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Modelling leachate quality and quantity in municipal solid waste landfills.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The operational phase of landfills may last for 20 years or more. Significant changes in leachate quality and generation rate may occur during this operational period. A mathematical model has been developed to simulate the landfill leachate behaviour and distributions of moisture and leachate constituents through the landfill, taking into consideration the effects of time-dependent landfill development on the hydraulic characteristics of waste and composition of leachate. The model incorporates governing equations that describe processes influencing the leachate production and biochemical processes taking place during the stabilization of wastes, including leachate flow, dissolution, acidogenesis and methanogenesis. To model the hydraulic property changes occurring during the development stage of the landfills, a conceptual modelling approach was proposed. This approach considers the landfill to consist of cells or columns of cells, which are constructed at different times, and considers each cell in the landfill to consist of several layers. Each layer is assumed to be a completely mixed reactor containing uniformly distributed solid waste, moisture, gases and micro-organisms. The use of the proposed conceptual model enables the incorporation of the spatial changes in hydraulic properties of the landfill into the model and also makes it possible to predict the spatial and temporal distributions of moisture and leachate constituents. The model was calibrated and partially verified using leachate data from Keele Valley Landfill in Ontario, Canada and data obtained from the literature. Ranges of values were proposed for model parameters applicable for real landfill conditions.  相似文献   

The paper presents a 1D mathematical model for the simulation of the percolation fluxes throughout a landfill for municipal solid waste (MSW). Specifically, the model was based on mass balance equations, that enable simulation of the formation of perched leachate zones in a landfill for MSW. The model considers the landfill divided in several layers evaluating the inflow to and outflow from each layer as well as the continuous moisture distribution. The infiltration flow was evaluated by means of the Darcy’s law for an unsaturated porous medium, while the moisture distribution evaluation has been carried out on the basis of the theory of the vertically distributed unsaturated flow. The solution of the model has been obtained by means of the finite difference method. The model has been applied to a semi-idealized landfill located in Palermo landfill (Bellolampo). Specifically, field measurements were conducted to determine the relationship between waste density and applied vertical strain. This relationship was then used to relate vertical strain to waste porosity. The inflow rate to the system was simulated via a synthetic hyetograph whose characteristics have been identified in a previous hydrologic study.Three simulations, each with a different initial moisture content, were conducted. The model results showed a different response of the landfill in terms both of flow rates throughout the landfill and moisture profile. Indeed, the initial moisture content drastically influenced not only the formation of perched leachate zones but also their extension. The model can be a useful tool in predicting potential for the formation of perched leachate zones.  相似文献   

An in situ compost biofilter was established for the treatment of odors from biostabilization processing of municipal solid waste. The concentrations of total volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in odors and their components were measured. Biofilter media was characterized in terms of total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), organic matter (OM), pH value and determination of bacterial colony structure. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis showed that the main components of the produced gas were benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) along with other alkanes, alkenes, terpenes, and sulphur compounds. The compost biofilter had remarkable removal ability for alkylated benzenes (>80%), but poor removal for terpenes (~30%). Total VOC concentrations in odors during the biostabilization process period ranged from 0.7 to 87 ppmv, and the VOC removal efficiency of the biofilter varied from 20% to 95%. After about 140 days operation, TN, TC, TP and OM in compost were kept almost stable, but the dissolved N, NH4–N and NO3–N experienced an increase of 44.5%, 56.2% and 76.3%, respectively. Dissolved P decreased by 27.3%. The pH value experienced an increase in the early period and finally varied from 7.38 to 8.08. Results of bacterial colony in packing material indicated that bacteria and mold colony counts increased, but yeasts and actinomyces decreased along with biofilter operation, which were respectively, 3.7, 3.4, 0.04 and 0.07 times of their initial values.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 41 phenols in leachates from 38 municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill sites in Japan were measured. The main phenols detected in leachates were phenol, three cresols, 4-tert-butylphenol, 4-tertoctylphenol, 4-nonylphenol, bisphenol A, and some chlorophenols. The concentration levels of phenols were affected by the pH values of the leachates and the different types of landfill waste. The origins of phenol and p-cresol were considered to be incineration residues, and the major origin of 4-tert-butylphenol, bisphenol A, and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol was considered to be solidified fly ash. In contrast, the major origins of 4-tert-octylphenol and 4-nonylphenol were considered to be incombustibles. The discharge of leachates to the environment around MSW landfill sites without water treatment facilities can cause environmental pollution by phenols. In particular, the disposal of incineration residues including solidified fly ash and the codisposal of solidified fly ash and incombustibles might raise the possibility of environmental pollution. Moreover, the discharge of leachates at pH values of 9.8 or more could pollute the water environment with phenol. However, phenol, 4-nonylphenol, and bisphenol A can be removed to below the con centration levels that impact the environment around landfill sites by a series of conventional water treatment processes.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash was allowed to be disposed of with municipal solid waste (MSW) in landfill sites in the recently enacted standard of China. In this study, three sets of simulated landfill reactors, namely, conventional MSW landfill (CL), conventional MSWI bottom ash and MSW co-disposed landfill (CCL), and leachate recirculated MSWI bottom ash and MSW co-disposed landfill (RCL), were operated to investigate the environmental impact of the co-disposal. The effect of leachate recirculation on the migration of Cu and Zn in the co-disposed landfill was also presented. The results showed that the co-disposal of MSWI bottom ash with MSW would not enhance the leaching of Cu and Zn from landfill. However, the co-disposal increased the Cu and Zn contents of the refuse in the bottom layer of the landfill from 56.7 to 65.3 mg/kg and from 210 to 236 mg/kg, respectively. The recirculation of the leachate could further increase the Cu and Zn contents of the refuse in the bottom layer of the landfill to 72.9 and 441 mg/kg, respectively. Besides these observations, the results also showed that the co-disposed landfill with leachate recirculation could facilitate the stabilization of the landfill.  相似文献   

