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Young RF  Orr EA  Goss GG  Fedorak PM 《Chemosphere》2007,68(3):518-527
Naphthenic acids are a complex mixture of carboxylic acids that occur naturally in petroleum. During the extraction of bitumen from the oil sands in northeastern Alberta, Canada, naphthenic acids are released into the aqueous phase and these acids become the most toxic components in the process-affected water. Although previous studies have exposed fish to naphthenic acids or oil sands process-affected waters, there has been no analytical method to specifically detect naphthenic acids in fish. Here, we describe a qualitative method to specifically detect these acids. In 96-h static renewal tests, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings were exposed to three different treatments: (1) fed pellets that contained commercial naphthenic acids (1.5mg g(-1) of food), (2) kept in tap water that contained commercial naphthenic acids (3mg l(-1)) and (3) kept in an oil sands process-affected water that contained 15mg naphthenic acids l(-1). Five-gram samples of fish were homogenized and extracted, then the mixture of free fatty acids and naphthenic acids was isolated from the extract using strong anion exchange chromatography. The mixture was derivatized and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Reconstructed ion chromatograms (m/z=267) selectively detected naphthenic acids. These acids were present in each fish that was exposed to naphthenic acids, but absent in fish that were not exposed to naphthenic acids. The minimum detectable concentration was about 1microg naphthenic acids g(-1) of fish.  相似文献   

水样中二甲基乙酰胺的测定方法主要有紫外分光光度法、双波长法、高效液相色谱法及气相色谱法。对前3种方法进行了探讨,结果表明:紫外分光光度法操作简单、使用广泛;双波长法能消除硝酸盐对二甲基乙酰胺测定的干扰;高效液相色谱法可对复杂水样中的二甲基乙酰胺进行测定,但仪器昂贵。3种方法各有特点,要根据具体所测的水样特征和实验条件选择合适的测定方法。  相似文献   

Ozonation of oil sands process water removes naphthenic acids and toxicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Naphthenic acids are naturally-occurring, aliphatic or alicyclic carboxylic acids found in petroleum. Water used to extract bitumen from the Athabasca oil sands becomes toxic to various organisms due to the presence of naphthenic acids released from the bitumen. Natural biodegradation was expected to be the most cost-effective method for reducing the toxicity of the oil sands process water (OSPW). However, naphthenic acids are poorly biodegraded in the holding ponds located on properties leased by the oil sands companies. In the present study, chemical oxidation using ozone was investigated as an option for mitigation of this toxicity. Ozonation of sediment-free OSPW was conducted using proprietary technology manufactured by Seair Diffusion Systems Inc. Ozonation for 50min generated a non-toxic effluent (based on the Microtox bioassay) and decreased the naphthenic acids concentration by approximately 70%. After 130min of ozonation, the residual naphthenic acids concentration was 2mgl(-1): <5% of the initial concentration in the filtered OSPW. Total organic carbon did not change with 130min of ozonation, whereas chemical oxygen demand decreased by approximately 50% and 5-d biochemical oxygen demand increased from an initial value of 2mgl(-1) to a final value of 15mgl(-1). GC-MS analysis showed that ozonation resulted in an overall decrease in the proportion of high molecular weight naphthenic acids (n> or = 22).  相似文献   

