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宁波市环境空气中VOCs污染状况及变化趋势分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
基于近7年来的连续监测数据,对宁波市环境空气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)的污染状况及变化趋势进行了初步分析。研究表明:在宁波市环境空气中检测出94种VOCs,其主要成分是饱和烷烃、芳烃、烯烃、卤代烃、卤代芳烃、含氧有机物等,有37种属有毒有害物质,其中苯系物含量最高;宁波市环境空气中苯系物的污染程度与国内外城市基本处于同一水平,近年来的污染状况变化不大,没有明显恶化;空间分布特征显示一类保护区VOCs的排放以天然源为主,二类各功能区VOCs的排放由天然源和局部人为污染源共同形成,三类区以工业污染源排放为主;时间变化趋势显示VOCs在冬季和春季的平均浓度比其他季节高,VOCs的日变化基本呈现2个主浓度峰值特征,跟城市交通流量变化具有很好相关性。  相似文献   

大气环境污染物监测是建立污染源与环境污染关系的重要技术途径,也是大气综合治理决策所需数据的主要来源。近年来,空气质量精细化管理和污染源精准控制的需求逐渐增长,对监测技术提出了更高的要求。传感器技术作为空气质量监测标准方法的补充,是实现城市空气质量高时空分辨率测量的新手段。研究从传感器的原理及分类入手,通过综述其在环境空气质量监测、污染源监控管理、个人暴露风险评估等领域的应用,总结了传感器技术的研发进展、应用现状和存在问题,并提出其发展方向和前景。  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship of local air pollution pattern with urban land use and with urban thermal landscape using a GIS approach. Ambient air quality measurements for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, total suspended particles, and dust level were obtained for Guangzhou City in South China between 1981 and 2000. Landsat TM images and aerial photo derived maps were used to examine city's land use and land cover at different times and changes. Landsat thermal infrared data were employed to compute land surface temperatures and to assess urban thermal patterns. Relationships among the spatial patterns of air pollution, land use, and thermal landscape were sought through GIS and correlation analyses. Results show that the spatial patterns of air pollutants probed were positively correlated with urban built-up density, and with satellite derived land surface temperature values, particularly with measurements taken during the summer. It is suggested that further studies investigate the mechanisms of this linkage, and that remote sensing of air pollution delves into how the energy interacts with the atmosphere and the environment and how sensors see pollutants. Thermal infrared imagery could play a unique role in monitoring and modeling atmospheric pollution.  相似文献   

Cadmium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc concentrations were analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in surface soil and tree bark from different districts of Abuja, Nigeria, in order to determine the atmospheric trace metal input in the area.Elevated concentrations of some of the studied metals were observed in the soil and tree bark samples from the commercial/high traffic areas of the city compared to backgroundvalues. In soil samples, the average concentration of the metals were 0.6±0.4, 18.0±4.0, 281±39, 16±4 and66±23 g g-1 dry weight for Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn, respectively, whilst the average concentrations in tree bark were 0.3±0.2, 12±4, 133±32, 13±3 and 61±10 g g-1 dry weight for Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn, respectively. The trend in trace metal levels suggested that automobile emissions are a major source of these metals as the highest concentrations of Pb and Zn were recorded in the commercial areas of the city known for their high traffic densities. The levels of metal in the study area were relativelylow compared to levels found in some larger and older cities in various countries worldwide.  相似文献   

对典型医化园区中的挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染特征进行研究,采用便携式气相色谱质谱法监测园区及周边14个点位的环境空气,大气预浓缩气相色谱质谱法监测10个点位排气筒中废气。结果表明,废气中非甲烷总烃为1. 77~218 mg/m3,环境空气中甲苯、二氯甲烷、丙酮、乙酸乙酯、四氢呋喃的质量浓度分别为0. 048~0. 833,0. 022~3. 07,0. 011~0. 312,0. 004~0. 754和0. 004~0. 529 mg/m3;废气和环境空气中均检出含量较高的芳香烃、卤代烃、酯类、酮类等化合物,以及园区特征的氟苯类和噻吩类化合物。园区环境空气明显受到工业源VOCs污染,分布趋势为生产越密集区域VOCs值越高,经过园区后沿着风向逐渐降低,园区下风向11 km处可测到园区特征氟苯类物质。  相似文献   

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