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背 景如科菲·安南秘书长在 1 999年达沃斯世界经济论坛上所说 ,在联合国与私有部门之间应当有一种更密切和相互支持的伙伴关系来捍卫人道主义价值 ,共同创造一套“全球共享的如下三个领域的价值与原则 :人权 ,劳工标准和环境实践 .”联合国环境署广告举措源于强烈政治意愿 :在可持续发展委员会 ( CSD)里约 +5高峰会上 ,各国政府推荐令人鼓舞的“工商界、媒体、广告部门和营销部门帮助形成可持续消费伙伴 .”因此 ,联合国环境署认为建立一个“广告与可持续消费”举措是及时的 .为什么让广告部门参与可持续消费举措 ?◆广告商在产生和促进…  相似文献   

如科菲安南秘书长在1999年达沃斯世界经济论坛上所说,在联合国与私有部门之间应当有 一种更密切和相互支持的伙伴关系来捍卫人道主义价值,共同创造一套“全球共享 的如下三个领域的价值与原则:人权,劳工标准和环境实践.”   联合国环境署广告举措源于强烈政治意愿:在可持续发展委员会(CSD)里约+5高峰会上,各 国政府推荐令人鼓舞的“工商界、媒体、广告部门和营销部门帮助形成可持续消费伙伴.” 因此,联合国环境署认为建立一个“广告与可持续消费”举措是及时的. 为什么让广告部门参与可持续消费举措?   ◆广告商在产生和促进产品、服务与宣传来扶持可持续消费方面发挥关键作用.通过开发 更清洁产品,它们满足了那些日益增多地要了解他们所购买的产品的环境影响和/或社会影 响信息的消费者日益增长的需求.   ◆广告机构代表生产者与消费者之间的一个环节.它们对它们的客户的沟通战略有影响,而 它们的沟通技能和创造性才干代表一种有助于转变消费方式的重要资产.   ◆媒体在编发旨在向公众提供可持续性问题信息的广播和文章方面发挥主要作用.它们也可 以为普遍感兴趣的宣传提供无成本或低成本空间.……  相似文献   

药用植物的种植生产已成为发展农业经济的有效途径之一,但目前生产中也存在一些问题,本文从药用植物的栽培特点、虚假广告辩别、市场规律的把握等方面论述了药用植物种植生产中应注意的问题.  相似文献   

未来消费方式往往源于在世界上主要城市中心首先建立起来的消费趋势 .最近的研究显示 ,世界上 40个主要城市中的消费者渴望 ,无论它们是在发达国家还是发展中国家 ,尽管有文化上或地域上的差异 ,还是显著类似的 .这就是为什么国际性公司一直能制订全球性营销和广告战略来在那些本来看来是不同市场的地方销售产品的一个原因 .因此 ,世界上主要城市中消费者渴望的类似性 ,为宣传更可持续消费趋势提供了一个重要机会 .以下扼要描述市场分割的营销与广告经验 .人性在世界各地都是类似的 ,尽管它可能被文化差异所掩盖 .因此 ,可以利用这种经验推…  相似文献   

充分利用园林植物来进行意境创作,目的是想通过植物造景来营造一种陵园文化环境氛围.  相似文献   

《分析试验室》创刊于1982年,是国内外公开发行的综合性分析化学刊物.国内统一刊号:CNll-2017/TF,国际标准刊号:ISSN 1000——0720,国际CODEN码:FENSE4,邮发代号:82-431,国外代号:BM 848,广告经营许可证:京西工商广字0057号.本刊适合于冶金、地质、石油化工、环保、药物、食品、农业和商品检验等领域从事分析化学研究和测试的科技工作者及大专院校分析化学专业的师生阅读  相似文献   