A laboratory bench procedure was developed to efficiently extract naphthenic acids from bulk volumes of Athabasca oil sands tailings pond water (TPW) for use in mammalian oral toxicity testing. This solvent-based procedure involved low solvent losses and a good extraction yield with low levels of impurities. Importantly, labour-intensive centrifugation of source water to remove solids was avoided, allowing processing of much larger volumes of water compared with previous protocols. Naphthenic acids, present at an estimated concentration of 81 mg/l, were procured from 515.5 l of TPW at an overall extraction efficiency of approximately 85%. By using distillation to recover and recycle solvent, a high solvent:water ratio was maintained while actual solvent consumption was limited to 70 ml per liter of water processed. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry suggested a highly heterogeneous naphthenic acid mixture that exhibited nearly identical proportions of monocyclic, polycyclic, and acyclic acids with molecular weights primarily between 220 and 360. Biphenyls, naphthalenes, and phenanthrene/anthracene were the most prominent impurities detected, but their levels were low (< or = 13 microg/l) even in a concentrated solution of the naphthenic acids (8549 mg/l). Naphthenic acids stored at 4 degrees C at this concentration were stable, exhibiting no significant change in concentration over a 10-month period. This bulk isolation procedure should be useful to others needing to process large volumes of tailings or other source water for the purpose of procuring moderate amounts of naphthenic acids.  相似文献   

Naphthenic acids are components of most petroleums, including those found in the Athabasca Oil Sands of northeastern Alberta. Some naphthenic acids that are solubilized during bitumen extraction from oil sands are acutely toxic to a variety of organisms. Four-month enrichment cultures obtained from the rhizospheres of five plant species native to Alberta, and established with the addition of bitumen (0.5%) as the sole carbon source, revealed a high potential for aerobic degradation of a Merichem commercial preparation of naphthenic acids. Changes in the concentration and composition of the naphthenic acids mixtures during incubation were followed using high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry. Concentrations did not significantly change in the sterile control, but they decreased by up to 90% after 10 days of incubation in the viable cultures. Lower molecular mass naphthenic acids were preferentially degraded, while the proportion of high molecular mass acids increased during incubation. By day 17, the most abundant ions were derived from cellular membranes, corresponding to an increase in microbial numbers in the cultures as naphthenic acids were metabolized. This study is the first to demonstrate the biodegradation potential of microorganisms from rhizosphere soils to biodegrade naphthenic acids.  相似文献   

低耗环保COD测定方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了减量传统法和快速密封消解法两种低耗、环保的COD测定方法.减量传统法是在传统COD测定方法的基础上,将水样体积降低,并相应地减少试剂的用量.用减量传统法分别测定邻苯二甲酸氢钾、葡萄糖和苯酚标准溶液的COD,测定结果准确度高,重现性好.用焦化废水水样和生活污水水样进行对比验证,结果表明减量传统法对两种实际废水均有较高的准确度和精密度,其对成分复杂的焦化废水水样COD测定的准确度和精密度稍低,但仍可满足常用分析.使用常用的美国HACH数字消解器,以价格低廉、配置简单的自配试剂替代进口HACH管装试剂,不仅可以取得同样良好的COD测定结果,而且可以将消解时间从2 h降低为15min.另外,用实验室普通分光光度计替代HACH配套分光光度计,更降低了测试成本,有利于快速密封消解法的推广.  相似文献   

Oil sands mining in the Athabasca region of northern Alberta results in the production of large volumes of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW). We have evaluated the effects of OSPW, the acid extractable organic (AEO) fraction of OSPW, and individual naphthenic acids (NAs) on the germination and development of the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis). The surrogate NAs that were selected for this study were petroleum NAs that have been used in previous toxicology studies and may not represent OSPW NAs. A tricyclic diamondoid NA that was recently identified as a component of OSPW served as a model NA in this study. Germination of Arabidopsis seeds was not inhibited when grown on medium containing up to 75% OSPW or by 50 mg L−1 AEO. However, simultaneous exposure to three simple, single-ringed surrogate NAs or a double-ringed surrogate NA had an inhibitory effect on germination at a concentration of 10 mg L−1, whereas inhibition of germination by the diamondoid model NA was observed only at 50 mg L−1. Seedling root growth was impaired by treatment with low concentrations of OSPW, and exposure to higher concentrations of OSPW resulted in increased growth inhibition of roots and primary leaves, and caused bleaching of cotyledons. Treatment with single- or double-ringed surrogate NAs at 10 mg L−1 severely impaired seedling growth. AEO or diamondoid NA treatment was less toxic, but resulted in severely impaired growth at 50 mg L−1. At low NA concentrations there was occasionally a stimulatory effect on root and shoot growth, possibly owing to the broad structural similarity of some NAs to known plant growth regulators such as auxins. This report provides a foundation for future studies aimed at using Arabidopsis as a biosensor for toxicity and to identify genes with possible roles in NA phytoremediation.  相似文献   

