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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons extracted and concentrated from diesel exhaust particulates have been shown to be mutagenic and carcinogenic, but attempts to induce pulmonary tumors through chronic inhalation of diesel exhaust by experimental animals have failed. We have attempted to resolve this incongruity by measuring chromosomal damage in lung tissue of chronically exposed hamsters, using the highly sensitive test for genotoxic chemical agents, sister chromatid exchange (SCE) analysis. To determine the degree of responsiveness of the test system to both diesel exhaust particulates and benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), these agents were instilled intratracheally into anesthetized hamsters as suspensions in 0.25 ml volumes of Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS). Lung tissues from these animals were subsequently cultured in vitro and chromosomes from the resulting cell divisions were scored for exchanges of chromatin between sister chromatids. Control animals, treated weekly with 0.25 ml of BSS for 10 weeks, showed an average value of 12 SCE's per cell, while animals treated weekly with 200 ng BaP over a 10-week period showed an average of 17 SCE's per cell. HBSS, given as a single treatment, also produced an average of 12 SCE's per cell in control animals, but animals treated with a single instillation of 12.5 μg BaP showed an average SCE value of 19. These data confirmed that the procarcinogen BaP can be metabolically activated by lung cells in vivo and also demonstrated the efficacy of using this technical approach to study the effect of chemical mutagens that enter the lungs. Diesel exhaust particulates, administered in a range from 0 to 20 mg per hamster over a 24 h exposure period, produced a linear SCE dose-response ranging from 12 to 26 SCE's per metaphase. This curve suggested that a concentration of 3 mg of diesel particulates per hamster would not produce a statistically significant increase in SCE's above control values. One group of 8 hamsters, chronically exposed to diesel exhaust particulates for 3 months showed an average of 12 SCE's per cell. This was equivalent to a set of 5 control animals which also showed an average of 12 SCE's per cell. Although the scope of this study was limited, the data demonstrated that diesel exhaust particulates can induce genotoxic damage but a 3-month exposure to 6 mg/m3 of diesel exhaust particulates was insufficient to produce measurable mutagenic changes in lung cells. This negative response is consistent with the results from other studies in which similar exposures failed to produce pulmonary tumors.  相似文献   

Motor vehicle exhaust from prechamber injection diesel and gasoline powered passenger cars, sampled during US FTP 1973 test cycles and comprising both particulate matter and compounds condensable at ambient temperature, has been assayed for mutagenicity in the Salmonella/microsome test. Mutagenic components were to a large extent active in the absence of the mammalian microsomal preparation. The mutagenicity of both particulate matter and condensate from diesel exhaust and condensate from gasoline exhaust was decreased in the presence of the microsomal preparation whereas the mutagenicity of particulate matter from gasoline exhaust was enhanced by microsomal activation. A comparison between the investigated diesel and gasoline exhaust samples shows that the mutagenic effect in the Salmonella test of the diesel exhaust is more than ten times higher than that of the gasoline exhaust. Fractionation with respect to polarity indicates that the mutagenic components mainly are distributed in neutral aliphatic, aromatic, and oxygenated fractions. Tests for mutagenic monofunctional nitroarenes by an anaerobic assay indicate that such compounds at most are marginally present in the exhaust samples as compared with their presence in airborne particulate matter collected in an urban environment.  相似文献   

