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The United States funds a number of national monitoring programs to measure the status and trends of ecological and natural resources. Each of these programs has a unique focus; the scientific objectives are different as are the sample designs. However, individuals and committees, all well aware of the cost of ecological monitoring, have called for more effective monitoring programs. The objective of this paper is to summarize existing programs' statistical designs and discuss potential alternatives for improvement in national monitoring. Can we improve the current situation by providing an overall framework for the design or analysis of data from these disparate surveys? First, the paper summarizes the objectives of these surveys, compares and contrasts their survey designs as currently implemented, and determines what variables they collect. Through this process we identify commonalities and issues that impact our ability to combine information across one or more of the surveys. Three potential alternatives are presented, leading to comprehensive monitoring in the United States.  相似文献   

介绍了燃煤电厂烟气排放过程(工况)监控系统的架构,排放过程监控子系统、参数监测子系统和数据采集传输子系统的实现方式,过程监控采集参数选择方法,模型建立步骤与验证方法。结合实际应用,分析如何判定脱硫设施运转正常,烟气参数监测是否正确,并提出了做好过程监控系统工作的相关建议。  相似文献   

通过认真、细致的分析环境监测工作存在的主要问题,提出了宁夏监测工作创新发展的思想与建议。  相似文献   

核电厂放射性流出物监测工作探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了放射性流出物监测的重要性,分析了我国核电厂放射性流出物监测中存在问题,探讨了借鉴国际原子能机构安全及相关标准开展我国核电厂放射性流出物监测的管理机制、监测方案、监测报告和质量保证等具体要求与方法,并提出提升技术基础能力、完善法规标准、加强监管力度的建议.  相似文献   

广州市空气质量自动监测系统设计及建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
广州市空气质量自动监测系统分为子站系统和中心控制数据接收平台系统丽部分.子站系统利用串口通讯采集仪器数据及状态标识;为确保中心系统的数据接收,系统通讯采用ADSL宽带和无线通讯相结合的方式,并设立了发送和接收数据的协议;子站系统的可视化界面与远程控制软件结合,可随时对子站进行监控;采用SQL语言对数据库进行访问.完成每...  相似文献   

以"十一五"期间较为常见的火电厂石灰石-石膏脱硫设施竣工环保验收监测为例,着重就验收过程监测布点、设施处理效率计算、污染物总量核算、减排项目标准执行以及环境管理检查中存在的问题进行探讨,提出解决问题的方法与思路,为今后火电厂竣工环保验收监测工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

选取北京市近5年夏半年(4—9月)的降雨数据及相关噪声自动监测小时等效声级,利用数学统计软件进行有雨-无雨声级差异性分析、声级-降雨相关性分析及平均声级-雨量变化趋势分析等,提出降雨确实对噪声自动监测小时数据有一定贡献,不同雨量对不同功能区噪声影响不同,建议噪声自动监测系统建设时应考虑雨噪声影响,以保证对声环境质量评价的科学性和准确性。  相似文献   

X射线荧光分析法及其在环境监测中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
综述了X射线荧光分析法在水质分析和大气颗粒物分析中的应用,介绍了粉状固态物、液体、气体等环境试样的制备方法,以及标准曲线法、标准加入法、内标法、散射线监控法、稀释法等定量分析方法,指出X射线荧光分析法前处理简单,分析精度高,操作简便、快速.在环境监测领域具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

A multi-channel continuous water toxicity monitoring system was, after confirming the systems' performance, implemented to samples of water discharged from power plants to detect and classify their toxicity using several recombinant bioluminescent bacteria. Each channel of the system is composed of a series of two mini-bioreactors to enable a continuous operation, i.e., without system interruption due to highly toxic samples. A different recombinant bacterial strain was present in each channel: DPD2540 (fabA::lux CDABE), DPD2794 (recA::luxCDABE), and TV1061 (grpE::luxCDABE), which are induced by cell membrane-, DNA-, and protein-damaging agents, respectively. GC2 (lac::luxCDABE) is a constitutive strain, whose bioluminescence is reduced by an increase in cellular toxicity. Phenol and mitomycin C (MMC) were used for evaluating the system's performance to detect toxic chemicals. These samples were injected into the second mini-bioreactor according to a step or bell-curve manner. The field samples used in this study were obtained from the water discharged from two different power plants in Korea – from a nuclear power plant and a thermo-electronic power plant, and were injected into the second mini-bioreactor to initiate the toxicity test. Each channel showed specific bioluminescent (BL) response profiles due to the toxic compounds present in the water samples. Comparing the BL signals between the standard toxic chemical samples and discharged water samples, the equivalent toxicity of the field water could be estimated. Finally, it was proved that this novel continuous toxicity monitoring system can be used as an alternative tool for the quick monitoring and control of water quality, as well as aid in the setting up of a new monitoring strategy to protect the source of tap water and in the prevention of polluted water discharge.  相似文献   

核主元分析(KPCA)方法通过核变换将输入空间映射到高维特征空间,在特征空间进行主元分析。由于KPCA不适合大样本数据建模与分析,因此建模数据的选取非常重要,合理的数据样本可以简化运算,提高核主元分析的诊断准确度。文章提出一种优化数据样本的KPCA方法,利用相似度函数的方法实现样本优化,再建立核主元分析模型,提取数据特征信息,并将该方法应用到水环境监测的传感器故障诊断中,通过试验分析,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

山西省重点污染源自动监控系统是集环境监测、监视和控制于一体的污染源自动监控系统,解决了传统污染源监控系统"只监不控"、"只监结果不监过程"的问题。介绍了该系统的组成、功能及技术特点,并于2010年3月通过该系统对超标排放企业远程监控的实施情况进行了分析。结果表明,该系统能够有效对监控企业进行实时监测,并对污染超标企业进行远程控制和警示,从而有效提高了环境监管水平和执法效率,加强了防止和应对突发性重大环境污染事故的能力。  相似文献   

