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Since foodstuffs from animal origin and particularly poultry products have been pointed out several times as reservoir of dioxins and related compounds, notably in Belgium few years ago, food chain safety issues appeared. Although food chain contamination incidents occurred many times through contaminated feedstuffs consumption in commercial chicken farms, very few studies have been carried out on transfer of dioxins and related compounds from commercial feed to hens. The present work continues a preliminary study on dioxin transfer in laying chickens carried out in our lab and available on-line on November 2004 in Environment International. In this work, absorption of dioxins were not preferential for 2,3,7,8-substituted congeners, increase with increasing number of chlorines, and was not linearly dependent of the octanol/water partition. Only 2,3,7,8-congeners were found in all organs studied, and these latter showed the same congener profile and similar lipid-normalized concentration, except for the liver. Abdominal fat and liver seemed to be the major storage sites and the liver preferentially retained highly chlorinated congeners. Unfortunately in this previous trial, laying process stopped very early for unknown reason leading to a considerable lost of information. In the present toxicokinetic study, more complete gastrointestinal absorption, excretion in eggs and bioaccumulation of dioxins in different tissues were investigated in chickens fed for 14 weeks with a 9 ng TEQ/kg contaminated feed. Stable levels were reached after 7 weeks in excreta and 9 weeks in eggs. During the whole trial, gastrointestinal absorption ranged between 41% and 91% depending on the congener. At steady state conditions, excretion of 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD, OCDD, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF and OCDF exceeded 100% demonstrating excretion from tissues of these congeners which were also the most abundant in feed. 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD, 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF, 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF, 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF, 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF and 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF seemed to be metabolized more efficiently. Lipid adjusted concentrations and pattern were unexpectedly similar in the abdominal fat and the liver. On the contrary, eggs and breast muscles showed different pattern with higher level for high chlorinated congeners. When extrapolating our results, we found that a feed containing 0.750 ng TEQ/kg of dioxins (European norm for feedstuff) would cause a level lower than the maximum threshold level of 3 pg TEQ/g fat for chicken eggs fixed by European Communities. Nevertheless, a concentration lower than 0.6 ng TEQ/kg in feed would be needed to produce breast muscles less contaminated than 2 pg TEQ/g fat authorized in European.  相似文献   

The stable Sr content in the aboveground parts of rice plants at various growth stages, and the distributions of 90Sr and stable Sr in rice plant components, such as polished rice, rice bran, hull, straw and root, at harvest time, were determined. The total Sr content in the aboveground rice plants was dependent on the growth stage and followed the sigmoidal shape of the growth curve. The concentration of 90Sr among the different components of rice plants varied within two orders of magnitude, whereas the 90Sr/Sr concentration ratio had a constant value. Therefore, the translocation rate of 90Sr in rice plants had similar values to that of stable Sr. However, the 90Sr/Sr concentration ratio for the rice plants was different for each study site. Only 0.6% of the total Sr was found in polished rice, while more than 99% was found in the non-edible components, of which 87% was present in the straw. These findings suggest that 90Sr in the non-edible parts could have been transferred to humans through the soil-plant system and/or feed-livestock pathway. The soil-to-plant transfer factor of 90Sr in polished rice was 0.0021 +/- 0.00007, which was two orders of magnitude lower than that in the straw. The percentage of 90Sr removed from the upper soil layer to the aboveground biomass of rice plants at harvest time was calculated as 0.094%. It is possible that approximately 0.1% of the total 90Sr content in the surface soil layer is removed from the soil-plant system by human activities every year.  相似文献   

The uptake of naturally occurring uranium, thorium, radium and potassium by wheat plant from two morphologically different soils of India was studied under natural field conditions. The soil to wheat grain transfer factors (TF) were calculated and observed to be in the range of 4.0 x 10(-4) to 2.1 x 10(-3) for 238U, 6.0 x 10(-3) to 2.4 x 10(-2) for 232Th, 9.0 x 10(-3) to 1.6 x 10(-2) for 226Ra and 0.14-3.1 for 40K. Observed ratios (OR) of radionuclides with respect to calcium have been calculated to explain nearly comparable TF values in spite of differences in soil concentration of the different fields. They also give an idea about the discrimination exhibited by the plant in uptake of essential and nonessential elements. The availability of calcium and potassium in soil for uptake affects the uranium, thorium and radium content of the plant. The other soil factors such as illite clays of alluvial soil which trap potassium in its crystal lattice and phosphates which form insoluble compounds with thorium are seen to reduce their availability to plants. A major percentage (54-75%) of total 238U, 232Th and 226Ra activity in the plant is concentrated in the roots and only about 1-2% was distributed in the grains, whereas about 57% of 40K activity accumulated in the shoots and 16% in the grains. The intake of radionuclides by consumption of wheat grains from the fields studied contributes a small fraction to the total annual ingestion dose received by man due to naturally existing radioactivity in the environment.  相似文献   

