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We report the results of a study of the influence of extremely-weak alternating magnetic fields (EW AMF) directed co-linearly to the static Earth’s magnetic field on the rate of regeneration in planarians and also on the rate of gravitropic response in the stem segments of flax. In particular we obtained the data on the dependence of the value of bioeffects on the amplitude (at fixed 60 Hz—frequency) and on the frequency (at fixed 1.6 μT—amplitude) of the alternating component. Our data show unambiguously that EW AMF substantially affect the properties of the biosystems. The experimental data may be approximated by the theoretical expression following directly from a general formula, derived in the theory of magnetic parametric resonance. Our data indicate that the nuclear spins of hydrogen atoms serve as the primary targets for the action of the EW AMF on the biosystems. The values of bioeffects of combined magnetic fields with extremely weak alternating component are completely determined by the parameter , where γ = 42.578 Hz/μT—gyromagnetic ratio of the nuclear spins of hydrogen atoms, and and f correspond to magnetic induction and frequency of the alternating magnetic component. The dependence of bioeffect’s value on —parameter is polyextremal: well expressed maxima are observed at and minor maxima at . The bioeffects are absent at , 3.8, 5.3, 6.7. At the values of the bioeffect changes its sign—activation of planarian’s regeneration starts to be replaced by its inhibition. The inhibition takes place for the range of the amplitudes from 10 to 140 μT. The observed change in the sign of the effect may result to the prevalence of the effects caused by the induction of the alternating currents in the test-system at relatively high —amplitudes. These results provide the basis for planning of the epidemiological studies and interpretation of the corresponding results.  相似文献   

Understanding temperatures used by hibernating bats will aid conservation and management efforts for many species. A limestone mine with 71 km of passages, used as a hibernaculum by approximately 30,000 bats, was visited four times during a 6-year period. The mine had been surveyed and mapped; therefore, bats could be precisely located and temperatures (T s) of the entire hibernaculum ceiling accurately mapped. It was predicted that bats should hibernate between 5 and 10°C to (1) use temperatures that allow a near minimal metabolic rate, (2) maximize the duration of hibernation bouts, (3) avoid more frequent and prolonged arousal at higher temperatures, (4) avoid cold and freezing temperatures that require an increase in metabolism and a decrease in duration of hibernation bouts or that could cause death, and (5) balance benefits of a reduced metabolic rate and costs of metabolic depression. The distribution of each species was not random for location (P < 0.000) or T s (P < 0.000). Myotis sodalis (Indiana bat) was most restricted in areas occupied, hibernating in thermally stable yet cold areas ( = 8.4 ± 1.7°C); 99% associated with cement block walls and sheltered alcoves, which perhaps dampened air movement and temperature fluctuations. Myotis lucifugus (little brown myotis) hibernated in colder, more variable areas ( = 7.2 ± 2.6°C). Myotis septentrionalis (northern myotis), Pipistrellus subflavus (eastern pipistrelle), and Eptesicus fuscus (big brown bat) typically hibernated in warm, thermally stable areas ( = 9.1 ± 0.2°C, = 9.6 ± 1.9°C, and = 9.5 ± 1.5°C, respectively). These data do not indicate that hibernacula for M. sodalis, an endangered species, should be manipulated to cool below 5°C.  相似文献   