The local gas production rate in municipal landfills is influenced by a large number of processes, which have been modelled by a local mechanistic reaction model based on Monod kinetics. This type of model, however, requires over 40 input parameters. The aim of this research was to review published values for these input parameters, and to analyse the sensitivity of the model to changes in each of them. Included were rate constants based on Monod kinetics, general rate-controlling variables, and parameters that influence the local pH and temperature of the waste. Mathematical functions that describe the influence of water content, temperature, and pH on biodegradation rates were calibrated on the basis of literature data. The results of the sensitivity analysis suggest that the parameters with the largest impact on model output are the hydrolysis constant k(Hy), the kinetic constants [Formula: see text] , [Formula: see text] , [Formula: see text] , K(i,ac,Hy), and [Formula: see text] , the water content, temperature, pH, initial concentration of X(me), the enthalpy of formation of the original organic matter, as well as the protein content and buffering capacity of the waste. These parameters, therefore, should be carefully selected when similar modelling studies are performed.  相似文献   

Three years of leachate emissions from municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash and crushed rock in a full-scale test road were evaluated. The impact of time, construction design, and climate on the emissions was studied, and the predicted release from standard leaching tests was compared with the measured release from the road. The main pollutants and their respective concentrations in leachate from the roadside slope were Al (12.8-85.3 mg l(-1)), Cr (2-125 microg l(-1)), and Cu (0.15-1.9 mg l(-1)) in ash leachate and Zn (1-780 microg l(-1)) in crushed rock leachate. From the ash, the initial Cl(-) release was high ( approximately 20 g l(-1)). After three years, the amount of Cu and Cl(-) was in the same range in both leachates, while that of Al and Cr still was more than one order of magnitude higher in ash leachate. Generally, the release was faster from material in the uncovered slopes than below the pavement. Whether the road was asphalted or not, however, had minor impacts on the leachate quality. During rain events, diluted leachates with respect to, e.g., salts were observed. The leaching tests failed to simulate field leaching from the crushed rock, whereas better agreement was observed for the ash. Comparisons of constituent release from bottom ash and conventional materials solely based on such tests should be avoided.  相似文献   

The patterns of settlement of fresh as well as partially stabilised municipal solid waste (MSW), undergoing degradation in five different landfill lysimeters, were studied elaborately. The first two lysimeters, R1 and R2, contained fresh MSW while the other three lysimeters, R3, R4 and R5, contained partially stabilised MSW. R1 and R3 simulated conventional controlled dumps with fortnightly disposal of drained leachate. R2 and R4 simulated bioreactor landfills with leachate recirculation. Fortnightly water flushing was done in R5. Settlement of MSW, monitored over a period of 58 weeks, was correlated with the organic carbon content of leachate and residual volatile matter in the MSW to establish the relationship between settlement and organic destruction. Compressibility parameters such as modulus of elasticity and compression indices were determined and empirical equations were applied for the settlement data. Overall settlements up to 49% were observed in the case of landfill lysimeters, filled with fresh MSW. Landfill lysimeters with liquid addition, in the form of leachate or water, experienced lower primary settlements and higher secondary settlements than conventional fills, where no liquid addition was practised. Modified secondary compression indices for MSW in lysimeters with leachate recirculation and flushing were 30%-44% higher than that for lysimeters where no liquid addition was done. Secondary settlements in bioreactor landfills were found to vary exponentially with time.  相似文献   