水质自动监测参数的相关性分析及在水环境监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过水质自动监测数据与常规监测数据比较,表明了自动监测与常规监测数据的一致性;通过对自动监测数据分析,发现五参数可以更直接地反映水质变化,并且五参数之间以及五参数与其他监测指标之间都存在一定的相关性;典型污染事故预警监测案例的分析,更加凸显了五参数连续监测在预警监测中的重要性。  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) in the aquatic ecosystem of Clear Lake has been documented since the 1970s when fishes were found to have elevated levels of toxic methyl mercury (meHg). Mining practices at the Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine (active intermittently from 1872–1957) along the shoreline of Clear Lake included the bulldozing of waste rock and overburden ore into the shallow nearshore regions of the lake and the creation of steeply sloped piles of waste rock at the water's edge. This process, plus erosion of the waste rock piles, resulted in the accumulation of an estimated 100 metric tons of Hg in Clear Lake. A monitoring program to assess Hg in Clear Lake was established in 1992, and conducted continuously from 1994. Drought conditions in California had persisted for ca. 6 yrs prior to 1992, when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) remediated the steeply sloped eroding waste rock piles, which appeared to reduce sediment Hg concentrations significantly. In April 1995, a white flocculent material was observed in Clear Lake adjacent to the mine and has been observed every year since, leading to the discovery of ongoing acid mine drainage (AMD), low pH fluids high in Hg and extremely high in sulfate. AMD is now believed to be the most likely cause of elevated meHg in Clear Lake. The discovery of this source of meHg production in Clear Lake, which will significantly influence remedial options, was only made possible by implementation of a diligent monitoring program.  相似文献   

在泸州市2016—2020年大气降水监测数据的基础上,借助聚类分析、多元方差分析等统计分析手段,对原有降水监测点位进行优化研究,并验证优化结果。在遵循《酸沉降监测技术规范》(HJ/T 165—2004)点位布设要求的前提下,建立了降水监测点位评价体系,从原有7个降水监测点位中优化筛选出3个。优化后的点位对监测结果的影响显著性均>0.05,表明优化前后全市降水数据无显著性差异,该优化方案不会影响区域整体代表性。  相似文献   

以江苏省环境监测人员上岗理论考试工作流程为基础,介绍了上岗证机考系统的设计思路及开发背景,并对系统开发过程中遇到的问题进行了剖析,对系统的二次开发和功能扩展进行了设想,目的在于使该机考系统功能更加完善、适用和通用。  相似文献   

针对变电站电磁环境自动监测站布点方案普遍存在的效率不高、科学性不足等问题,以某500 kV变电站电磁环境自动监测站选址为例,通过建模仿真得到该变电站工频电场和工频磁场的空间分布,并实测验证了仿真结果的准确性。通过统计该变电站工频电场和工频磁场的空间分布特征,提出了基于变电站空间场强分布特征的自动监测站布点方案,建议优先在场强中位数分界线附近区域布点,以更好地反映变电站电磁环境。研究结果可指导变电站电磁环境自动监测站选址,提高变电站电磁环境监测布点的科学性,提升监测效率。  相似文献   

建设项目竣工环保验收监测中的质量保证和质量控制工作是确保监测数据质量的重要环节,对验收监测中Pb、Cd、Hg、As监测数据存在的问题,提出建议。  相似文献   

综述了美国核电厂辐射环境监测管理体系和环境信息公开制度及法制化管理模式,对比分析了我国辐射环境监测与信息发布实际开展情况及存在问题,提出需借鉴美国核管理委员会(NRC,以下简称NRC)的管理经验,进一步完善我国辐射环境监测标准体系,建立辐射环境监测数据公开制度,加强公众参与制度建设,明确核电厂辐射环境监测管理边界等建议。  相似文献   

地下水在线监测技术可以实现地下水水质的高频监测,是未来发展的重要趋势。梳理国内外地下水在线监测技术研究进展,以上海市典型水文地质特征与环境质量状况为例,探讨地下水在线监测点位布设、指标筛选、监测方式及监测井设计等技术要点。首先,优化监测点位布设,对需要开展高频监测的区域或重点风险源开展在线监测,以代表性点位反映总体地下水环境质量状况。其次,综合筛选监测指标,除常规参数外,优先选取水体中的氨氮、高锰酸盐指数等作为在线监测指标,在具有潜在有机污染的区域,选取水中有机物、水中油等作为有机污染指示性指标。应进一步加强指标之间的相关性分析,为指示性指标的确立提供依据。再次,合理确定监测方式,根据取样方式以及污染源风险等级,设置相应的微型站和小型站。最后,优化监测井设计技术方案,进一步研究不同井管材质对地下水中无机或有机污染物的长期吸附(解吸)作用。  相似文献   

选取典型工业区,汇总了恶臭污染的突发性、排放不规律、夜间高值显著等特征,分析了由化学特性、物质种类和监控要求等带来的恶臭污染监测难点。根据信访投诉、地理特点和大气扩散规律,提出构建工业区恶臭污染自动监控体系。在恶臭污染排放特征分析基础上,筛选优控污染物,优选适用在线监测技术,建设边界监控为主、园区监测为辅的专业化、自动化大气特征污染监测系统,通过统一联网和平台,统一质控和规范,建立预警监测信息平台。在实际构建与应用的过程中,探索了分级管理、多方合作的运行机制,为工业区恶臭污染分析评估、污染溯源和控制提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

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