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Characteristics of highway stormwater runoff.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Highway stormwater runoff was monitored at three highway sites in Los Angeles, California, during the 2000 to 2003 wet seasons. Event mean concentrations (EMCs), partial event mean concentrations (PEMCs), and mass first flush (MFF) factors were calculated for more than 20 water quality parameters for samples from 20 storm events from each site. The early runoff had higher concentrations, as indicated by the PEMCs at 30 and 60 minutes into the storm, which were 1.9 to 7.4 times higher than the EMCs. A strong first flush was observed for chemical oxygen demand (COD) and other organic pollutants, with 40% of the pollutant mass being discharged in the first 20% of the runoff. A weak first flush was observed for ionic pollutants, such as nitrate and nitrite. Pearson correlation analyses of the EMCs, PEMCs, and MFFs showed strong correlations among dissolved organic carbon, COD, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, oil and grease, and ammonia-nitrogen. Contrary to generally held beliefs, poor correlation between total suspended solids and most other conventional pollutants was observed. In addition, poor correlation between most monitored pollutants and storm characteristics, except for antecedent dry days, was observed.  相似文献   

Performance comparison of structural stormwater best management practices.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes a method for comparing the pollutant removal of a number of structural stormwater treatment devices, commonly referred to as best management practices (BMPs). Historically, the pollutant removal ability of a BMP has been expressed as a percent reduction in concentration or load. Unfortunately, the calculated percent reduction in pollutant concentration is strongly affected by the influent concentration, with the calculated reduction generally being much lower when the event mean concentrations (EMCs) in the untreated runoff from the test watershed are low. The objective of the proposed methodology is to eliminate this problem by predicting BMP performance for an arbitrary influent concentration, so that BMPs evaluated in different watersheds can be compared as if the influent quality at all sites were the same. This method allows BMPs to be compared based on the quality of effluent produced and the mass reduction. The proposed method uses linear regression as the primary tool to compute the expected effluent concentration from a BMP, given a specific influent concentration of interest and was developed using data collected in the California Department of Transportation BMP Retrofit Pilot Program. This technique reveals that for media filters, the concentration of sediment and other particle-associated pollutants in treated runoff is generally unrelated to influent quality and is relatively constant. Wet basins with large permanent pool volumes also have effluent concentrations that are constant for most constituents and unrelated to influent concentrations. In these situations, the "percent reduction" in a pollutant EMC is not an inherent characteristic of the BMP, but a function of the influent EMC, because the quality of effluent produced is constant. Predicting the effluent quality of several types of conventional BMPs based on a common influent concentration allows an objective comparison of their performance and the selection of a BMP that addresses specific constituents of concern.  相似文献   

This paper presents methodologies for the development of stormwater quality control measures based on the derived probability distribution approach. These stormwater control measures, such as the fraction of pollutant removed from storage facilities, are closed-form analytical models and can be effectively used to evaluate pollutant loads to receiving waters. In this study, a simple form of rainfall-runoff transformation with lumped parameters is first extended to take into account the spatial variations in model parameters. Second, the infiltration process is further incorporated to the rainfall-runoff transformation. This study demonstrates that analytical models can be developed with various levels of complexity based on different hydrologic considerations. The performance of the analytical models is evaluated in a case study, and the results indicate that, with an appropriately formulated rainfall-runoff transformation, analytical stormwater runoff models are capable of providing comparable results to continuous simulation models in the evaluation of the long-term performance of storage facilities.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to modify an extended detention basin to provide batch treatment of stormwater runoff. An automated valve/controller was developed and placed on the outlet of a detention basin in Austin, Texas, which allowed the water quality volume to be retained in the basin for a preset length of time. The influent and effluent of the modified basin were monitored for total suspended solids (TSS), nutrients, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total and dissolved metals. Statistically significant removal of total metals, COD, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and TSS was observed, with a discharge event mean TSS concentration of 7 mg/L and a TSS removal efficiency of 91%. The modified basin has substantially better pollutant removal than conventional extended detention basins and is comparable with that of Austin sand filters, which are a common structural stormwater treatment system in the Austin area. The valve also can be used to isolate hazardous material spills.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of bioretention as a stormwater management practice using repetitive bioretention columns for phosphorus removal. Bioretention media, with a higher short-term phosphorus sorption capacity, retained more phosphorus from infiltrating runoff after 3 mg/L phosphorus loading. A surface mulch layer prevented clogging after repetitive total suspended solids input. Evidence suggests that long-term phosphorus reactions will regenerate active short-term phosphorus adsorption sites. A high hydraulic conductivity media overlaying one with low hydraulic conductivity resulted in a higher runoff infiltration rate, from 0.51 to 0.16 cm/min at a fixed 15-cm head, and was more efficient in phosphorus removal (85% mass removal) than a profile with low conductivity media over high (63% mass removal). Media extractions suggest that most of the retained phosphorus in the media layers is available for vegetative uptake and that environmental risk thresholds were not exceeded.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the chemical fractionation of Cu and Zn from source to deposition in a stormwater system. Cu and Zn concentrations and chemical fractionation were determined for roadway dust, roadway runoff and pond sediments. Stormwater Cu and Zn concentrations were used to generate cumulative frequency distributions to characterize potential exposure to pond-dwelling organisms. Dissolved stormwater Zn exceeded USEPA acute and chronic water quality criteria in approximately 20% of storm samples and 20% of the storm duration sampled. Dissolved Cu exceeded the previously published chronic criterion in 75% of storm samples and duration and exceeded the acute criterion in 45% of samples and duration. The majority of sediment Cu (92-98%) occurred in the most recalcitrant phase, suggesting low bioavailability; Zn was substantially more available (39-62% recalcitrant). Most sediment concentrations for Cu and Zn exceeded published threshold effect concentrations and Zn often exceeded probable effect concentrations in surface sediments.  相似文献   

