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Regional vegetation pattern dynamics has a great impact on ecosystem and climate change. Remote sensing data and geographical information system (GIS) analysis were widely used in the detection of vegetation pattern dynamics. In this study, the Yellow River Delta was selected as the study area. By using 1986, 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2005 remote sensing data as basic information resource, with the support of GIS, a wetland vegetation spatial information dataset was built up. Through selecting the land-scape metrics such as class area (CA), class percent of landscape (PL), number of patch (NP), largest patch index (LPI) and mean patch size (MPS) etc., the dynamics of vegetation pattern was analyzed. The result showed that the change of vegetation pattern is significant from 1986 to 2005. From 1986–1999, the area of the vegetation, the percent of vegetation, LPI and MPS decreased, the NP increased, the vegetation pattern tends to be fragmental. The decrease in vegetation area may well be explained by the fact of the nature environment evolution (Climate change and decrease in Yellow River runoff) and the increase in the population in the Yellow River Delta. However, from 1999–2005, the area of the vegetation, the percent of vegetation, LPI and MPS increased, while the NP decreased. This trend of restoration may be due to the implementation of water resources regulation for the Yellow River Delta since 1999.  相似文献   

Regional vegetation pattern dynamics has a great impact on ecosystem and climate change. Remote sensing data and geographical information system (GIS) analysis were widely used in the detection of vegetation pattern dynamics. In this study, the Yellow River Delta was selected as the study area. By using 1986, 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2005 remote sensing data as basic information resource, with the support of GIS, a wetland vegetation spatial information dataset was built up. Through selecting the landscape metrics such as class area (CA), class percent of landscape (PL), number of patch (NP), largest patch index (LPI) and mean patch size (MPS) etc., the dynamics of vcgetation pattern was analyzed. The result showed that the change of vegetation pattern is significant from 1986 to 2005. From 1986-1999, the area of the vegetation, the percent of vegetation, LPI and MPS decreased, the NP increased, the vegetation pattern tends to be fragmental. The decrease in vegetation area may well be explained by the fact of the nature environment evolution (Climate change and decrease in Yellow River runoff) and the increase in the population in the Yellow River Delta. However, from 1999 2005, the area of the vegetation, the percent of vegetation, LPI and MPS increased, while the NP decreased. This trend of restoration may be due to the implementation of water resources regulation for the Yellow River Delta since 1999.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲地区环境地质问题已成为生态环境质量下降的主要因素.主要是土壤盐碱化、地下水污染、海水入侵、地面沉降、海岸蚀退等问题.本文针对问题的类型、范围和危害.从可持续发展的视角.提出了解决这些问题的对等。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲要实现高效生态经济发展模式,必须走可持续发展之路,建设可持续发展实验区就成为一种必然选择.作为我国第一个跨行政区域的国家级可持续发展实验区,黄河三角洲国家可持续发展实验区的管理体制和运行机制是制约该区域可持续发展的关键因素之一,管理体制和运行机制创新具有重要的实验和示范意义.本文分析了生态因素和区域协调问题对运行机制的影响,剖析了目前实验区管理体制与运行机制存在的主要问题;借鉴国内外类似区域的经验,研究探索了相关区域的管理模式.提出应考虑黄河三角洲可持续发展实验区产业的战略定位,结合区域特点,形成开放型多层联动的促进机制模式,并在政府推动机制、决策咨询机制、开放式联动机制、绩效考核评价机制、市场机制、创新型人才跨行政区合作机制等方面给出了对策与建议.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲湿地主导生态服务功能价值估算   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
黄河兰角洲湿地是全球暖温带最典型的河口三角洲湿地,具有多种生态服务功能.本文依据每种生态功能的特点和作用机理,分别运用生态经济学、环境经济学或资源经济学的方法对各主导生态服务功能的价值进行了量化估算.结果表明:在黄河三角洲湿地10项主导生态服务功能中,蓄水调洪和降解污染物的功能价值最大;黄河三角洲湿地单位面积价值大约是全国湿地平均单位面积价值的10倍,其中自然湿地的单位面积价值远高于人工湿地的单位面积价值.本研究结果使人们直观地看到了湿地给人类带来的福利,为湿地生态资源的合理定价、有效补偿提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

The status of mangroves within and adjacent to Kiunga Marine Protected Area (MPA) were assessed by means of aerial photographs and intensive ground truthing. Vegetation maps (1 : 25,000) were produced on GIS environment making it possible to store, retrieve and analyze various types of information very quickly. The maps together with the digitized information provide important tools to the management of mangroves of Kiunga MPA since various proposed treatments can now be entered and summarized thus providing useful overviews for planning, implementation and monitoring.The present inventory revealed that the existing mangrove forests within and adjacent to Kiunga MPA have a net standing volume of 2,354,004.85 m3 in 16,035.94 ha. There are eight species of mangrove trees, of which Rhizophora mucronata and Ceriops tagal are dominant. The standing volume ranges between 6.85 to 710.0 m3 ha–1 for stem with diameter above 5.0 cm. The average volume of the entire study area was 145.88 m3 ha–1, which corresponds to a stocking rate of 1736 stems per ha. Given its high potential productivity and regeneration, mangroves within and adjacent to Kiunga MPA have excellent prospects for sustainable exploitation.  相似文献   