Extracts from emissions of four diesel engines, a gasoline engine and three related environmental samples were tested in four in vitro assay systems designed to detect carcinogenic or mutagenic activity of chemicals. Samples from three of four diesel extracts, the gasoline engine, and all three related samples were positive in an enhancement of viral transformation assay. Two diesel samples, the gasoline engine extract and extract from coke oven emissions were positive for mutation induction in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Only the gasoline engine extract and the coke oven sample were positive in a DNA fragmentation assay using alkaline sucrose gradients. Experiments using chemical transformation of Syrian hamster embryo cells as an assay method have not been completed.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae D3 recombinogenic assay, the assay for forward mutagenesis in L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells, and the sister chromatid exchange (SCE) assay using Chinese hamster ovary cells were used to evaluate the in vitro mutagenic and DNA-damaging effects of eight samples of diesel engine emissions and related environmental emissions. The recombinogenic assay was not sufficiently sensitive for this evaluation, but mutagenicity was detected in the L5178Y mutagenesis assay following exposures of the cells to all of the emission samples, and DNA damage in the SCE assay was induced by most of the emission samples in the presence and absence of metabolic activation. The observation of positive results in the absence of activation indicated that the samples contained substances that were direct-acting mutagens and DNA-damaging agents.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the effect of diesel exhaust (DE) exposure on in vivo metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). DE-exposed and unexposed A/Jax mice of group B were instilled intratracheally with 3H-BaP. At each time point of 2, 24, and 168 h after instillation five mice were killed and the liver, lungs, and testes were removed and frozen. Aliquots of the organs were homogenized in 2 ml water and each received 3 volumes of cold ethanol. Radioactivity in supernatant and precipitate was measured. The supernatant extracts were subjected to HPLC analysis on ALOX-T and on Zorbax ODS. The ALOX-T method was a modification of Autrup's procedure for conjugate assay (Biochem. Pharmacol.28, 1727, 1979). Fractions were (a) free BaP; (b) nonconjugated primary metabolites; (c) sulfate conjugates; (d) glucuronides, glutathiones, and other conjugates. By 2 h after instillation primary metabolites were found in liver and lung, but very little was conjugated. The unconjugated BaP was mainly in the form of free BaP and phenolic metabolite(s). The lungs of DE-exposed mice had less capacity to dispose of “bound” BaP 1 week after instillation.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the effect of diesel exhaust (DE) exposure on the disposition of a typical polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. DE-exposed and nonexposed A/Jax mice were divided into three groups and each mouse instilled intratracheally with benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). One group (A) received 14C-BaP, and at intervals of 2, 24, and 168 h, three mice from the group were killed and quick frozen for whole body autoradiography. Sagittal sections were cut at 0.5 mm intervals and autoradiograms prepared. Adjacent sections were studied so that radioactive areas were matched to specific organs. The second group (B) received 3H-BaP and at 2, 24, and 168 h these mice were killed. Livers, lungs, and testes were weighed and frozen. From these tissues metabolites were analyzed; these data are reported in the next paper. Histofluorescent examination of tissues from mice instilled with nonradioactive BaP (group C) confirmed that BaP was present in the lung. The autoradiography data are the basis for elucidating the BaP distribution in the mouse. Within 2 h after instillation radioactivity was detected in the entire animal, with most in lungs, liver, and GI tract. By 24 h after instillation considerable radioactivity had redistributed to the GI tract. At 168 h after instillation only a trace of label was found in the GI mucosa.  相似文献   

In vitro mutagenicity and carcinogenicity testing techniques are currently being used to assess the potential risk to man of exposure to diesel exhaust emissions. This paper examines general considerations of such systems, the types of in vitro tests currently available, the advantages and disadvantages of each cell line and type of test, the limitations of in vitro techniques, the alternative human cell lines that could be utilized for diesel health effects studies, and recommendations for future research employing in vitro methods.  相似文献   

A sex-linked recessive lethal test was performed on male fruit flies of the species Drosophila melanogaster, (Oregon-R strain), exposed to an approximate five-fold dilution of exhaust from a diesel engine. The eight hour exposure was achieved by drawing diluted diesel exhaust from a three cubic meter stainless steel exposure chamber housing laboratory animals through a two liter reaction flask modified for use with Drosophila. A preconditioned sampling bag was used to collect the emissions after passing through the exposure chamber containing the flies. Results of analyses performed on the diesel exhaust mixture showed the following: carbon dioxide—0.17%, carbon monoxide—12.2 ppm, hydrocarbons—11.6 ppm, nitrogen oxide—3.8 ppm, nitrogen dioxide—2.9 ppm, sulphur dioxide—1.0 ppm, and particulates—2.18 mg/m3. Two broods of the F2 generation were investigated for the occurrence of recessive lethal events. These broods approximated the developing gametogenic stages of mature sperm (P1 matings on days 2 and 3 postexposure) and spermatocytes (P1 matings on days 8 and 9). Additionally, the F3 generation was evaluated for the occurrence of mosaic recessive lethal events which might escape detection in the F2 generation. An equal number of F2 and F3 flies for both broods served as concurrent controls. Results indicate that, under the conditions tested, the diesel exhaust did not increase the mutation frequency of the exposed flies (F2 rate = 0.30%, F3 rate = 0%) when compared to the concurrent controls (F2 rate = 0.37%, F3 rate = 0.15%).  相似文献   