Landfill leachate characterization is a critical factor in establishing a corresponding effective management strategy or treatment process. However, it is often difficult to forecast leachate quality because of a variety of influencing factors such as waste composition and landfill operations. This paper describes leachate formation mechanisms, summarizes leachate quality indicators, and investigates the temporal variation of leachate quality from pre-sorted and baled municipal solid waste characterized with high organic and moisture content. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the potential effects of waste composition and site-specific operational procedures on biodegradation processes and leachate quality at a field-scale landfill that receives in excess of 1800 tonnes per day of refuse. For this purpose, waste disposal and leachate generation rates were monitored and leachate samples were collected for a period of 18 months during the early stages of refuse deposition. Chemical analysis was performed on the samples and the temporal variation of several parameters were monitored including pH, COD, TOC, TDS, chlorides, sulfates, orthophosphates, nitrates, ammonia nitrogen, hardness, and heavy metals. Chemical concentration levels were related to biological activity within the landfill and the results indicated that: (1) pre-sorting and baling of the waste did not hinder waste stabilization; and (2) the high organic and moisture contents resulted in an extremely strong leachate, particularly at the onset of biodegradation processes, which can affect the leachate treatment facility.  相似文献   

The presence of ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH3) in leachate is one of the problems normally faced by landfill operators. Slow leaching of wastes producing nitrogen and no significant mechanism for transformation of N-NH3 in the landfills causes a high concentration of ammoniacal nitrogen in leachate over a long period of time. A literature review showed that the removal of ammoniacal nitrogen from leachate was not well documented and to date, there were limited studies in Malaysia on this aspect, especially in adsorption treatment. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the suitability of activated carbon, limestone and a mixture of both materials as a filtering medium, in combination with other treatments capable of attenuating ammoniacal nitrogen which is present in significant quantity (between 429 and 1909 mg L(-1)) in one of the landfill sites in Malaysia. The results of the study show that about 40% of ammoniacal nitrogen with concentration of more than 1000 mg L(-1) could be removed either by activated carbon or a mixture of carbon with limestone at mixture ratio of 5:35. This result shows that limestone is potentially useful as a cost-effective medium to replace activated carbon for ammoniacal nitrogen removal at a considerably lower cost.  相似文献   

Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the compost maturation building in a municipal solid waste treatment facility were inventoried by solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. A large diversity of chemical classes and compounds were found. The highest concentrations were found for n-butanol, methyl ethyl ketone and limonene (ppmv level). Also, a range of compounds exceeded their odor threshold evidencing that treatment was needed. Performance of a chemical scrubber followed by two parallel biofilters packed with an advanced packing material and treating an average airflow of 99,300 m3 h?1 was assessed in the treatment of the VOCs inventoried. Performance of the odor abatement system was evaluated in terms of removal efficiency by comparing inlet and outlet abundances. Outlet concentrations of selected VOCs permitted to identify critical odorants emitted to the atmosphere. In particular, limonene was found as the most critical VOC in the present study. Only six compounds from the odorant group were removed with efficiencies higher than 90%. Low removal efficiencies were found for most of the compounds present in the emission showing a significant relation with their chemical properties (functionality and solubility) and operational parameters (temperature, pH and inlet concentration). Interestingly, benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol were found to be produced in the treatment system.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study and quantify pollutant concentrations after long-term leaching at relatively low flow rates and residual concentrations after heavy flushing of a 0.14 m3 municipal solid waste sample. Moreover, water flow and solute transport through preferential flow paths are studied by model interpretation of experimental break-through curves (BTCs), generated by tracer tests. In the study it was found that high concentrations of chloride remain after several pore volumes of water have percolated through the waste sample. The residual concentration was found to be considerably higher than can be predicted by degradation models. For model interpretations of the experimental BTCs, two probabilistic model approaches were applied, the transfer function model and the Lagrangian transport formulation. The experimental BTCs indicated the presence of preferential flow through the waste mass and the model interpretation of the BTCs suggested that between 19 and 41% of the total water content participated in the transport of solute through preferential flow paths. In the study, the occurrence of preferential flow was found to be dependent on the flow rate in the sense that a high flow rate enhances the preferential flow. However, to fully quantify the possible dependence between flow rate and preferential flow, experiments on a broader range of experimental conditions are suggested. The chloride washout curve obtained over the 4-year study period shows that as a consequence of the water flow in favoured flow paths, bypassing other parts of the solid waste body, the leachate quality may reflect only the flow paths and their surroundings. The results in this study thus show that in order to improve long-term prediction of the leachate quality and quantity the magnitude of the preferential water flow through a landfill must be taken into account.  相似文献   