Wetland is one of the most important ecosystems with varied functions and structures, and its loss has been a major issue. Wetland loss in Modern Yellow River Delta (MYRD) becomes a serious environmental problem, so its restoration attracts a great deal of attention from academia and governments. This article proposes a GIS-based multi-criteria comprehensive evaluation methodology for potential estimation of wetland restoration, using MYRD as an example. The model uses four kinds of data (hydrology, terrain, soil, and land use) and could be adapted by planners for use in identifying the suitability of locations as wetland mitigation sites at any site or region. In the application of the model in the MYRD, the research developed a lost wetland distributed map taking the better wetland situation of 1995 as the reference, and elevated the overall distribution trends of wetland restoration potential based on wetland polygon. The results indicated that the total area of wetland loss from 1995 to 2014 was 568.12 km2, which includes 188.83 km2 natural wetland and 21.80 km2 artificial wetland, respectively. The areas of lost wetland with low, middle, and high resilience ability are 126.82 km2, 259.92 km2, and 119.59 km2, occupying 25.05%, 51.33%, and 23.62%, respectively. The high-restoration-potential wetland included 98.47 km2 of natural wetland and 21.12 km2 of artificial wetland, which are mainly bush, reed, and ponds. The high-restoration-potential wetland is mainly distributed in the vicinity of Gudong oil field, the Yellow River Delta protected areas, and the eastern sides of Kenli county and Dongying city.  相似文献   

基于价值损失的黄河三角洲湿地生态补偿标准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态补偿作为一种新型的资源与环境管理手段,越来越受到国内外学者的关注。在过去20年里,国内外学者对生态补偿的概念、机制、模式、标准及生态补偿的效益等做了大量研究,但由于生态补偿具有很强的学科交叉性和地域差异性,致使上述研究尚存在较大分歧。生态补偿标准关系到生态补偿的可行性及效果,因此是生态补偿研究的核心,但目前还没有公认的量化方法。本文以黄河三角洲湿地为研究对象,探讨了依据生态价值损失来制定生态补偿标准的途径。文章首先运用市场价值法、环境保护投入费用评价法、生态价值法、成果参数法等计算了黄河三角洲因湿地面积减少和环境污染造成的直接市场价值和生态服务功能价值的损失量,然后以生态价值损失量为依据制定了湿地生态补偿的资金分配方案和补偿标准。研究结果表明,不同湿地类型的补偿标准不同。对于同一湿地类型,以生态功能价值损失为依据制定的补偿标准远高于以市场价值损失为依据制定的补偿标准。本研究为黄河三角洲地区实施湿地生态补偿提供了重要科学依据。  相似文献   

IKONOS panchromatic images from a single year were used to characterise the effects of an extreme rainstorm event on six mountain catchment areas in Venezuela. Image registrations were accomplished using topographic base maps at 1 : 5000 scale giving a mapping accuracy between 37 and 40 m. It was used an 8-bit channel for correction, rectification, filteration and tone enhancements.Landsliding was discerned in the affected watersheds using morphometric criteria, including the shape of the slope failure and its position, exposure bedrock in the scar and deposition of debris down-slope. This study is restricted to the impact analysis of the distribution of landslide erosion scars and the depositional processes on the valley floor. Remote sensing data were combined into a geographic information system (GIS) with planimetric data, contour lines, hydrology and vegetation types to evaluate the distribution of the scars and their effects on the highly populated areas located on the alluvial fans. Hillslope mass wasting induced mass movements, logging and increased the mud and silt in floodwaters affecting settlement down-slope.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲城市生态系统适宜度评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态系统适宜度评价思想自提出以来,已得到了世界各国的基本认同.本研究主要从城市入手来分析和评估珠江三角洲城市生态系统适宜度的发展状况,采用社会统计学的方法,构建了体现城市结构、城市功能和城市协调度的垂直式和反映经济、社会、人口、资源、环境状况的水平式两者相结合的指标体系,选取1995-2004年10个年份的数据,对珠江三角洲9个城市的生态系统适宜度进行测算,并将10个测评年份的数据统一进行标准化处理和非负处理,实现了不同年份和不同城市的可对比化.划分了城市生态系统适宜度的类型,分析了类型的变化和由这些变化形成的城市生态系统适宜度发展的特点,并得出珠江三角洲城市生态系统适宜度增强、珠江三角洲城市生态适宜度3个垂直层次的发展稳定性不一致等结论.  相似文献   