Government priorities on provincial Nutrient Management Planning (NMP) programs include improving the program effectiveness for environmental quality protection, and promoting more widespread adoption. Understanding the effect of NMP on both crop yield and key water-quality parameters in agricultural watersheds requires a comprehensive evaluation that takes into consideration important NMP attributes and location-specific farming conditions. This study applied the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to investigate the effects of crop and rotation sequence, tillage type, and nutrient N application rate on crop yield and the associated groundwater ${\text{NO}_{3}}^{ - } {\text{-N }}$ leaching and sediment loss. The SWAT model was applied to the Thomas Brook Watershed, located in the most intensively managed agricultural region of Nova Scotia, Canada. Cropping systems evaluated included seven fertilizer application rates and two tillage systems (i.e., conventional tillage and no-till). The analysis reflected cropping systems commonly managed by farmers in the Annapolis Valley region, including grain corn-based and potato-based cropping systems, and a vegetable-horticulture system. ANOVA models were developed and used to assess the effects of crop management choices on crop yield and two water-quality parameters (i.e., ${\text{NO}_{3}}^{ - } {\text{-N }}$ leaching and sediment loading). Results suggest that existing recommended N-fertilizer rate can be reduced by 10–25 %, for grain crop production, to significantly lower ${\text{NO}_{3}}^{ - } {\text{-N }}$ leaching (P > 0.05) while optimizing the crop yield. The analysis identified the nutrient N rates in combination with specific crops and rotation systems that can be used to manage ${\text{NO}_{3}}^{ - } {\text{-N }}$ leaching while balancing impacts on crop yields within the watershed.  相似文献   

A large international watershed, the St. Clair‐Detroit River System, containing both extensive urban and agricultural areas, was modeled using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. The watershed, located in southeastern Michigan, United States, and southwestern Ontario, Canada, encompasses the St. Clair, Clinton, Detroit (DT), Sydenham (SY), Upper, and Lower Thames subwatersheds. The SWAT input data and model resolution (i.e., hydrologic response units, HRUs), were established to mimic farm boundaries, the first time this has been done for a watershed of this size. The model was calibrated (2007–2015) and validated (2001–2006) with a mix of manual and automatic methods at six locations for flow and water quality at various time scales. The model was evaluated using Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency and percent bias and was used to explore major water quality issues. We showed the importance of allowing key parameters to vary among subwatersheds to improve goodness of fit, and the resulting parameters were consistent with subwatershed characteristics. Agricultural sources in the Thames and SY subwatersheds and point sources from DT subwatershed were major contributors of phosphorus. Spatial distribution of phosphorus yields at HRU and subbasin levels identified locations for potential management targeting for both point and nonpoint sources and revealed that in some subwatersheds nonpoint sources are dominated by urban sources.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Using a Geographic Information System (GIS), a method is presented to develop a spatially explicit time series of land use in an urbanizing watershed. The method is prefaced on the existence of independent observations of land use at different times and data that describes the spatial‐temporal land use transition characteristics of the watershed between these two points in time. A method is then presented to generalize the TR‐55 graphical method, a common lumped hydrologic model for estimating peak discharge, for use in a spatially explicit scheme. This scheme predicts peak discharge throughout a watershed, rather than at a single selected watershed outlet. Coupling these two methods allows the engineer to model both the temporal and spatial evolution of peak discharge for the watershed. An illustrative watershed in a suburban area of Washington, DC is selected to demonstrate the methods. The model results from these analyses are presented graphically to highlight the complex features in peak discharge behavior that exist both spatially, as a function of position within the watershed drainage network, and temporally, as the watershed undergoes urbanization. These features are not commonly noted in most hydrologic analyses but are captured in these analyses because of the high spatial and temporal resolution of the methods presented. The physical implications of the modeled results are discussed in the context of the information content of a stream gauge located at the overall outlet of the illustrative watershed. This work shows that the common practice of transposition of gauge information to locations internal to the watershed would neglect internal variability in peak discharge behavior, and could potentially lead to the determination of inappropriate design discharges.  相似文献   

