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The average cost of producing aluminium fell slightly in nominal terms between 1982 and 1992, and there has thus been a sharp fall in real terms. The average cost also shows a marked cyclical fluctuation during individual years, partly as a result of the feedback effect from final metal prices to the cost curve. Between 1985 and 1992, exchange rate fluctuations produced a sharp change in the relative position of US and European smelters. During the next eight years, costs are likely to rise gradually in real terms, reversing the historical trend, and unless the higher cost European smelters can cut costs significantly, they may face a bleak future.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》1986,12(2):87-102
A pessimistic appraisal of the recent Mexican-US agreement to limit sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions from the Douglas, Nacozari and Cananea smelters is presented. US regulations will close Douglas, but Mexican and international lending agency regulations are inadequate to affect the Mexican smelters. SO2 production and fixation in both reverberatory and flash furnaces are analysed in terms of the products (acid and gypsum), fixation costs and the problem of their profitable disposal, particularly in Mexico. Relating the costs to Mexican currency exchange rates and economic problems, smelter pollution control reduces the competitive position of Mexican copper production and affects its trade balance, leading to a Mexican reluctance to maintain the agreement.  相似文献   

Financing investments in water supply and sanitation has been a perennial problem in all countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. The contribution to capital funding derived from the income of operating companies has been very small, a direct consequence of unrealistically low tariffs. The situation has worsened with the increasing need to provide sewage treatment to reduce the gross pollution of most water bodies in the vicinity of large cities. This paper, on the basis of recent studies conducted in EC LAC, explores the practicability of the self-financing of water supply and sanitation services, including sewage treatment, through the income derived from tariffs. If this is to be achieved then it is important that the entire population pays for services, an issue of some importance given the unequal distribution of income in most cities of the region. The conclusion reached is that on the basis of the available information on costs, together with the experience of some countries, financing through tariffs is feasible, particularly if subsidies are provided to the poorest households. Tariff based financing is probably the only means of achieving universal coverage by the year 2000 as well as sewage treatment, the rehabilitation of existing systems, maintenance and the necessary institutional development .  相似文献   

Secondary lead smelters (SLS) represent an environmentally-challenging industry as they deal with toxic substances posing potential threats to both human and environmental health, consequently, they operate under strict government regulations. Such challenges have resulted in the significant reduction of SLS plants in the last three decades. In addition, the domestic recycling of lead has been on a steep decline in the past 10 years as the amount of lead recovered has remained virtually unchanged while consumption has increased. Therefore, one may wonder whether sustainable development can be achieved among SLS. The primary objective of this study was to determine whether a roadmap for sustainable development can be established for SLS. The following aims were established in support of the study objective: (1) to conduct a systematic review and an analysis of models of sustainable systems with a particular emphasis on SLS; (2) to document the challenges for the U.S. secondary lead smelting industry; and (3) to explore practices and concepts which act as vehicles for SLS on the road to sustainable development.An evidence-based methodology was adopted to achieve the study objective. A comprehensive electronic search was conducted to implement the aforementioned specific aims. Inclusion criteria were established to filter out irrelevant scientific papers and reports. The relevant articles were closely scrutinized and appraised to extract the required information and data for the possible development of a sustainable roadmap. The search process yielded a number of research articles which were utilized in the systematic review. Two types of models emerged: management/business and science/mathematical models. Although the management/business models explored actions to achieve sustainable growth in the industrial enterprise, science/mathematical models attempted to explain the sustainable behaviors and properties aiming at predominantly ecosystem management. As such, there are major disconnects between the science/mathematical and management/business models in terms of aims and goals. Therefore, there is an urgent need to integrate science and business models of sustainability for the industrial enterprises at large and environmentally-challenging industrial sectors in particular. In this paper, we offered examples of practices and concepts which can be used in charting a path towards sustainable development for secondary lead smelters particularly that the waste generated is much greater outside the industrial enterprise than inside.An environmentally-challenging industry such as secondary lead smelters requires a fresh look to chart a path towards sustainable development (i.e., survivability and purposive needs) for all stakeholders (i.e., industrial enterprise, individual stakeholders, and social/ecological systems). Such a path should deal with issues beyond pollution prevention, product stewardship and clean technologies.  相似文献   

The article describes the historical development of water tariff policy in Tanzania from the colonial times to present. After gaining independence, the country introduced “free” water policy in its rural areas. Criticism against this policy was expressed already in the 1970s, but it was not until the late 1980s that change became unavoidable. All the while urban water tariffs continued to decline in real terms. In rural and periurban areas of Tanzania consumers often have to pay substantial amounts of money for water to resellers and vendors since the public utilities are unable to provide operative service. Besides, only a part of the water bills are actually collected. Now that the free water supply policy has been officially abandoned, the development of water tariffs and the institutions in general are a great challenge for the country.  相似文献   

