Female vibrations are not essential for species recognition: males increase their signal rates, orient toward and approach responding females in both con- and heterospecific pairings. Female attacks on males are similar to attacks on prey; males defend themselves with outstretched front legs and are caught and killed by the female in only 5% of the cases. In all phases of courtship, female C. salei are least and female C. getazi most selective. When female C. coccineus and C. getazi are involved in heterospecific pairings no copulation is attempted. In contrast, 13 copulations of C. salei with males of the other two species were observed; egg sacs never resulted from these copulations. Among males, those of C. getazi were least selective. The likelihood of heterospecific pairs passing through all phases of courtship is higher in case of the allopatric than in that of the sympatric species. This finding applies to the courtship as a whole, but not necessarily to each of its phases.Offprint requests to: F.G. Barth  相似文献   

Summary Female Enallagma hageni oviposit underwater where they are inaccessible to males. I demonstrate that males guard submerged females rather than perch sites, and are behaviorally distinct from lone males at the water. In contrast to lone males, which always attempt to copulate with females presented to them, guarding males exhibit a conditional latency to remating which corresponds closely to the time required by females to oviposit a complete clutch of eggs. By ovipositing underwater, females decrease the risk that their eggs become exposed. Risks associated with submerged oviposition favor both mate guarding, and multiple, within-clutch matings by females. Both guarding mates and lone males rescue females that float on the water surface as the result of improper resurfacing. Such behavior reduces the mortality risk to females from 0.06 to 0.02 per oviposition bout. By remating between bouts, females benefit from the additional vigilance of lone males, who rescue floating females 1.4 times as often as original mates. A second consequence of multiple mating is an increase in the selective advantage of vigilance by mates. Because receptive females become scarce by early afternoon, whereas male density remains high, a male has little (3%) chance of encountering a second receptive female that day. However, he incurs a 42% risk of losing fertilizations if he abandons a mate. For male E. hageni mate guarding functions in the context of both natural and sexual selection. It insures that a mate lives to lay a complete egg clutch in addition to protecting a male's sperm investment.  相似文献   

Male mating status can affect female reproductive output if male ejaculate investment declines over consecutive matings. Accordingly, females are predicted to mate preferentially with virgin males. In mildly polyandrous lepidopterans, female fitness is less affected by reduced male investment than in more polyandrous species, and so the predictions for female mating preferences are less clear. We examined female mating preferences in the mildly polyandrous almond moth, Cadra cautella, in which ejaculate size does not affect female reproductive output. First, we allowed females to mate with virgin or once-mated males, in which the males were presented individually or simultaneously. We recorded the latency to mating and, in the case of the simultaneously presented trials, the identity of the successful, copulating male. We found that females mated more frequently with mated males (when simultaneously presented with both males), yet females did not differ in the time taken to initiate copulation with any male. We further examined if this mated male advantage was due to differential mate detection or locomotory behaviour of the male treatments. We tested the ability of virgin and mated males to locate a receptive female within a wind tunnel using long-distance pheromone cues and recorded their activity budget. We found no difference in the ability of mated or virgin males to locate or approach a receptive female, or in their activity levels. These data suggest a female preference for mated males in this species, a preference that may minimise other potential costs of mating.  相似文献   

The polygyny threshold model suggests that females make an optimal choice between mated and unmated males. However; in birds in which males provide parental care, the fitness of secondary females is often lower than expected from this model. This has been explained by the deception hypothesis, which states that males hide their mating status and deceive females into polygyny. Yet there is no direct evidence that secondary females are unaware of male mating status when they settle. Alternatively, females settle with mated males as a result of mate competition and costs of searching. We used videofilming at nestboxes defended by males to study mate sampling of female pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca. The females visited on average only 2.74 males (range 1–8, n = 43). Most (16 of 19) of the polygynous matings occurred because females had only visited mated males, or the unmated males visited became occupied by competitors during the sampling period. Among females that could choose between both mated and unmated males, the majority (13 of 16) settled with unmated males. These results lend little support to the deception hypothesis but are consistent with the view that females are able to detect male mating status but sometimes settle with mated males because of cost of searching. Prospecting females seemed willing and able to suffer the cost of fighting with aggressive primary females in the males' secondary territory if no alternative mating options were available. In addition to male mating status, females took male quality (plumage colour, age) into account in mate choice but the former appeared to be the more important. Correspondence to: T. Slagsvold  相似文献   

