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为了分析不同通风条件对柴油池火燃烧特性及引燃特性的影响,进行205 mm带水垫层柴油池火的引燃实验,通过对池火燃料的质量损失速率、火焰高度、温度及热辐射等的监测,分析通风环境中柴油池火的热传递规律。结果表明:当风速为0.5 m/s时,火灾进入旺盛阶段的时间提前,火焰平均温度最高;当风速为1 m/s时,风速的增加导致油池火的质量损失速率增加,位于主火源下风向的待引燃火源获得的热辐射通量增大,火灾旺盛阶段火焰的平均温度降低,火焰高度降低,下风向相邻油盘引燃的时间提前;1 m/s情况下,205 mm带水垫层柴油池火的安全间距需增加到1D以上;通风环境对池火发展及蔓延的影响是显著的,应适当加大下风向可燃物的安全间距,合理选择通风排烟风速,优化火灾应急救援策略。  相似文献   

通过全尺寸模拟试验研究了细水雾和机械通风共同作用下小室酒精池火的特性以及机械通风风量和风速等对细水雾抑制酒精池火的影响.试验中通过改变变频器频率来调节机械通风的风量和风速,获取不同机械通风条件下细水雾抑制酒精火的温度、热辐射强度、总热流强度以及O2和CO体积分数等特性参数,并分析讨论了机械通风对细水雾抑制酒精池火的影响.结果表明:随着机械通风量的增加,烟气平均升温速率和平均降温速率线性下降,细水雾施加后对火场对流传热的抑制作用更加明显;同时,机械通风使得火场O2体积分数更接近环境大气值,细水雾施加之后CO的生成量明显降低;机械通风不影响细水雾控火效果,并有助于和细水雾灭火系统共同保障火场安全.  相似文献   

为研究煤尘挥发分及粒径对爆炸火焰长度的影响及其变化规律,选取挥发分含量不同的四种典型烟煤煤样,分别制备成31.5、44、62.5、81.5、119、>150 μm六种粒径,利用煤尘爆炸性鉴定装置测试其爆炸火焰长度,并对其爆炸火焰长度变化规律进行分析。结果表明:随着挥发分含量的增加,不同粒径级别的煤尘爆炸火焰长度均呈增长趋势;在挥发分含量较低的区间,挥发分含量增加对爆炸火焰长度影响不大;在挥发分含量较高的区间,随着挥发分含量的增加其爆炸火焰长度也急剧增加,并且粒径越小增加的越快。对于同一实验煤样,随着粒径的增大,其爆炸火焰长度逐渐减小,粒径增大到150 μm以上时爆炸火焰几乎消失。爆炸火焰长度随粒径变化的变化率根据实验煤样的不同,呈现出两种变化规律,挥发分含量为18.99%和27.52%煤样的爆炸火焰变化率先增加再减小再增加,挥发分含量为32.20%和39.74%的煤样呈现先增加再减小的趋势,但四组实验煤样的爆炸火焰长度变化率都在44~62.5 μm的粒径变化量时达到最大值。  相似文献   

李忠 《火灾科学》2008,17(4):250-256
蒸汽灭火系统在酒类作业场所有着广阔的应用前景.通过全淹没和局部保护实验对蒸汽抑制熄灭酒精池火的有效性进行了研究.实验结果表明,全淹方式难以有效控火,但是布局合理的局部保护方式能够有效熄灭酒精池火.蒸汽灭火过程中稀释O2浓度的灭火机理起到的作用较小,蒸汽的火焰拉伸效果是其主导灭火机理.  相似文献   

为研究不同煤质指标对煤尘爆炸火焰长度的影响作用,利用相关仪器对不同基准下煤的水分、灰分、挥发分等煤质指标以及爆炸火焰长度进行测定。在计算出这些煤质指标观测数据间的相关系数后发现,影响煤尘爆炸火焰长度的煤质指标数据间具有高度相关性。因此,选取十种煤样的煤质指标数据,通过多元统计分析中的主成分分析法,对影响煤尘爆炸火焰长度的煤质指标进行主成分提取,并对主成分的含义进行解释分析,命名第一主成分为"挥发分因子",第二主成分为"灰分和固定碳因子",第三主成分为"水分和着火点因子",从数据分析的角度证明了挥发分含量对煤尘爆炸火焰长度的影响作用最大,生产实践中可据此估计煤尘爆炸的危险程度,对于煤尘爆炸性鉴定及煤尘防爆工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