关于农业生态旅游的几点看法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
农业生态旅游已逐渐成为普通大众的一种新的旅游消费方式,近年来国内外正在不断兴起。农业生态旅游是农业生产与旅游活动的有机结合,它已日益成为农业的一个新的经济增长点。发展农业生态旅游需要加强旅游地的“软件”(生态旅游规划、广告策划等)和“硬件”(基础配套设施等)的建设,特别是健康优美的农村生态环境的建设与保护,要本着大农业、大生态、大旅游的思想,推动农业生态旅游的产业化进程及其可持续发展。  相似文献   

《风景园林建筑设计》教学方法探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文作者力在突破传统的教学模式,利用计算机网络多媒体技术、AutoCAD和3DS技术进行理论教学与实验教学,通过课程设计与教学实习结合园林建设工程项目,真题实做,并不断改革考核方法,旨在提高学生作品设计构思与创作能力.  相似文献   

国内统一刊号 :CN1 1 2 0 1 7/TF  国际CODEN码 :FENSE4  国外代号 :BM848国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1 0 0 0 0 72 0邮发代号 :82 431广告经营许可证 :京西工商广字第 0 0 38号  《分析试验室》是中文核心期刊 ,月刊 ,国内外公开发行 . 1 982年创刊 ,目前已成为我国著名的分  相似文献   

作为文学样式的悲剧、喜剧不同于生活中的悲喜剧.运用马克思主义实践美学理论,通过对历史上不同的悲剧与喜剧观点的比较分析,从而得出悲剧与喜剧均产生于人类的社会社会实践;都是人类创造的活动的展现,在创作上悲喜剧可熔于一炉.  相似文献   

We formulate and simulation-test a spatial surplus production model that provides a basis with which to undertake multispecies, multi-area, stock assessment. Movement between areas is parameterized using a simple gravity model that includes a "residency" parameter that determines the degree of stock mixing among areas. The model is deliberately simple in order to (1) accommodate nontarget species that typically have fewer available data and (2) minimize computational demand to enable simulation evaluation of spatial management strategies. Using this model, we demonstrate that careful consideration of spatial catch and effort data can provide the basis for simple yet reliable spatial stock assessments. If simple spatial dynamics can be assumed, tagging data are not required to reliably estimate spatial distribution and movement. When applied to eight stocks of Atlantic tuna and billfish, the model tracks regional catch data relatively well by approximating local depletions and exchange among high-abundance areas. We use these results to investigate and discuss the implications of using spatially aggregated stock assessment for fisheries in which the distribution of both the population and fishing vary over time.  相似文献   

When sample observations are expensive or difficult to obtain, ranked set sampling is known to be an efficient method for estimating the population mean, and in particular to improve on the sample mean estimator. Using best linear unbiased estimators, this paper considers the simple linear regression model with replicated observations. Use of a form of ranked set sampling is shown to be markedly more efficient for normal data when compared with the traditional simple linear regression estimators.  相似文献   

Interference competition is often due to kleptoparasitism (food stealing). In which case, the attack distance, the distance over which one animal attacks another in an attempt to steal food, determines to a large extent the competitor density range over which interference significantly affects the intake rate of foraging animals.We develop a simple model of kleptoparasitism containing three parameters: attack distance, the density of foraging animals and a single dimensionless parameter α which summarizes the non-geometrical aspects of the interference process. Dominant and subdominant animals are not considered separately. The model predicts that the average intake rate will decrease exponentially with animal density and that a measure of the strength of interference depends on attack distance squared.The simple model is compared with a much more detailed individual-based foraging model from the literature. Simulated average intake rates are indeed well approximated by an exponential decrease with competitor density. Also the measure of interference behaves in the way expected from the simple model. By explaining the shape of the relationship between intake rate and animal density, the simple model provides insight into the behaviour of the detailed behavioural model.Insight into the role of geometry is important in the interpretation of field results and in the further development of detailed foraging models.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo evidence has shown that simple, misspecified referendum contingent valuation (CV) models sometimes lead to good estimates of mean willingness to pay (WTP). Empirical studies have found that estimates of mean WTP derived from simple parametric models often differ little from those derived from nonparametric methods. This indicates that simple models can potentially yield WTP estimators that are relatively unbiased. This note shows that very simple logit referendum CV models will estimate mean WTP consistently if the survey bids are drawn randomly from a uniform distribution.  相似文献   