Fog and low cloud cover (FLCC) and late summer recharge increase stream baseflow and decrease stream temperature during arid Mediterranean climate summers, which benefits salmon especially under climate warming conditions. The potential to discharge cool water to streams during the late summer (hydrologic capacity; HC) furnished by FLCC and recharge were mapped for the 299 subwatersheds ranked Core, Phase 1, or Phase 2 under the National Marine Fisheries Service Recovery Plan that prioritized restoration and threat abatement action for endangered Central California Coast Coho Salmon evolutionarily significant unit. Two spatially continuous gridded datasets were merged to compare HC: average hrs/day FLCC, a new dataset derived from a decade of hourly National Weather Satellite data, and annual average mm recharge from the USGS Basin Characterization Model. Two use‐case scenarios provide examples of incorporating FLCC‐driven HC indices into long‐term recovery planning. The first, a thermal analysis under future climate, projected 65% of the watershed area for 8–19 coho population units as thermally inhospitable under two global climate models and identified several units with high resilience (high HC under the range of projected warming conditions). The second use case investigated HC by subwatershed rank and coho population, and identified three population units with high HC in areas ranked Phase 1 and 2 and low HC in Core. Recovery planning for cold‐water fish species would benefit by including FLCC in vulnerability analyses.  相似文献   

Abstract: Spatio‐temporal linkages between hydrologic and ecologic dimensions of watersheds play a critical role in conservation policies. Habitat potential is influenced by variation along longitudinal and lateral gradients and land use disturbance. An assessment of these influences provides critical information for protecting watershed ecosystems and in making spatially explicit, conservation decisions. We use an ecohydrologic approach that focuses on interface between hydrological and ecological processes. This study focuses on changes in watershed habitat potentials along lateral (riparian), and longitudinal (stream order) dimensions and disturbance (land use). The habitat potentials were evaluated for amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds in the Westfield River Watershed of Massachusetts using geographic information systems and multivariate analysis. We use a polynomial model to study nonlinear effects using robust regression. Various spatial policies were modeled and evaluated for influence on species diversity. All habitat potentials showed a strong influence along spatial dimensions and disturbance. The habitat potential for all vertebrate groups studied decreased as the distance from the riparian zone increased. Headwaters and lower order subwatersheds had higher levels of species diversity compared to higher order subwatersheds. It was observed that locations with the least disturbance also had higher habitat potential. The study identifies three policy criteria that could be used to identify critical areas within a watershed to conserve habitat suitable for various species through management and restoration activities. A spatially variable policy that is based on stream order, riparian distance, and land use can be used to maximize watershed ecological benefits. Wider riparian zones with variable widths, protection of headwaters and lower order subwatersheds, and minimizing disturbance in riparian and headwater areas can be used in watershed policy. These management objectives could be achieved using targeted economic incentives, best management practices, zoning laws, and educational programs using a watershed perspective.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We investigated spatial and temporal relationships among surface and subsurface watershed attributes and stream nutrient concentrations in urbanizing Johnson Creek watershed in northern Oregon. We sampled stream water at eight urban and five nonurban locations from March 1998 through December 1999. We sampled eight wells distributed over the two primary aquifers in the watershed. Using a Geographic Information System (GIS), percentages of landuse attributes within a radius of 30, 91, and 152 m from each sample site were quantified. We analyzed relationships between (1) nutrient concentrations and percentage cover of different landuse attributes, and (2) nutrient concentrations and underlying hydrologic units. We did not find a significant relationship between ground water chemistry and stream water chemistry. We found elevated levels of phosphorus (P) concentrations correlated with urban landuse, while higher nitrogen (N) concentrations were correlated with nonurban (primarily agricultural) landuse. We concluded that elevated levels of N in nonurban areas of Johnson Creek watershed were associated with agricultural practices. We further concluded that urban development factors such as increases in storm drains, dry wells, and impermeable surfaces may be responsible for higher input of P to the stream in urbanizing areas of the Johnson Creek watershed.  相似文献   

