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通过构建固体废物投入产出表,分析包括资源提供、产品生产、废弃物循环利用及废物处置部门在内的国民经济各部门之间的经济技术关系。并对理想条件及其他条件下固体废物资源化对于资源节约、废物减量及经济发展的影响进行了定量分析。  相似文献   

产品生命周期评价在固体废物管理中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
产品生命周期评价应用到固体废弃物的管理,可以改变传统的管理方法,为固体废弃物管理从产品设计,生产到废弃,处置全过程,提供系统的全过程管理概念。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾管理生命周期分析研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
概述了生命周期评价方法、内容及框架,并将其引入城市生活垃圾管理系统中,对城市生活垃圾管理进行了生命周期可行性分析,提出了开展城市生活垃圾生命周期管理的具体实施措施。  相似文献   

简述了污水资源化的现状与常规技术及土地处理技术的特点 ,结合工程实例分析了土地处理技术在污水资源化中的应用条件、应用方向 ,指出土地处理技术是我国污水资源化的重要组成部分  相似文献   

土地处理技术在污水资源化中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简述了污水资源化的现状与常规技术及土地处理技术的特点,结合工程实例分析了土地处理技术在污水资源化中的应用条件、应用方向,指出土地处理技术是我国污水资源化的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

选矿技术在城市固体废弃物资源化中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选矿技术作为一种成熟的矿物分离技术已广泛应用于城市固体废弃物资源化领域,促进了环境的保护和资源的综合回收;同时也开辟了选矿技术新的应用领域。结合实例介绍国内外常用的各种城市固体废弃物的分选工艺,指出选矿技术的运用对固体废弃物的资源化有着重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

中国磷石膏资源化管理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
磷石膏是湿法生产磷酸工艺过程中的伴生物,产生量巨大,对环境造成了很大的影响.磷石膏的资源化利用正在国内悄悄兴起,对磷石膏的规范管理也势在必行.阐述了美国磷石膏的产生以及管理的现状,对比中国现有磷石膏的资源化利用及管理的现状,为中国磷石膏的资源化管理政策提出建议.  相似文献   

污水土壤含水层处理系统原理、管理、效率和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了污水土壤含水层处理系统中的地球化学过程。该系统通过对污染物的机械过滤、生物化学转化和降解过程、吸附/解吸过程、氧化/还原过程、沉淀/溶解过程、以及矿物的合成过程净化污水。运作周期通常为1~2d灌水/4—5d排干,年水力负荷变化于15—100m之间,应根据季节变化调整水力负荷。该系统能有效去除污水中的微生物和悬浮物,降低COD和BOD含量,和去除潜在的有毒的无机成分,如重金属和含氧阴离子。作为一种低投资、低能耗、高净化效率、运行简单的自然的污水处理技术,其在世界各国得到了广泛应用。我国部分地区水资源极其短缺,在土壤和气候条件适合的地区,应用土壤含水层处理技术处理污水,实现污水资源化,既解决了污水污染环境问题,又将在一定程度上缓解该地区的水资源短缺问题,对于经济与环境的协调发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

藻类在环境保护中的作用及其资源化利用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为地球上最庞大的生物群体,藻类在环境保护中具有重要意义.主要述评了藻类在固定二氧化碳、去除有毒有害物质,去除难降解有机物、吸附重金属等方面的作用,并从制油,提取色素、藻胆蛋白、生理活性物质等方面评价了藻类的资源化用途,最后对其资源化利用的未来研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

论述了污水土壤含水层处理系统中的地球化学过程.该系统通过对污染物的机械过滤、生物化学转化和降解过程、吸附/解吸过程、氧化/还原过程、沉淀/溶解过程、以及矿物的合成过程净化污水.运作周期通常为1~2 d灌水/4~5 d排干,年水力负荷变化于15~100 m之间,应根据季节变化调整水力负荷.该系统能有效去除污水中的微生物和悬浮物,降低COD和BOD含量,和去除潜在的有毒的无机成分,如重金属和含氧阴离子.作为一种低投资、低能耗、高净化效率、运行简单的自然的污水处理技术,其在世界各国得到了广泛应用.我国部分地区水资源极其短缺,在土壤和气候条件适合的地区,应用土壤含水层处理技术处理污水,实现污水资源化,既解决了污水污染环境问题,又将在一定程度上缓解该地区的水资源短缺问题,对于经济与环境的协调发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