Many of the aluminium smelters in the Pacific Northwest served by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) have become non-competitive and operate in the role of swing producer in the US and world markets. To avoid these cyclical swings in power demand, BPA is presently studying methods designed to link the price of power charged to smelters with the market price of aluminium. A linked-rate system tends to stabilize incomes to smelters, but increases fluctuations to the utility. These, in turn, could be stabilized by a hedging operation on the London Metals Exchange.  相似文献   

A mining operation can affect the environment adversely and create costs to others that are external to the mining firm, if no constraints are imposed. To deal with this problem of externalities, various regulatory steps can be taken, eg effluent taxation, subsidies, regulation of emissions by command, and use of emission permits that are tradeable. Bargaining between the polluter and the damaged party over the level of production and compensation remains a more theoretical option. Regardless of what regulatory approach is adopted to transform external costs into internal costs, the resulting higher costs will have an impact on the decisions of a mining firm. Information processes, traditionally focused on finding deposits, have now been broadened to include an environmental dimension. Operating practices can be modified to reflect the need for stable long-term solutions of waste disposal problems. On the industry level, environmental regulation may lead to sterilization of resources, to higher prices for some commodities and to distortions of competitiveness among commodity producing countries.  相似文献   

The flagship of the Environmental Protection Agency's regulatory reinvention initiative, Project XL has been touted as a regulatory blueprint for a site-specific, performance-based pollution-control system, but widespread complaints about the costs of the program beg the question of whether the costs of tailoring regulations to individual facilities are manageable. To address this question, this paper presents original survey data on a sample of 11 XL projects. We find that the fixed costs of putting in place XL agreements are substantial, averaging over $450,000 per firm. While stakeholder negotiations are widely cited as the principal source for these costs, we find that they actually arise mainly from interaction between participating facilities and the EPA. Moreover, EPA management problems are perceived by our survey respondents as having inflated project development costs. Finally, we find that the key factors that explains differences in costs across XL projects are the scope and complexity of the project proposal. These findings suggest that Project XL favors large firms that can afford to pay significant project development costs, that EPA management problems must be resolved to reduce costs, and that there may be a significant economic bias against complex and innovative proposals—precisely the type of proposals that Project XL was designed to foster in order to improve the efficiency of the regulatory system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Adequate and good-quality water supply for medium sized towns is costly when there are insufficient quantity and low quality of groundwater or surface water. In a central water supply system serving a number of towns, the economies of scale may permit a sufficient and good-quality supply at lesser rates. Such a system has the flexibility of supplying rural population through small service lines. The system may be an interbasin or intrabasin conveyance depending on the location of a suitable water source and the economics of the supply network. Seven cost elements are pertinent to the optimum or least-cost design of network consisting of pipelines and pumping stations. The relevant cost functions are based on the available data gathered from various sources. Water conveyance costs are calculated for various flow rates, pipeline diameters, flow variabilities, static heads, and interest rates, thus providing a measure of sensitivity of the conveyance cost to such variations. The economies of scale, the sensitivity of optimum unit conveyance costs, and variations in unit costs with change in cost functions are useful in making a feasibility study for a proposed conveyance system.  相似文献   