Prokopy, Linda Stalker, Z. Asligül Göçmen, Jing Gao, Shorna Broussard Allred, Joseph E. Bonnell, Kenneth Genskow, Alicia Molloy, and Rebecca Power, 2011. Incorporating Social Context Variables Into Paired Watershed Designs to Test Nonpoint Source Program Effectiveness. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(1):196‐202. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2010.00508.x Abstract: In a traditional paired watershed study, watersheds are selected to be as similar as possible so that conclusions may be drawn about the performance of Best Management Practices. We have extended the paired watershed concept to examine the effectiveness of watershed management programs by adding comparative criteria for social characteristics. For four different 8 or 11/12 digit hydrologic unit code (HUC) watersheds in the Midwest, we have piloted a systematic method for selecting paired subwatersheds. First, we developed a list of 11 key variables. Next, a factor analysis was conducted to determine the underlying structure of the 11 input variables. Finally, in each of the four watersheds, potential paired subwatersheds (all 14 digit HUCs) were selected using the factors in a cluster analysis. Informal interviews were then held with key informants in each watershed to provide qualitative assessments of criteria that could impact the comparability of the subwatersheds. This method for selecting paired watersheds should be helpful for other researchers to test the effectiveness of watershed management programs focused on behavior change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A subwatershed base map of 84 hydrologic subregions within the Columbia River Basin (approximately 58,361,000 ha) was developed following hierarchical principles of ecological unit mapping. Our primary objectives were to inspect the relations between direct and indirect biophysical variables in the prediction of valley bottom and stream type patterns, and to identify hydrologic subregions (based on these results) that had similar aquatic patterns for which consistent management practices could be applied. Realization of these objectives required: (1) stratified subsampling of valley bottom and stream type composition within selected sub‐watersheds, (2) identification of direct and indirect biophysical variables that were mappable across the basin and that exerted primary control on the distribution of sampled aquatic patterns, and (3) development of hydrologic subregion maps based on the primary biophysical variables identified. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that a core set of 15 direct variables (e.g., average watershed slope, drainage density, ten‐year peak flow) and 19 indirect variables (i.e., nine subsection groups, four lithology groups, and six potential vegetation settings) accounted for 31 and 30 percent (respectively) of valley bottom/stream type composition variability and 84 and 80 percent (respectively) of valley bottom/stream type environmental variability within subsamples. The 19 indirect biophysical variables identified were used to produce an ecological unit classification of 7,462 subwatersheds within the basin by a hierarchical agglomerative clustering technique (i.e., hydrologic subregions were identified). Discriminant analysis indicated that 13 direct biophysical variables could correctly assign 80 percent of the subwatersheds to their indirect biophysical classification, thus demonstrating the strong relation that exists between indirect biophysical based classifications (ecological units) and the direct biophysical variables that determine finer‐level aquatic patterns. Our hydrologic subregion classifications were also effective in explaining observed differences in management hazard ratings across all subwatersheds of the basin. Results of this research indicate that ecological units can be effectively used to produce watershed classifications that integrate the effects of direct biophysical variables on finer‐level aquatic patterns, and predict opportunities and limitations for management.  相似文献   

