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Risk management practices under the current environmental regulations is a long, complex process that considers scientific, technologic, and management factors to develop various regulatory standards and pollution control measures. Using the mandatory enforcement approach, sometimes referred to as “command-and-control”, a set of preliminary environmental goals, such as better air and water qualities, were achieved. However, the information-intensive nature of the risk management process and the lack of flexibility in conventional regulatory methods to changing economic and technologic realities of the decade has created interest among risk managers to examine some innovative management approaches. Above all, environmental problems of a global scale require novel management methods while striving to achieve the desired environmental goals. As the principal analytical tool in risk management, quantitative risk assessment exerts considerable influence on the risk management process. Therefore, advances in risk management are closely associated with scientific developments that enhance the risk assessment process, particularly those efforts aimed at improving human exposure and toxicity assessments. Market incentives, information dissemination, creative enforcement practices, and interagency and intergovernmental interactions were identified as the key elements of innovative environmental risk management practices. This paper will present an overview of the emerging innovative risk management approaches.  相似文献   

根据《中印石油管道项目HSE手册》,对项目进行风险模块划分,以盾构施工模块为例,对其施工过程进行模块综合评价,得到系统安全级数为0.7077,处于中等安全与较安全之间,基本满足要求,为项目的安全环保进行提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

环境风险评价构架的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
段刚  刘晓海 《四川环境》2005,24(4):59-62,66
本文归纳并概括了国际上和我国环境风险评价的一般构架,从环境风险评价、安全评价、健康评价、生态评价、最大可信灾害事故及最大可接受水平等几个方面对我国环境风险评价一般构架进行了探讨,分析了我国环境风险评价构架中存在的问题,提出了进一步完善我国环境风险评价一般构架的方法,并辅以了案例分析。  相似文献   

为满足快速增长的电力需求,缓解传统化石能源紧缺及其所伴随的大气污染问题,发电过程中几乎不产生常规大气污染物的核电逐渐成为我国重要的能源战略选择。但是,由于核电站在运行过程中,特别是发生重大核事故时,产生的放射性物质可能对健康造成负面影响,发展核电仍然存在较大的争议和阻力。在此背景下,需要构建科学、完善的核电风险评估与管理体系,以保障我国的核电行业健康、有序发展。在对国内外核电风险评估研究现状进行系统梳理的基础上,分析其对核电风险管理的意义,提出了我国未来构建核电风险评估与管理体系的建议。  相似文献   

环境风险评价简介   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
谢春庆 《四川环境》1994,13(4):65-69
本文介绍了环境风险评价的内容,方法,现状及发展趋势,并着重介绍了该类评价中污染物对人体健康危害的评价方法。  相似文献   

在环境风险管理中,需要针对不同的管理目标进行评估与排序,实现有限资源供给下的风险管理效率最大化提升。作为环境风险优先管理中的一个重要内容,比较风险评价是针对不同类型环境问题进行评估与排序的方法,它可以从宏观尺度上有效识别出各类环境问题的风险大小顺序,并有针对性进行管理优先级的设置。本文在对国内外比较风险评价研究进行系统梳理的基础上,分析其对我国环境风险管理的意义,提出我国在开展环境问题的比较风险评价、建立与完善环境风险管理工作优先级等方面的建议。  相似文献   

对替代方案编写中应考虑环境风险因素的几点建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出替代方案对于环境影响评价工作是非常重要的工作内容,但目前环评中的替代方案往往未考虑环境风险因素,对此本文论述了在替代方案编写过程中应考虑环境风险因素的必要性,并对如何将环境风险因素纳入替代方案的编写过程提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

生物安全领域的环境风险包括科技风险、生态风险和环境健康风险三种类型。我国目前尚未形成健全的生物安全风险规制制度体系,科技风险规制机制不健全、生态风险规制忽视生物多样性保护、环境健康风险规制领域尚存空白等问题依然存在。为此,应确立多元化的立法目的体系,推动风险规制的类型化制度安排,有效衔接生物安全立法与环境保护法律规范,以最大限度地预防和降低生物安全风险可能带来的损害。  相似文献   

浅议环境风险评价与管理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
论述了环境风险评价的有关基本概念,阐明了环境风险评价主要步骤。探讨了环境风险管理的内容与方法。并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The ecological systems of Earth are subjected to a wide array of environmental stresses resulting from human activities. The development of appropriate environmental protection and management policies and the appropriate allocation of resources across environmental stresses require a systematic evaluation of relative risks. The data and methodologies for comprehensive ecological risk assessment do not exist, yet we do have considerable understanding of econological stress-response relationships. A methodology is presented to utilize present knowledge for assignment of relative risks to ecological systems and human welfare from anthropogenic stresses. The resultant priorities, developed for the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) relative risk reduction project, highlight global climate change, habitat alteration, stratospheric ozone depletion, and species depletion as the highest environmental risks, significantly diverging from the present emphasis by EPA and the public on toxic chemical issues. Enhanced attention to ecological issues by EPA and development of ecological risk assessment methodologies that value ecological and economic issues equitably are key recommendations.  相似文献   