Hagström, Johannes A., Mario R. Sengco, and Tracy A. Villareal, 2010. Potential Methods for Managing Prymnesium parvum Blooms and Toxicity, With Emphasis on Clay and Barley Straw: A Review. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(1):187-198. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00402.x Abstract: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) control and mitigation is a complex problem in ecosystem management. Phytoplankton play an important role in aquatic ecosystems as primary producers and food sources for many commercially important shellfish and there are limited options for targeting just a single species within the community. Chemical treatments (e.g., algaecides), rotting barley straw, nitrogen and phosphorus manipulation, and clay and/or flocculants are but a few techniques tested or used to reduce fish kills or shellfish contamination during a HAB event. Prymnesium parvum control has focused on the use of chemicals, nutrient manipulation, and clay flocculation. However, many HAB control methods have been rejected due to their effects on ecosystems, high costs, or limited effects on target organisms. For example, rotting barley straw (Hordeum vulgare) is considered to be an environmentally friendly alternative, but has been found to have very different results on the phytoplankton community depending on the dominating taxa and is ineffective against P. parvum and dinoflagellate blooms. Clay flocculation is a useful control/mitigation technique during fish kills in marine aquaculture sites in South Korea and can be effective in freshwater if the correct combination of clay and flocculent is used. Toxins produced by P. parvum and Karenia brevis also bind to phosphatic clay, thereby removing and/or neutralizing the toxins, but there is concern that the clay will have a negative effect on sessile organisms. Some shellfish suffer high mortalities and significant impacts on somatic and reproductive tissue growth at high clay loads; however, benthic communities appear to be unchanged after five years of clay treatment in South Korea. There are likely site-specific and ecosystem-specific characteristics that make generalizations about control options difficult and require careful assessment of options at each location.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Traditional procedures for evaluating flood damages to residential dwellings do not reflect intrinsic values when applied to historic homes. Such structures are worth more than that determined by using depth-damage curves provided by insurance companies who assess damage values based upon current labor and material costs. The evaluation of the worth of a historic home and subsequent damages due to inundation can be regarded as a problem of externalities. An assessment technique reflecting historic amenities or what has been termed replication cost is proposed in this paper. Replication costs would have widespread use not only in solving flood dammage problems, but also in any study where historic entities are subject to damages from catastrophies such as hurricanes, soil and beach erosion, and increasing urbanization. If adopted as a technique, it would enhance and preserve the ever-decreasing enclaves of historic homes and neighborhoods.  相似文献   

Abstract: For a number of years, best management practices (BMPs) have been implemented within the Town Brook watershed as part of a watershed wide effort to reduce phosphorus losses to the New York City water supply reservoirs. Currently, there are no quantitative indications of the effectiveness of these practices at the watershed scale. Additionally, work is needed to evaluate management practice solutions for costs in relation to effectiveness. In this study we develop a methodology for evaluating management solutions to determine the best way(s) to select and place management practices so that pollutant removal targets are met at minimum cost. The study combines phosphorus losses as simulated by the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), management practice effectiveness estimates from a predeveloped characterization tool, and practice costs in optimizations using a genetic algorithm. For a user defined target phosphorus removal (60 percent for this study), optimization favors nutrient management plans, crop rotations, contour strip cropping, and riparian forest buffers; the most cost effective scenario achieves a cost effectiveness of 24/kg phosphorus removal per year compared to the 34/kg phosphorus removal per year associated with the current basic implementation scheme. The study suggests that there is a need to evaluate potential solutions prior to implementation and offers a means of generating and evaluating the solutions.  相似文献   

Much research has been done to determine the benefit of a water resources development to society as a whole. Some research has explored the benefit of such a facility to a region. Very little research exists on the effects of a reservoir on the immediately surrounding area. The general hypothesis of this study is that the spatial patterns of land use change are influenced by economic characteristics of the reservoir and reservoir area. Several hypotheses concerning the effects of relative location on a peninsula are tested using analysis of variance. The data used for the analysis is based on Lake Cumberland, a reservoir in southern Kentucky. The analysis indicates that there exists significant patterns of land use change around the lake and on peninsulas.  相似文献   

Summary The evolution of the environmental issue has moved through the early stage of technological fixes and estimable economic costs into an area of larger uncertainty and higher information costs.The economic costs of pollution control are about one percent of the GNP. The technological fixes have improved air and water quality somewhat; but in air quality little reduction in nitrogen oxides has been achieved, and in water quality about 25 percent of the water is poor or worse, with high fecal coliform bacteria.The next stage of environmental improvement is to reduce hazardous chemical elements in the environment. In these areas, the health and biological effects are still uncertain, information costs are high, and subjective judgments are common.As uncertainty and qualitative judgments have become more prominent in environmental decisions, delays have been introduced into the decision loops, raising regulatory costs, and heightening adversary stresses between business and environmentalists. The stresses place an aura of arbitrariness over regulations in a milieu where the governability of society is already questioned. This is not the time to retreat from environmental improvement, but to try to simplify the decision process. Two possible alternatives are to codify court precedents into a more rigorous reliance on agency administration law, or to revert to the common rules of civil law that complainants must show damage and cause before an award is allowable by an administrative agency. Either of these options would free the decision making process of delays and allow it to function prospectively, while allowing environmental damages from inadequate decisions to be remedied retroactively. Potential liabilities may increase, but at least the decision process could move forward without being frustrated by regulatory delays.  相似文献   

干酵母生产废水是一种高浓度有机废水,COD高达13,000mg/L,色度在900倍以上。原方案采用厌氧、硝化(曝气)、反硝化、化学混凝等工艺,但水质不能达到排放标准,且运行成本高。采用EM(有效微生物)技术对原方案进行改造后,废水处理收到较好的效果,并降低了运行成本。  相似文献   