The Ala Wai Canal Watershed Model (ALAWAT) is a planning-level watershed model for approximating direct runoff, streamflow, sediment loads, and loads for up to five pollutants. ALAWAT uses raster GIS data layers including land use, SCS soil hydrologic groups, annual rainfall, and subwatershed delineations as direct model parameter inputs and can use daily total rainfall from up to ten rain gauges and streamflow from up to ten stream gauges. ALAWAT uses a daily time step and can simulate flows for up to ten-year periods and for up to 50 subwatersheds. Pollutant loads are approximated using a user-defined combination of rating curve relationships, mean event concentrations, and loading/washoff parameters for specific subwatersheds, land uses, and times of year. Using ALAWAT, annual average streamflow and baseflow relationships and urban suspended sediment loads were approximated for the Ala Wai Canal watershed (about 10,400 acres) on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Annual average urban suspended sediments were approximated using two methods: mean event concentrations and pollutant loading and washoff. Parameters for the pollutant loading and washoff method were then modified to simulate the effect of various street sweeping intervals on sediment loads.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A synthetic hydrograph method was utilized in the development of a watershed model for a small urbanizing watershed. The model was applied to the watershed and the largest flood of record was accurately reproduced. Because the model would be utilized for design of flood control plans with complete urbanization, the method was also applied to an urbanized watershed and reproduced a measured event with good results. The method does not require extensive hydrologic data for its implementation, can be applied to watersheds in various stages of urbanization, and permits consideration of natural or potential floodwater storage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Access to clean and sufficient amounts of water is a critical problem in many countries. A watershed approach is vital in understanding pollution pathways affecting water resources and in developing participatory solutions. Such integration of information with participatory approaches can lead to more sustainable solutions than traditional “crisis‐to‐crisis” management approaches. This study aims at applying a watershed based joint action approach to manage water resources. Since most watersheds have urban and rural sources of pollution and a wide disparity in access to and use of water, alternative solutions need to take an integrated approach through cooperative actions. An institutional model was applied to seven subwatersheds in Honduras to evaluate various sources and effects of water contamination and water shortages. Two specific pathways of water resources degradation were studied (contamination from coffee pulp manufacturing and urban nonpoint sources) to develop alternative solutions that mitigate downstream impacts of access to clean water. A locally driven joint mechanism to reuse coffee pulp in farming systems is proposed. Such an institutional solution can maximize benefits to both farms and the coffee pulp industry. A combination of education and investment in sanitary facilities in urbanizing areas is proposed to minimize urban sources of water contamination.  相似文献   

A model based on theKLS factors of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) accurately predicted temporal dynamics and relative peak levels of suspended solids, turbidity, and phosphorus in an agricultural watershed with well-protected streambanks and cultivation to the stream edge. Fine suspended solids derived from surface runoff appeared to be a major component of the suspended solids in this stream. The model did not predict the same parameters in a watershed with unstable channel substrates, exposed streambanks, and heterogeneity in riparian vegetation and channel morphology. The rate of increase in concentration of the water quality parameters was higher than predicted in areas without riparian vegetation and with unstable substrates. Peak levels were higher than predicted where unstable channel substrates occurred, and potential energy of the stream was high because of stream alterations (removal of near-stream vegetation and creation of a uniform, straight channel). Timing of the peak levels of suspended solids, turbidity, and phosphorus in these areas seemed related to major flushes of discharge due to delayed inputs from the surface or subsurface or both or to rapid urban drainage. Higher suspended solids concentration in this stream seemed to involve larger quantities of large particles. Thus, the USLE may not adequately predict relative water quality conditions within a watershed when variation in channel morphology and riparian vegetation exists. We make the following recommendations:
  1. Models to predict water quality effects of management programs should combine a terrestrial phase (which details hydrologic and erosion processes associated with surface runoff) with an aquatic phase (which details hydrologic processes of scour and sediment transport in channels). The impact of near-channel areas on these hydrologic processes should receive special attention.
  2. Sampling schemes should be designed to account for the impact on water quality of both watershed land surface and inand near-channel processes. In order to help distinguish sources of suspended solids, researchers should emphasize analysis of size distribution of particles transported.
  3. Best management systems for improving the broadest range of water resources in agricultural watersheds need to be based on an expanded “critical area” approach, which includes identification of critical erosive and depositional areas in both terrestrial and aquatic environments.

ABSTRACT: Urbanization, farming, and other watershed activities can significantly alter storm hydrographs and sediment erosion rates within a watershed. These changes routinely cause severe economic and ecological problems manifested in the form of increased flooding and significant changes in channel morphology. As the activities within a watershed influence the hydrologic, hydraulic, and ecological conditions within a river, interdisciplinary approaches to predict and assess the impacts that different land uses have on streams need to be developed. An important component of this process is ascertaining how hydrologic changes induced by specific watershed activities will affect hydraulic conditions and the accompanying flood levels, sediment transport rates, and habitat conditions within a stream. A conceptual model for using spatially explicit (two‐dimensional) hydraulic models to help evaluate the impacts that changes in flow regime might have on a river is presented. This framework proposes that reproducing and quantifying flow complexity allows one to compare the hydraulic conditions within urban, urbanizing, and non‐urban streams in a more biologically and economically meaningful way. The justification, advantage, and need for such a method is argued through the results of one‐ and two‐dimensional hydraulic model studies. The implementation of this methodology in watershed urbanization studies is described.  相似文献   