Increasing use of wood fuels for energy production in Finland since the 1990s implies that large quantities of the generated ashes will be available for forest fertilization. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of wood ash application on 137Cs activity concentrations in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles and certain berries and mushrooms on drained peatlands. The study was based on field experiments carried out on two mires in Finland in 1997-1998. Two different types of wood ash were applied at dosages of 3500, 3700, 10 500 and 11 100 kg ha−1. Wood ash did not increase 137Cs activity concentration in plants in the second growing season following application. On the contrary, a decrease in 137Cs activity concentration was seen in the plants of the ecosystem on drained peatlands. This result is of importance, for instance, when recycling of ash is being planned.  相似文献   

A number of hypotheses have previously been developed concerning the rates of uptake and elimination of radiocaesium (137Cs) in fish. These include the influence of potassium and other water chemical parameters on both uptake and elimination, and the effect of fish size on accumulation. In order to test these hypotheses, we have assembled a data set comprising more than 1,000 measurements of radiocaesium (137Cs) in predatory fish (perch, pike and brown trout) in nine European lakes during the years after Chernobyl. These data have been analysed using simple models for uptake and excretion of 137Cs in fish, showing that: 1. Fish-water concentration factors (CF) were inversely proportional to potassium [K+] concentration of the different lakes, in agreement with previous studies. 2. The uptake rate of 137Cs in fish was negatively correlated with lake [K+], but excretion rate was independent of [K+]. 3. Lower than expected CF values were found in one lake, Iso Valkj?rvi, Finland. This is attributed to inhibition of the K+ (and therefore 137Cs) high affinity transport system in aquatic plants and fish by low pH and/or low Ca2+. 4. The inclusion of fish weight as a parameter in our dynamic model significantly improves the ability of the model to fit the observed measurements of 137Cs. 5. The model developed from the above hypotheses was able to fit the data from nine different lakes to within approximately a factor of 3 of the observed values.  相似文献   

Uptake of uranium and thorium by native and cultivated plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Large part of available literature on biogeochemistry of uranium and thorium refers to the studies performed either in highly contaminated areas or in nutrient solutions that have been artificially ‘spiked’ with radionuclides. Effects of background levels of natural radioactivity on soil-grown plants have not been studied to the same extent. In this paper, we summarised results of greenhouse and field experiments performed by the author from 2000 to 2006. We examined some of the factors affecting transfer of U and Th from soil to plants, differences in uptake of these radionuclides by different plants, relationships between U and Th in soil and in plants, and temporal variations of U and Th in different plant species. Concentrations of radionuclides (critical point for experimental studies on biogeochemistry of U and Th - rare trace elements in non-contaminated regions) and essential plant nutrients and trace elements were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis.  相似文献   

Uptake and distribution of 137Cs and 90Sr in salix viminalis plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Agricultural areas in middle and northern parts of Sweden were contaminated with radionuclides after the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Alternative crops in these areas are biomass plantations with fast-growing Salix clones for energy purposes. The uptake and internal distribution of 137Cs and 90Sr in Salix viminalis were studied. Plants were grown in microplots under field conditions. The soils in the experimental site had been contaminated in 1961 with 35.7 and 13.4 MBq m(-2) of 137Cs and 90Sr, respectively. The experiment was carried out during three years. The plots were fertilised with 60 kg N ha(-1) and three treatments of K, consisting of 0, 80 and 240 kg K ha(-1) during the first two years. The activity concentration of 137Cs in the different plant parts varied between 140 and 20,000 Bq kg(-1) and was ranked in the following order: lowest in stems < cuttings < leaves < roots. The fine roots (0-1 mm) had the highest 137Cs activity concentration. One-year-old stems had higher 137Cs activity concentrations than two-year-old stems. The activity concentration of 137Cs in the plants was significantly affected by K-supply and was higher in the 0 kg K treatment than in the 80 or 240kg K treatment. Leaves contained more 90Sr than stems and cuttings.  相似文献   