煤尘爆炸性鉴定中瞬间火焰长度检测技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确定煤尘爆炸性质需要检测其燃烧瞬间的火焰长度,现有的大管状煤尘爆炸性鉴定系统以肉眼观察作为主要检测手段,存在测量精度差、重复性误差大以及人为干扰因素多等问题,提出将数字图像处理技术引入到煤尘爆炸性鉴定系统的方法即通过采用数字图像处理技术,对煤尘火焰图像进行预处理及图像分割与边缘检测后,得到最大火焰长度特征参数,并推导出煤尘爆炸的判断依据。  相似文献   

为了研究纵向风作用下隧道内竖井自然排烟对烟气逆流长度的影响,采用数值模拟的方法,建立了不同竖井高度的全尺寸隧道模型。并选取无竖井排烟的工况作为对照组,模拟不同火源功率下,改变竖井与火源纵向距离时竖井自然排烟对烟气逆流长度的影响和竖井排烟失效临界风速的变化。结果表明:当纵向风风速较小时,竖井对烟气逆流起抑制作用;随着风速增大,烟气逆流被控制在竖井近域范围内,竖井对烟气逆流的抑制作用减弱;当风速足够大时,烟气逆流将被完全限制在竖井下游,此时竖井排烟作用失效,且对纵向通风气流起到分流作用,烟气逆流长度反而变长。在此基础上,提出了竖井排烟失效临界风速的概念,竖井排烟失效临界风速随竖井高度增加而增大。  相似文献   

黄磊  刘乃安  高威 《火灾科学》2022,31(3):129-136
研究了油池边沿高度(h)对池火燃烧特性的影响,开展了内径(d)为10 cm的不同h和不同油盘材料(石英、不锈钢、铝和铜)的正庚烷池火实验。结果表明,正庚烷池火的燃烧速率、火焰高度和脉动频率均随着边沿高度的增大而减小,且随着油盘材料的热导率增大,边沿高度的影响逐渐减弱。基于量纲分析分别修正了火焰高度和脉动频率模型,结果能够较好地符合实验值。  相似文献   

该试验通过测定爆炸下限与返回火焰长度这两个参数来确定4种煤粉的爆炸性。爆炸下限指能使喷入一定装置中的粉尘云点燃并维持火焰传播的最小粉尘浓度,是确定粉尘爆炸性重要参数,试验室通常使用20L的爆炸装置进行测定。喷吹现场广泛采用长管式煤粉爆炸性测试仪检测煤尘引燃后产生的返回火焰长度,该长度随煤粉爆炸性的强弱而显著变化:返回火焰长度大于600 mm可认定该煤粉具有强爆炸性;在400~600 mm之间则煤粉具有中强度爆炸性;小于400 mm则煤粉具有弱爆炸性。结果表明:20 L球测得4种煤粉的爆炸下限在60~85 g/m3之间;长管式煤粉爆炸性测定仪测得4种煤粉的返回火焰长度在20~50 mm之间。由测定的返回火焰长度可知,试验所用的4种煤样均属于弱爆炸性煤种。  相似文献   

通过开展小尺寸实验以及FDS数值模拟实验,研究纵向通风对不同高度竖井的排烟影响并确定最佳通风风速。通过分析纵向通风风速、竖井高度对吸穿现象、边界层分离的影响规律,讨论了吸穿现象的临界条件。小尺寸实验中纵向通风风速考虑了0.096 m/s、0.226 m/s、0.356 m/s、0.485 m/s、0.629 m/s五种工况,竖井高度考虑了0.133 m、0.2 m、0.333 m、0.533 m四种工况。实验结果表明:当纵向通风风速为0.096 m/s、0.226 m/s、0.356 m/s(对应实际风速0.37 m/s、0.87 m/s、1.38 m/s)时,可抑制吸穿现象,但烟气边界层分离现象随着风速的增加而加剧。吸穿现象临界判据F_(critical)=1.5在本文所测试的纵向通风条件下不再适用,但Ri′_(critical)=1.5依然适用。数值模拟结果表明:当竖井高度为1 m、1.5 m、2 m时,排烟量随纵向通风的增加而降低,而当其为3 m、4 m、5 m时,排烟量先上升后降低,在测试风速为1.5 m/s时达到最高值。  相似文献   