Rapid land development is raising concern regarding the ability of urbanizing watersheds to sustain adequate base flow during periods of drought. Long term streamflow records from unregulated watersheds of the lower to middle Delaware River basin are examined to evaluate the impact of urbanization and imperviousness on base flow. Trends in annual base flow volumes, seven‐day low flows, and runoff ratios are determined for six urbanizing watersheds and four reference watersheds across three distinct physiographic regions. Hydrograph separation is used to determine annual base flow and stormflow volumes, and nonparametric trend tests are conducted on the resulting time series. Of the watersheds examined, the expected effects of declining base flow volumes and seven‐day low flows and increasing stormflows are seen in only one watershed that is approximately 20 percent impervious and has been subject to a net water export over the past 15 years. Both interbasin transfers and hydrologic mechanisms are invoked to explain these results. The results show that increases in impervious area may not result in measurable reductions in base flow at the watershed scale.  相似文献   

Fox, James F., Charles M. Davis, and Darren K. Martin, 2010. Sediment Source Assessment in a Lowland Watershed Using Nitrogen Stable Isotopes. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(6):1192–1204. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00485.x Abstract: Sediment sources and transported sediments were sampled in a lowland watershed with pronounced fine sediment storage in the streambed. Sediments were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen content and stable nitrogen isotopic composition. Analysis of the data shows that temporarily stored streambed sediments dominate the sediment load during moderate- and low-flow hydrologic events. Modeling of sediment transport and nitrogen elemental and isotopic mass balance was performed for the watershed for a 12-month time period using a continuous, conceptual-based model. The model results show that during moderate- and low-flow hydrologic events, the streambed is slowly downcutting. During very high-flow hydrologic events, deposition is pronounced in the streambed and sediment is replenished to the bed. Nitrogen model results show that elemental and isotopic nitrogen of streambed sediments vary substantially over the simulation period. In this manner, the streambed in a lowland watershed functions as a temporary storage zone that, in turn, can impact the nitrogen elemental and isotopic signature of sediments. The variation could significantly impact estimates of sediment provenance using nitrogen tracer-based methods. Future work should consider both hydrologic and biogeochemical control on the nitrogen isotopic signature of sediments in small lowland watersheds and streams where a significant portion of deposited fines are temporarily stored.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Stream channels are known to change their form as a result of watershed urbanization, but do they restabilize under subsequent conditions of constant urban land use? Streams in seven developed and developing watersheds (drainage areas 5–35 km2) in the Puget Sound lowlands were evaluated for their channel stability and degree of urbanization, using field and historical data. Protocols for determining channel stability by visual assessment, calculated bed mobility at bankfull flows, and resurveyed cross‐sections were compared and yielded nearly identical results. We found that channel restabilization generally does occur within one or two decades of constant watershed land use, but it is not universal. When (or if) an individual stream will restabilize depends on specific hydrologic and geomorphic characteristics of the channel and its watershed; observed stability is not well predicted by simply the magnitude of urban development or the rate of ongoing land‐use change. The tendency for channel restabilization suggests that management efforts focused primarily on maintaining stability, particularly in a still‐urbanizing watershed, may not always be necessary. Yet physical stability alone is not a sufficient condition for a biologically healthy stream, and additional rehabilitation measures will almost certainly be required to restore biological conditions in urban systems.  相似文献   