A multiresidue analysis of 50 pesticides has been developed as a rapid screening method for organic contaminants in water samples. Solid phase extraction was accomplished with two adsorbents in a single column. Simultaneous analysis was performed with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The limits of detection for each pesticide are at sub-ppb levels. This method was used to check contamination of water from the Adige river (Northern Italy).  相似文献   

Oil pollution from various sources, including exploration, production and transportation, is a growing global concern. The highest toxicity of hydrocarbon pollutants is associated with the water-soluble phase compounds, including naphthenic acids, a known component found in all hydrocarbon deposits. Recently, naphthenic acids (NAs) have shown estrogenic and anti-androgenic effects in vitro. For this reason we investigated the potential effects of two commercial mixtures of naphthenic acids on fish in vivo, using the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) as a model species.  相似文献   

Electrochemical oxidation (ELOX) with boron-doped diamond (BDD) anodes was successfully applied to degrade a model aqueous solution of a mixture of commercial naphthenic acids (NAs). The model mixture was prepared resembling the NA and salt composition of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) as described in the literature. The initial concentration of NAs between 70 and 120 mg/L did not influence the electrooxidation kinetics. However, increasing the applied current density from 20 to 100 A/m2 and the initial chloride concentration from 15 to 70 and 150 mg/L accelerated the rate of NA degradation. At higher chloride concentration, the formation of indirect oxidative species could contribute to the faster oxidation of NAs. Complete chemical oxygen demand removal at an initial NA concentration of 120 mg/L, 70 mg/L of chloride and applied 50 A/m2 of current density was achieved, and 85% mineralization, defined as the decrease of the total organic carbon (TOC) content, was attained. Moreover, after 6 h of treatment and independently on the experimental conditions, the formation of more toxic species, i.e. perchlorate and organochlorinated compounds, was not detected. Finally, the use of ELOX with BDD anodes produced a 7 to 11-fold reduction of toxicity (IC50 towards Vibrio fischeri) after 2 h of treatment.  相似文献   

The toxicity of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) has regularly been attributed to naphthenic acids, which exist in complex mixtures. If on remediation treatment (e.g., ozonation) or on entering the environment, the mixtures of these acids all behave in the same way, then they can be studied as a whole. If, however, some acids are resistant to change, whilst others are not, or are less resistant, it is important to establish which sub-classes of acids are the most toxic.  相似文献   

Naphthenic acids (NAs) are the most water-soluble organic components found in the Athabasca oil sands in Alberta, Canada, and these acids are released into aqueous tailing waters as a result of bitumen extraction. Although the toxicity of NAs to fish is well known, there has been no method available to estimate NAs concentrations in fish. This paper describes a newly developed analytical method using single ion monitoring gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to measure NAs in fish, down to concentrations of approximately 0.1mgkg(-1) of fish flesh. This method was used to measure the uptake and depuration of commercial NAs in laboratory experiments. Exposure of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to 3mg NAsl(-1) for 9d gave a bioconcentration factor of approximately 2 at pH 8.2. Within 1d after the fish were transferred to NAs-free water, about 95% of the NAs were depurated. In addition, the analytical method was used to determine if NAs were present in four species of wild fish - northern pike (Esox lucius), lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), white sucker (Catostomus commersoni), walleye (Sander vitreus) - collected from near the oil sands. Flesh samples from 23 wild fish were analyzed, and 18 of these had no detectable NAs. Four fish (one of each species) contained NAs at concentrations from 0.2 to 2.8mgkg(-1). The GC-MS results from one wild fish presented a unique problem. However, with additional work it was concluded that the NAs concentration in this fish was <0.1mgkg(-1).  相似文献   

