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A comparative study of the seed progeny of dandelions was performed with samples from cenopopulations growing for a long time under conditions of radioactive contamination (the zone of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace, EURT) or chemical pollution (the impact zone of the Nizhnii Tagil Metallurgical Plant, NTMP). The viability of seeds proved to decrease in a similar way along with an increase in technogenic pressure, irrespective of its nature. Experiments on acute exposure to heavy metals and γ-irradiation made it possible to reveal the adaptive capacities of the seed progeny from each cenopopulation. The background sample (formed beyond the zone of any impact) was relatively resistant to irradiation and very sensitive to heavy metals. The cenopopulations from the EURT and NTMP zones manifested nonspecific responses to the effects of both habitual and new factors.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the greater plantain seed progeny was performed with samples from cenopopulations growing for a long time under conditions of radioactive contamination (in the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace, EURT) or chemical pollution (in the impact zone of the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works, NTMK). The progeny of plants from the NTMK zone had low viability but proved to be resistant to the additional impact of a “new” factor (acute γ-irradiation) as well as of the “habitual” factor (heavy metal toxicity). Plantain seeds from the EURT area showed high viability and low heavy metal and radiation resistance; i.e., no preadaptation effect was revealed. In experiments on growing plants from different cenopopulations in plot culture, samples from the EURT zone were characterized mainly by morphoses of generative organs, while samples from the NTMK area, by morphoses of vegetative organs.  相似文献   

Long-term studies have been performed on the seed progeny of B. inermis from test plots established along the radioactive contamination gradient in the zone of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT), where dose loads on maternal plants and embryos of seeds from chronically irradiated cenopopulations (with natural background radiation taken into account) exceed control values by factors of 2 to 107. Interannual and individual variation in the viability, mutability, and radiosensitivity of the seed progeny has been revealed. Against the background of high interpopulation variation in test parameters in the EURT zone, weather conditions appear to have no significant effect on seed quality, while such effects are appreciable in background cenopopulations. It has been shown that a positive correlation exist between the initial viability of the seed progeny and their radioresistance. Chronic irradiation in a wide dose range induces an increased frequency of different mutations and morphological modifications. The contents of low-molecular antioxidants in seedlings from impact cenopopulations proved to be higher than in the background sample. The results obtained characterize the potential of protective and restorative mechanisms acquired in the course of evolution that allow plants to survive in the changing environment under exposure to technogenic stress.  相似文献   

The seed progeny of the little starwort (Stellaria graminea) growing in the zone of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT) and in background areas was studied. The radiation exposure of this species in the EURT zone was three orders of magnitude higher than in the background. Evidence was obtained for high interannual variation in seed viability and tolerance to additional acute irradiation, but no specific connection was revealed between these parameters and radioactive contamination level in plant habitats. Weather conditions are an important source of variation in seed viability, but significant influence of temperature and precipitation was revealed only for cenopopulations of the EURT. The proportion of seedlings with morphoses in samples from the EURT was found to be increased; additional irradiation facilitated the detection of latent abnormalities. A negative correlation between seedling survival rate and the content of low-molecular antioxidants in the seedlings was revealed in all test areas. The allozyme structure of starwort cenopopulation was analyzed for the first time. A directed switch of allele frequencies at loci Pgi-2 and Fdh was revealed in samples from the EURT.  相似文献   

The results of the study have shown that the stocks of 90Sr and 137Cs in the frontal part of the EURT are 6700–15000 and 200–400 kBq/m2, respectively. The coefficients of their accumulation in different herbaceous plant species in this impact zone are lower than in other areas. The accumulative capability of plants has probably decreased in the course of selection as an adaptation to the effect of radiation. The viability and growth parameters of Plantago major L. seeds from the EURT zone are similar to those of seeds from the background sample. Cenopopulations chronically exposed to radiation are characterized by a higher mutation rate in the progeny and an unstable response to additional acute irradiation in most characters studied. A high level of inbreeding is observed in all P. major cenopopulations of plantain. The cenopopulation of the impact zone is characterized by a lower variation of allozyme loci, which may be a result of stringent selection for individuals better adapted to the complex of conditions existing in its habitat.  相似文献   

Specific ecogenetic features of plants and parameters of seed progeny have been studied in Melandrium album cenopopulations from test plots established along the radioactive contamination gradient in the zone of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT), where absorbed radiation doses in buffer and impact plots exceeded the background level by factors of 2–18 and 330–418, respectively. It has been shown that interannual variation in parameters characterizing the viability of seed progeny largely depends on fluctuations of weather conditions. This dependence is more distinct in cenopopulations from the EURT than in control samples, which is indicative of interaction between radiation and other relevant ecological factors. The radioresistance of seed progeny is contingent on its viability, being independent of radiation load at the sites of maternal plant growth. Hermaphrodite plants occur only in irradiated M. album cenopopulations. This character is inherited: all F 1 descendants of such plants grown in a vegetation experiment had hermaphrodite flowers. The mutability of seed progeny formed in the EURT zone exceeds the background level. The occurrence and frequencies of recorded anomalies has proved to vary by years and, therefore, can be interpreted as nonheritable modifications.  相似文献   