When closely related species breed in sympatry, and where hybrids have lower fitness, reinforcement theory predicts that selection should favour mechanisms that reduce the probability of interspecific matings. If this situation arises among species that exhibit resource defence polygyny where males and females of different species reside in the same territories, there may be some conflict between mate choice based on territory-holding ability (sexual selection) and mate choice for correct species. We investigated this in a population of fur seals where three species are sympatric and where some females breed in the territories of heterospecific males, and where interspecific matings and hybrid pups are observed. The territorial status of males and the birthing sites of females were determined during daily observations, as were the movements of males and females, the location of matings and mating partners. DNA extracted from skin samples was used to determine paternities using DNA fingerprinting and the mtDNA genotype of individuals. Individuals were also classed on the basis of species-typical phenotype. We found that extra-territory inseminations (ETIs) were significantly more prevalent (67%) when territorial males and resident females were of different phenotype than when of similar phenotype (27%), but mtDNA genotype had no effect on the rate of ETIs. ETIs were probably by males with the same phenotype, as pups born to these females in the following season had the same phenotype as their mothers, suggesting they were not hybrids. These results suggest that within the resource defence polygynous mating system of these sympatric fur seals, female mate choice is more influenced by male phenotype than genotype. Contrary to our predictions, our study indicates that potential conflict between mate choice based on sexual selection and species recognition is unlikely, because females have some capacity to discriminate between males both within and between species on phenotypic traits additional to those under sexual selection. Although at least 25% of the pups born in this study were hybrid, this study can only support reinforcement theory if hybrids have reduced fitness. The fitness of hybrids among the species studied is currently unknown. Received: 19 January 1998 / Accepted after revision: 12 September 1998  相似文献   

Mate guarding is a male strategy to gain access to receptive females but often results in antagonistic interactions between the sexes because of different costs/benefits of guarding. In addition to social, morphological, and physiological parameters, the type of mating system should also affect the strength of the conflict and thus the guarding duration. Specifically, when compared to females, self-compatible hermaphrodites might have reduced benefits of outcrossing. We investigated mate guarding in dioecious (co-presence of females and males) and androdioecious (co-presence of hermaphrodites and males) branchiopod crustaceans. Both sexes in androdioecious systems should shift their guarding times to lower values relative to dioecious systems because (1) androdioecious males are present in lower percentages than dioecious males and thus encounter rates with receptive mates are relatively greater for them; and (2) hermaphrodites should have low incentive to incur high costs of mate guarding, having the alternative of self-fertilization, and thus should be highly eager to resist. While females preferred short guarding times, when allowed to control the guarding duration (males tethered), dioecious males did not increase their guarding duration when females (treated with muscular relaxant) could not resist, in contrast to what has previously been found for androdioecious males. This indicates that hermaphrodites are more willing to resist mate guarding than females. The among-species comparisons supported our hypotheses: compromised guarding times were significantly lower in androdioecious than in dioecious species. The introduction of a parameter (mating system) not previously investigated in mate guarding models resulted in a powerful test of mate guarding theory, adding a valuable contribution to our understanding of intersexual conflict.  相似文献   

The extent to which active female mating preferences influence male reproductive success in mammals is unclear, particularly for promiscuously breeding species like chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Previous studies from multiple long-term study sites have shown that female chimpanzees mate more restrictively around ovulation, and this has been taken as evidence for female choice. However, none of these studies rigorously evaluated the alternative hypothesis that restrictive mating results not from unconstrained choice, but in response to coercive mate guarding, in which males use punishment and intimidation to reduce female promiscuity and promote their own mating interests. Nor did they consider evidence for the potential genetic or phenotypic benefits that females might be choosing. Using 11 years of data from the Kanyawara community in Kibale National Park, Uganda, we previously demonstrated that males achieve elevated mating success with those females toward whom they direct high levels of aggression. Here we extend those findings to show that even female copulatory approaches, which have previously been attributed to female choice, are correlated with male aggression. Specifically, individual females at our site initiated periovulatory copulations most frequently with the males who were most aggressive toward them throughout their cycles. Those males showed high rates of aggression toward females throughout estrus, despite achieving high copulation rates, demonstrating a continuing conflict of interest over the exclusivity of mating access. Because sexual coercion is potentially widespread in primates and other mammals, our results stress the importance of considering the influence of male aggression in studies of female choice.  相似文献   

Socioecological theory predicts that the distribution of fertile females in space and time is the major determinant of male spacing behavior and mating strategies. Using a small nocturnal Malagasy primate, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), we determined the spatiotemporal distribution of estrous females during the brief annual mating season to examine the predictive power of the socioecological model for male mating strategies. Mouse lemurs are particularly interesting in this respect because this polygynous species is characterized by seasonal reproduction, seasonally reversed sexual dimorphism, and relatively large testes. All resident animals in our 8-ha study area, a total of 30 adult males and 27 adult females, were individually marked and regularly recaptured to determine female reproductive status and to obtain home range data. We found that the mating season is limited to 4 weeks following female emergence from hibernation. Only 3-9 females could have synchronized estruses during a given week, indicating a moderately high male monopolization potential. However, receptive females were not spatially clumped and male ranges overlapped with those of many other rivals. Therefore, we suggest that individual powerful males may be unable to defend exclusive permanent access to receptive females because of prohibitive costs of range defense resulting from the strongly male-biased operational sex ratio and the corresponding intruder pressure. Our general conclusions are (1) that the socioecological model provides a useful heuristic framework for the study of mating systems, but that (2) it does not specify the degree of spatiotemporal clumping of receptive females at which male mating strategies switch among mate guarding, spatial exclusion of rivals, and roaming, and that (3) the operational sex ratio can have profound effects on male mating strategies as well.  相似文献   

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