Uptake of 137Cs and 40K was studied in seven native plant species of the Marshall Islands. Plant and soil samples were obtained across a broad range of soil 137Cs concentrations (0.08-3900 Bq/kg) and a narrower range of 40K soil concentrations (2.3-55 Bq/kg), but with no systematic variation of 40K relative to 137Cs. Potassium-40 concentrations in plants varied little within the range of 40K soil concentrations observed. Unlike the case for 40K, 137Cs concentrations increased in plants with increasing 137Cs soil concentrations though not precisely in a proportionate manner. The best-fit relationship between soil and plant concentrations was P = aSb where a and b are regression coefficients and P and S are plant and soil concentrations, respectively. The exponent b for 40K was zero, implying plant concentrations were a single value, while b for 137Cs varied between 0.51 and 0.82, depending on the species. For both 40K and 137Cs, we observed a decreasing concentration ratio (where concentration ratio=plant concentration/soil concentration) with increasing soil concentrations. For the CR values, the best-fit relationship was of the form CR = aSb/S = aSb(-1). For the 40K CR functions, the exponent b - 1 was close to - 1 for all species. For the 137Cs CR functions, the exponent b - 1 varied from -0.19 to -0.48. The findings presented here, aswell as those by other investigators, collectively argue against the usefulness of simplistic ratio models to accurately predict uptake of either 40K or 137Cs in plants over wide ranges of soil concentration.  相似文献   

The uptake and loss kinetics of 95mTc in seawater have been investigated in the crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus. Both the uptake and loss kinetics can be represented as the sum of two exponential functions, one short-term (tb12 = 16 d) and one long-term (tb12 = 63 d), tb12 being the biological half-time. The predicted steady state concentration factor was estimated to be about 18.No significant linear correlation between Tc uptake rate and animal weight was found during the accumulation phase. At the end of this phase, 77% of the Tc was found to be distributed in the digestive system and particularly in the hepatopancreas (56%); this organ also appeared to lose the radionuclide most quickly. During the loss phase, 90% of the incorporated radioactivity was eliminated in about three months. Therefore P. marmoratus does not appear to be a good bioindicator of Tc in the marine environment nor an important pathway for Tc contamination along marine food chains.  相似文献   

The work describes the uptake, retention/biological elimination and organ/tissue distribution of 137Cs by freshwater Japanese catfish (Silurus asotus Linnaeus) under laboratory conditions. The fish were divided into three groups based on their size and age and reared in 137Cs-spiked water. The concentration of 137Cs in the whole body of the live fish was measured at regular intervals up to 60 days. A significant accumulation of 137Cs was found, but a steady state condition was not achieved by the end of the experiment. The bioaccumulation factors at steady state and the required time to reach steady state were estimated to be 1.55 and 255 days, 1.76 and 180 days and 1.99 and 160 days for large, medium and small size fish, respectively. To determine the effective half-life of 137Cs, the fish were transferred and reared in the non-contaminated host water. The concentration of the remaining 137Cs in the whole body of the live fish was measured up to 66 days. The average effective half-life of 137Cs in the fish species was found to be approximately 142 days for fish of all sizes. The distribution of 137Cs in different organs/tissues of the fish was determined. Accumulation of 137Cs in muscle/flesh of the fish was found to be approximately 75% of whole body accumulation. The uptake rate and the retention capability of juvenile fish were found to be higher and therefore, these were more susceptible to 137Cs than adult and old fish, and could be an important source of 137Cs in the human food chain.  相似文献   

中国农田生态系统碳净吸收重心移动及其原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入了解我国农田生态系统碳净吸收的区域差异及其原因,本文采用重心模型分析了农田系统碳净吸收重心移动规律,运用C-D生产函数分析了影晌农田系统碳净吸收重心移动的因素,并在此基础上计算了各影响因素对各区域碳净吸收的贡献率,提出了相应的政策建议.结果表明:①我国农田系统碳净吸收重心坐标经度减小较快,纬度波动增加,落实到地理区域上呈向西北方向移动的趋势.东南区与蒙新区是农田系统碳净吸收比重下降和增长速度最快的地区,而西南区已逐渐成为我国农田系统碳净吸收的主要贡献区.②常规投入中土地投入是影响农田系统碳净吸收重心移动的首要因素,资本投入(包括化肥、劳动力)也是重要的影响因素:控制变量中种植结构是主要影响因素,使用权与收益权变量系数显著但影响不大.③各影响因素对区域碳净吸收的贡献存在显著的地区差异,但影响各区域碳净吸收的主要贡献因素为土地、化肥和种植结构.  相似文献   