The viability and state of the prooxidant and antioxidant systems of Plantago major seed progeny from cenopopulations growing for a long time at the East-Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT) has been estimated. Radiation doses of maternal plants have been calculated using our empirical data in ERICA Tool. The absorbed dose rates for plantain in the EURT zone varied from 19 to 157 μGy/h, which is 178–1455 times higher than the background values. These relatively low levels of chronic irradiation did not cause a significant decrease in the survival rate of P. major seed progeny; the rate of root and leaf growth decreased only in seedlings from the most polluted cenopopulation. A prooxidant shift was revealed in seedlings from the EURT zone. Given the same regime of enzyme protection (SOD, CAT, and POX) against active oxygen forms, the average rate of accumulation of secondary products of lipid peroxidation (MDA) was 3.3 times higher in impact samples than in background samples. The level of prooxidant shift in impact samples is not linearly related to dose rates that are classified as low doses.  相似文献   

Interfamilial variation in metal tolerance and radioresistance of seed progeny from F 1 plants was studied in the dandelion from cenopopulations growing over several decades in gradients of radioactive or chemical contamination. The progeny from the impact zone of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT) proved to be highly viable but had latent injuries that accounted for a high sensitivity to additional technogenic impact. In the F 1 generation from the zone of chemical contamination, high seed viability was combined with increased tolerance to additional impact of radiation and heavy metals. No significant differences between responses to challenge with habitual and new factors were revealed in samples from either zone.  相似文献   

This study looks into T. officinale cenopopulations growing in the Techa River floodplain under conditions of chronic low-dose irradiation. It has been shown that the left-bank and right-bank cenopopulations differ from one another, as well as from the control (background) population, in the allozyme structure, viability, and radioresistance of the seed progeny and the mechanisms of antioxidant protection. In nature, cenopopulations differing in their phenogenetic structure may have different strategies of adaptation to the chronic influence of low radiation doses against the background of changing environmental conditions. The consequences of irradiation for such cenopopulations, including the viability and radiosensitivity of their seed progenies, may also differ considerably.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that morphological disparity increases while taxonomic diversity decreases in a radioactively contaminated environment, the relationship of these parameters was studied in communities (taxocenes) of rodents living in the Southern Urals in the zone of influence from the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT) (2003–2008). Young of the year of six rodent species (98 samples) were examined in the background (control) area (0.2 Ci/km2) and in the impact area polluted with radionuclides from the EURT (750 Ci/km2). The dynamics of morphological disparity (MD), assessed with regard to average values of five exterior characters, was compared between the control and impact taxocenes. Taxonomic (taxocenotic) diversity was estimated with the Shannon index (H). Morphological disparity was found to increase significantly at low rodent abundance (in conditionally unfavorable years) and decrease at high abundance, with the value of MD in the impact taxocene being significantly higher. A negative correlation between MD and H was revealed (r = −0.70), in conformity with the above hypothesis. Discordance (difference in direction) of annual changes in the test parameters, with H increasing while MD decreases (or vice versa) was observed in unfavorable years; it can be used as an indicator of conditions unfavorable for rodent taxocenes.  相似文献   

Analysis and generalization of long-term monitoring data on the accumulation of 90Sr in the bone tissue of rodents inhabiting the East-Ural Radioactive Trace and the adjacent control area have shown that the skeletal content of 90Sr depends on the level of radionuclide contamination of soil in animal habitats. An assessment of animal migration between contaminated and clean areas by this criterion has shown that the proportion of migrants does not exceed 10%. On this basis, the conclusion is drawn concerning relative isolation of rodent populations in the EURT zone.  相似文献   


The ideas of the evolutionary ecology of the 20th century and its modern conceptual space are considered with regard to new knowledge of the contents of population and evolutionary synecology. The article proposes (1) a population cenotic approach to analyzing the covariation of cenopopulations of sympatric species and taxocenes in space and historical time; (2) an approach to assessing the intragroup morphological disparity in cenopopulations of sympatric species and taxocenes as a measure of morphogenetic stability. Consideration is given to experimental evolutionary ecology as a particular methodological area. Prospects for the formation of evolutionary ecology as an interdisciplinary applied science are discussed in view of the necessity of predicting regional biocenotic crises and rapid coevolutionary changes in biotic communities in a technogenic environment against the background of predicted unfavorable trends of climate changes.