Most beneficial management practices (BMPs) recommended for reducing nutrient losses from agricultural land have been established and tested in temperate and humid regions. Previous studies on the effects of these BMPs in cold-climate regions, especially at the small watershed scale, are rare. In this study, runoff and water quality were monitored from 1999 to 2008 at the outlets of two subwatersheds in the South Tobacco Creek watershed in Manitoba, Canada. Five BMPs-a holding pond below a beef cattle overwintering feedlot, riparian zone and grassed waterway management, grazing restriction, perennial forage conversion, and nutrient management-were implemented in one of these two subwatersheds beginning in 2005. We determined that >80% of the N and P in runoff at the outlets of the two subwatersheds were lost in dissolved forms, ≈ 50% during snowmelt events and ≈ 33% during rainfall events. When all snowmelt- and rainfall-induced runoff events were considered, the five BMPs collectively decreased total N (TN) and total P (TP) exports in runoff at the treatment subwatershed outlet by 41 and 38%, respectively. The corresponding reductions in flow-weighted mean concentrations (FWMCs) were 43% for TN and 32% for TP. In most cases, similar reductions in exports and FWMCs were measured for both dissolved and particulate forms of N and P, and during both rainfall and snowmelt-induced runoff events. Indirect assessment suggests that retention of nutrients in the holding pond could account for as much as 63 and 57%, respectively, of the BMP-induced reductions in TN and TP exports at the treatment subwatershed outlet. The nutrient management BMP was estimated to have reduced N and P inputs on land by 36 and 59%, respectively, in part due to the lower rates of nutrient application to fields converted from annual crop to perennial forage. Overall, even though the proportional contributions of individual BMPs were not directly measured in this study, the collective reduction of nutrient losses from the five BMPs was substantial.  相似文献   

Abstract: The watershed scale Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model divides watersheds into smaller subwatersheds for simulation of rainfall‐runoff and sediment loading at the field level and routing through stream networks. Typically, the SWAT model first needs to be calibrated and validated for accurate estimation through adjustment of sensitive input parameters (i.e., Curve Number values, USLE P, slope and slope‐length, and so on). However, in some instances, SWAT‐simulated results are greatly affected by the watershed delineation and Digital Elevation Models (DEM) cell size. In this study, the SWAT ArcView GIS Patch II was developed for steep sloping watersheds, and its performance was evaluated for various threshold values and DEM cell size scenarios when delineating subwatersheds using the SWAT model. The SWAT ArcView GIS Patch II was developed using the ArcView GIS Avenue program and Spatial Analyst libraries. The SWAT ArcView GIS Patch II improves upon the SWAT ArcView GIS Patch I because it reflects the topographic factor in calculating the field slope‐length of Hydrologic Response Units in the SWAT model. The simulated sediment value for 321 subwatersheds (watershed delineation threshold value of 25 ha) is greater than that for 43 subwatersheds (watershed delineation threshold value of 200 ha) by 201% without applying the SWAT ArcView GIS Patch II. However, when the SWAT ArcView GIS Patch II was applied, the difference in simulated sediment yield decreases for the same scenario (i.e., difference in simulated sediment with 321 subwatersheds and 43 subwatersheds) was 12%. The simulated sediment value for DEM cell size of 50 m is greater than that for DEM cell size of 10 m by 19.8% without the SWAT ArcView GIS Patch II. However, the difference becomes smaller (3.4% difference) between 50 and 10 m with the SWAT ArcView GIS Patch II for the DEM scenarios. As shown in this study, the SWAT ArcView GIS Patch II can reduce differences in simulated sediment values for various watershed delineation and DEM cell size scenarios. Without the SWAT ArcView GIS Patch II, variations in the SWAT‐simulated results using various watershed delineation and DEM cell size scenarios could be greater than those from input parameter calibration. Thus, the results obtained in this study show that the SWAT ArcView GIS Patch II should be used when simulating hydrology and sediment yield for steep sloping watersheds (especially if average slope of the subwatershed is >25%) for more accurate simulation of hydrology and sediment using the SWAT model. The SWAT ArcView GIS Patch II is available at http://www.EnvSys.co.kr/~swat for free download.  相似文献   

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