党晓贝  何亚平  汪箭 《火灾科学》2018,27(4):213-221
采用实验和FDS数值模拟相结合的方法,探讨了边沿高度对油池火燃烧特性的影响。在实验部分,研究了燃烧速率和表观火焰高度随边沿高度的变化趋势,并分别分析了各个阶段的热反馈机制。在实验获得不同尺度、边沿高度正庚烷油池火燃烧速率的前提下,建立相应尺度的不同边沿高度油池火的Fire Dynamics Simulator(FDS)计算模型以针对火焰高度进行了数值模拟研究,分析了实际火焰高度、火焰下探高度随边沿高度的变化趋势,并提出了相关的无量纲拟合式。  相似文献   

This study presents a quantitative analysis and interpretation of the variation in oil tank fire flame lengths for different oil tank sizes, top cover widths, and horizontal air flow velocities. The experimental results show that, at first, the flame length rises slowly with an increase in air flow speed. Then, once over a critical speed (0.6 m/s), the flame length decreases significantly with a further increase in air flow speed. Based on the characteristic length, a new dimensionless heat release rate is obtained, allowing the correlation between flame length, air flow speed, and dimensionless heat release rate to be calculated, which can be used to predict the flame length of an oil tank fire under different air flow speeds, lip heights, and cover widths.  相似文献   

Pool fires are the most common of all process industry accidents. Pool fires often trigger explosions which may result in more fires, causing huge losses of life and property. Since both the risk and the frequency of occurrence of pool fires are high, it is necessary to model the risks associated with pool fires so as to correctly predict the behavior of such fires.Among the parameters which determine the overall structure of a pool fire, the most important is turbulence. It determines the extent of interaction of various parameters, including combustion, wind velocity, and entrainment of the ambient air. Of the various approaches capable of modeling the turbulence associated with pool fires, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has emerged as the most preferred due to its ability to enable closer approximation of the underlying physical phenomena.A review of the state of the art reveals that although various turbulence models exist for the simulation of pool fire no single study has compared the performance of various turbulence models in modeling pool fires. To cover this knowledge-gap an attempt has been made to employ CFD in the assessment of pool fires and find the turbulence model which is able to simulate pool fires most faithfully. The performance of the standard k? model, renormalization group (RNG) k? model, realizable k? model and standard kω model were studied for simulating the experiments conducted earlier by Chatris et al. (2001) and Casal (2013). The results reveal that the standard k? model enabled the closest CFD simulation of the experimental results.  相似文献   

在全尺寸热释放速率实验台的基础上,搭建有风条件池火实验平台,开展了不同风速条件下的航空煤油池火燃烧实验,实验所用正方形油盘的边长分别为0.2m、0.3m和0.4m,风速范围为0 m.s-1至4.99 m.s-1。实验结果表明,风速为0 m.s-1时航空煤油池火的燃烧速率随油盘尺寸增大而单调递增,实验值与理论值的差距随风速增大而减小。实验所得.m″windy/.ms″till与v/D呈线性关系,与前人结论一致,但实验所得参数与前人值不同。同尺寸油盘池火的热释放速率峰值来临时间随风速增大有减小的趋势;不同尺寸油池火的燃烧速率随风速增加而单调递增。对不同尺寸油池火的热释放速率峰值随风速的变化规律作了讨论。  相似文献   