A discrete approach to the study of ontogeny has made it possible to reveal a high degree of age heterogeneity in P. bifurca cenopopulations. The basal ontogenetic spectrum of cenopopulations has been determined. The index of regeneration is higher in cenopopulations of the young type and decreases in cenopopulations of the old type, whereas the situation with the index of senescence is inverse. The density of cenopopulations depends mainly on parameters of the substrate (density, composition, and moisture), its slope, and the intensity of plant vegetative reproduction and spread.  相似文献   

The accumulation of 90Sr in the bone tissue of northern mole voles (Ellobius talpinus Pallas, 1770) living under chronic exposure to 90Sr in the center of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT) with a 90Sr contamination density of 37 MBq/m2 or 1000 Ci/km2 has been evaluated. Northern mole voles live under-ground and are characterized by family organization of populations and an extremely weak tendency toward dispersal. While there are no sex- or age-related differences in 90Sr accumulation, sevenfold interindividual differences have been found. Hereditary (familial) determination of the variability of 90Sr accumulation has been demonstrated. The probable causes of the difference in the familial component from the results of laboratory experiments on inbred mice are considered. The age-related inversion of 90Sr accumulation previously found in other mammalian species in the EURT area has been confirmed. A possible mechanism of its formation is suggested.  相似文献   

It is shown that the response of rodent populations to acute and chronic irradiation depends on its functional structure, i.e., on specific features of animals with two alternative types of ontogenetic development. Upon acute irradiation, sexually immature young of the year (animals with the second type of ontogeny) are most radioresistant. Exposure to chronic irradiation, as in the zone of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT), leads to an increase in the proportion of mature young of the year (animals with the first type of ontogeny), which are the most radiosensitive part of the population. The abundance and fecundity of mice in the impact zone are consistently higher than in the background zone, which improves the adaptive potential of the population. The role of species ecological specialization and configuration of the contaminated zone in the formation of migrant rodent population is emphasized. It is concluded that a high migration activity allows the pigmy wood mouse (a radiosensitive species) to avoid long-term radiation exposure.  相似文献   

Monitoring of A. uralensis populations in Kamenskii raion, Sverdlovsk oblast, in 1992–2002 and in Kaslinskii raion, Chelyabinsk oblast, in 2000–2001 revealed an increase in the proportion and diversity of minor morphogenetic aberrations and abnormalities in the structure of the cranium along the axis of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT). The samples from the southern and northern parts of the EURT (contaminated with 90Sr to 500 and 4 Ci/km2, respectively) were characterized by directed deviations from the control with respect to the frequencies of phenes of nonmetric cranial traits and an increase in the level of their fluctuating asymmetry in young females, which is indicative of epigenetic rearrangements in populations living in a radioactive environment.  相似文献   

The authors present the results of studies on the state of cenopopulations (demographic parameters, ontogenetic structure, ageness, self-maintenance capacity, and vitality structure) of the bulbiferous perennial Lilium monadelphum Bieb. and on the ontogenetic strategy of this rare species under stress.  相似文献   

The composition of pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca Pall.) nestling diet was studied in the zone of strong pollution with emissions from the Middle Ural Copper Smelter (Revda, Sverdlovsk oblast) and in the background area from 2005 to 2007. The results show that diversity of the diet decreases and prevalence in it of one insect taxon (Lepidoptera) increases near the source of emissions. The proportion of uncharacteristic food objects (orthopterans, herpetobiont invertebrates) and variation in the size of invertebrates brought by parents to their nestlings increase, which is explained by degradation of forest habitats in the polluted area. Pied flycatchers provide nestlings with sufficient quantities of food, but its quality in the polluted zone is lower than in the background area.  相似文献   

嘉陵江流域植被景观的空间格局特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在遥感影像基础上利用景观指数从斑块特征、景观异质性、多样性与均匀性以及空间相互关系4个方面比较和分析了嘉陵江流域植被景观的空间格局特征。结果表明:“一年一熟作物田及耐寒经济作物田、落叶果树园” 在流域中的分布面积最大,是整个流域的基质,其它景观要素镶嵌其中。“亚热带常绿、落叶阔叶混交林”分布面积最小,分化程度最弱,异质性最低。 “裸地/城镇”的斑块间距最大,相似性程度低,聚合性弱,异质性最高。 “温带落叶阔叶林”的斑块间隔小,分布紧密,相似性程度高,聚合性强,但自然连接性较低。整个植被景观体现出要素众多、间隔紧密、自然连接性好、景观破碎化程度较高的分布特征,同时也反映出类型丰富、比例协调、均匀性和多样性程度较高的总体特点。  相似文献   

The effects of two exogenous factors, ground fires and industrial air pollution, on natural regeneration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) cenopopulations have been studied in the Transural region. It has been found that an increased level of air pollution leads to a decrease in the abundance and occurrence frequency of pine undergrowth; as the intensity of ground fire increases, these parameters of the postfire generation of undergrowth increase as well, especially in background areas. As shown by two-way ANOVA, either of these factors and their interaction have a significant effect on the density of pine undergrowth, with this effect being stronger in the case of ground fires.  相似文献   

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