Bioretention is a low-impact technology used for the treatment of stormwater runoff in developed areas. The fates of mineral nitrogen compounds in two bioretention columns (RP1 and RP2) with different media-layering characteristics were investigated under multiple loadings of simulated urban runoff. The immediate capture of nitrogen was evaluated, with nitrogen transformation reactions that occurred during the drying periods between rainfall events. A greater proportion of ammonium was removed from runoff in RP2 (68 +/- 16%), which had a high permeability layer over a lower permeability layer, than in RP1 (12 +/- 6%), which had the inverse configuration. Both column systems demonstrated nitrate export (9 +/- 32% and 54 +/- 22% greater than input for RP1 and RP2, respectively), attributed to washout of nitrate resulting from nitrification processes between runoff loading events. Bioretention media with a less permeable bottom soil layer could form an anoxic/anaerobic zone for promoting nitrification/denitrification processes.  相似文献   

Runoff water quality improvement from three yard waste compost erosion control treatments were compared with two conventional treatments and an untreated control on plots of 3:1 slope during two growing seasons, using natural events and simulated rainfall. Runoff volume, suspended solids, nutrients, biomass, turf shear strength, and turfgrass color scale were monitored. The most effective compost treatment, a 5-cm thick blown compost blanket, produced 12.7 times less runoff and 9.8 times less sediment load than a straw mat and silt fence treatment. The compost treatments generated eight times more biomass than the straw mat treatments. Root development was significantly better on the compost treatments based on turf shear strength measurements. Tilled-in compost was not as effective as a compost blanket at reducing sediment loss, particularly before the establishment of grass on the plot. The cost of compost treatments was similar to that of straw mat with silt fence treatments.  相似文献   

Biofilters are widely adopted in Australia for stormwater treatment, but the reported removal of common faecal indicators (such as Escherichia coli (E. coli)) varies from net removal to net leaching. Currently, the underlying mechanisms that govern the faecal microbial removal in the biofilters are poorly understood. Therefore, it is important to study retention and subsequent survival of faecal microorganisms in the biofilters under different biofilter designs and operational characteristics. The current study investigates how E. coli survival is influenced by temperature, moisture content, sunlight exposure and presence of other microorganisms in filter media and top surface sediment. Soil samples were taken from two different biofilters to investigate E. coli survival under controlled laboratory conditions. Results revealed that the presence of other microorganisms and temperature are vital stressors which govern the survival of E. coli captured either in the top surface sediment or filter media, while sunlight exposure and moisture content are important for the survival of E. coli captured in the top surface sediment compared to that of the filter media. Moreover, increased survival was found in the filter media compared to the top sediment, and sand filter media was found be more hostile than loamy sand filter media towards E. coli survival. Results also suggest that the contribution from the tested environmental stressors on E. coli survival in biofilters will be greatly affected by the seasonality and may vary from one site to another.  相似文献   

In a storm sewer system, the catch basin is the interface between surface runoff and the sewer. Responding to the need to improve the quality of stormwater from urban areas and transportation facilities, and spurred by Phase I and II Stormwater Rules from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, several companies market catch basin inserts as best management practices for urban water quality management. However, little data have been collected under controlled tests that indicate the pollutant removal efficiency of these inserts when the inflow is near what can be expected to occur in the field. A stormwater simulator was constructed to test inserts under controlled and replicable conditions. The inserts were tested for removal efficiency of total suspended solids (TSS) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) at an inflow rate of 757 to 814 L/min, with influent pollutant concentrations of 225 mg/L TSS and 30 mg/L TPH. These conditions are similar to stormwater runoff from small commercial sites in the southeastern United States. Results from the tests indicate that at the test flowrate and pollutant concentration, average TSS removal efficiencies ranged from 11 to 42% and, for TPH, the removal efficiency ranged from 10 to 19%.  相似文献   