The influence of anthropogenic activities,especially artificial dykes,on the coastal wetland landscape is now considered as a serious problem to the coastal ecosystem.It is important and necessary to analyze changes of coastal landscape pattern under the influence of artificial dykes for the protection and management of coastal wetland.Our study aimed to reveal the quantitative characteristics of the coastal wetland landscape and its spatial-temporal dynamics under the influence of artificial dykes in the Yellow River delta(YRD).It was analyzed by the methods of the statistical analysis of landscape structure,five selected landscape indices and the changes of spatial centroids of three typical wetland types,including reed marshes,tidal fiats and aquaculture-salt fields.The results showed that:(1)Reduction of wetland area,especially the degradation of natural wetlands,had been the principal problem since the dykes were constructed in the YRD.The dykes created conditions for the development of artificial wetlands.However,the new born artificial wetlands were still less than the vanished natural wetlands.(2)Compared with the open area,the building of artificial dykes significantly speeded up the changes of landscape patterns and the aggravation of the landscape fragmentation in the closed area.(3)The changes of area-weighted centroids of three typical wetland landscapes were greatly affected by dykes,and the movement of the centroid of the aquaculture-salt field was very sensitive to the dykes constructed in the corresponding period.  相似文献   

The objective of the research is to evaluate spatial groundwater quality based on improved fuzzy comprehensive assessment model with entropy weights(FCAEW)in geographical information system(GIS)environment.This paper explores the method of comprehensive evaluation of groundwater and sets up an evaluation model applying GIS and FCAEW.Groundwater samples were collected and analyzed from 29 wells in Zhenping County,China.Six parameters were chosen including chloride,sulfate,total hardness,nitrate,fluoride and color.Better spatial interpolation methods for evaluated parameters are found out and selected according to the minimum cross-validation errors from the interpolation methods.FCAEW model was carried out with the help of GIS which makes the evaluating process simpler and easier and more automatically,effectively,efficiently and intelligently.The result embodies the feasibility and effectiveness of FCAEW in GIS when compared with other comprehensive evaluation methods.  相似文献   

The integrated use of remotely sensed data and GIS to monitor a rapid recent delta formation was undertaken in the Tacarigua Lagoon, a mangrove coastal protected wetland in the north-central coast of Venezuela. Recently, the resource value of coastal wetlands such as coastal lagoons and deltas, has brought about a need to protect and conserve these ecosystems. To that end, valuable resources such as these should be continuously monitored so that temporal changes in their environment can be analysed. The importance of determining the cause, extent, and spatial distribution of these changes can then be used in different aspects of environmental studies, land suitability analyses and for wise resource management. Aerospace data interpretation and a field survey were utilised to study the formation of the Guapo River delta within the Tacarigua Lagoon and to map the expansion that this depositional environment has undergone. A historical set of aerial photographs and a radar image, together with a GIS, were used to assess the growth of the delta from the beginning of its formation up to the present time.  相似文献   

黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展已成为重大国家战略,流域内的经济增长、产业发展与生态环境协同发展问题正逐渐成为研究热点。文章分析了黄河流域经济增长、产业发展与生态环境三者的耦合协同机理。在此基础上构建耦合协同综合评价指标体系,运用耦合协调度模型、空间自相关模型、灰色关联模型分析了2012—2018年黄河流域62个地级市经济增长、产业发展与生态环境各系统的综合水平及三者耦合协调度的时空差异及其驱动因素。运用GM(1,1)灰色预测模型预测了短期内三者耦合协调度的变化趋势。研究表明:①黄河流域经济增长、产业发展与生态环境各系统综合水平总体上呈现平稳态势,三者发展速度差异不明显,但耦合协同严重失调,黄河流域整体尚未达到三者协同发展状态。②黄河流域经济增长、产业发展与生态环境三者的耦合协调度呈现出显著的空间自相关性,全局空间自相关为正,局部空间自相关呈现出聚集趋同特征。③预测结果表明黄河流域经济增长、产业发展与生态环境三者的耦合协同发展在短期内保持平稳。在预测期内黄河流域经济增长、产业发展与生态环境仍未达到协同发展状态,部分地区的耦合协调度有所提高,但总体提升与演进的速度较缓慢。最后,基于黄河流域经济发展与生态环境保护分析,为黄河流域经济增长、产业发展与生态环境耦合协同构建了包含组织保障、空间治理、政策保障以及体制机制等支撑体系,以期为实现黄河流域高质量发展奠定科学决策基础。  相似文献   