A method employing solid phase extraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with negative chemical ionization has been developed for determination of ultratrace concentrations of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids in river water. The effects of the experimental parameters, such as the pH, additions of NaCl and an ion-pairing agent (tetraethylammonium bromide) and the kind of the elution agent, on the efficiency of the test acid extraction have been studied. The analyte extraction recoveries and the limits of detection and determination have been found. The method developed has been tested on determinations of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids in the waters of the two largest Czech rivers, Vltava and Labe (Elbe). The best extraction results have been attained without any alteration of the sample pH, with an addition of tetrabutylammonium bromide (a concentration of 50 μg mL−1 in the sample) and using methanol as the elution agent. Under these conditions, the recoveries of the test acids in the spiked real samples are within ranges from 60% to 104% and 53% to 111% for analyte concentration levels of 1.40 ng mL−1 and 0.14 ng mL−1, respectively, depending on the lengths of the perfluorinated chains of the acids. In general, the recovery decreases with increasing length of this chain. The method developed exhibits very low limits of detection and determination and the results are fully comparable with those obtained when using more expensive HPLC-MS/MS instrumentation. Typical values amount to tenths to tens of pg mL−1 and units to one hundred pg mL−1 for the limits of detection and determination, respectively; the measuring sensitivity increases with increasing length of the analyte chain. The analyzes of real samples from the Vltava and Elbe rivers have demonstrated that the results obtained are similar to the values published for contamination of the Elbe and other rivers in western and central Europe. The concentrations determined are of the order of units to tens of pg mL−1 and the C8-C10 acids occur most often.  相似文献   

Comparison of four methods including liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), direct aqueous injection (DAI), purge and trap (PAT) and head space (HS) were carried out in this work for determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water. This comparison is made especially to show the advantages and disadvantages and specifically the different detection limits (DL) that can be obtained for a given type of analysis. LLE is applicable only for determination of the THMs concentrations, while DAI, PAT, HS methods with different DL each of them are applicable for all VOCs, with PAT to be the most sensitive. Sampling apparatus and procedure for all these methods except of PAT are very simple and easy, but possible disadvantages for LLE and DAI are the low sensitivity and especially the detection only of THMs with LLE.  相似文献   


Wine and Arak, the national alcoholic drink in Lebanon, were prepared from grape juice fortified with fenitrothion to a concentration of 20ppm. Samples of the 11 fractions produced by the fermentation and distillation steps were analyzed for fenitrothion residues using gas chromatography (GC) and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results of residue analyses showed that the two techniques were highly correlated (r = 0.978) and indicated that fenitrothion was stable during the fermentation steps but not during distillation. The clarified wine 35 days later contained about 85% (15.3 ppm) of the fenitrothion concentration found in the juice as determined by GC analysis. Arak was prepared by a two‐steps distillation of the clarified wine. The alcohol distillate and undistilled fraction from the first distillation contained 2.5 ppm and 5.8 ppm of fenitrothion, respectively. No fenitrothion residues were detected by both techniques in the four fractions collected from the second distillation step.  相似文献   

Analytical procedures for the determination of nine organic booster biocides which are currently licensed for use in marine antifouling paints, and are thought likely to occur at concentrations in the ng 1−1 range in estuarine water samples, are reviewed. A robust multiresidue method for the determination of four compounds (chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid, diuron and Irgarol 1051) is suggested. A route for the development of a method for the analysis of zinc pyrithione is outlined, based on an extraction method and subsequent derivatisation prior to determination by HPLC with fluorescence detection. Methodology for Zineb, Kathon 5287, TCMS pyridine and TCMTB is less clearly defined.  相似文献   