产品生命周期评价在固体废弃物管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产品生命周期评价应用到固体废弃物的管理 ,可以改变传统的管理方法 ,为固体废弃物管理从产品设计、生产到废弃、处置全过程 ,提供系统的全过程管理概念  相似文献   

随着我国城市化和工业化进程的快速推进,城市建设产生大量的建筑废弃物,燃煤电厂产生大量炉底渣,建筑固废的处置在城市可持续发展过程中备受关注。以建筑垃圾再生骨料、炉底渣和石粉等区域特色的骨料制备环保砖,系统考察了骨料对环保砖力学性能的影响。实验结果表明,再生骨料的种类对环保砖抗压强度的影响显著。再生骨料中混凝土的增加,环保砖抗压强度逐渐增加;而再生骨料中粘土砖含量的增加,环保砖抗压强度明显降低。环保砖抗压强度随炉底渣的含量增加而降低,石粉对环保砖抗压强度有提升作用。  相似文献   

Mumbai generates 6256 tonnes of waste every day, of which 17.20% is recyclable, but only a fraction of this is retrieved by rag-pickers. The economic value of the retrieved material is not considered by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai in valuing the waste management system as there is no retrieval mechanism except the informal rag-picking activity. Moreover, the cost of land used for the dumping of waste is also not accounted for. In the present paper, a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis for the present system of municipal solid waste management in Mumbai is carried out, with due consideration for implicit or hidden costs and benefits. Accounting for the implicit costs and benefits showed a difference of $6 per every tonne of waste disposal. This could show a considerable difference in policy development at the municipality level. Demand supply analysis proved that the present system of waste management would not yield a feasible market solution without private sector participation. With the increasing demand for improved waste management, private sector participation is essential and a Pigouvian tax is a necessary tool to make the private sector participation in solid waste management a success.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste characteristics and management in China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the current status and identify the problems of municipal solid waste (MSW) management in China in order to determine appropriate remedial strategies. This is the first of two papers, discussing primarily the general characteristics of MSW and its management in China. The second paper focuses on specific remedial strategies. MSW generation in China has increased rapidly in the past 20 years from 31.3 million tons in 1980 to 113.0 million tons in 1998. The annual rate of increase is 3-10%. The average generation per capita is 1.0 kg/day (0.38 t/year). Nearly one-half of the waste generated is dumped in the suburbs, where the accumulated quantity has reached 6 billion tons, which has caused heavy environmental pollution. This paper provides information on MSW management in China, such as MSW generation and its physical, chemical, and biological properties. Low calorific value and high moisture content characterize China's municipal waste. Other issues related to MSW management in China are also discussed, including the factors that influence MSW generation quantity and  相似文献   

The rising prices of raw materials and concerns about energy conservation have resulted in an increasing interest in the simultaneous recovery of materials and energy from waste streams. Compatibility exists for several economic, environmental, and managerial reasons. Installing an on-site or off-site presorting facility before an incinerator could be a feasible alternative to achieve both goals if household recycling programs cannot succeed in local communities. However, the regional impacts of presorting solid waste on a waste-to-energy facility remain unclear because of the inherent complexity of solid waste compositions and properties over different areas. This paper applies a system-based approach to assess the impact of installing a refuse-derived fuel (RDF) process before an incinerator. Such an RDF process, consisting of standard unit operations of shredding, magnetic separation, trommel screening, and air classification, might be useful for integrating the recycling and presorting efforts for a large-scale municipal incinerator from a regional sense. An optimization modeling analysis is performed to characterize such integration potential so that the optimal size of the RDF process and associated shipping patterns for flow control can be foreseen. It aims at exploring how the waste inflows with different rates of generation, physical and chemical compositions, and heating values collected from differing administrative districts can be processed by either a centralized presorting facility or an incinerator to meet both the energy recovery and throughput requirements. A case study conducted in Taipei County, which is one of the most densely populated metropolitan areas in Taiwan, further confirms the application potential of such a cost-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