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) has potential pool fire risks due to its flammability. The configuration of pool fires plays a significant role when applying the solid flame model or point source model to assess the risks from heat radiation. However, no existing correlations can precisely predict the configuration of large LPG (100% propane) pool fires. To enhance the fundamental understanding on how pool diameter and wind velocity can influence the configuration of large LPG pool fires, an experimentally validated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model is employed to simulate fires using different burning rate models. Fire temperature profiles, flame heights, and flame tilts predicted by the CFD model were compared with empirical models and experimental data. Accordingly, new correlations for flame height and flame tilt as functions of pool diameter D and wind velocity uw have been developed. The comparisons demonstrate that the new correlations have the best overall accuracy in the prediction of flame height and tilt for large LPG pool fires under different conditions (10 m ≤ D ≤ 20 m, 0 ≤ uw ≤ 3 m·s−1).  相似文献   

When two or more pool fires happen to burn so close to each other that they interact, they are termed ‘multiple pool fires’ (MPF). Past accident analysis reveals that MPFs occur quite frequently in chemical process industries. Controlled experiments done so far to study MPFs have indicated that MPFs lead to increase in the fuel burning rate, flame height and heat release rate (HRR) but the nature and the extent of the impacts of different factors on these manifestations is as yet poorly understood. In this context computational fluid dynamics (CFD) appears to be a tool which can enable more detailed and realistic simulation of MPFs than other possible approaches, especially due to its ability to closely approximate the underlying physical phenomena. In tank farms there are situations where different storage tanks are placed at different elevations yet close to each other. If such tanks happen to catch fire, the resulting fires may influence each other in a manner that may be a function of the difference in the tanks’ elevation. However no CFD study has been carried out which addresses this type of situation. Hence an attempt has been made to employ CFD to study MPFs involving two pools with fuel surfaces are at different elevations. Results reveal that good correlation is possible between the experimental findings and the CFD simulations.  相似文献   

An LNG pool fire is considered one of the main hazards of LNG, together with LNG vapor dispersion. Suppression methods are designed to reduce the hazard exclusion zones, distance to reach radiant heat of 5 kW/m2, when an LNG pool fire is considered. For LNG vapor dispersion, the hazard exclusion zone is the distance travelled by the LNG vapor to reach a concentration of 2.5% v/v (half of the LNG lower flammability limit).Warming the LNG vapor to reach positive buoyancy faster is one way to suppress LNG vapor dispersion and reduce evaporation rate (thus fire size and its associated radiant heat) and that is the main objective in LNG pool fire suppression. Based on previous research, the use of high expansion foam has been regarded as the primary method in suppressing LNG pool fires. However, in 1980, another method was introduced as an alternative pool fire suppression system, Foamglas®. The research concluded that 90% of the radiant heat was successfully reduced. Currently-called Foamglas® pool fire suppression (Foamglas® PFS) is a passive mitigation system and is deployed after the leak occurs. Foamglas® PFS is non-flammable, and has a density one-third of the density of LNG, thus floats when an LNG pool is formed.This paper describes the study and confirmation of Foamglas®PFS effectiveness in suppressing LNG pool fires. In addition, while Foamglas® PFS is not expected to suppress LNG vapor dispersion, further investigation was conducted to study the effect of Foamglas®PFS on LNG vapor dispersion. An LNG field experiment was conducted at Brayton Fire Field. The experimental development, procedures, results and findings are detailed in this paper.  相似文献   

通过数值模拟方法对车辆阻塞效应下的隧道火灾烟气温度及烟气逆流长度的变化规律进行了研究。主要分两种车辆阻塞效应讨论:1辆设定大小车辆障碍物阻塞;2辆设定大小车辆障碍物阻塞,且在同一车道。通过改变火源高度、纵向通风速度探究了车辆阻塞效应下隧道火灾烟气温度及烟气逆流长度的变化规律。结果表明:两种车辆阻塞效应下,随着火源高度的升高,隧道内顶棚烟气温度的变化规律相同:随火源高度的升高而增大。2辆车辆阻塞下的隧道顶棚烟气温度略低;两种车辆阻塞效应下,随着火源高度的升高,隧道内烟气逆流长度的变化规律不同。1辆车辆阻塞下烟气逆流长度随火源高度的升高而增大,而2辆车辆阻塞效应下烟气逆流长度随火源高度的升高而减小。  相似文献   

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