To date, the phenomenon of climate pledging has been little investigated. This paper describes the results of a questionnaire survey of 201 climate pledgers in Greater Manchester (UK), focusing on attitudes and behaviour relevant to environmental citizenship. In particular, attention is given to attitudes and behaviour related to renewable energy and micro-generation, selectively comparing with national UK data. The survey shows that installation cost and lengthy pay-back times have been major constraints on microgen installation not just for the general population, but also for those with a high degree of environmental commitment. Nonetheless, the microgen installation rate among the climate pledgers as of early 2011, before the introduction of feed-in tariffs, was at least 11 times higher than the national average. Using regression analyses, the best model that could be found for explaining installation of the most popular microgen technology, solar thermal, accounted for 27% of variance. Within this model, environmental commitment was of less importance than having given serious consideration to other microgen options. While this was possibly due to group homogeneity, in general, the results do emphasise the limits to environmental citizenship.  相似文献   

Currently there is widespread interest on the part of local Governments in incorporating municipal solid waste (MSW) composting into their integrated solid waste management systems. However, there is little information on the costs of MSW composting and how those costs compare with the costs of alternative forms of waste disposal (especially traditional land disposal). This article begins to fill this information gap by reporting the results of a survey of 19 MSW composting facilities around the United States. Results indicate that MSW composting generally costs around $50 per ton, and that very few facilities receive any revenues from the sale of compost to offset operating costs. Additional economic analysis indicates that, at present, MSW composting cannot be justified on financial grounds in most parts of the US, but may be competitive with land disposal where the cost of landfilling is high (such as the north-east).1998 Academic Press  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Variability in bedload-transport rates during constant water discharge is an inherent part of the bedload-transport process. Although this variability has been measured extensively in the laboratory, similar information generally is not available from field measurements. During a four-day period of nearly constant water discharge, four sets of consecutively collected bedload samples, ranging from 43 to 120 samples, were obtained at the same cross channel location using a standard 65-pound Helley-Smith bedload sampler. When the measured transport rates are converted to dimensionless rates and plotted as cumulative frequency distributions, they show good agreement with a theoretical probability distribution function of rates derived for the case of ripples on dunes. The distributions show that during constant water discharge individual measured rates at a fixed point vary from near zero to four times the mean rate, and 60 percent of the sampled rates will be less than the mean. Because of the large variation in transport rates that occurs at every location in the cross section, many observations are required to establish an accurate estimate of the mean rate at any given location.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT As availability of funds in the federal budget for water development has decreased recently, pressure has increased for state and local governments to pay a larger share of the costs. In this situation a difficult question immediately arises-what is the capability of state and local governments to pay a larger share? Of course, there is no easy answer. Expenditures of public funds are policy outcomes of a government's political process in which political, economic, legal and other factors are involved in complex relationships. The traditional sources of capital funds for state and local governments include bond proceeds, tax revenues, and federal financial aid (state aid is also a major source of local government funds). The issuing of bonds is hampered by a variety of legal debt limitations, but there are means for circumventing the limitations. State and local governments vary widely in amounts of taxable resources available and in the extent to which these resources have been tapped. More effective use of revenue resources could be made in some cases. New sources of capital funds for water development ought to be considered-a fee on the use of water per se, for example. Costs associated with water use currently are imposed to cover development costs, but a state might impose additional use fees earmarked for a state water development fund.  相似文献   

The technical progress causes that increasing number of used devices presents a threat for environment, particularly in the rural areas. It can be prevented by organizing a proper system of waste disposal. Currently, the most important problem to solve is recycling of vehicles. The key element for the improvement of the functioning of the recycling network in Poland is to redesign the system so that it will allow for a reduction of the total cost related to the vehicle recycling. This paper presents a modelling approach that could be used to establish one important part of the reverse logistics (RL) network for end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) by defining the optimum locations for dismantling facilities. The proposed modelling approach is illustrated using Mazovia province in Poland as an example. The optimization criteria for the location of the elements of the recycling network are the components of the total cost of the ELV's recycling. Due to high complexity of the model a genetic algorithm has been adapted for solving the model and getting a good solution in a reasonable run time. The criteria of optimization was cost of the following processes: transportation, storage, and dismantling of ELVs. The results of simulation proved that the transportation costs of parts and materials may amount to about 70%, and that the cost of dismantling may exceed 25% of the total cost of recycling. The obtained results confirmed that genetic algorithm method can be used effectively to location the ELV's dismantling facilities. The effect of changing the location of processing facilities on the location of dismantling stations was also studied. The developed model is universal and may be used to determine the locations of different kinds of facilities organized in a reverse recycling network.  相似文献   

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