Due to the expected increase in the percentage of diesel vehicles in the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency must evaluate the health effects associated with exposure to diesel emissions. Respirable particles from a variety of combustion sources have the potential of being carcinogenic and mutagenic. The objective of these studies was to determine the relative biological activity of the organic material adsorbed on these particles in in vitro mutagenesis bioassays. The organic extracts from the following series of emission sources were bioassayed in the Salmonella assay for mutagenic activity: (1) a light-duty Oldsmobile diesel 350 engine; (2) a heavy-duty Caterpillar diesel engine; (3) a light-duty Nissan engine; (4) a Volkswagen Rabbit diesel engine; (5) cigarette smoke; (6) roofing tar; (7) coke oven; and (8) a gasoline catalyst Mustang. This paper provides a comparison of these sources within the Salmonella bioassay and also demonstrates how bacterial systems can be used as a quality assurance measure in in vivo testing.  相似文献   

Glycine uptake by an isolated Pseudomonas species as a sole nitrogen source was studied in the presence of inorganic particulate. A pure culture of Pseudomonas species was grown in a continuous culture apparatus using a nitrogen-limited medium. The biomass from the chemostat was used in batch studies to evaluate the effects of alumnia or kaolinite on the glycine uptake rate. Stimulation and inhibition were dependent on the surface area of the particles added to the system. Stimulation occurred at low particle concentrations, while inhibition occurred at higher particle concentrations. Enhanced glycine uptake is attributed to an “adsorption” mechanism which may associate with the removal of toxic inhibitors from solution by adsorption onto the particle surface. Inhibition by these particles at high surface area densities may involve the removal of required compounds, as a factor of the particle surface area and not its size or type.  相似文献   

The rate and extent of radium-226 accumulation from sediment by the water-lily Nymphaea violacea (Lehm) were assessed. The plants were collected from Magela Creek, Northern Territory, Australia and grown in 226RaCl2-labelled laboratory sediment over a period of 570 days. The nominal sediment activity of 5 Bq g−1 dry weight was 100 times that of the naturally occurring concentration.In the roots and rhizomes, 226Ra accumulated on plant surfaces. This result was confirmed by autoradiographic studies which showed the presence of an iron-containing plaque on the surface of these tissues with which the radium was closely associated. Little radium reached the pith of the rhizomes and acropetal translocation was not detected. The average concentration ratio for growing rhizomes was 0·22. Assuming first order accumulation kinetics and likely incremental environmental concentrations, this Aboriginal dietary tissue could become dose-limiting within 50 years.The foliar accumulation of radium originating from the sediment was predominately due to contamination via the sediment-water-plant pathway. Differences in foliar radium concentrations in plants of different ages were due to differential biomass turnover rates. Plants with faster biomass turnover had higher average radium concentrations.  相似文献   

Accumulation and clearance of 134Cs and 60Co by the Baltic bivalve Macoma baltica were experimentally investigated in a laboratory microcosmos. The nuclides were added to the water and the activities in bivalve flesh, shell, feces and sediment were determined at regular intervals. The uptake was quite rapid, 40% (Cs) and 55% (Co) of the final steady state values being attained after 24 h. The subsequent releases were also rapid, 50% (Cs) and 40% (Co), of the accumulated activity being lost within 6 days. The experiments demonstrated that the major intake route following short-term releases of activity will be from the water column and that the close relationship between activity in water and organism can thus be used for predictive purposes without the complication of radionuclide uptake from contaminated sediments. However, for longer periods, the subsequent intake of sediments will generate a significant exposure pathway for this deposit-feeding bivalve.  相似文献   

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