四川城市生活垃圾重金属污染状况及来源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川省作为西南粮食生产大省,土壤重金属污染问题备受关注,生活垃圾处理处置可能带来的土壤污染风险急需探明.结合四川省五大经济区的发展格局和多样的地形条件,研究了成都、宜宾、南充、达州、西昌、马尔康城市夏冬两季生活垃圾的物理组成、重金属含量及垃圾主要组分受污染状况.结果表明,四川地区生活垃圾中厨余、包装纸、卫生纸、橡塑和灰土是主要组分,共占总量的78.25%~96.92%;四川地区垃圾中Cu(14.23~107.56 mg/kg)、Cd(0.07~0.63 mg/kg)、Zn(53.77~338.30 mg/kg)、Hg(0.01~0.41 mg/kg)和Cr(35.39~179.63 mg/kg)浓度较高,易造成土壤污染.以土壤环境质量农业用地标准为参照计算得出的重金属污染负荷指数表明:仅夏季宜宾生活垃圾处于Ⅰ级中度污染;四川地区夏冬季总体处于无污染水平,且夏季污染负荷指数略高.通过测定垃圾主要组分中重金属含量,发现厨余和灰土是成都夏季垃圾中Cd的主要来源,灰土是四川地区垃圾中Cu、Zn和Cr的主要来源之一,燃煤产生的灰土是西昌冬季垃圾中Hg的主要来源.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the current status and to identify the problems of municipal solid waste (MSW) management in China to determine appropriate remedial strategies. This is the second of two papers proposed on this topic. Major problems or difficulties identified in MSW management in China include MSW land, air, and water pollution, commingled collection, poor administration, shortage of funds, lack of facilities, and problems of training and public awareness. In order to solve these problems and to improve MSW management in China, remedial strategies in three areas are recommended: institutional reform, technology development, and legislation and administrative improvement. The primary principle involved in institutional reform is unifying legislative responsibilities into one body and developing a market mechanism for handling MSW. Composting, landfills, and incineration should be equally developed in accordance with China's needs. The feasibility of developing technology to handle MSW in China is discussed. Also recommended is the establishment of sound regulatory systems, including a service fee system, a source separation system, and a training program. China is presently undergoing economic and institutional reform at the national and local levels. Results of this study will provide useful information on MSW management in China.  相似文献   

In this study, an interval minimax regret programming (IMMRP) method is developed for the planning of municipal solid waste (MSW) management under uncertainty. It improves on the existing interval programming and minimax regret analysis methods by allowing uncertainties presented as both intervals and random variables to be effectively communicated into the optimization process. The IMMRP can account for economic consequences under all possible scenarios without any assumption on their probabilities. The developed method is applied to a case study of long-term MSW management planning under uncertainty. Multiple scenarios associated with different cost and risk levels are analyzed. Reasonable solutions are generated, demonstrating complex tradeoffs among system cost, regret level, and system-failure risk. The method can also facilitate examination of the difference between the cost incurred with identified strategy and the least cost under an ideal condition. The results can help determine desired plans and policies for waste management under a variety of uncertainties.  相似文献   

利用主成分分析法,对园林废弃物基栽培基质配方进行了综合分析,为综合评价及筛选最优配方提供参考.以园林废弃物、土壤和商品营养土为主要原材料,制备了9组可用于植物栽培的基质,基质中腐熟和未腐熟园林废弃物的质量分数之和达到30%~40%,且无需添加草炭土等不可再生资源.该基质的大部分理化指标满足国家和行业对栽培基质的相关标准...  相似文献   

工业固体废物具有量大面广、种类繁多和性质复杂等特点,开展工业固体废物的全过程管理具有重要现实意义,健全的固体废物管理体系是固体废物管理工作得以有效开展的基础。本文从经济社会发展、固体废物管理相关制度出台、机构变革等方面综合考虑,将我国工业固体废物管理阶段分为无序摸索阶段、探索起步阶段、法制化阶段、全面提升阶段和规范化管理阶段,分析了不同阶段国内外工业固体废物管理的主要特征和重要事件,阐明了各阶段工业固体废物管理模式与关注重点。本研究可为我国提升工业固体废物现代化治理能力、构建现代化治理体系提供参考。  相似文献   

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