In many surveys in environmental and natural phenomena the aim is to evaluate the heterogeneity, and the skewness of the distribution of the number point-objects in the study area opportunely partitioned in sub-regions. For this purpose, in this paper the estimation of dispersion indices is considered by using simple random sampling and adaptive sampling with initial simple random sampling selected with replacement or without replacement. The jackknife and the bootstrap procedures are proposed in both cases for reducing bias. Finally, both a simulation study and a case study on biological population referred to a Oidium tuckeri contamination in a growing vineyard is performed to assess the accuracy of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

动物细胞的体外培养需要多种生长因子。本研究假设Vero细胞生长和对营养物的吸收利用与一个关键生长密切相关,一个控制变量c控制这一关键生长因子的合成。根据这假设建立了一个简单的Vero细胞生长的控制模型,该模型较好地描述了细胞从延迟期到静止期的整个生长过程。  相似文献   

Consider a survey of a plant or animal species in which abundance or presence/absence will be recorded. Further assume that the presence of the plant or animal is rare and tends to cluster. A sampling design will be implemented to determine which units to sample within the study region. Adaptive cluster sampling designs Thompson (1990) are sampling designs that are implemented by first selecting a sample of units according to some conventional probability sampling design. Then, whenever a specified criterion is satisfied upon measuring the variable of interest, additional units are adaptively sampled in neighborhoods of those units satisfying the criterion. The success of these adaptive designs depends on the probabilities of finding the rare clustered events, called networks. This research uses combinatorial generating functions to calculate network inclusion probabilities associated with a simple Latin square sample. It will be shown that, in general, adaptive simple Latin square sampling when compared to adaptive simple random sampling will (i) yield higher network inclusion probabilities and (ii) provide Horvitz-Thompson estimators with smaller variability.  相似文献   

Analysis of a system of non-linear differential equations illustrates the effects of interactions between biotic and abiotic components of a complex aquatic ecosystem model. A stochastic analysis shows that the variance of the abiotic variables is related in a simple manner to the autocorrelation function of the biotic variables. The results suggest that for oligotrophic and eutrophic conditions, relatively simple ecosystem models may be sufficient for studies of an aquatic environment. Under mesotrophic conditions, the high state variable resolution of a complex model may be necessary.  相似文献   

Morris DW  Mukherjee S 《Ecology》2007,88(3):597-604
Carrying capacity is one of the most important, yet least understood and rarely estimated, parameters in population management and modeling. A simple behavioral metric of carrying capacity would advance theory, conservation, and management of biological populations. Such a metric should be possible because behavior is finely attuned to variation in environment including population density. We connect optimal foraging theory with population dynamics and life history to develop a simple model that predicts this sort of adaptive density-dependent change in food consumption. We then confirm the model's unexpected and manifold predictions with field experiments. The theory predicts reproductive thresholds that alter the marginal value of energy as well as the value of time. Both effects cause a pronounced discontinuity in quitting-harvest rate that we revealed with foraging experiments. Red-backed voles maintained across a range of high densities foraged at a lower density-dependent rate than the same animals exposed to low-density treatments. The change in harvest rate is diagnostic of populations that exceed their carrying capacity. Ecologists, conservation biologists, and wildlife managers may thus be able to use simple and efficient foraging experiments to estimate carrying capacity and habitat quality.  相似文献   

Habitat association studies investigate the relationships between habitat characteristics and animal usage of study regions. These studies are often conducted in conjunction with surveys designed primarily to estimate population totals. This paper shows that habitat association studies may proceed from surveys using adaptive cluster sampling. The manner in which units appear in the sample turns out not be relevant to the habitat association study, which proceeds as though the units came from a simple random sample. However, it is also shown that the information about the habitat association parameters is greater than one would expect from a simple random sample of the same general size.  相似文献   

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