Concentrations of the natural radionuclides 238U, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K have been measured by γ-ray spectrometry in 796 topsoil samples from the Pearl River Delta Zone (PRDZ) of Guangdong, China. The mean concentrations for 238U, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were found to be 140 ± 37 Bq kg−1, 134 ± 41 Bq kg−1, 187 ± 80 Bq kg−1 and 680 ± 203 Bq kg−1 dry mass, respectively. These values were all higher than the mean values in soil for China and the world. Outdoor air-absorbed dose rates, calculated from activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K, ranged from 86 to 237 nGy h−1, with a mean value of 165 ± 46 nGy h−1. The corresponding annual outdoor effective dose rate per person was estimated to be between 0.11 and 0.29 mSv y−1, with a mean value of 0.20 ± 0.06 mSv y−1, which was also higher than the world mean value of 0.07 mSv y−1. The radium equivalent activity (Raeq) and the external hazard index (Ir) resulted from the natural radionuclides in soil, were also calculated and found to vary from 230 to 676 Bq kg−1 and from 0.6 to 1.8, respectively. The Raeq and the Ir in all the investigated regions were up to 75% higher than the set limits of 370 Bq kg−1 and 1.0, respectively.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of hanging rivers' actuality in the lower Yellow River and researches related to the evaluation of dike breach risks, it is put forward that the influencing factors of dike beach risks in the lower Yellow River should involve four aspects, the flow and sediment movement, the regional crustal stability, the variation of river regime and the stability of river dikes. With this, the evaluation indexes system of dike breach risks is established, and with the support of geographic information systems technology, the model of multi-hierarchical fuzzy comprehensive judgment is applied to estimate the dike beach risks of the hanging rivers in the lower Yellow River under different flood conditions. The evaluation results of dike breach risks show the following distributing regularities of dike breach risks in the lower Yellow River: (1) Dike breach risks increase with the increase of the flood. (2) Dike breach risks decrease with the changes of river patterns along the channel. (3) There are great risks of dike breach in the wandering reaches, and it is relatively higher in the south bank than in the north in wandering reaches. (4) There is a higher dike breach risk in the north bank than in the south in winding reaches. Simultaneously, the evaluation results manifest that the evaluation indexes system established from the flow and sediment movement, the regional crustal stability, the variation of river regime and the stability of river dikes can represent the actual situation of the lower Yellow River more comprehensively. The application of multi-hierarchical fuzzy comprehensive judgment can preferably resolve the problem of hanging river dike breach, which has numerous influencing factors and complicated functionary mechanisms. The applications of geographic information systems technology with powerful spatial analysis functions make dike beach risks quantificationally displayed in different spatial positions, and reflect the differences of dike beach risks in different spatial positions of the channel in the lower Yellow River.  相似文献   

The protection of drinking water sources is vital to urban development and public health. In this study, the current situation of the mandatory protection area for drinking water source in the Pearl River Delta region was investigated using a method combining Google Earth with the field survey. The gaps between management practices and legislation requirements were analyzed. Finally, several countermeasures for water resource protection were proposed as follows: to promote delineation in a more scientific way, to safeguard the sanctity of the law, to make better plan on water saving, and to encourage public participation in supervision and management.  相似文献   

企业绿色竞争力是企业在“绿色化”的前提下,与对手相比的一种竞争优势。石油和化工行业是能源和资源的生产和消耗大户.也是众所周知的重污染行业.对石油和化工企业的绿色竞争力进行实证研究具有重要意义。本文以长三角地区的石油和化工行业上市公司为案例。构建基于DEA法的绿色竞争力评价模型.评估了它们的绿色竞争力。实证结果显示:长三角地区石油和化工企业的绿色竞争力还有待加强.在此基础上提出了石油和化工企业提高绿色竞争力的一些具体措施。  相似文献   


Since the 1990s, the Yellow River stream has been temporarily interrupted for several years, which affects the development of society, the economy and human life, limits the economic potential of the drainage areas, and especially causes great harm to regions on the lower reaches. Based on the analysis of the relationship between the development of society and economy and water scarcity, the author thinks it is necessary to optimize and adjust the industrial structure that has extravagantly consumed enormous amounts of water, and to develop ecological agriculture, industry and tourism which are balanced with the ecological environment. Finally, the author puts forward several pieces of advice and countermeasures about how to build the economic systems by which water can be used economically.  相似文献   


Ecological security assessment and early warning research possess the attributes of spatiality, non-linearity and randomicity, so we must process much spatial information. Spatial analysis and data management are the advantages of GIS, which can define distribution trend and spatial relations of environmental factors, and show ecological security pattern graphically. Spatial differences of ecological security assessment based on GIS are discussed in this paper, of which the middle and lower reaches of the Liaohe River is taken as a study case. First, to work out pressure-state-response (P-S-R) assessment indicators system, and investigate in person and gather information; second, to digitize the watershed; third, to quantize and calculate by the fuzzy method; last, to construct GIS grid database, and expound spatial differences of ecological security by GIS interpolation and assembly analysis.  相似文献   

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