A decision-support model for determining the feasibility of a planned energy-from-waste (EfW) investment for an integrated waste management and energy supply system is presented. The aim is to present an easy-to-understand, inexpensive and fast-to-use tool to decision-makers for modelling and evaluating different kinds of processes. Special emphasis is put on forming the model and interpretation of the results of the example case. The simple integrated system management (SISMan) model is presented through a practical example of the use of the model. In the example the viability of the described system is studied by comparing five different cases including different waste-derived fuels (WDF), non-segregated municipal solid waste (MSW) being one of the fuel options. The nominal power output of the EfW plant varied in each case according to the WDF classification. The numeric values for two main variables for each WDF type were determined, the WDF price at the gate of the EfW plant and the waste management fee (WMF) according to the 'polluter pays' -principle. Comparison between the five cases was carried out according to two determinants, the WMF related to each case and the recovery rate related to each case. The numeric values for the constants and variables used in the calculations were chosen as realistically as possible using available data related to the issue. In the example of this paper, the mass-incineration solution ('pure' MSW as a fuel) was found to be the most viable solution for the described system according to the calculations. However, the final decision of the decision-makers might differ from this in the real world due to extra 'fuzzy' information that cannot be reliably included in the calculations. This paper shows that certain key values of modelled systems can be calculated using an easy-to-use tool at the very early stages of a larger design process involving municipal and business partners. The use of this kind of tools could significantly decrease the overall design costs of large systems in the long run by cutting out irrational system options at the very beginning of the planning.  相似文献   

 The concentrations of bisphenol A (BPA) contained in landfill leachates from solid waste disposal sites were measured. The concentrations of BPA contained in leachates from industrial waste sites were in the range below the detection limit to 2800 μg/l, while those from municipal sites were in the range 26–8400 μg/l. The leachates from ash-rich sites contained relatively lower concentrations of BPA compared with organic-rich leachates. It is suggested that BPA concentration increases with time after the completion of reclamation in the case of ash-rich sites, whereas the concentration of BPA decreases with time in the case of organic-rich sites. A 7-year survey on a site in Japan showed neither a decrease nor an increase in the concentration of BPA during on-going reclamation. A leachate from a site in the Philippines contained high concentrations of BPA. A slight positive correlation was found between BPA concentrations and total organic carbon (TOC). A major portion of the BPA in leachates was found in dissolved and organic unassociated fractions, which cannot be precipitated by coagulation. More than 99.9% of the BPA contained in raw leachates was removed by a conventional series of treatment processes consisting of biological treatment, coagulation, sedimentation, sand filtration, and activated carbon adsorption. Received: May 29, 2002 / Accepted: October 17, 2002  相似文献   

Beneficial utilization of residues from municipal solid waste incineration is an important objective for integrated waste management in many jurisdictions. When residues are to be used as an aggregate substitute in construction applications, the release of constituents of concern to soils and water through leaching is an important environmental consideration. In this paper, residue characteristics that control constituent leaching and testing approaches for evaluating leaching are discussed. Quality control and potential improvement in case of beneficial application are addressed.  相似文献   

An inventory of material and energy consumption during the construction and operation (C&O) of a typical sanitary landfill site in China was calculated based on Chinese industrial standards for landfill management and design reports. The environmental impacts of landfill C&O were evaluated through life cycle assessment (LCA). The amounts of materials and energy used during this type of undertaking in China are comparable to those in developed countries, except that the consumption of concrete and asphalt is significantly higher in China. A comparison of the normalized impact potential between landfill C&O and the total landfilling technology implies that the contribution of C&O to overall landfill emissions is not negligible. The non-toxic impacts induced by C&O can be attributed mainly to the consumption of diesel used for daily operation, while the toxic impacts are primarily due to the use of mineral materials. To test the influences of different landfill C&O approaches on environmental impacts, six baseline alternatives were assessed through sensitivity analysis. If geomembranes and geonets were utilized to replace daily and intermediate soil covers and gravel drainage systems, respectively, the environmental burdens of C&O could be mitigated by between 2% and 27%. During the LCA of landfill C&O, the research scope or system boundary has to be declared when referring to material consumption values taken from the literature; for example, the misapplication of data could lead to an underestimation of diesel consumption by 60–80%.  相似文献   

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