Naphthenic acids are complex mixtures of alkyl-substituted acyclic and cycloaliphatic carboxylic acids, with the general chemical formula CnH2n+zO2, where n is the carbon number and Z specifies a homologous family. These acids have a variety of commercial uses, including being used as wood preservatives. They are found in conventional and heavy oils, and in the oil sands of northeastern Alberta, Canada. Naphthenic acids are major contributors to the toxicity of tailings waters that result from the oil sands extraction process. Eight naphthenic acids preparations (four from commercial sources and four from the oil sands operations) were derivatized and analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The composition of each mixture was summarized as a three-dimensional plot of the abundance of specific ions (corresponding to naphthenic acids) versus carbon number (ranging from 5 to 33) and Z family (ranging from 0 to −12). The data in these plots were divided into three groups according to carbon number (group 1 contained carbon numbers 5–14, group 2 contained carbon numbers 15–21, and group 3 contained carbon numbers 22–33). A t-test, using arcsine-transformed data, was applied to compare corresponding groups in samples from various sources. Results of the statistical analyses showed differences between various commercial naphthenic acids preparations, and between naphthenic acids from different oil sands ores and tailings ponds. This statistical approach can be applied to data collected by other mass spectrometry methods.  相似文献   

Wine and Arak, the national alcoholic drink in Lebanon, were prepared from grape juice fortified with fenitrothion to a concentration of 20ppm. Samples of the 11 fractions produced by the fermentation and distillation steps were analyzed for fenitrothion residues using gas chromatography (GC) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results of residue analyses showed that the two techniques were highly correlated (r = 0.978) and indicated that fenitrothion was stable during the fermentation steps but not during distillation. The clarified wine 35 days later contained about 85% (15.3 ppm) of the fenitrothion concentration found in the juice as determined by GC analysis. Arak was prepared by a two-steps distillation of the clarified wine. The alcohol distillate and undistilled fraction from the first distillation contained 2.5 ppm and 5.8 ppm of fenitrothion, respectively. No fenitrothion residues were detected by both techniques in the four fractions collected from the second distillation step.  相似文献   

This paper reports the development of a specific method to identify organic acids in exhaust gases. The organic acids are collected in two impingers containing liquids (pure water or Na2CO3 1% aqueous solution) and four cartridges containing solids (silica, fluorisil, alumina B and alumina N). Once collected, the acids are eluted of the solids by a hot water stream. These traps performances, in terms of organic acids collection and elution efficiency, are evaluated and compared. Two sources are used to produce the gas flow containing organic acids: one generates a flow whose concentration is known and stable, the other produces organic acids among other combustion products. For eluted solutions analysis, two methods are used: isocratic ionic chromatography/conductivity detection and GC/FID. Their efficiency in separating 10 aliphatic acids are compared. Their characteristics such as detection limits, detection linearity, repeatability and possible interferences with other components found in exhaust gases are determined. The stability of the organic acids solutions is also studied. Lastly, the use of these methods is illustrated by the analysis of the gas-phase organic acids exhausted by a spark ignition and by a diesel engine.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Mou S 《Chemosphere》2004,55(9):1253-1258
Disinfection by-products of interest such as bromate, chlorate and chlorinated haloacetic acids in 10 representative brands of bottled drinking water were investigated with ion chromatography. With the developed method, the detection limits of the disinfection by-products were in sub-microgl(-1) level. It was observed that bromate, chlorate and dichloroacetic acid could be detected in some water samples. In the bottled natural water, the concentrations for the three compounds were 0.1, 0.9 and 0.6 microgl(-1), respectively. The total concentration of disinfection by-products in the natural water sample was the highest among all the bottled drinking waters. The concentrations for the sum of disinfection by-products in the four types of bottled drinking water investigated were natural water > mineral water > spring water > purified water. The generation of disinfection by-products was much influenced by the original components and process procedure of the source water. The concentrations of bromate and chlorate in the bottled water samples hardly degraded with the increasing storage time. For dichloroacetic acid, with the prolonging of storage time, the concentration was much decreased.  相似文献   

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