The critical paths for radionuclides and the critical foods in Asian countries differ from those in Western countries because agricultural products and diets are different. Consequently, safety assessments for Asian countries must consider rice as a critical food. As most rice is produced under flooded conditions, the uptake of radionuclides by rice is affected by soil conditions. In this report, we summarize radionuclide and stable element soil-to-plant transfer factors (TFs) for rice. Field observation results for fallout 137Cs and stable Cs TFs indicated that while fallout 137Cs had higher TF than stable Cs over several decades, the GM (geometric mean) values were similar with the GM of TF value for 137Cs being 3.6 × 10−3 and that for stable Cs being 2.5 × 10−3. Although there are some limitations to the use of TF for stable elements under some circumstances, these values can be used to evaluate long-term transfer of long-lived radionuclides in the environment. The compiled data showed that TF values were higher in brown rice than in white rice because distribution patterns for elements were different in the bran and white parts of rice grains.  相似文献   

Accumulation and clearance of 134Cs and 60Co by the Baltic bivalve Macoma baltica were experimentally investigated in a laboratory microcosmos. The nuclides were added to the water and the activities in bivalve flesh, shell, feces and sediment were determined at regular intervals. The uptake was quite rapid, 40% (Cs) and 55% (Co) of the final steady state values being attained after 24 h. The subsequent releases were also rapid, 50% (Cs) and 40% (Co), of the accumulated activity being lost within 6 days. The experiments demonstrated that the major intake route following short-term releases of activity will be from the water column and that the close relationship between activity in water and organism can thus be used for predictive purposes without the complication of radionuclide uptake from contaminated sediments. However, for longer periods, the subsequent intake of sediments will generate a significant exposure pathway for this deposit-feeding bivalve.  相似文献   

The Poços de Caldas Plateau is a deeply weathered alkaline igneous intrusion of about 35 km diameter, in which several radioactive anomalies exist. The first Brazilian uranium mine and mill are located in this region. A study is in progress to assess the edible vegetable uptake of the most abundant natural radionuclides in the local environment and this paper reports the results for 226Ra and 210Pb. In farm soils, both nuclides have similar concentrations. The minimum values are comparable to those found in areas of normal radioactivity but the maximum concentrations are ten-fold higher. ‘Exchangeable’ radium in soils ranges from 2·3% to 34·5% of the total. No statistical correlation was found between the ‘exchangeable’ 226Ra and several physico-chemical soil parameters. In the vegetables analyzed, 226Ra concentrations are slightly higher than those of 210Pb and the maximum values are also one order of magnitude greater than in normal regions. For both radionuclides, the average soil-to-plant concentration factors are of the order of 10−3 and 10−2, when related to total and to ‘exchangeable’ contents in soils, respectively. For each vegetable, no statistical correlation was observed between the 226Ra or 210Pb concentrations in the plant (fresh weight) and concentrations in the soil, either total or ‘exchangeable’. The ‘exchangeable’ Ca in soils does not seem to influence radium uptake by plants in a defined way.  相似文献   

Dead leaves were exposed to deuterated water vapor (D(2)O) as a substitute of tritiated water (HTO) in a greenhouse at daytime and nighttime to examine uptake and release of tritium by dead leaves because they cover a wide area of the forest floor and are therefore a major target material to be exposed when HTO is atmospherically derived to the forest. The dead cedar needles showed faster uptake and faster release rates during and after the exposure than the fresh ones, and the equilibrium concentration of the dead cedar needles was about two times higher than the fresh ones, indicating a quick response and a high buffering potential of dead leaves. The relation between uptake of D(2)O and number of stoma was examined for dead deciduous leaves; the species with larger number of stoma accumulated more D(2)O at the daytime and nighttime exposures. However, drying of the dead leaves suppressed D(2)O uptake greatly at daytime, suggesting stomata's opening and closing controls the D(2)O uptake of dead leaves.  相似文献   