当前野生动物保护公益诉讼主要呈现损害控制型司法模式的特性,该模式以刑事附带民事公益诉讼为常规渠道,救济对象是既成公益损害,救济方式是损害赔偿、修复及专项整治。诉讼方式谦抑性、因果关系推定规则以及案件线索发现机制事后性,为此模式的合理运行提供了理据。本文运用风险预防原则的理论框架,认为野生动物保护公益诉讼的救济客体不应局限于生态环境损害,公共卫生安全的风险预防等关联性客体也应纳入其中,而损害控制模式这种事后治理方法存在短板。基于此,应将公益诉讼的视角回溯至事前,大力倡导风险预防型司法模式。风险预防模式与损害控制模式属于二元协同关系,前者对后者发挥补强与优化功能。根据风险预防模式的救济观,可探索野生动物保护的预防性行政公益诉讼制度,并全方位构建程序规则,以实现公益诉讼的前瞻性价值。  相似文献   

在介绍美国农药环境风险评估的概念、分级、地下水农药监测情况及水资源的立法保护等基础上,重点阐述了美国环保署在农药登记管理过程中使用的2个地下水风险评估模型,即SCI-GROW和PRZM-GW模型。SCI-GROW是以好氧条件土壤半衰期和土壤有机碳分配系数为自变量的经验线性回归模型,而PRZM-GW则是描述农药在土壤中运动的一维、有限差分模型。本文通过对美国环保署这2个特点鲜明的模型的介绍,希望能为我国的农药地下水风险评估及模型的开发提供一个新视角。  相似文献   

土壤污染风险评价研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
随着工业化和城镇化快速发展,土壤污染带来的人体健康和生态风险日益凸显.本文针对我国土壤污染环境风险评价体系在风险管控中的缺失问题,系统总结了国内外土壤污染的风险研究发展成果,按照土壤污染的人体健康风险和生态风险,分别进行评价方法、评价标准和管理实践的总结与评述.文章着重指出:土壤污染风险评价在生态系统水平及区域流域尺度上缺失,评价方法未能与污染物存在形态完全匹配,评价指标还不能覆盖大部分重金属和有机物,健康风险与生态风险还没有实现综合评价.  相似文献   

To assist risk assessors at the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site (SRS), a Geographic Information System (GIS) application was developed to provide relevant information about specific receptor species of resident wildlife that can be used for ecological risk assessment. Information was obtained from an extensive literature review of publications and reports on vertebrate- and contaminant-related research since 1954 and linked to a GIS. Although this GIS is a useful tool for risk assessors because the data quality is high, it does not describe the species’ site-wide spatial distribution or life history, which may be crucial when developing a risk assessment. Specific receptor species on the SRS were modeled to provide an estimate of an overall distribution (probability of being in an area). Each model is a stand-alone tool consisting of algorithms independent of the GIS data layers to which it is applied and therefore is dynamic and will respond to changes such as habitat disturbances and natural succession. This paper describes this modeling process and demonstrates how these resource selection models can then be used to produce spatially explicit exposure estimates. This approach is a template for other large federal facilities to establish a framework for site-specific risk assessments that use wildlife species as endpoints.Current address: Biology Department, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD 57069  相似文献   

高校隐性财务风险形成的原因主要集中在规模贷款和财务管理,突出表现在财务监控机制缺乏或不完善、财务管理缺乏系统的评价指标和风险意识等。规避、控制高校隐性财务风险,可通过促进资金来源多元化、加强监管、维持预算平衡、严格贷款程序、建立财务评价指标体系、推进财务管理信息化的渠道来实现。  相似文献   

结合建设项目环境影响评价报告书审查的实际,指出报告书中关于环境风险防范方面存在的编制依据的有效性、工程分析的完整性、环境风险评价的规范性、公众参与的针对性、社会稳定风险评估的真实性、环境监理的适用性和竣工环境保护验收的指导性等问题。根据国家近期对环境风险防范方面的法律法规等规定及研究成果,提出相应的改进建议。  相似文献   

环境风险评价的实践与发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
环境风险评价(Environmental Risk Assessment ERA)是环境影响评价的一个重要分支,主要分析评价环境中的潜在危险。本文围绕开展ERA的必要怀、国内外ERA发展现状等方面进行了评述,在此基础上针对目前ERA工作中的不足提出了三点建议。  相似文献   

环境风险评估是环境污染责任保险制度实施和应用的重要环节,是一种为投保人和承保人量化环境风险的方法,量化结果是保险公司厘定保费的重要参考依据。随着环境污染责任保险的发展和推广,构建适用于环境污染责任保险的环境风险评估体系逐渐成为当前的研究热点之一,但目前针对环境污染责任保险环境风险评估缺乏深入系统的研究与总结。在已有研究基础上,本文进一步明确环境污染责任保险环境风险评估内涵及特征,并对其评估体系进行科学界定,简要评述当前环境污染责任保险环境风险评估的相关研究主题,并在已有模型和方法基础上构建环境污染责任保险环境风险评估的理论框架,最后在总结当前研究不足的前提下,探讨未来环境污染责任保险环境风险评估的研究趋势,为环境污染责任保险的实施和应用提供思路和参考。  相似文献   

Understanding toxicant effects at higher levels of biological organization continues to be a challenge in ecotoxicology and ecological risk assessment. This is due in part to a tradition in ecotoxicology of considering the direct effects of toxicants on a limited number of model test species. However, the indirect effects of toxicity may be a significant factor influencing the manner in which ecosystem structure and function respond to anthropogenic stressors. Subsequently, failure to incorporate indirect effects into risk assessment paradigms may be a significant source of uncertainty in risk estimates. The current paper addresses the importance of indirect effects in an ecotoxicological context. Laboratory, mesocosm, and whole ecosystem research into indirect effects is reviewed. The implications of indirect effects for ecological risk assessment and potential areas of profitable future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

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