A load model based on antecedent dry periods for pollutants in stormwater.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A load model for stormwater constituents is proposed that describes mass retained on the drainage area after previous storms, as a function of a weighted sum of previous antecedent dry periods. It was used to compute the event load for 14 constituents--zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel, chromium, lead, mercury, silver, total suspended solids (TSS), E. coli, fecal coliform, total soluble phosphorus, total phosphorus, and 5-day biochemical oxygen demand. The results show acceptable fits for most constituents based on over 400 rain events (2000 to 2004) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Considering the retained pollutant mass after one previous storm rather than assuming the area to be clean after the previous storm gives more accurate results for all constituents, except TSS and silver. The model can be used for mixed land-use areas. The ratios of deposition fluxes of zinc and individual metals were determined at a major parking lot producing a profile characteristic of automobile emissions.  相似文献   

为减少环湖公路路面径流对洱海水质的影响,该研究选用土壤、锯末、沙子、砾石分层装填的生态型的路面径流收集、净化和输送系统-生态种植槽(其中混合填料层锯末与沙子的配比设置3种比例1:3、1:4、1:5),研究该装置对模拟雨水的净化效果,并寻求最佳填充方式.结果表明,3组种植槽适合植物移栽、自然挂膜、低污染负荷启动方式;能稳定有效地去除COD、SS.运行期COD的平均出水水质优于地表水Ⅴ类水质,SS的平均去除率均高于80%.不同混合填料比种植槽对污水中COD的净化效果从高到低排序依次为: 1:5(锯末:沙子)> 1:4(锯末:沙子)> 1:3(锯末:沙子),方差分析显示,3组种植槽系统间COD、SS去除率无差异(P> 0.05),考虑到锯末:沙子为1:5时的渗透效果差,故推荐锯末:沙子为1:4的种植槽供后续示范工程选用.  相似文献   

建筑小区雨水径流的土壤渗透净化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
讨论了建筑小区雨水径流的污染性、土壤渗透对小区径流的净化作用及土壤的渗透能力,提出了建筑小区雨水径流土壤渗透的工程实施方案。  相似文献   

Many best management practices have been developed and implemented to treat the nonpoint source pollution of the aquatic environment in Korea's four major river basins. The performance and cost of these facilities were evaluated and compared using broad categories, including grassed swales, constructed wetlands, vegetated filter strips, hydrodynamic separators, media filters, and infiltration trenches, based on the monitoring and maintenance work undertaken between 2005 and 2012. Constructed wetlands, media filters, and infiltration trenches generally performed better in removing pollutants than other types of facilities, while media filters were the most expensive factor in terms of construction and operational costs. In addition, constructed wetlands incurred the least operational cost, as well as helping to control the quantity of runoff. This illustrates that a high cost facility does not necessarily give a better performance. A slightly more expensive facility, such as wetland, could prove to be a reasonably effective treatment. The selection of the most appropriate treatment for stormwater runoff should be based on an overall analysis of performance and cost.  相似文献   

Best management practices for airport deicing stormwater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With the advent of new regulations concerning aircraft deicing and management of spent aircraft deicing fluids (ADFs), many airports now face the dual challenges of simultaneously maintaining public safety and protecting the environment. This paper provides a theoretical assessment of the potential environmental impact of stormwater runoff and offers detailed current information on alternative deicing fluid application methods and materials, collection and treatment practices.  相似文献   

The treatment efficiency of wetlands depends primarily on the residence time of the polluted storm water (Walker, 1998). Because of this, increasing hydraulic residence times (HRTs) at various flow levels will increase the treatment efficiency of constructed wetlands. In this research, the effects of characteristic bottom topographic features that increase HRT were explored through the use of a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model. Based on numerical simulations of rectangular test wetlands, relationships were made between topographic features and their effects on HRT. Results from the simulations showed that creating baffled wetlands with multiple vertical-scale topography can markedly increase HRT, as is illustrated in a design example. When compared (using the hydrodynamic model) with a wetland having no bottom topography, the design example wetland increased HRT by 113% for the low-flow (142 L/sec) peak flood, and 39% for the 2-year flood event (1700 L/sec).  相似文献   

One of the principal components of the contaminant load in urban stormwater runoff is oil and grease (O&G) pollution, resulting from vehicle emissions. A mulch layer was used as a contaminant trap to remove O&G (dissolved and particulate-associated naphthalene, dissolved toluene, and dissolved motor oil hydrocarbons) from a synthetic runoff during a bench-scale infiltration study. Approximately 80 to 95% removal of all contaminants from synthetic runoff was found via sorption and filtration. Subsequently, approximately 90% of the sorbed naphthalene, toluene, oil, and particulate-associated naphthalene was biodegraded within approximately 3, 4, 8, and 2 days after the event, respectively, based on decreases in contaminant concentrations coupled with increases of microbial populations. These results indicate the effectiveness and sustainability of placing a thin layer of mulch on the surface of a bioretention facility for reducing O&G pollution from urban stormwater runoff.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Cities are growing worldwide with an increase in stormwater quantity and decrease in quality, negatively impacting receiving water bodies. The...  相似文献   

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