Curium (244Cm) uptake from contaminated sea water was studied in five benthic marine species: two bivalve molluscs (Scrobicularia plana and Cerastoderma edule), two polychaete annelids (Arenicola marina and Nereis diversicolor) and one amphipod crustacean (Corophium volutator). The concentrations in the whole organisms relative to the concentration in the sea water (concentration factors) were: 700 for the amphipods (after 11 d of accumulation), 140 for the cockles (after 28 d), 80 for the scrobicularia (after 23 d) and ∼30 for the two annelids (after >20 d). All species except S. plana accumulated americium and curium similarly; S. plana accumulated similar amounts of curium and plutonium.  相似文献   

Uptake and depuration experiments for the edible periwinkle Littorina littorea have been performed using 131I-labelled seawater. Throughout the experimental phase the winkles were fed on unlabelled Chondrus crispus. 131I concentrations in winkles during uptake followed linear first-order kinetics with an uptake half-time of 11 days, whereas for depuration a triphasic sequence with biological half-lives of 4, 23 and 56 days was determined. In general, iodine turnover in winkles via labelled seawater appears to be slower than observed for other molluscs (2-3 days). Most of the activity prior to and after depuration is found to be in the shell, with indications that shell and soft parts accumulate and depurate 131I at a similar rate. The operculum displays the highest specific activity of all fractions with a concentration factor of 750 l kg(-1). Concentration factors for whole winkle, shell, soft parts and digestive gland are in the order of 40-60 l kg(-1), higher than the IAEA recommended CF value for iodine in molluscs of 10 l kg(-1). The 131I CF in winkles is closer to that of the conservative radionuclides 99Tc and 137Cs than the CF of the particle reactive radionuclides (239,240)Pu and 241Am.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the effect of diesel exhaust (DE) exposure on the disposition of a typical polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. DE-exposed and nonexposed A/Jax mice were divided into three groups and each mouse instilled intratracheally with benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). One group (A) received 14C-BaP, and at intervals of 2, 24, and 168 h, three mice from the group were killed and quick frozen for whole body autoradiography. Sagittal sections were cut at 0.5 mm intervals and autoradiograms prepared. Adjacent sections were studied so that radioactive areas were matched to specific organs. The second group (B) received 3H-BaP and at 2, 24, and 168 h these mice were killed. Livers, lungs, and testes were weighed and frozen. From these tissues metabolites were analyzed; these data are reported in the next paper. Histofluorescent examination of tissues from mice instilled with nonradioactive BaP (group C) confirmed that BaP was present in the lung. The autoradiography data are the basis for elucidating the BaP distribution in the mouse. Within 2 h after instillation radioactivity was detected in the entire animal, with most in lungs, liver, and GI tract. By 24 h after instillation considerable radioactivity had redistributed to the GI tract. At 168 h after instillation only a trace of label was found in the GI mucosa.  相似文献   

Accumulation and clearance of 134Cs and 60Co by the Baltic bivalve Macoma baltica were experimentally investigated in a laboratory microcosmos. The nuclides were added to the water and the activities in bivalve flesh, shell, feces and sediment were determined at regular intervals. The uptake was quite rapid, 40% (Cs) and 55% (Co) of the final steady state values being attained after 24 h. The subsequent releases were also rapid, 50% (Cs) and 40% (Co), of the accumulated activity being lost within 6 days. The experiments demonstrated that the major intake route following short-term releases of activity will be from the water column and that the close relationship between activity in water and organism can thus be used for predictive purposes without the complication of radionuclide uptake from contaminated sediments. However, for longer periods, the subsequent intake of sediments will generate a significant exposure pathway for this deposit-feeding bivalve.  相似文献   

Uptake and depuration experiments of (131)I from labelled seaweed (Chondrus crispus) by the edible periwinkle Littorina littorea have been performed. Radioiodine concentrations in winkles during uptake followed first-order kinetics with an uptake half-time of 1 day, and a calculated equilibrium concentration (C(infinity)) of 21 000 Bq kg(-1) resulting in a transfer factor of 0.07 with respect to the labelled seaweed used as food. For depuration, a biphasic sequence with biological half-lives of 1 and 24 days was determined. The results suggest that in general, iodine turnover in periwinkles is slower than observed for other molluscs (monophasic biological half-lives in the order of 2-3 days). Both environmental media, food and seawater, can be significant sources of radioiodine for the winkle.  相似文献   

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